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<br /> • 17. Transier of the Property or a Beneficlal Inte er e n ow r. ►t uu or any part of the Property or . s�'�"",_,�
<br /> , � ,any Interest In It Is sold or transfarred (or{f a beneticlsl Interest In Borrowar lo sotd or trnnaferred end Bortowar Is not a natural
<br /> pereon) wlthout Lender'a prlor wrftten coneont. Lender may.et its option,requlre Immodlate payment In lull ol ali sums secured by ..
<br /> � lhis Sucurity Instrument. Howover, thls optlon shnll not bo exerclsed by Lender If exerclso Is prohlblted by todernl law es of tho
<br /> `�
<br /> dato 01 thls Socurity Inatrument. •• _
<br /> If Londer oxerclses this optlon, Lender shall give Bortower nollco ot eccelerption. The notico shnll provide a period oi not -.
<br /> less ihan 30 days irom the dste the notico is delivered or malled wlthln whlch Bortower must pay oll sums securod by lhls
<br /> Secudty Instrument. If Bonower fails to pay theso sums pdor to the explretlon o1 thls pedod, Lender mny Invoke any remedloa
<br /> permiited by thls Secu►ity Instrument without lurther notice or domand on Bortower.
<br /> �•
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to R�Itl8fat0. II Borrowor meats certeln conditlons, Bortower shall havo Ihe dght to have
<br /> � enforcemont of thls Seeurity Inatrument discontinued at sny time prlor lo the earlfer of. (o) S days (or such other period ns
<br /> .. eppllcable law may specHy for relnatatement) before sale of the Property pursuanl to any power o1 sale cantalnod In this Security ;
<br /> - Instrument; or (b) entry of e Judyment enlorcing this Security Inotrument.Those conditlons era thet Bonower: (a) pays Londer all .
<br /> • sums whlch then woutd be due under thls Securlty Instrument and the Note es if no acceierntlon had occurred: (by cures any
<br /> � default of any other covenant or ngreements; (c) pays all exponses Incurtad In oniorcing thls Security Instrument, Including, but
<br /> nol Ilmlted to, reasonable attomeys' feos; and (d)takes such actlon as Lender may reasonably requlre to easure thnt the ilen o1 .
<br /> this 3ecurity Inetrument, I.ender's rlghts In the Properly and Bortower's obligatlon to pay tho sums secured by thla Securlty �. ,,,
<br /> Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by 8ortower, this Secudty Instrument and the obllgetlons secured •
<br /> hereby shell remaln fuily eftective es if no ucceleradon had occuRed. Howover,this dght to relnstate aheu nnt apply In the case :��'-L�;���-
<br /> . .r_�,_���-
<br /> . oi acceleratlon under paragreph 17. '"_
<br /> �- 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. Tne Note or a e pnrllal Interest in tne Note (fogeth0►wlth thls ak�;;�;_-..,._
<br /> t Secudry Instrument) mny be sold one or more times without pdar notice to Borcower.A sale may result in a change In the entity � _. ---
<br /> 14
<br /> (known es tho 'Loan Servlaer') lhat collocts monthly payments due under the Note and thls 3ecurity Instmment. There also may ,�, �
<br /> ti be one or more changos of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. If there la a change of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> . �. Borrower will be given wdtten notice of the change In accordance with paragreph 1G above and appllcable law. The notice wfil ,
<br /> . , � state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch payments should be made. Tho notice wfll also _
<br /> � contaln any other intormation requlred by appllcable Iaw. �. ,_�-,�._.:
<br /> 20. HBZSfdOUB SUbBtenCe8. Borrower shall not cause or permit ths presence, use, disposal, storage, or releaue of ,.tu_; �
<br /> � .i eny Hnzardous Substances on or In the Properly, Borrawer shall not do, nor aliow anyone else to do, anything aftecting the �'',;-.�—.�:_�_
<br /> } � Property thnt i� In vlolatlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding Nro sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of small qunnt(ties of Hazardous Substances that are generaliy recognized to be aQpropdete to nortnel !��'
<br /> . �'
<br /> rosidential uses and to malntenance of the Property. �t� •' ' `
<br /> 3 Bo►rower shall promptry give Lender written notice of any Investlgation, clalm, demand, Iawsuit or other action by eny f; .:'
<br /> ;;�..
<br /> y��� govemmental or regulatory agency or private party InvoNfng the Property end eny Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of ��
<br /> , �` �I whlch Borrower has actual knowledge. It Bortower leams, ar Is nolifled by any govemmentai or regulatory authority, that any -_
<br /> —_ 1 f�,�y� nr nther remedlaUon of any Hazardous Substance attectlng Properry Is necessary, Bonower shall promptly take all '�
<br /> � x necessary remedlal actions In �zccordance wRh Environmentel Law. _-
<br /> ro -
<br /> �. As used I�thls paragmph 20, 'Hazerdous Substances' are those substances 4eflned as toxic or hazardous substances by =
<br /> Environmental Lnw and the tollowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or toxlc pefroleum products, toxic
<br /> q. pesUcides and herbicides,volatlle solvents, materials cantalning asbectos or tormaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As used In _
<br /> parsgreph 20. 'Environmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the Jurisdictton where the Property Is located that relate to _-
<br /> heallh, satety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COYENANTS. Borrower and Lender turther covenant and agree es follows: j��
<br /> 21. Acceterartlon; Remedles. Lender shetl give notice to Borrower prior to accaleration _
<br />"r�� following Borrower's breach ot any covenant or agreament in thls SocurRy Instrumont (but not — �
<br />_ .; ti � prlo� to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwlae). The nottce
<br />_ , shall speclfy: (a) the default; (b) the actlon requlred to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than �J"'
<br />=� . ,� 30 daya f►om tho dato tho notice is givon to Borrowsr, by whloh the defauk must be cund; �nd
<br />=:Y `,;' �:: � (d) th�t f�lluro to cure the default on or before the date specified In the notice may result In
<br /> eccel�ratlon o!the sums sacured by thts Securifiy Instrument end sele of the Property.Th� notice
<br />�'' shall further Inform Borrawer of the rigM to reinstate after acceleratlon and the ►Ight to bring a -
<br /> ` � court action to asse►t the non•oxlatence of a default or any other deton:a of Borrmiror to
<br />�•-��`���.�" acceleratlon end aele. If 4he defaul3 Is not curod on or before tha dete specifled In the no4lce, ...�.� _
<br />_ :,ir.... �.�-- -
<br /> Lendor at ite optlon may require immedtate pmyment In fuli of all aume securod 6y thf� Socurity = °---
<br /> ''�' � `'- Instrument wfthout further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any othAr �emsdles
<br />-�'''''°�=:��ti perm(tted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitlod to collect all ex�pensea inaurred In purauing _
<br />- -s�� the remedioa provided in thts paragrapl� 21, Includtng, but not Ilmited to� reasonable attorneys' �__
<br /> � - � f�ea snd costs of tfile evidence. ��;N:._.- —
<br />- ' If the power of eale is Invoked, Trustee shall record a notico of defaulf In each county in
<br />