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. ; <br /> � - <br /> „ .. . .. . _� ....... , <br /> .. _ ...__.._._. .-- • . <br /> - - _� .. �� ������ � �:: ---- �- <br /> � 7. ProtAr,,tlOn �Df Lend�r's Rlghte In th� P►opwrtyl� It eorrower Inl�s to pe►form the covenants and a{�reemante = <br /> contalned In thia 3ecurlty Inatrument, or there Is e lepnl proceedlnp that mAy elgni0cantly ettoct Lender'e�Iphte In the I�rope►ty (euch ee <br /> e proceed'�n,�In banlwptcy, probate,tor condemnaQon or torfelture or to entorce lawe or regulatlons),then Londer may do and pay for . <br /> whutover Is neceseery to protect tha veluo ot tho Vroperry and Lender'o rlflhta In tho Properly. Londcr'a actlonm m�y Includo paying � � <br /> eny sums secured by a Ilon whleh hae prloriry over thla 5ecu�ity Inolrumcnt, a�pe�rinp In court. paylnp re�nonabta nttomoy'o Iees nnd { <br /> entering on the Prapetty to make�epnlrn. Allhough Londer mey tako ectlon under thle paraflraph 7, Lendar doea not hnva to do so. <br /> My amounte dlaburaed by Lender under thle par�groph 7 shell become addltlonel debt ol Borrower aocured by 4hls 9ecurity r <br /> Instruniant. Unloaa Borrown and Lender egree to other terme of psyment, iheae emounte el�nll bear Interoat }rom the aate o1 � <br /> diaburoement et the Note rate and ehall be peynble,wfth Intereat, upon notice iram l.erder to Borrower requasting paymont. <br /> 8. Mortg�g� Ineurenes. If Lender required mortgage Insuranco aa a cond�tlon o1 making the loen aecured by thls <br /> • SaCUdty Incirumcnt,Bortov�cr shall pny tha premlums requlred to melntaln tho mortgage Inaurnnce In eflect. If, for any renson, thu <br /> mortgege Insurance cover�ge requlred by Lender lapses or ceaees to be In ettect,Bortower ehall pay the premlume reculred Io obtaln <br /> covercge substant�lly equivalent to the mortgaga Inaurance prevlously In eNect, nt e cost aubatentlaly equlvalont to the eoat 4a <br /> Borrower ot the mortgege Insurance prevlousiy In efiect, from an altemate mortgage Insurer approved by Londer, It substantlnlly � . <br /> equivelent mortgnge Ineurance coverage Is not aveGablo, Bortower shall pay to Lender eaah month e sum equal to one�tweifih ot the _ <br /> yearlyr mortgage Ineumnca premlum being pald by Bonower when the insurance coverege lapsed or ceased to be in eNect. Lender wlll <br /> accept, use and retdin theae pnymente as a loss reserve In Ileu oi moRgege insurence. Loss reserve paymenta may no longer be ., <br /> required, at the opqon of Lender, If mortgage Insurence coverage(In the amount and tor tho pariod that Lender requlres) prodded by _ <br /> I en Inaurer approved by Lender agaln becomes evai�able end Is obtalned. Bortower shall pay the pramlums required to malntain y�v , <br /> mortgage Insurance in eftect, or to provide a lo��reserve, unUl the requirement for mortpa4e Inau►ance ends In accordance with any ,,,,,;.,,�,,, <br /> written agreement between Borrower and Lender or nppllcebie iaw. "'�''��' • <br /> 9. 1�8p9GtlOn. Lender or ita agent muy make reaeonable entdes upan and Inapecti�ne ol the Property. Lender ehnll glve , _�:.a <br /> Borrower notice atthe tlme ot or prior to sn Inspec�on epecHying reasonable cauae fot the inepection. ._.;=_- = <br /> � 10. Condemnation. The proceeds oi eny award or clalm for damages, dlreot or consequentlal, Iry connectlon with any i,_._j--- <br /> condemnaiion or olher taking ot any part af tho PropeAy, or tor conveyance In Iieu ot candemnatlon,are hereby assigned and ehall bo "" a,�-�' <br /> r��r��w:r=:=-__ <br /> • pald to Lender. �.r.,, - -` _ <br /> ���� <br /> In the event ol a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applled to the suma secured by thls Securtry Inatrument, �F.- <br /> , whether or not then duo, wlth any excoss pald ta Borrower. In the event oi a partlal taklnp of the Property In which the feir market �`4"' _ <br /> ` value oT the PropeRy Immedlately before the taking Is equal to or greater thnn the amount ot tha sums secured by this 3ecudty ,�-�>Y;=_ <br /> Instmment immedktety betore the taking, unless Borrowor and Lender othervvise agree In wrtting, tho suma aecured by this Secudty � fr� -- <br /> � Instrument shall be reduced by the amount ot the proceeda multlpllad by the tollowing fraatlon: (a) the total arnount of the sums <br /> `"� ` secured Immediatey betore the taking, dNided by @) the falr market valuo oi 4he Property Immedlately before the taking. Any balence <br /> shali be paid to Bo�ower. In the event of e parUel taking of the Property In whlch the talr market vaiue of the Property [rtmedietety <br /> betore the taking In leas than the emount of the wms aecured Imrnedlatey beiare the taking, uniess Borrower and Lender othenvise + <br /> � egree In wrlting or uniesa applicable law othervulee prcvidea, the proceods sh�l be applled to the sume eecured by thie Securlty �� <br /> Instmment whether or not the auma are then due. •� '� '' <br /> ---- -_----- �i i�a F'rap�;r!s sbandon:.�b�9onowe!. �.•!!,sf!er nntice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oilera to make an eward ar " •R� • <br /> eetUe a clalm tor damages, Bortower tails to respond to Lender within 30 daya efter the dato the notice Is yiven, Lender Is euthorized �� <br /> - to coUect end appy the proceeda, at Ita optlon, eilher to restoraUon or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by thle Secu�ity �, <br /> InaUument,whether or not then due. ..9� �v.: <br /> Unless lender and BoROwer otherwise agree N wdting, any appllcaUan oi proceeda to principal shall not extend or poatpone ihe <br /> ' due dnte ot the monthly payme+�ta referted ta fn peragrephs 1 and 2 or ahanga the amount of such payments. . ' <br /> �, 11. Borrowsr No!Released: Farbeuence By Lender Not a Welver. Ex�enslon ot the time tor payment or r,, t ; _ <br /> � modHication ot amortizatlon of the sums secured by thia Securlty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest of Borrower ' !� <br /> ehell not operate to releaae the Ilablllty of the oripinal Bo�TOwer or Bortower's successors In intereat Lender ahall not be requlred to � _ <br /> commence proceedinga ageinnt any eucceseor in Interest or retuse to extend Ume tor payment or otharwise modity amortizaUon o}the �,:�.:.o.,��_- <br /> sums secured by tfila Securlly InsVument by reason of any demcnd made by the original Borrower or Borrower'n successoro In <br /> (nterest. My forbeerance by Lender In exerclsing any dght or remedy shail not be n waiver oi or preclude the exerclse oi eny right or �.'' _,t°- <br /> �_ __r <br /> remedy. <br /> 12. Succdasoro and asalgns Bound; Jolnt arod 5sveral UebO(ty; Casfgnsre. Tne covenants and � ` <br /> , .�� !`'� <br /> _ ' agreemente of thb SecuHty Inetrument shall bind and beneflt 4he successors and ssslgna of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the ��,��___ <br /> " provislons of parcpraph 17. Bortower's covmanta and ngreemente ehall be Joint and severnl. My Borrower who co-signs thla Security _ <br /> �-�—___ <br /> InsWment but doea not execute the Note: (e) Is co•aigning thls Securiry Instrument only tA mortgage, gmnt, and convey that ---.---. <br />= Bortower'e Intereal In the Proparty under the tertns of thia Securfry IneUument; (b)la not peroonaly obligated to pay the sume secured °�?>._ <br />- '�^t�;b�.�e <br /> _ by thia 9ecurity InRtruman� end (a) agrees thet Lender and any other Borrower may agiee to oxlend, modHy, torbear or make any ��'�, ___,�__-r_:___ <br /> ;„n. `� acoommodetlone vAth regard to terms o}thls Security Instrument or the Note wilhout that BoROwer's consent. - =_ <br />' , � . ;_ :.----- -•- <br /> 13. Loan Chargas. If the loan secured by this Secudty Inatrument Is subJect to a Iaw whlch sets meximum loan ahargea, � <br /> and that lew is Mnl Mterpreted so thet the fntaest or other loan chnrges collected or t� be cotleated in conneatlon with the loan �^,' � � .. <br /> �Y ��,.����x� <br />-� „ T• exceed tha permmed Iimlte, tNen; (a� any such lotn charges sheil be rsduced by the amount necesaary to redueo thn charge to the �ryt,�,.::,,,�_ �„r� <br /> , N pemiltted IImR; and (bj any auma alrendy colleated from klortower whlah exceeded permitted Ilmfts v�ln be retunded to BoROwer. Lender �. �;,,,,: � -r,,, •:°=r <br /> � may choose to make thls retund by reducing the princlpsl owed under the Note or by making e direct payment to Bortnwer. If a ::��•��;• •� ,��. <br /> , �F..._,. ...�.��;�.,.. <br /> � retund reducos p�hcipei,the reduction will be treated as a partlal prepayment without any prepaymenl aharge under the Note. . <br /> - . x 14. Nmtieea. My notice to Borrower prodded for In thls Sscurity Instrument ehall bo given by delivedng It or by me�ing ft by � . <br /> • Orot clasa mall un�ese applicable Inw ruqulres use of another method. The notice eheli be dlrected to the Property Addre�s or any � - <br /> � other address Bortower designates by notice to Lendar. My notice to Lender ehnll be glven by flrst class mail to Lender's address <br /> stated hereln or eny other addresa Lender designetes by notice lo Borrower. My notice prov:ded for In this Security Instnxnent shall � <br /> ' be deemed to hare 6een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provlded In this peragraph, , <br /> 15. �overning; SeverAbllfty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by lederal law ond the law of the <br /> JurlsdlcUon In wh�h the Property Is toceted. In the evont thet eny provislon or clause ot thls Securiry Instrume�t or the Note con0lcts <br /> with applicable kw, such conAlct shall not aHect other provislons oi thls Secudty Inatrument or the Note which cen be gHen eHect , <br /> � „ without the conNcting provls[on. To this end the provlslons of thls SecuHty Instrument and tho Note are declered to be severebie, � <br />- 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcnwer shall be gNen one contormed copy of the Note and of thls Security Instrument. <br /> _ . --. . .._- '� � ----'-.- -' '._- ^----.�- -- - e�.��a..t�t bdnrae� Itf Rmrnmur. Ii nll nr nnv nnd nt fha PronarN nr nnv -. -,--- .--------- - <br /> __ _.__ ° 1 i. tranersr cn ute rrvpon� v� a w..v.....�. .. <br /> , ..�.�-. ... --••----.. .. _. _. _.., ,._.. _. .. - -•--. - . <br />_ ____ _ -- <br /> Interest In It Is eold or transierted (or If a benelkiai Interest In Borrower Is sold or tmnotemod and Bortower Is not a naturel person) <br />-- without Lender's prlor written consent, Lender may, at Its optlon,requlre Immedlnte poyment in fuli of all sums secured by this Security <br /> � Inatrument. Howwor,this opUon shail not be exerclsed by Lender it oxerciso Is prohibited by tederal Iaw as of tha date of thls Security <br /> � Inotrument. <br />� : � I} Lender exttcisos thls optlon, Lender shall gHe Borrower notice of acceleretlon.The notice shap provide e perlod of nol less than <br /> -_ I 30 days irom the date the notice is delNered ar malled within whlch the Borrower must pay ell aums oecurad by this Sucurity <br /> � Inetrument. It Barower talls to pay these sums pdor to the expiratlon of thls pedad, Lender may invoke any remedles permifled by thls <br /> _ I Sacu�ity Instrument without fudhe�notice or demand on Borrower. Forn ao2e e�so <br /> F7029.LM0(2/96) Page 3 ot 5 <br /> �� 10000070 . <br /> i <br /> . .l _ . .. _ . .. .. .. „ ._ .. ...• _.� _ ._ _ _ . .. .. .. .. �_�r.......,__. - .. �_--... .. _. _.. <br />