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;, i , <br /> . ......_ ' , <br /> � L ._ __ <br /> j �7-� 10�4A'7 � . -� <br /> 18. Borrowe�'e RIgh4 to RsI116�At9. I} Borrower meeta certaln conditlone, Boaower shall have the rlght to havo <br /> I enlorcement of thla Secudry Instnimenl dlscontinued at any time prlor to the earller of: (n) 5 deys (or such other petlod es appllcabie I <br /> I law mny apeclty tor rainotatement) botoro snlo of tha Property pursunnt to any powsr o1 aele cantalned In thls Secudry Inatrument; or , - <br /> � (b),entry o1 a Judpmcnt ontorclnp ihls Socurity Inctrumflnt. Thase condltlona nro thnt Borrower: (a) pnye Lendar nll sums whlch then i ,, <br /> I would bo duo undor thls 8ecurlty Instrumcnt nnd tho Noto oe If no accelerntlon hud ocCUrted; (b) curea any default ol any other i - <br /> 1 covonent ot eflrerimento; (c) pays all oxpenses Incurred In enforcing thls Securlly Instrumen6 Including, but not Ilmlted to, reaaonabls � ' <br /> � ariemeys' lees; end(d)takoa such ectlon ee Lendar may reaeonebiy requlra to aesure that iho ilen ot thl3 Securlty Instrument, Lender's <br /> jNghts in lhs Properry and Borrower's obllgatlon to pay the eumo secured by thls Security Inetrument shnll contlnue unchanfled. Upon � � <br /> I relns4atement by Borrovrer, thls 9ecuriry Inetrument end the oblifletlons oecured hereby she�remaln tully e(fective as If no ncceleratlon <br /> had occuned. Howevar,thls right to relnstute ahall not npply In the case o1 accelorutlon under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sele ot Note; Chan{�s of Loan Servicer� The Noto or e partlnl Interest in the Note (together wnt, inis secudry <br /> I Inetrument) may be sold ona or more timea without prior notice to 9ortower. A aele may resuft in a chenga In the entity (known ao the �� <br /> 'Loan Servicer') thet collacts monthty payments due under the Note and thls Secudty Inalrument. There elso may be one or more _ <br /> ehengee of the Loan 8ervlcer unrelated to a saie oi lhe Note. If there is a chenge of the Laan Servicer, Borrov�er wi�be gNen written <br /> ' notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The nolice wlll state the nPme and addross of the <br /> � new Loan Servtcer and the addresa to whlch payments should be mede. The notice will alsa �ontain any other Inlortnetlon requlred by ,_ <br /> ePPllcable law. ' : <br /> ' 20. Haza�dous Substanees. 8ortower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, atorage, or release oi any - .. <br /> Hnzardous Subatances on or In the Property. Bonower shall not do,nor nllow an one else to do, an hing aftectin the Pro erry thet ' ±"'' <br /> y Yt 9 P _?_;K+.±;i.' <br /> ' + Is In vlolatlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appty to the presenco, use, or stornge on the ;��. .,:;.-_ <br /> Prope��tyr ot smail quantitles of Hezardous 3ubstences that aro generally recognized to be appropdate to normal residentlal uses and to � ,�,,',;�',,;,, <br /> melntenance of the Property. � �=—— <br /> Borrower shall promptly glve Lender written notice of any investigatlon, clalm, demand,lawsutt or other action by any govemmental ,. <br /> or regulatory agency or prlvate party Involving the Property end eny Hezardous Substnnce or Environmental Law oi whlch Borrower has -- <br /> actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or Is notilied by any govemmental or regulatory suthority,that any removal or other rvmedlatlon F,;�J�:"_��� <br /> � 01 any Hezardous Substance aHecting the Properiy is necessery, Bortower shall promptly take ell necessary remedlal actlons In • *.:iy- <br /> �-- <br /> accordance with Environmental Law. ' --- <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hezardaus Substances" are those substances defined sa toxlc an c�uardoue subetances by , N'. - — <br /> '� . �-- <br /> Environmental Law and the following sub�tances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toda petroleum products,tozla pesticldes and "+��x <br /> herbtcldes, volatile soNents, materlals contelning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radloactive materials. As used In ihls paragraph 20, �, <br /> � 'Environmental Law' means tederal laws and lawa ot the Jurisdlction where the Property Is focated that relate to health, salety or <br /> environmental protectton. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COYENAN73, Borrower and Lender further covenent and agree as toilows: <br /> " 21. Acceleratlon; Remedles. Lender shall give notiae to Borrower prior to acceleratlon iollowing '+ <br /> Borrower's breach of any aovenant or agreement In thls Secu�ity Instrument (but not prior to 'h� _ <br /> = necaleratlon under aaragraph 17 unlose appllcuble law providea otherwiso). The notice st�all epecNy: '_; <br /> (a) the defauit; (b) the actlon requlred to cure the default; (o) a cfate, �o't iess i�an 3u days ir4m ii�a �� <br /> dete tha notice Is given ta Borrower, by which the detault must be c►ared; and (d) thet fatlura to cure � . <br /> the def�ult on or before the date specified In the notice may reeult In acceleration of the sums . <br /> sscurAd by thls fiecurity Instrument and eale of the Property. The notice shall further Inform ;,, � ���.5 <br /> Barrower of the rlghR to reinatate after aaceleration end the right to bring a cou�t action to assert the • � • <br /> non-exlatence of a dstault or any other defense of Borrawer to acceleratlon and sale. If the default Is � ��; <br /> not cured on or before the date specified In the notice, Lender at Ita optlon may requlre immediate � ?°� � ` �. <br /> � pa�ymant In iull of all sums secured by thfs Security Instrument without fu�ther demond end may ; <br /> invoke the power of enle end any other remedies permltted by epplicable lew. Lender shdl be 1{:��r-����: <br /> entltl�d to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing the remedlee provided In thls paragraph 21� .- — <br /> � including, but not Ilmlted to, reasonable attorneys' feea and costa of title evldence. � <br /> S, If the power of sale Is Invoked, Truetee shall record e notice of default In each county In wl�tch :h��:� , <br /> �ny pa�t o f t he Prop�r t y Is l o c a t e d e n d s h e l l m a l l c o p l e s o f s u c h n o t l c e I n t h e m a n n e r p re a c r l b�d b y ___`_ <br /> eppllcabl� law to Borrower and to the other pergons prescribed by eppllcable law. After the ttmo _____ <br /> requlred by appltc�ble lew, Trustee shall give publlc notice of eale to the persons and In the manner """,_P=_ <br /> prescribad by appllcable law. Trustee� wkhout demmnd on Borrower, shall aell thQ Property at public "�`-` <br /> auctlon to th� highest bidder et the ttme and place end under the terma dealgnated In the notice of "� <br /> .:� sAle In ona or more parcola and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may poatpona eale of all � �=_�E.��,� <br /> '�-� or :.o; p�:c�! �! ths �r^�eM; ►�; �+�+bltc ennonnoempnt xt the timo ar�d place of env qreviously __•��9_•.________ <br /> � scheduled s�lo. Lender ar ite deaignee may purchass the Property at any sate. ��v s"'"= <br />' Upon recelpt of p�yment of the price bid. Trustee shell deliver to the purah�ser Trustee's desd :.:,�!c;��:�;_ <br /> ....N�_'".._- __�...- <br /> � convsying tNe Property. The re�ltals in the Truetee's dead shell be prims tacle evidence of the truth :�=�r;��- •r : :• <br />. of ths statoments made therein. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of tha eale In the following order: � ��:+�,,_� <br /> (a) to all costs end expenses of exercising th� power o�,�ala, end the oat�� includtng the paymont of <br /> the Trustee'e feea actually incurred, rsot to exGeed 9'0 of the princlpal amount of the note . � <br /> at the time of 4he doclaratlon of default, end reasonable attorney's fees es pdrmitted by law; {b)to all <br /> suma secured by thle Security Inetrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally <br /> - ' entitled to it. ' � <br /> . 22. RACOnVeyenCe. Upon payment of ail sums secured by thia Secudty Instrument, Lender shail requost Trustee to reconvey � <br /> - the Property and shall surtender this Security Inatrument end all notes avidencing debt aecured by thls Security Instrument to Trustee. - • <br /> Truatee shali reconvey ihe Property without warranty and without charge to the pereon or persons legally entkled to Il. Such person or <br /> persons ehali pay any recordatlon coats. <br /> _ �,„ <br /> ' 23. SUbiftituta Tru8t98. Lender, et Its optlon, may lrom tlme to time remove Trustee and appoint e successor trustee to <br /> any Trustee appolnted hareunder by en Instrument recorded In the county In which thls Securfty Instrument Is recorded, Without <br /> - conveyance oi the Property, succesaor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power end duties conferted upon Truatee herein snd by <br /> . .. -'------------ <br /> -__ = ePPliceble law, � - ----- <br /> 24. Requsst for Notiees. Borrower requests that coples of tho notices of defnult and sale be sent to Borrower's address <br />° which lo the Property Addrese. I <br /> 2S. Aiders 4o this Security Int3trumen4. If one or more riders ure executod by Bortower and tecorded togethee with � <br /> - thla Security Instrument,the covenants end egreements ot each auch rider shall bo Incorporated Into end shall amend and supptement i <br /> the covenanto end agroements of thls Securiiy Instrument ns ii the rlder(s)were a part oi thla Security Instrument. i . <br /> _ � � <br /> . I � <br />— j I�orrti J029 9I90 � - <br /> +l F1029.LM0 l2/96) Papu 4 Of 5 � <br />_� � : <br /> � � <br /> - � 1000IX17u . <br /> I <br /> _ , i I _ _ <br /> ; _ <br /> — - ---� - <br />