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<br /> ,;• ,In �ne or moro p�rceb �nd In �ny order T�wtee determines. Truatee may poetpone �k ot RU or any p�rcel of the
<br /> Pro�erty by pubik pnnouncement at the ttmc and plxce of pny prevtously schtdukd s�tle. Lendc� or ite de�lgnee mAy
<br /> . "r, purc6iue the Property wt�ny e�k.
<br /> '' Upc►n recelpt af pAyment ot the prke bfd,Truatee Rh�ll depver to the punhASe� Truatee'e deed rnnveylog the
<br /> �� t'roperty.Tbe reeit�k�i� the Trwtce'e derd sh�U bc primA f�ck evidence o!thc truth et the et�ttmente made thtre[n.
<br /> ;�`"'""'" Trwtee eh�l!�pply the procenls oP the e�k In the folbwing order:(a)to all coeta and expEnses of exl�ctslnR the povve�ot �
<br /> , eek�Nnd t6e eak,including t6e p�ynnent oP the 7Yustee'e fee�pctually incurnd,not to exceed `�
<br /> ' ot the princip�1 omount of the note�t the time a1 the decis�a:loe ot defquk,and reaeon�bk�ttorneys'tcea�epennitted by
<br /> L�w;(b)to oll eume eecural by tdfs Securi Iaatrumeat;and(c)any a«ese to tde pere�►n or pr.rsons k'gAl�y EAtft{ed to it. ����'=_
<br /> 22.Recoave �na. Uponpa mcnt o�eil suma socurr,d by thls Socurlty Insuument, Lcndei shallrcq uest 'IYustoe w �,�
<br /> • re�comey the Property and shAU s�dcr this Security Instrumcnt and ull notes avidencing debt socure� by thia Saurity �, —
<br /> InsWmu�t to Trusteo.'Itusteo shall rocome the Propaty wlthout werranty and without chargo to the pcsson or persons Ic�gally
<br /> cridtlul to i�Such puson or persons shaUpay eny rxordadon cosw. ���'
<br /> ;p . . 23.3ubsNtute Trwtee. Lendtr.at lts opdon,may from timo to dme remove'Itusue sndappoint a successor truscee to eny �=
<br /> . T�ustee appointod hereunder by an inswment recorded in Iho county in which thls Sxurlty Instrument is nxordal. Without _-
<br />_ . ' _ conveyance of the Proprrty,tho successor ttustee she�1 su c c o e d W a l l t h e d t le,power en d du t i e s c o n f e rn d u p o n'Itustee herein and --__
<br /> ., ' by Nppllcabla law.
<br /> �. u.Requeat h►r Notkd. Borrowtr reques[s that copies of the nodces of default end salo bo sent to Boirowu's eddress ���s
<br /> � which Is thc Prop�rty Address. ��Y
<br /> , 1 25.RWero�o thb Security Enstrument. If ona or mom riders are eatecutui by Borrowu and recorded toge�her with this
<br />- � ::.�� Securlty Instruma�t,tho covenants artd agroement�of each such ddu shall be incocporeud into and sball amcc�d and supplenxx�t �-='.'`
<br /> � tha wvenants end a�oemcnts of this 5ecurlry Insaurteent as if tt�e r[der(s)were a part of this Securlty Instrumt�t -
<br /> , �_ ,r` • [Chec�k�P licable box(es)l �::Y`
<br />}`r .:` U Ad,1ustabk Ratc Rider ❑Condnminium Ridcr [�1-4 Family Rlder _
<br />`. ,.� �Greduatzd Paymenc Rtder ❑Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Siweekly Payment Rider
<br />_ir.��: .f:;. 0 aalloon Rider ❑Rate Impmvement Ridu [�Second Homa Ridu
<br />. `' �:.�� �VA Rldu ❑�a(s)[sp�Y]
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<br /> L;�:: ,. xr:;�,;-_.°-
<br />�:�;�; :.`s'::rnf.
<br /> i;.>.•:�'t•� :
<br />:1:�� �x��. BY SI�NINC3 BHI,OW.Horrowu ecapts and a�rees to the terms and cavenants caatainod in this Sxuriry Instruma►t and in
<br /> -._�,,.,» enY ridu(s)executsd by Borrower and recorded wlth it
<br />___,��,� Witnes,xs:
<br /> (��
<br /> - �.,�
<br />��_�-.,�.;,��:,r�: QOPdOft L. Ikk11y� -Botlow�ac
<br />.%�Y
<br /> v-�-....-..�� \ ���
<br />—.- __r.�.�; . lier�erY,5 Oc n0� -Borto�ver
<br /> �a�f'.�'7
<br /> -- - (SC81) -----.-•.���
<br /> ---' •Bomower -Somoner
<br />__- -�:�..:.. --
<br /> �_�� �
<br /> ----— StAk of NN►r�sk�, Hnt l County es: _
<br /> __ ___ �!O f6iCg6�fl$�11S111tRl�Jlt W89 BCkIIOWiC(�$C(1 UCfO[C IiIC thi9 28 (�Sy Of FEBRUARY , 1997 •
<br /> --_ _ _�� by Gordo� L. Ocki�a erxJ M�rpary A. Ockinps � Nusb�nd �nd Nife •
<br /> �_,_��;,,�.� Wlnness my tsend t�nd noterial scai at Grend Ialand, Ncbraske in stud COWIty,the deto efortseid
<br />__:�,�°,�,�" � _--
<br />``'��f?�Q My Commission 8xpires: --- °
<br />,��.�.. �� —
<br /> �-��.����+� " QENEiW.M�Y�Y•Sat�otNehr�sk� NouryPublic =
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