. . � _
<br /> � _.
<br /> �
<br /> �-
<br /> ,� :� ��.. �,o��a2 , -
<br /> 16.Borrower's Capy. Bonowcr shall bc given one conformcd wpy of thc Notc nnd of s Sccurity Inswmcnt.
<br /> " 17.Trunsfer ot the Property or n Benericinl Interest in Rorrower. If all or any pFUt of tha Propcny or nny interest in it is i
<br /> • sold or transfcrrcd (or if a UeneCcial mtcrest in Iioaowcr is sold or trvisfcrrcd a�id Bono�vcr is not a natsu�l p:rsnn) without
<br /> . Lender's pdor wrltten wnsent,L.�nder may.at its opt�on,require immediate paymcnt in tull of sll sums securcd by thls Secudty
<br /> Instrumen�However,this option shall not be exerc�sed by Lcnder if cxercisc is prohibited by federul law as of iha date of tt�is
<br /> Securiry Instrument.
<br /> If L.ender exercLses this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleradon.The notfce shaU provide aperlod of not Iess
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within Hhich Borrower must pay uil sums aecured by lhis Sccurity
<br /> Instrumen�If Borrower fails to pay ihese sums prior to the expiradon of this period,L.cndcr may invoke any rcmedIcs permitted
<br /> Uy this Sectulty Instrumcnt without further nodce or demand on Boaower.
<br /> 18.Borrewer's Right to Reinstate. If Bomower mee�s certain condidons, Borrower shall have �he dght to huvu '
<br /> . enforcement of this Securiry Insuument discontinucd at any time prior to the earlicr of: (a) 5 dnys (or such other period As '"��1`�•� -
<br /> applleable luw may specify Por reinstatement)before sale of the Properiy pursuant to any power of sale contained ln this Securiry �f'���'W�
<br /> � Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security InsdumenG'Ihose wndidons are that Fiorrower:(a) �ays Lender�Il ^...,,,�,.-
<br /> � sums which then would be due under this Secority Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratlon had occwteel;(b) cums any "�-'-"'�"-�-
<br /> default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but •� -`�
<br /> ;. not llmited to,reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such acuon es Lender may reasonably require to fusuro Ihat ihe lien of this ;--,._
<br /> Security Inst�unient, Lender's rIghts in thc Property and Bo:ro�rer's obUgation to pay tho sums secuse4 by th�is Security -
<br /> Instnunent shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and ihe abligadons secured
<br /> , hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no acceleration had occurred.However,this r�ght to reinstate shaU not epply in the case of �
<br /> acceleredon under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak of NoSei Change ot Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with tt�is Securlry �-s
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prlor notice w Borrower.A sale may result in a change in tho endty(lcnown -_.
<br /> • as the"Loan Serncer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunry Instnunen�'lliere elso may be one or _���.
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borcower wiU be <--
<br /> given wriuen notice of the change in accordance with para�raph 14 above andapplleabla law.The notice will staiES the name and ' '
<br /> :� ta s -�;.—
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also contein any other °'r���-
<br /> � information required by applicable law. , .;'�"—
<br /> 20.Harardous Substances. Sorrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, sWrage,or release of any ; �°.°��
<br /> � Hezardous Substances on ar in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor ellow anyone else to do,anything affecting the Properiy �.;o�=.
<br /> - - stsWt f�is:el4Z.4S�0!!flf���yuQ��ta�I ayy.'T'he_.grer.�tlin�n,vo�emences shall not apply tn the presence,use,or storage on the .��°
<br /> Property of smalt quanuaes of Hazardons Substances thet erc genesally recognized co be approprlate w nonnal msidential uses
<br /> and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly g�ve I.ender written nottce of any investigadon, claim, demand, lawsuit or o�he:action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or pdvate party involving thc Proprrty and any Haasrdous Substence or Envlronmental Law �•, �,'
<br /> of which Borrower has act�al knowledge.If Boirower learns,or ls i�odfied by any govemmentul or regulatory authorlty,that eny '
<br /> removal ot other remcdiadon of any Hazardous Substence affecpng tha Property Ls necessary,Borrower shall prompdy take all
<br /> ' ncxessary remedial acdons in accordancts with Environmental Law. � �•_
<br /> � As used in this paragrnph 20. "FIazardous Substances" ere thos�substances defined av toxic or hezardous substances by ., �_
<br /> Environmental Law end the following substances: gesollne, kerosene, other flammable or to�ic pea�oleum prod��� ,., _
<br /> ' pesacides nnd herbicides,volatile solventa,materials containing asbestos or formaldchyde,and radioacave meterials. .:
<br /> this paz�agrnph Z0. "Environmental Law"means federal laws end laws of the jurisdIcdon where the Prope�ty is located that relate �:-_ _
<br /> to health,safety or environmental protecdon. —
<br /> NON-UI�IIFORM COVBNAIV'TS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: a �'
<br /> � � xi.Accelereti9n;Remedfes.Lender shaU give noda to Borrower prior to acakration followfing Borrower's brexch of �`r;_,.�
<br /> any covenant or Agrcement in t6is Secwity Iostrument (but not prior to accekratbn under parograph 17 unkss _^�_
<br />- � appllcabk IAw provides otherwlse).Tde nodce shall specify: (A)the default;(b)the acHon required to cure tde detttuft=(c) =_
<br />- � a dAte,noi iess than 30 dAye irom tt�e date the noHce is giren to Burrower�by w61ch the defqult must be cured;and(d)
<br /> " ` that felture!o c�re t�e d�fault aa�or betore ttee d�te specil'��in ths nat!r'e mAy resnit[n acceleratkr� olthe s»ms r,ec�red ____ ""
<br /> t� - -- _—�---:
<br /> by this Securit� Inst�vment and sule of tt►e Property.The notice shaU furt�er inform Borrower ot the r[ght to reinstwte �__ -- -`
<br /> after accekr,stbn and the r[ght to bring e cnurt action to assert the non-existence of a detault or saay ot6er deteose�t -__
<br /> Borrowe�to Acceleration And anle.It the default is not cured on or before the date epecified in the�ot�e,Lender�At ib . �:���� " r
<br /> option,may requ've fmmediate payment[n full ot all sums secured by t6fs Security Iastrument wltltout�rther demand " ;�
<br /> �.��,,5��:.
<br /> and may invoke the power of s�le and any ot6er eemedies pers�itted 6y applicable law.Lender shall be enHtkd to rnikct •. �..�,�• '���r
<br /> - , '� aU expeeses incwred in pursutn�the remedtes provk[ed in th�s paragraph 21,[ncluding,but natlimtted to� reaxon�bk �'�'':��:'���'�'•'�_� ��."
<br /> attomeys'fees and co�is of title evidence. ��.•..J���������,..
<br /> e �.�.,-
<br /> If the Rower ot sale t� invokcd, Trustee s8all record s notice of dztault in each couoty in which any purt of the �-
<br /> - Praperty t�located end s6u11 mail coptes ot such notice in the manner presar[bed by applkable law to Borrower ond to the ; .
<br /> � other persons prescribed by applicable iew.Atter the time requlred by applicable lawf Tr��stee sholl give publk nodce of � � `�
<br /> sale to t6e persons and in the manner prescribed by applIcable Inw.Trustee,without demand on Dorrower,shall sell the � •
<br /> Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time anfl place and under the terms designeted In the notice ot sale
<br /> � ,
<br /> . Form 3028 0l00
<br /> �•eR(NE)1C2t2I.ot Pepe 6ot 8 i�ivau: --- . ,
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