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<br /> � ' ' Bortower may cure sur.h a detauh and relnatate, as provided In peragrnph 18, by caueing the aclion or proceeding to he � ;���,^j
<br /> dlamisoetl with e ruling that, in Lender's good talth detertnlnetion,precludes torfeRure ol the Borrowe►'s Interest in the Properry or
<br /> �other material Impelrtnent of the Ilen created by thls Security Instrume�t or Lender's securiry Interest. Bonowor sheil nlso bo In
<br /> dofeult il Borrower, during the loan appllcstlon procnss, geve materially falue or ineccur¢te Inlormatlon a statemonis to Lender (or
<br /> , failod to provlda Londor with any meterial Infortnutlon) In connectlun with lho loun ovldenced by the Mote, fncluding, but not _
<br /> Ilmited Io, reprosentatlans concernlnp Borrowor's occupancy o1 tho Property as a princlpal residence. I1 this Security ,
<br /> instrument Is on a lensehold, BortowEr ahall comply with all the provislona o4 the lease. If Borrower ecquiros fee title !o the
<br /> Property,the leasehold ond tho(eo tltle ahall not merpe unless Lender agrees to Iho merger In wr�ting. � -
<br /> 7. P�Otectlon of LeOder's Rlghte In the P�operty. II eon�ower fails to per(orm ihe covenant3 and agreements
<br /> contelned In thls Security Insirument, or thero Is a logel proceeding that may slpniticentty effect Lender's dghts In the PropeRy -
<br /> (such es e proceeding In bankruptcy, probate, lor condemnatlon or forielture or to onforce laws or regulatlons), then Lender may
<br /> do and pay(or whataver Is necessary to protect the valuo ot the Property end Lender's rlghts fn the Properry. Lender's nctions •
<br /> may Inciude paying eny sums secured by a Ilen which hes priority over this Secudty Inattument. eppeadng In court, payng '�
<br /> „ -�• reasoneble ettomeys' fees nnd entering on ihe Property to make repalrs. Although Lender may teke ectlon under thls pamgraph ., -
<br /> �"' 7, Lender doss not have to do so. -
<br /> � Any amounts dlsbursed by lender under paragraph 7 shall become additlonal debt of Bonower secured by thls Security „ ��
<br /> Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terma of psyment,thesa amounts �hed beer Interest hom ihe date ot ;'�.,�
<br /> . . � disbursement at the Note rate end shall be payable,with Interest,upon notice from Lender to BoROwer requesting payment. —__=--_
<br /> 8. MOTtgB�j� 1118U�a11Ce. If Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as a conditlon of making the loan secured by thls r:
<br /> � Secu ri t y I n s t r u m e n t, Borrawer ahe0 pa y lhe premlun�s ra qulred to malntaln the mortgage Insumnca In ollect.If,for any reason, the ______
<br /> mo�tgege Insumnce coverage requlred by I.ender lapses or ceases to be In eftect, Bortower shell pay the premiums required to ���`�
<br /> obtain coverage substantlally equNalent to the mortgage Insurance prevfously in effect, at n cost substantlaliy equivalent to the ...
<br /> cost to Bortower of the mortgage insurance prevlously In ettect, irom an attemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. It '''t-
<br /> �•w-
<br /> substantially equivalent moRgage Insurance coverage Is not avellable, Borrower ehall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ' -
<br /> one-twelfth of the yesrly mortflage Insurance premlum being pald by Borrower when the Insurance corerage lapsed or ceased to ��"�
<br /> ,' �`-
<br /> be fn eifecl. Lender wfll acaept,use and rotuin thoso pnyments as a loae resene in Ileu of mortgage inaurance. Loss reservo _ _ _
<br /> y, payments may no longer bo requUed, et the optlon of Lender, If mortgage Insurence coverafle pn the amount end Tor the periad =':'--
<br /> � that Lender requlres) provided by nn Insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes available and Is obtalned. Bortower shall pay , �•yr�=---
<br /> � � the premiums required to malntaln mortgage insurance in ettect, or to provlde e loss reserve, until the requlrement tor mortgago ' .''
<br /> � insurence ends In accordance w8h any w�itten agreement between Bortower and Lender or applicable lew. _'-''.•''•
<br /> ,�;�;� 9. IltepeCtlon. Lender or ils agent may make reasonable entdes upon and inspectlons of the Properly. Lender shull flive _-- _
<br /> Bonower notice et the tlme oi or prior to an Inspectlon specitying reasonable cause tor the Inspection. '��+�=---
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon.Tho proceads of nny award or clalm for damages,dtrect or consequenUal, in connectlon with any •
<br /> .,.��,. condemnatlon or other teking of eny part ot the PropeRy, or for conveyance in Ileu oi condemnation,are horeby asslgned and
<br /> �f�, shall be pald to Lender.
<br /> In the event o! a total taldng of the Property, th9 proceeds shall be epplied to the euma secured by thls Security �_ _
<br /> �::�, Instrument,whether or not then due, with any excesa pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlai taWng af the Properly In which ';�;
<br /> � z� the felr market velue of the Property Immediately be}ore the teking Is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured
<br /> � by thls 3ecu�fry Instrument ImmeAlatery betore the taking, uniass 8orrower nnu Lcnuai ui���;ri�se a�� � ;v'rittr�A, 2t:c �usrs `����
<br /> � secured by this 3ecur(ty Instrument shail be reduced by the nmount of the praceeds multiplied by the fofiowing fractlon: (a� the
<br /> total amount ot tha sums secured Immediately before the laking, divided by (b)ihe tair market value of the Property Immedtately -
<br /> ' before the taking. Any balunce sheli be pald to Bortower. In the event of a partisl taking oi the Properly In whlch the fafr market
<br />` 1..� value of the Properly Immudiatety betore the taking Is leas than the amount oi the sums secured Immedlately betore the taking,
<br /> unless Borrowor and Lender othervvlse egree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provldes, the proceeds shail be
<br /> ti applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> - . ti the Properly Is abandoned by Barrower, ar R, after notice by Lender to BoROwer that the condemnor otters to make an ��'
<br /> j�,� award or serite a claim tor damages, Bortower tafis to respond to Lender wtthin 30 duys after the clate the notice la given,
<br />'_:_. ..� Lender Is authodzed to coliect and apply the proceads, at its optlon, either ta restoratlon or repair oi the Property or to the
<br />�� � ` sums secured by this Security Instrument,v+hether or not then due.
<br /> �.�:: . Unless Lender and Bortower atherwlse agree In wr(ting, eny eppfcaUon of proceeds to p�ncipal shall not extend or ��'
<br />-'--}�^�;t...•.'' posipone the due date of the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 ot change the amount of such payments, ��'`
<br />�T���•:�•. 11. Borrow�r NAR ReUased; Forbearance By Le►lder Not o Waivar.Extension ot tne ume tor payment or =—
<br /> �!�+��°'f"`*'"�' modiflcetion of nmorthcation of the sums secured by thls Security InsWment grented by Lender to any successor in Interest ot = --
<br />°;�.�a^v,.<,.�.. . _
<br /> _ .:.� Borrower shaH not operate to release the Ilabllity of the odginal Borrower or Bortower's successors N interest. Lender shall not
<br />�i F ': .,��R? bo requlred to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to oxtend tDne for paymont or othenvise --
<br /> _�:r_^E.,�*. ;.,, modHy nmortizatlon of the sums eecured by thfs 3ecurity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the odglnal Botrower or
<br /> -- ���•^� Borrower's ouccessors In interest. My torbearance by Lender In exerclsing any dght or remedy shall not be a wafver of or =
<br /> �"'�i�`:�.;�;�.,, preclude tho exerclse ot any right or reme�iy. �_______ _r
<br /> .�,,.,,..::
<br /> 12. Successoro and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several LIa611ity; Co-signere. Tho covenants end =
<br /> ` �-•-���-- agreements ot this Secudry Instmment shall bind and benefit the succossors und assigns o} Lender end Borrower, subject to the =_
<br /> --_-A------- .,�- — ----
<br /> =:�^..��.}�:� provisions of parngreph 17. Bortowers covenants and agroements shall be Joint and several. My Borrower who co-slgns thls -
<br /> - •:--��r,� � Securfly Instrument but dues not execute the Note: (e) Is co•signing thls Secudty Instrument only to mortgago,prant end convey -_ _�___�
<br /> that Borrowers Interest In the PropeRy under the tertns oi this Secudty Instrument; (b) Is not personalN obligated to pay tho = ______ __
<br /> � .�"�` sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Bortower n�ey agree to extend,modHy, _=--
<br />