f. �-�s�i�s7 •, ..<i;,: - --- -------- -- --—-- � � k > -
<br /> - � f � ,`�• - -° 3� - �. —
<br /> �
<br /> . . � �CF ��c�.. _ - �` . ------ -
<br /> � � . _ _ - ... � _._ _-__ _ " . -- �
<br /> �—.� -_ 'iS�:."� �� . _ � .- . L ` _.._. .i - � �
<br /> � ... . . . ..� , ' �. '. � _ ' ' . .. ;. . � �`�� ��� . .. ..
<br /> condemnatias or ahes�taking,t►f any.part a#d�e Propeny,at f�r ca►reyanoc a►liw ai'condemnatioa.aR 6eoeby a�signed aad
<br /> shall ba p�id to Larder. - � , -
<br /> in tue e�re�u of a tofal toTcing oE QK P�aperty. the pmcoeds shall be applied ta the sumt seeuted by this Seciuity
<br /> ___— - ��n„�„L�it�er ar nc+E�Aeet Aue�wyth ang cxoess paid w Snnower. fn the event ef a puti�J taYiiEg of.the Ptoperty in
<br /> - which the fau ma�tet value af tts�PtopenY im�ia�ly before ttie�aTc`in��s eq�a7 w ot gnater thu►trte amount vF ii�smas _ ____-_= _ -
<br /> secund by Wis Security tas�uitieot immediately 6efore the tatciag.uutess BoROwer and L,ender otherw�se a�ee in writing. '�_-
<br /> ��ms ucviced 6y i�s 5ecucity�uu�neuut s6a11 be nduoed by the amowu of thc ptt�eeeds muttiptied by the following �,3 T�
<br /> -= f c a�; (a)t L e t o q l a m a u n t o f t h e�u m-c c t c u c o d i m m e Q i a t e l y be f a re t h e t a k i n g.divided b y(6)the fair madcet vatuc of the
<br /> _ propenY immediatety before the rdicing. My batance shail6e d to Bonowec [n the event uf a paztisti tatcing of the , �'� ----
<br /> prnpcity in which the fair mukct vatue of ihe Prope�ty immed'�ty 6efore the taking is tess than the amount of the sums �s�:
<br /> -. -- . �;�n;r�_unn�diatet}-Lefore-the�king.�sBorrc►wer and Lender_athen�+rise_agree in writing or untecs applicabte law �'� _ _�� -. v
<br /> otherwise poviAes,tl�e proceeds s1�11 be applied co the sums seru�4 by this Security Instcument w�i e t�i er or rtot t h e sums ac+e l "`�~"
<br /> � tl�tdln� - '. : ... .;.: '. . . '_' ��+s�= -
<br /> �_ if tt�e Ptopetty�is a6;uEdone�hy Bornnwer,or if.after aotice by Lender to Bomnwer t�at We condemttoc offers to m�ke r:�'�- ', —._-
<br /> f,� � au awar�or settfe a claim facdamages,.6as�c+.wer faits to cesportd w Lender within 30 day�after tf�e date she aatice is given. �,j�'.,^�_,
<br /> _ f.�tdec is uutho�ta culfect au8 appiyJ�i�{it'�s.at its aption.eittier to nest�ma�on or cepair of tite t'roperty ar Ca tlte ' �'sr:r�.��.,-_--- -
<br /> �.., .... _ '_� --_
<br /> sectJt+ecfby t6is�Secu[[tt!i�ia�at;.pi�Yac,t�Pt;ij�r�ss�I�endtte. ;;:. . _ �� -
<br /> �E1nle�s Lercder art�B��eS�:eri$e�i�a 9u+�nling.any s�ppticacion of proceecG:ta principat sGali ncAi��d:Ar•.,.� , , aau���:
<br /> 3..��.�.L�,..�,��..
<br /> '�� � ri tilaadZarchui�theamnnntafsuch�a�ri�diC�s�:.;=;� �"�-•�- ���`..,
<br /> . pastponcthedu�dat��ofth�e��i�ijiRa�i�i,�:�Gc,m,-t3'�3..��P L `� �; h
<br /> -11. Bosm�et Not Reteised: Fa�itf'.ii��1t�_;����;1�'Vaiver. t=xtatsian of the time Fo"r�,�cisr�',+i� •c ``�r,��s=
<br /> � t.ender ta an succes�sar s���; =" -_
<br /> morfifratian of amartizatian of the swns'seeored by tius 5LFctri�:1�.53iiit,�cem�: Y Y � .. , .;
<br /> � . af Borrower shall not operate to retease the liability of th�'&t�.�f'�=ixtiwe�ur Sasmwer"s•successors in iateresx. . ,_: Y"'`.
<br /> ���. �`:�.,�.
<br /> a.: ' • �' sl�all not be tequrted to cammence proceedir[gs agtiR�t a ap s s�c�.c��i mteresi;vr refuse to extend time far p;t�tr!e4t°o�';`i;.; i:
<br /> �3�ir. �! otherwise madify artwttizacion of the sums secured 6y ihis Security C['�.„,5�nt by reisian of�ty dema�td made[s�ttt�origmaf'% 3='
<br /> �. a�. , m e�te r�" an n t ar cemed sRuik:tiot be a • -
<br /> -;^r.�. �,.: Botrawer or 8onawer's soccessors in inte�st., Any forbemanoe.bg:;:�¢�� � Y P� Y . • .__
<br /> ar`rF� ' � � waiver of or p[hclude tl�e exetcise oiany rt'�1tor cemedy. �..� :�� � ;
<br /> �„ 1 L S a a+e�s a n d A s s�n s B a+�:�4�t�S e�e r a l L t a T i��r'C o�s i g n e r s. T6e covetmutc and a g rc e+i t�nts of this � � =---
<br /> �a; .. j,.�.. --
<br /> } .• ,� .r,: .,�,Seeurity iastniment sh�ll 6qid and b�ne�i s5e succecson:and accigns af i�►der autd Bomnwer.su6jeet to the�cnv�s�ons oi
<br /> �. `' "� ..,•.Y'�°'�;;':,_., �. 'pardgiaph 17.Bortow•erE�iiienants and agreetnents shall be jai»i and seve�al.rlcty Borrower who casigns t6as Security ,
<br /> �r....{ .
<br /> ,�'�v �•...'',".. " .:'.:tndctupent but does�ot execiu�the Note: (a)is ca-s�gnine thi.�Security Ir�stn!meN anly to mottgage.���na��Yey�r�c . �-
<br /> _ �#�h < , r Haaower�inte�st in the i�geny ar�deC the term�af this 5ecurisy tn�t�umen�: (61 i�i aat persaially obligated td�pa�Y the sums -- xu -
<br /> - ,� s,f "; � , secured by this Security t�.s-tcw�em:and(c)a�that Lender and any athe�Bornaa•er may agree to extend.modify.forfiea�.• � - -��,,�.:-
<br /> •�f ��a};{;�,(;.;�r i�,i�: os make any ac�om�odanQ�s with rea�.�to the tertn�af this Secourty tasaument rnc the Note withoui that Bomnwer's r�,A,a,�.�_
<br /> _ , �}��V)�` { R�:' . `� . . � '. .� ' .� . "'� . � ' '' '_� l.7 K'�!3_-
<br /> t ;� ��t ���tl��{ f C�F�� _ _ .. _ . . . .k�S! �� _
<br /> _f._. �l a;.!E�./,� �S;�;l'�Li��;`� , pS.�_� 2��17� S$CCUfU IDS�[U[►l�il[.•i.t t0�IaR ttIllC�sCfs I1137pRIUllt I0.'111 t,, .� �c',�==�
<br /> ; rf , > �(f f��, I3. I.oAO Chi�p s. �kt �cecured by thi. y �;t�'� r.�� S�
<br /> ra f,�xrf � 'r� ' , t'
<br /> r �� „c,,� � : eharges.aad that law i$;�inA�c wnte�p're�ect so that the interest or wher ta�ut cha��:,rai�ested or to be calleMed in rnnneetion "'tf;' �!
<br /> � �t���„-S.,c°. � . with the laan eKC�t��'�ee,rrrsit��limi�s,�hen: (ai aoy SurA lo�n char�e r�ial!�i�' ��u�.j by the amaunt necessary to�educe ;�?r �
<br /> ,�4 �t.;� �,*�;�.«�s4st ;, ,:; the charge to the permiued 7im��:and tb1 any sums already coUectod frorn Boriaw�w tiRCueh excee�ed pertniued limits will ba �. ,�.,
<br /> t�F.,l: •�.�K, fr���},E ';:;�.:�;�- tefut�ded to�or�aaer. L.ender may clloo�e to makc thi.rcfund by.reducing the prirsci�ral awecl�rEt�Eer the l�iote or by making a �t ,���';
<br /> e
<br /> 1`1' '�q�fs��l � �f�."�:��: direct payment[o Botrow�e�. If a cefund mduCer princip�l.�he�eduction w�0 be tcc'sted ar a pa�aial prcpayment wtthout any , 3s�r
<br /> _ ��+r tr' . ' '�'• prePaYmeu!cha�e under ttt�Note. ;:: , . �. . � �,'�
<br /> � �` 14. Notices Any notice to Borrowcr providcd fpr in this 5eru�ily l�utiu�iei►�..st4alE 1�:g�vc.a hy deliverinLe it ar by `
<br /> �� �{ � � •;:,:. ' � mailing it by first etass mail anless applicabfe law reyuice�use af anoshec method 1'he natiCe sh�lt be directed to the Property ' r -
<br />= f`;;;,;� : . ••:�: � Addres.c or any other address Borrow•cr dc.ignatec b�nntuc u►l.cndcr. Any aotice t4 Lender steall be give�by Gtst class .. :�,7..•'^; ,,.. a:F
<br /> 1'?I i
<br />:..' .' � .,.._:..:.�: .:_ ..�:...:.� . mail w l.ender's address atatcd he�ein ot any othcr addre.�Lcnder deti�race�by notice to Borrowzr. Any notice provided for '. , .+,. ���,4::
<br /> ��� . 7� � in this Security ln�tnunent chall I+c deeme�roTia��e 6eFn gi�rn to Borra��er ar,L�nder when g'�ven�c prwided 'm this - �.�'- s `�__
<br />.��;� � �%r'�a,,;,;r;, • �5 Gaverntng l.aR:ScwerabiUty. 'f'hi� Scrudry ln�trument�hall be go�era�P��•by federal taw and the law of the ''�•I
<br /> • ;�`�f� `{:1;�':�� .jutiuliction tp whicb th:��►ert}i+locatc0. In the eveat that any prnt ician ar claus��this SecpriF}r Instrnment or the Nate � ,�, � x=
<br /> 1 f'�; , '%';.;i�;}�4i ''`:,;':,�' cooflictsµ�mh a�plicabTe�laa.tiuCh contlict�hal1 nnt aifeci c�ther prnvisinn�of ihi�5ecurity Instcu�ient ar the Note which can. t , i�� -
<br /> ��;°:, ' ` ;� , ; •`+'<�':'; ' t�givcn.�t�"e� w��ttnat the con�licti:sn'picni�ian. Ta thi+cnd the pri+tiu�ion�af thi�5ecurlly..7�.axuinem and the Nate ara , � �'��`
<br /> '�' <�yF1144:u .� ,, � . ;. . ; . . , -,: � ',< <4ak r_
<br /> •� ¢�grla*.L"r3 Y�.b�,sevms�ile. � :� '�• � '
<br /> •.;=',��'>':`. �� � Dda.•`JQasso�es's�i'op��,�orruwer�haU he gi••�n one cvmfarnecc�od�y uf ihc f�otr and af thiy��:c'urity tn.�taumrm. ' ��"'"�
<br /> � , �,�t.� • •� ; �
<br /> �•� ���_.� '��:�.'�%i�s'Per ott�ir Q°aoperly or a Benelkiat lo�erest in BorE��ties. IP:dI ar any pan of the'Property or ur�'intere�t in . .���
<br /> ��.�. ���"'� � 'ri.i�'svl¢:or�ii�ud�fcrred lur if a lxm�cial interr�t in Bnrro«rr i�;cy1��r tran�fcrced and&�naµ•cr i�aot a natural per+anl �'
<br /> •)e� �
<br /> - ' withau.��.enu�c"s prios written canscnt.Lender may.at it���pti��»,�'aqw.se immcdiaic paymcnt i��'a��)of All sums secured by ��-'�
<br />-- +' `' �' ' this Sec�,tri�_7r}s�hument. Huwever.�hi.option�fia0 nut f�c cxerciscA t*�I.ender iF eacrcire is�io�lbued by federa!Iaw as af ���'�'�'""
<br /> �� •�� a� .,�. . hi .., - : :� .�} _
<br /> � �E , • �e'dasa o3`PJ�,is�ecurity tnstn�ment. �•�
<br /> �„ �;`��=: • ' . , ': � ' If LendO[exerci+e4*.finesoplion.t.�nder�hall give&rrrawer naticc of ucreteratian. Thc noucc:yth�11 pravid�a perial of f;�=�t, . .
<br /> : �','� i ��` ' aat less than 3(►day�k��ihe d�+te thc nuticc i�detivercd�•r m�iled wit6in�vhich�orrmwer mu.�t pay�:t1�.u:s�:�e�c+red by�his !�u�,.; . ,
<br /> • J�^�:�..�3:�;;.. � • E ,•., �,� ' u.' . ,.. ;..:
<br /> ,�;,.--:.4, :�;�,.. , . , � , Security imtt�.�nent. Tt�xraa�cr fail. tn p:�y �here .um�priur u�th; cxpiratin:�c�i thi� perio�:C�z�s rrau�: �nvakc any pp
<br /> �>;t{ . � remcdic<[xa�niized by thi�5ccutily In.�n�mrm without fi�rthcr n��tic�:o�;���manJ un ganuwrr. [ •'``+ �''
<br /> � v � ♦ � rt�� . I � :.,;7�'�4;::.��,,
<br /> �� n ,- � , 18. l�nnuti�i:er s Right tu Reinst�te. If Burrix�cr meet.c�e�..�r��ondition.. 8i�rto��cr Jrail s,e� aa�rceht tu have �•. �
<br />. ;ti�'�.�,t. 'i;;;;;�:` • enforcen�eni'oi thi. Sec:urity�In�trument di�cuitlinu��l:d uny tinze�����*rrc,�hr carlier nf: la►��f{i.;��,v�;�:���itc-r periact a� t . , � ';.:
<br /> � f;�, �.: . . � , _ 1. y ' " , ; .� :� �. u,:.i n:tumtCstoa I'� 1 l'��: i.. "
<br /> �/h' �i 5���',: ..�in•tcl•amit •i:moirlL•�r/6rcddir�Syi,F'� tl +��i�ti�RCt'�GQ� 1ii 9a!►rfi ra..sfi.�6 a�► .
<br /> . � i :
<br /> p� ��C� t��:`� '� . , ` y � .: ,
<br /> '�t� f����I`�Jb�(: , .. � . � . , ' •'. « ��;��� �/1 .
<br /> .�ti �t �fe� f�'�,��.t�:� i.a . ` - . ' ' e� � ' .� � �yt)ti�-l�412
<br /> ,�h . ?�������'.��14,�t1�ti�� ,- . t . . „ . . . . t.', }'j��j.��4t�fi�Y
<br /> `r�•,��, �.�j/57�.�rf�,irii.4 :•��2�}�'Y� � �•: ;� , �. '�' � . ,_� ' i :i�;),•I� �F,� frty}'�,��
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<br /> i� },1,��iv . � 1 1( }�.� ":�' "+',i 4i•i`• -�., , . � rnk..,.i t f,�'� ' :,h.t�:i � .
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