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<br /> ' at the option ot I.ender, if mortge&e inaurance ccrvernga (in the nmount and for the period that l.ender requires} _
<br /> provid�;d by sn indurer npproved by I.ender again becomea evnilable nnd ie abtained.I3�rrawer shall pay thc premiums
<br /> required to meintain mortgage ineurnnca in e{lect,or to pr4vide a Inss resr.rve, until the requirement for mortgage
<br /> � in�urance ends in accordance titi�ith nny�vritten agreement Uet�veen Rorrower and I.ender or applicable law. . -
<br /> � 9. Inspection.Lender or ite agent may make rcasonebla entries upon end inspectione of the Property.Lender ehall � z
<br /> �a givo Harrower notico at the time af or priar to an inspection epeci�yin�reasonable cause for theinepection. , ���
<br /> 1 0. C a n�e m n t t i o n. T h e p roceeds of an y a+vard ar claim for damnges,direct or consequential,in conneetion with ,,�c�`„
<br /> . � eny candamnstion ar other taking of any pnrt oi the Praperty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatian, are hereby _'���',;;,,;�
<br /> nssigned end shell be paid to Lender. t :LL"`--_
<br /> In the event ot a total takeng of the Propeny. the proceede ehall be applied to the sume secured by thia Sec:urity ..;Y_�--
<br /> � Instrument,whether or not then due,with eny ezcess paid to Barrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Property in _
<br /> tvhich the fair market value of the Property irnmediately bePore the taking is equal to or g�•eater than the amount of tha _
<br /> � sums�ecureci by this Security Inetrument imrnedistely befora tha taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree .s•�.
<br /> is►writing,the sums sscured by thie Security I nstrument shall be reduced by the nmount of the proceeds multiplied by �� _
<br /> tha following fractian: (a) the total amount of the aume secured immediately before the taking. divided by (b)the fuir ' -_
<br /> merkat value ot tha Property immediately before the taking.Ariy balance shall be paid to Barrower.In the event of a :..,����
<br /> .. partial taking o[the Property in which the feir markat value of tho Property immediately betore the taking ie less than „ ,,:;._,
<br /> the amount of the sume secured immediately txlore the taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agrcc in writing � -
<br /> or unless applicable law otherwisa provides. the proceeds ehall be applied to the suma secured by this Security � .r r i'•,-
<br /> Instrument cvhetheror not the sums are then due. ' :-
<br /> - If tha Property is abandoned Uy Bonower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to .: A_.
<br /> make an award or settle a claim for damuges,Borrower faila to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the �,;�---
<br /> '�����; notice is given,I.ender ie authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the y
<br /> Property or to the euma secured by thie Securitylnstrumont,whether ar not then due, ;;,�Y�. _
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in writing,any application of proceeds to principnl shall n�t extend or n• , �,,,.
<br /> „ � postpona the due date of the monthly pflyeraents referred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the asnount of euch '� :. �
<br /> paymenta. �
<br /> 11. Borrowor I`ot Released; Forbearanca By Lender Not a Naiver. Extension ot tha time for payment or °-S + '�`
<br />, „ � °t
<br /> modification of nrnortiztition oY the eums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any euccessor in , .
<br /> — —, .�.
<br /> interest oY Borrower shall not operate to releas� the liability of the original borrower or Barrower's euccca-��ea ic� ',= ��_
<br /> eas
<br /> interest. Lender ehell not be required to commence proceedings againet an)'successor in interest or refuse to extend -:
<br /> time tor payrnent or otherwise modify amorti�ation of the suma secured by this Security Instrument by reason af any :s=.
<br /> demand made by the original Borrower or Sottower's successore in interest.A,ny forbearance by Lender in exercising ,•�
<br />• any right or remedy shall not be a cvaiver of or preclude tha exercise of any right or remedy. �--
<br />*' 12. Succeasors aad Assigas Bouad;Jolat and Several Liability;Co-signers. The covenants and agreements
<br /> �..,
<br />� of this Security Inetr�ment ehall bind and bsnefit the euccessore and assigns of Lender and Borrowor. subject to the ��;,�;;�
<br />-. provieions of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenanta and agreements ehall ba joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signe
<br /> _... . � this Security Instrument but do:s not execute the Nota: (a) is co-signing this Security Inatrument only to martgege,
<br /> y� � grant and convey that Bonower's interest in the Pr�perty under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not
<br />_:��• � personally obligated to pay the eums secured by thie Security Instrumant;and (c) egrees that I.ender and any other x�
<br /> �� Bonower may agree to axtend.modify,forbesror make any accommodatiana with regard to the terms of thie Security '`�'°"
<br /> `.i . -.�.Y. • f.�
<br /> ''� � ' Inetrument or the Note without that Borrower'sconsent. `�
<br />�'' �. `� • •� 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thie Security Instrument is subject to a law ahich sete maximum loan �'
<br />_ '• chargea, end that law ie finally interpreted so that tha interest or other loan chatges collxted or to ba collected in �;"
<br /> ` ',r connectian with the loen exceed the permittedlirnits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall ba reduced by the emount �'
<br /> �-`' necessary to reduce the charge to the perenitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected frorn Borrower which —
<br /> -�._.-.. •:. ,�
<br /> - exe�deci permitted timits wiil be refunded w Borrower. Lender may choos� to mako this rePu�d by reducing tha �:��,--�—-=.�_�.:
<br /> -��'• ��• principal owed undm tha Note or by making a direct payment to Borruwer.If a refunci reduces principal,the reduction -_ ---
<br />--- , will be treated ae a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> =n;��>�^. ��.'��° 14. Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inatrument shull be given by delivaring it or by _
<br />- � �•t'+j � mailing it by firstclass meil unless applicablelaw requires use of another method.The notice ehall be directed to tha �_�-
<br />--�V�``` Property Address or any other eddress Borrower designates by notice to I,ender.Any n�tice to Lender shall be given by =�--__
<br /> � `" first cless mail to Lender'e address stateci herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any ;�� __
<br /> - notice provided for in this Security Inetrum�ntehall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or I,ender when given --�-=�. V
<br /> sa provided in thie paragraph. �=u=
<br /> , 15. Govorning I.sw;SeveraUility.ThiaSecurity Inetrument shall ba governed by federal law end the law of the "�_'m��==�:.
<br /> jurisdiction in which tha Property ie located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inatrument or the '�_���'�`
<br /> . Note conflicta with applicable law,such confl ictshall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note r''��;;sr� ';
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of thie Security Instrument and `_:''�I':, '• ,�;
<br /> • thv 1Voto are dcclarecl to be severnble. •:'"°ti • .°.x,=--
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