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<br /> 16. Borrosver's Copy. Borrower ahall be given one conforme3 copy of the Nota and o thia Secunty natrument. ,
<br /> � . 17. Transfer of the Property or a Bene[iciel Interest in Horrower. If all or eny part of the Proporty or any I --
<br /> interest in i t is sold or transfcrred(or if n beneYicial intcrest in Borrower is sold or tren�ferred and Horrower �a not a
<br /> natural person) without L,ender's prior written consent,Lender may,at ite option,require immediate pa�ment in 4u11 of
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument. fiowever, this option ehall not be exercised by L.ender iP exercise ia
<br /> prohibited by federal la�v ae of the date of this Security lnetrument. '
<br /> If Lendee exercises this option,Lender shell give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice ehall provide a period
<br /> of not less then 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within�vhich Borrower muat pay all sums secured �
<br /> by thie Security Inatrument.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to tha expiration of thia period,L.ender may invoke �
<br /> any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. � _
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinatate. If Borrower meets certain conditions.Borrower ehall have the right to have
<br /> enforccrnent of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a) 5 days(or such other period
<br /> e if for reinstatement)before sale of the Property ursuant to anypo wer of sale contained in I •���►� ��
<br /> ae applicablelaw may pec y P
<br /> � thia Security Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcin� this Secunty Instrument.'I'hose conditione are that �• y __
<br /> Borrower: (e) pays Lender all sume which then would be due under thie Security Inatrument and the Note as if no . .'-.._M1
<br /> ' acceleration had occuned; (b)cures any default o4 any uther covenants or agreements;(c) pays all expenses incurred in . '-��
<br /> ' • enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneye'fees�and(d)takes such action as �;;,;,-�,;a,
<br /> Lender may reasanably require to assure that ttie lien of this Security Instrument,Lender s rights in the Property and �•':•..- � ,
<br /> Bonower'e abli�ation to pay the sums secured by thisSecurity Inatrumentshall continueunchanged.Upanreinstatement =
<br /> by Borrower,this Security Inatrument and the obligations secured hereby ehall remain fully effective as if no acceleration i ;,,'`��'�`:i t
<br /> had occurred.However,this right to reinstate ahall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph l7. '.;r�:�
<br /> � 19.Sale of Note;Change of Loan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note(to�ether with thie Security '�
<br /> Inetrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity , • ' ; �''��
<br /> • (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly paymenta due under the Note and thia Security Inetrument.There �,
<br /> � also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is s change of the Loan � r.:
<br /> � Servicer,Boaower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.
<br /> The notice will state the neme and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenta should be made. .
<br /> ' � The notice will also contain any other in�ormation required by applicable law. �� " t
<br /> 20.Hazardous Substancea. Bonower ehnll not cause orpermit the presence,use,disposal,storage, or release of
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Pro�erty.Bonower ahall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything aifecting :
<br /> - the Yroperty that is in vioIation of any Envirunmar�iel Luw.Tt-io pr�.ing Lao s..�s;.cnr.��hsll noi s g!;.o ih_pr?�n,., ---- �-' .
<br /> use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazerdoua Substances that are general�y recogniz�d to be '`,r;`;,; .
<br /> • ' appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance ot the Property. w�����. �;
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,laweuit or other action by 't;:.:;, .�. ; .
<br /> any governmental or re�ulatory agency or private party involving the PropefKy and anY Hazardous Substanca or ';��>�;`�� ; �
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learne,or�s notifted by any governmental or � t^:° - '•
<br /> regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Hezardoi�s Suhstance affecting the Propet�ty ie ;,. ;r �.'
<br /> neces�ary, Borrower shall promptl�+take all necessary ramedial actione in accordanca with Environmental Law. ,i'' ,.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 7A, Hazardous Substences are those substances detined es toxic or hazardous substances ��.
<br /> by Environmental Law and the following substances:gesoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum producte, _
<br /> toxic �esticides and herbicides, volatile solvonts. materials cantaining aebestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive
<br /> materials. As used in thie paragraph 20,"Environmcntal Law" means federal laws end laws of the jurisdiction where tha ,;�Y �
<br /> Property is located that relate to heal.h,safety or environmental protection. .',;,�.,.�-°
<br /> �• NOIJ-UI�IIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree ae followa: -„�,
<br /> Y; 21. Acceleration; Ramedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following ���a_�
<br /> �: Borrower's brench of any covenant or egreement in this Security Inatrument(but aot prior to acceloration :;,,:.`��
<br /> undar paragraph 17 unlcss nppliceble law provides otherwise).The aotice shall sp�cify:(a)tho default;(b)the �,..,�,�,�
<br /> .��' ection requ�red to cure the default; (c) a date.not less than 30 days from the d�te the aotice ie giv�n to � -`
<br /> _L Borrower.by �vhich the default must be cured;end (d) that fsilurc to cure the def�ult on or beforo the date ��.�
<br /> ��r: specified in the notice may result iu accelerstion of thc sums secured by this Sec�iaity InntcumenS estsl sate o! ...�:�?rt±rr��r,�ede�:�•
<br /> "'° the Yroperty. '1'he aotice shaii turther infvrm Burruwee of .he right to rcir.stete af3�r aGCeleraEioa anrl the `''"'•"-'��"'""_-
<br /> • .:;,,:, .W:......�_,.._,.--
<br />- :� right 4o bring a court actian to assert the non�eYistence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to � �'iy;•��i•�`;_`__ _
<br />� acceleratioa and sale. If the default is�ot cured on or betore the date specilied in tlie notice,Lender, bt its .�"`�-°�-- ----
<br /> �' option, may require immediate payment in full of e11 aums secured by this Security Instrument without �,'.�'��'�;.r:,�``'
<br /> further demand and may invoke thc powcr of salo and eny other rcmedies permitted by applicable law. ;:�t,.;:.....:�.�..
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses iacurred in pursuing the rem�dies provlded in this paragraph •,•,,,y..�,•_ �� -. ;,,�
<br /> .,.. ,�,, .:,... ..•�,k:
<br /> �. '. 21,including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. • �.. �� : y >��.
<br /> , If the powar oi salo is invoked,Trustce shallrecord a noEice of defeult in each county ia which any part of •
<br /> � the Property is locnted end shall msil copies of suct►notice in the msnner prescribed by applicable law to :
<br /> _ . Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable lew. After the time r�quired by�pplicable lsw,
<br /> � Trusuee sheii givG public notice of sAle Ea the persons and in the mnaner reacrihed b applicablo law.Trustee, .
<br /> without demand on Borrower,shall sell the Property ai public auctionto thc highest bidder at the time and ,
<br />= place and under the terrns designated in the notice of sale in one or more psrc.els aud in any order Trustee ••
<br /> deterrnines.'Y'rustee may postpone sale of all or eny parccl oi the Property by public annQUncement at the
<br /> time and placr o[eny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase th� Property st any
<br /> sale.
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