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<br /> � Upon receipt oP payment of the prlco bid. 'Truatee ahall deliver ta tho pu`�'rchaser Trestee'� dead
<br /> � � conveying the Property. The recitale in the Trustee'e deed shall be prlm�iacie ovidence ot tho tr�ut6 0�tho
<br /> � atntements madc th�rcin.Tru3tee shell apply the proceede of the selo in tho�ollowing ordor: (a)to ell cost�s
<br /> . , and cxpenses of ox4rcleittg the power ut sale. and tbe sale, includin� tho p�ymont of the Trust�e's fees
<br /> ,,;;;,,,��� actually incurred,not to exceed � p� �of tho princlpal�m�unt o�T the note�t tbe time oi
<br /> ,.,..,,...,r�i tho decl�ratlon af default,and ressouable�ttorneys'fees�a pormitted by l�w;(b)to all sums secured by this
<br /> i Secnrity Inetruincnt;and(c)any excesa to the parson or persons legally entitled so it.
<br /> 22. Reconvoyance. Upan payment of all eume secured by this Security Inetrurnent,J.,ender ahall request Truetee
<br /> � to reconvey the Property estd shell eunender thie Security InAtrument and all notes evidencing de6t secured by thle
<br /> Security Inotrument to Troatee.TruRtea ehall reconvay the Property without warranty end without charge to the person • r+�
<br /> . or persons legally entitled to it.Such person or persane shnll pay eny recordation casts. �-�
<br /> ' 23. Substitute"Trueteo. I,ender, at ite option,may from tima to time remove Trustee efld appoint a succ:esor ' � `�
<br /> truatee to any Trustee oppointed hereunder by an inetrument recorded in tha county in which thie Security Inetrument ie -
<br /> recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the euccessor trubtee ehall eucceed to all tho title, power snd duties .:.w:�
<br /> � conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. ---
<br /> 24. Request�o.• A1�tices. Rorrower renuesta that copies oP tlie notices of defeult end eale be sent to Borrowa'c �'
<br /> addresa which is tlia Property Addicsa. �_°""�
<br /> 25. Rlders to this Security Instrument. If one or mota ridere ate executed by Bonower snd recurded together
<br />- _ ,� . with thie Security Instrument, tha covenente and agrcemente af each such rider shall ba incorporated into and ehall
<br /> �..��'.:--
<br /> ��, amend and supplement the covenante and agreemente of thie Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were e part of this -.--
<br />- ° ' Security Instrument.[Check applicable box(ea)] T�-
<br />_° �� Adjustabla Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Rider -
<br /> Oraduated Payment Rider �Ple�ed Unit Development Ridor Baweokly Payment Aider
<br />_ . Balloon Rider ❑Rata Improvement Rider Second Homo Rider s,;=
<br /> � ' VA Rider [�Other(s) [epecifyl
<br />_J �,�'
<br /> ��
<br /> 4 '
<br /> f.. ...
<br />-`��:-�:;�-.. ; BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrowar accepts and agrees to the terme and covenanta contained in this Security
<br /> 'd: � , Instrument and in any rider(s)axecuted by Borrowcr and recorded wit it. � ��
<br /> s�y.;: "`"i' Witnesses: / ���%/ _--
<br />-;, ._ '� �t/ � (�1)
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<br /> ..�„�.+�,S�r- - --
<br /> ,�_�' STATE OF NL�BRASKA, County sa:�,T,
<br />— "�-'°""'-"`J� • The foregoing inetrument was acknowledged betore me this 84� day of � ,
<br /> 1997 0
<br /> ,.—�-'
<br />