• 3.
<br /> � i -
<br /> I '
<br /> ! ' 9�- 1U��25
<br /> i ' 16. liurrawcr's C:opy. Harrower ehnll he:given c�ne cnntnrmed a�py oP the Notc nnd oP thiA Security Inatrument. '
<br /> ' 17, 'fr�nqtor nt tho 1'rn�ortx nr� BonAticiel IntcroAt in Hc�rra�var. If nll nr uny pnrt of thc Property or any �
<br /> inccrc:�t in it ie rc�ld��r trensPerred (or i�a tK;nePicisl interest in Harrowor ie sold ur troneferrcd und l�orrawcr �e not e � .
<br /> ' I nnturnl perron)�vithout Lendcr'e prior writun conscnt,I.endcr mny,nt ite�pti�n,rcquirc immcdinto payment in PuU ol �
<br /> nll eume fier.urcd hy thie Sccurity InRtrument. Ilowever, this option shnll not be exercised by I.endcr if cxorcisc is
<br /> � prnhibitcd hy fcdernl Inw ne oP thodeto of thiA Security Inetrumant. ( ��LL
<br /> If l.onder ox�tcir,es thie optinn, l.ender ehnit givo I3�rrawer nUtico oP acceleraticm.'1'he notice shall provide a pc:riod •
<br /> ' of not Icss thnn 3U dayA Rum the date tho notice ie delivered or mailed within which I3orro�ver must pay ull sums sccured -
<br /> � b,y thie Security lnetrurnent.I(liorrawor(aile to pay thesosum�prior to the ex�iratian of thiR periad,I.ender mey invoke � '
<br /> eny remedies permitted by thie Security[nstrument without 4urther notice or demand on Iinrro�ver. .�.:��
<br /> 18. IiUrrower's Ri�ht to Relnstato. II 13orrower meete certain conditions,I3orrower shall hnvo thc right ta havc {'�=
<br /> cnforcement�f this Security lnatrument discontinuesl at any time prior to the earlier of: (a}S deys(or�uch ather period _
<br /> ae epplicablo law rney �pecify Por reinetatement)bePore sale oP the Property purauant to enypo wer of sele contained in _—_
<br /> thie Security Inatrum�nt; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing thia Secunty Inatrument. 'I'hosa conditions are that `_
<br /> Horro�vor: (a) payc�I.endor all sums which then would be due �nder this Security Instrument and the Note as if no -__
<br /> acceleration had occurred; (b)cure.q any default oP any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in .- .
<br /> enforcing this Security Inatrument,including,but not limited ta,reESOnable attornays'fees;and(d)take.9 such action as .r'
<br /> I.ander mey reesonebly require to assure that the lien oi thie Security Instrument,I.xnder's rights in the Property and
<br /> Borcower's obli�ation to pap the eums secured by thie Security Inatrument ehall continue unchanged.Upon reinotatement �-
<br /> by Aorrawer, Ehie Sec��rity Inetriamentand tha obligations secured hereby shaU remain fully effective as�f no acceleration - _,_
<br /> had occurred. Ho�vever,thie right to reinetata shall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17.
<br /> 19,S�le of IJote; Change of Lo�n Servicar.The Note or a partial interest in tha Note(to�ether with this Security
<br /> . Inetrument)may besold one or mare times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in theentity _
<br /> (known as the"I.oan Servicer")that collecta monthly payments due under the Note and thia Security Inetrument.There
<br /> also may ba one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there is e change of thv Laan ��'��:__.
<br /> Servicer,�orrower ivill be given written notice of the change in sccordance with paregraph 14 above and applicable la�v. .�'�:
<br /> Tha notica will etatethe name and address of tha new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymente should be made. �"`
<br /> � The notir,e will also contain any other information required by applicable law. ''__��~---_
<br /> 20. Hazardoms S nbstances. Aorrower shall not cause orpermit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release ot '"-°--`�°
<br /> eny Hazardovs Substances on or in the Pro�erty.Bonower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anything aftecting `� �-
<br /> the Property thet is in violation of any Environmentel Law.The preceding two sentences shnll not apply to the presence, -� _
<br /> use, or etorage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardoue Substances that are generally reco�nized to be ��:
<br /> - -- . = eggrogrete*_o nor!n?1 re�+_dent�al u�Pa nnd tn meintenance�f the Pmrerty. _ ���'
<br /> Borrower ehall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,laweuit or other action by —
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and an� Hazardoua Substance or '
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower hns actual knowledge.If Honower learns,or is notified by any governmental or ,}
<br /> regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardoua Sub.stnnce affecting th9 Property ie
<br /> necessary,Bonowershall promptl�tnke all necessary remedial actions in accordanca with Environmental Law.
<br /> • As used in thie paragraph Z(l, Hazardous Substances"are those substances dafined es toxic or hazardous substances =.
<br /> , by�nvironmental Law and the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum praducte, s�
<br /> toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing eabestos or formaldehyde, and radioactiva
<br /> matenele.As used in thie paragraph 20, "Environmental Law"means federal laws and lawe of the jurisdiction where the
<br /> Property is locat�d that relate to health,safety or environmental protection. =_ --
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree ae fallows: ;�
<br /> � 21. Accelerat�om; Ramedias. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration iollowing �,�.:=
<br />- . . $oraower's broach of any covenant or egreomeat ia this Security Instrument (but not prior to accelet�tion =- _
<br /> � under par�gr�ph 17 unlesa applicable lew provides otherwise). 'I'he notice shcll epecify:(a)the defeult; (b)tho
<br /> action required to cure the dofeult; (c) a date, not less than 30 daya irom the date the natice is �iven to
<br /> Borrowcr,by which thc default must be cured; and (d)that failure to cure the deiault on or before the dato -=-
<br /> � spccifiod!n the notice mey result in acceloration ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of =�"----
<br />_ the Property.T6e notico ahall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate alter acceleratioa and the ��;�:,•,�;,�
<br /> ' righ4 to bring a court act�on ta assert Lhe non-existence of s default or eny othor defense of Borrower to "''
<br /> '`• .. eccel�ration �a� s�l�.If thc def?olt �s�ot c��red on or bofore the deta speci�ie�!in the naticc, L,cjndc�E,At jtb _ -
<br /> �' option, anoy require �mmedi�t� payment in full of all sums secured by this Socurity Ynstrument �vitliout °__
<br /> further demand �nd msy invoke the power of sale and any othcr remedies permitted by appliceble law. _
<br />'-�� L,endor eh�ll be entitled to c�llect all exponses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paregreph ;"' --
<br /> " 2f�including,but not limited to. reasonsble attorneys'Pees and costs of title evidence. -
<br /> If the powor ot sale Is invoked,Truatee shall record a notice of default in eech county in which any part ot -'�,r �,s,
<br /> �� �� the Property ie loceted �nd shall mail copies of such notice in the menner prescribed by applicable Iaw to �.*:L= �, .�_ :��,
<br /> Borrower end to the other porsoas prescribed by applicable law. After the tirne requir�d by epplicablc law, , '..•;�`•�+-�!;�-�.u.}':+,•�•
<br /> Truatee shall give public notice of sale to the parsons and iA the manner prescribed by applicable law.Ttustee, ' ''�?'�::•;...,:*�".
<br /> without demend on Borrower, shell sell the Property at public auction to tt�e highest bidder et ttte time and �- '•����� �'
<br /> . � placo and undot tho torms designeted in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustce ' �'ya;;�:, `�r''.:,. •
<br /> . determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at tbe � ' .
<br /> . time and placo of eny proviously scheduled sele. Y.ender or its designee may purchase the Property at sny • ' "'
<br /> sslo. ' . �
<br />_ � �—BRlMEltezuGO� r.o.s o� o Form 302e `19/90
<br />' '. initl�is:� . .
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