_ ,,., . _
<br /> ;>�,"'�,��f-�= ..- - - - - - - - — --- -------- ------ ---- - - _
<br /> �, .. ..r.
<br /> __ .��` ' ' . r 'Y.f7 s. . � . . _ . - . . ` = F -
<br /> . . � - . : ;' .:': �:.. � �•-°,-,.'�'� .... . ' _- __ . __ -�. .___-
<br /> ':5.:.:i�^
<br /> � _
<br /> . . .- '� ..... _,. . . ro. . .- "_ _ w�� '.,�. _ —'_
<br /> :..
<br /> . . .,.,. - ' - ,...-s. ..._... -� ,. _ ._.__ _.
<br /> . ..
<br /> � ,�.4..�.�. ,. _ � .-
<br /> � " •Y h �Ii�ii�IfY! _ 1 .' '-' .. .
<br /> ' ..4�__.J�. _ �.�. . . � . . . " _ _=-- .-.. . " . � � `4.
<br /> - . - � � 92- �.O�t�. _
<br /> -- paiods�rhat t:enaet nquues. 'R►e insur�ncc ca�ier p�oviaing tee iamrana shali be chosen 6�B«rower su6joc:w I�endKs
<br /> .-_'
<br /> - � appni�yl wl�icif sl�alt tlat be un[laso�abl��tret�:if Bam�erf�tc tam�nhrmn�erigcdGscn"be�above.t�tder may.at------
<br /> � -. t.a�dcr�optiore,o6tais�overage to pratoct I�eitdes's rig,hts in tire Ptop�rty�aa�d3ncr rvith parsgaph 7.
<br /> _ _ ,- . A!t���1�c s[tQtlAe4Yals�,.�!t�ea�cc�ta�letc►I�e[�e�_z�st��hal1�ttC(�►tk at a�titsart}ttttxtgage_Clause_ Ltnder- . - -- - -- - .-
<br /> , -- --- - �-. .
<br /> -� �,,, �ap ltar•e the right to hald the policies an��enewa2�. tf Lender trquim.Bamuwer shatl pminptly give to l.rnder all reaipts :, .� _
<br /> �`. , •':�_, af paid Qremiuuu and retkwal aotices.:ta the e�tnt of 1os4,Bortower shall give pmmpt�otice w the insucance ratrier and • --
<br /> r� `�-y� I.eackr. t�tnder may make pr�wf of toss if not made P�P�Y bY�►'� • r�-� ^
<br /> � • ' ' lJnks.c lrndrs aad Bonower oihetv��ist a�er ia wniing,insurance proceeds sha116e applied to re�torrtic►n ar�epair of � i - _-
<br /> `�`�i�4` {'�; -- the Ytope►ry damage3.if the cestoration or trpair is economicatly fea+ibte and [Rnder�security i�not t��'••tf c6e � '�'� - -_
<br /> i�
<br /> �� r restoration or rspair is nat awnamically fea�'bte or Lender's security vaouW be[essened the uuaran�e pt+oceeds SItali 6� �:"
<br />- �t � .. .. r� -appliedto We-ss+�as 'ty-lamumerrk-�+fiettter ar reot the�dse,wish aay excess paiiE to.�ncmwer.-i�_-- - _�1�.._ --'_ _.
<br /> - .u���t'' ?, - - -- Bon�nwer abu�doas the Pmpert}.or does noc answer within 34 days a nocice frnm l.ender that the f��R�P carrier 6as . . y.�=
<br /> - �-f'%�� :,� offencd to settle a cMrim t6e�t.E�der�coltect tt�irtsurance p[�oce�ds. Leuder au�y use t&e pcnce�ds co cepair ac resmce �.-.
<br /> ,,s'�::s, . t � _ -
<br /> ,;,r.-: the Ptoperty or to pay auns securea by tAis See�uity tmc�.�w6etfrer or aot t6en due. TBe 3(Wa�r perivd wiJE 6egict wlten
<br />_- .. =�i=-�" - .-�;:. � - � the aotice isgiven. .. � . .. : . . _ . _ _
<br />,. . . Qnfas Lerder aad Baaowec atAenn.�ise agnee in writi�ng.any ap(sUcatioa of pcoceeds ta priacipal sh�tl nnc extead ar _ � . -
<br /> _ ... ,- .
<br /> � - :. pos�tt�e due dane af t�e moad�iY i�X�refemed tn in par�graphs t an�E 2 or ctta�rge tf�e ammmt of tke payments. if _ "
<br /> ''"''- ;:�* . under guagx�ph 2t tbe l�topectg is.aos�ric�¢g�.$nrmvver's'dght to any in.swaace palicies a�rd proceeds re�[turg • '. ' :�� �
<br /> ' „� �� . frau d�mage w the t'tapert�prior b;i si�;�t?�u:�r �,t13}�tu�der to the exte�t of the sums secut�d by tftis Se�udtp , ; .
<br /> ;������ tnst�umerrE imrRedisetEtg�to tf�e �lipm, r; ��}t �,". : . . . . � • r i
<br /> � ,;r�'�i .� f. �enq�ao�y,Pnseevattai5�x��,�piT'itit+�dii���ot the Property: Baet�rec's E.oat� App[f�F.�f: ' . .����•
<br /> � ,;'` ���` I��sPon�:�xer:s�tatloccupy.�ii�;`�qt�:��;�^��,�ir;-;�a38amnwersprincipal`�es�'oewitirin.siuy�cM,Y�•..� �: ..'�,5��';
<br /> • � �F`�`< `" t5e exai�il�t7�.C�"iiri��"vi�Ey Insata�nt�nd st�3;;ta��+�fo��p�i tbe Pmpc�ty.a�Bamnwers princ�s#:ity�;cl�aEe forar �, _-
<br /> % ':-l�»..�t.�e tiae.-�sci'���'f�'te!�ce of accupancy. ��.�fiznder�ottierwise agees in vr7iting. wt�ich conscoE's�U nat be : � '-
<br /> ;,r' ` - �r�F�a�==
<br /> , .. ,;;;�'`�r ..::%�i�a:G�,mF�r����te`3�.�r��mtess ei�tenuating cirri�:a�i-es ezist which aae 6eya�d Bom�wer's cantrol. 8emower shall not •� `:' - �.�,r�'
<br /> �.;# ��f. ` ' ` ��dest�ti.�d�or imp�r tlie Ptoperty allow the Ruperty to deteriorate.or commit was[e on the Praperty. Barrower sball ;,;�. _
<br /> f,i`��?�.::;.;;:r, , 6e in ddasilt ifany forfeinae ac6on oe�mseeding,whether esvil or criminal.is 6egun that in Leader's good faith judgmeni . �_:;:;-,;�� ;
<br /> r �.. cd�ld resuft in forfeiwie-of the P1ro�a5;.or af�erwise materialTy impair t�e�en creazed 6y this Secciriry Insaument or . �'u,�� =�
<br /> s
<br />„ : ;t��'7 ``.: �: � ixnder's securi intere��.,�.$ortuwer�y eore such a defauh ancl reinstate.as pro�idtd in h 18:by causin the action� ' r;��f L
<br />... . . -..•"s'��s<�` :. �. .' '-:;�, o . _.-_
<br /> {.;rr,.,;,.::.;... :�,;,:.� ..�• ..or ing to be d�ciai�ed with a niling tbat�in... _ e�s gaacf faith detertmnati n. �Iud�forfeiture of the Borrower's' �.r�-•;`t- .-�t`:y,�``
<br /> _. P� �4�d .p i� . ;: :`:
<br /> - :,i;"�t'�'•�,'r:� - ' in[emst in the Propeity ar�other material impaitmen4.af the lien c�eated by this Secarity tnsttumeiit or Lertdet's Security ''; `,, . .:t; ��.�r ��---
<br /> ; •.,_., . , interes� Barower shall atso be in default if BQ'�iawer,during,the toan applicanon pmctss.gave materialfy fatsc or - _ '`'��s.�, -
<br />_. . � J`' . . - Znaccnrate infomration or statements to[.er�der{or faled to proti¢'�Leader witb any material informatianl"ip conneciiaa witti, : � . .' �<<, �.�`�`''
<br /> ��1Tf''{ :�r.,��. . . • �� ai.,..e_
<br /> ; :r.-. .- � the toan evidenced by the Note. including,but nQt li�i��d:z�.t�ir�es�mtations r�nceming Barrower's a�u�rancg.of ti�e - �;�.' ;�.-�=
<br /> ,
<br /> ' ':;�t<; ' . • • Propert3'as a principa{:esideaee. If thic Seturity�I¢I,j'Y�'iAR.il,zil��c OA t11C1SCltOId.$PliptYCT SItlII COItIQ�y W1C�F'c��U RYi�QtbVL�0I15` ` �� ,��, ` J, ��.�-
<br /> ' F '�,.,. , ; � of the lease. If Bomai��er,aequires fee title ta the P��niy:t�te 1�aseCiotd and the fee tid�shap nrn mer=e d���L�ender agcees f s f< <�, '' '�==
<br /> `�ff�t'•�,� " :�;. IOI�lC Ii1ClSCf 1tI WTltltl�.:■ , ,.i. ' ''•�• � + �;• . ,t.`•.`.�� ' � , �(,�(t r j r�1�,9� —
<br /> ;,•`;'•`,; � ,::;s 7. Pe+otection af■�ndtr's Ri�n`c�tbe }�, tf Bfl�iawer faitc ta}yadorm 3he'�arenaRius'a�d aQ�dments '. �(s;`r� ` �
<br /> ��f.� 1T': P^�,. �••'� f_ � O'� '� f'Y � -1/fi•� _.
<br />, . ,�;t�,j, �;.s^{ contajiied in this Secvn'�}.-Insuumen�,os'tltere is a legal pcaceedit�g that may significaatE��at6f�4¢.-k�ri�r's rights in the �� fk�< < �;�; ,'�;. -
<br /> , �•�`;•,�,r P�'�ty(sucb as a pro���g in 6anYc�upicy.pcabate for candemnaaan ar foifeiture or ta oiig'vraz�a�s nr. , laaoas)�then ;' ;<�i%';�•{�F��?,'`:� , `
<br /> r � l�����<<' `y: �ndcr ma do and �'or r�hat�wer is nec to rotecti the vaiue af the Pro R and Leti�ict's ri �the Ptoperty. _ •�`` {E:''f�; r�r':���JF`�;�_:
<br /> r�` �� Y Pa�,. , euarY P A� Y ��5:� � _ e
<br /> •;. � ... ,. ,, r�, __
<br /> Lendec+aetions may ict:.ittdz paying any�umc ceeured hy a tien wfich has priority ovet thic Seeurity tatttu�tt�Af.appearing F'�' '
<br /> s 'R� • : . `"'•'..•��r.':',.:e.�.. f; -
<br /> ; � , .. ;,;'•,: .. in court,paying reationa,�le attomeys'fees and entering on the Praperty ta maLe[Npair�.Althou€1►Lender may take action , �. �� _.:
<br /> under this paragraph?.i.er�der dces�at have tu du�<+. � � ' ; , :
<br /> •-_- _ - - •� - Any amount�dicbuned by I.ende�under thi.t►amgr.�pfi 7 .hall hecome additianal drht�f Bomswer secumd by this �.:. . .; � �:_.
<br /> ,�, . ` � ' � ".� Secnrity Instrumern. Unless Bormwer and Lende�agre�to othrr tenn�of pa}•ment,tfic�e amount�sAall ttear iraer��t from�Ise _ '.;; : , :,i�j`;;�:f fr,i�';-
<br /> � . date of disbur.r•eme�ft at the Note ratc and+hall be payahle.N'ith intcre.t,upon natice from l.ender to Botavuser reque�ting .�;; :. ,i .. ,:
<br /> , en� •, �e �,''',• .;,:.,"-�,...
<br /> -�..;.,.
<br /> � ' .,,. :..,' �a 1!lastgage.ias�� !f Le�der reyuired martg:�ec iasucance�ti a randition of making�he.loae�s�cumd hy this � ,.,.:,�...��;:"E���j,.`;'�'
<br /> -r::��,; �' �R;,:•�r__,«.; ,;� ! "
<br /> �, " F �S:.turitv�va:�uumenr,8pnawer shafl pay the premiumti reyuired,'to maiatain the ma»gage insms^�nce in effect. 1f.fot any " {,'.'' f..F.L,,,;.:,':.�;;,,.•.;..
<br /> ; ; ' . • `>i:�',_?'f ; ' . ::.'t,�asan: a�he.m�rtgage,.:in,Nrnnce coveragc requireJ by Lendcr l:�eti ar ccacc� ta bc in�����.u: Barrou•er �hall p�y tfie � �' ;'����;i.'�;�.:<<� :.
<br /> , :;�_::"::;%, � ,•, �; , � .
<br /> • f •.:.;;.}�_:.;:-`.'`�;.,r'Y�.;i.,,,'i ":-: ,pre�iui�ss-.seytaired?�obtain coverage sub�ta�,+atly cquivalent t�'the mnRgage in.tusa�n�e�i:�ously in effech.a�a ca+t ��', } ° :,�,{tit����'. .,
<br /> , ,,t , }t, '�,;t;,uf�,t�� .. - subctaritiaildp eq�a�IL�ta�the ca�t to B��rrawcr of the mong:�e intiarance previnttsi� .c�ef�i1.3'rom an altemate mortgage ��t'' , . ;,;,•-.: .
<br /> . ;;� ,;� � , �?t�;,�t: " . • ?nsumr approvetli��+�.eni�et. li sub�wntialty cyuivalcnt mnrt�ge imuranco co�crcti�us not'available.Borrawer�hall pay to ' '
<br /> '�ti"c:;�?s'�;?:�';�1':�,i;' ; l.ender each��►,f;h.a fii��equal to nne•twelGh of thc yearly mun�ge insuranre p��sium being paid by$arrawer when ihe ' ' � . '_�.;.�r,:: �:..
<br /> :. . •c�.��:,.,;, :,,�, ,
<br /> � � {;�;''. ',:�•:,��Y4��;! � `:'insurance ao�,•e��'gc J�p.r'ed ar cca.rcd u�he in cifccti. Lrnder w ill arrep�.u�e and retain thcrr paymcnts as a toss reserve in lieu ;�.�r��':::�-.:
<br /> . . _.�..sc�;�.. , �� of m�tg�e i�asurar�ce, l.osc�e.rervc.paxmen�r may nu longer br rcy�uited.at the option of l.crrder.if mortgage in�urarrce '��.:�. ..��
<br /> .. :. ;:-�V . ; . "coverage fan the amc+u�►.and fi►r the peri�xi that►�e►�Klcr requirc.►pr��vtdcd hy an in�urcr approved by Lender�gain becomes • �' ,
<br /> ' s''' •' :` .. • available and is ubt���orrnwer+hal!pay the prcmium.reyuircd ta maintain mu�gage in.urunre in effe�t:or ta pravide a � •
<br /> ,;�.r�..;,�... : ,
<br /> . ;;z;,t;:: - . ' . ' h�sc reserve.unfil thv�re+�itement 1'or martgage imur�re end.in accardance uftir.an���ritten arreement ti�t�een Bonawer . . , :
<br /> � , � . and txnder o�appli�:,:fiG:��sv. . ; ;' � ...' , � • �
<br /> , . . •;�:�'�•,%3, Mm.'`:�.ender ar it�a�cnt ma mak�r�w�iaMc cntrieti u on an�f�iii� °�a�sM1,.�,i'rl�e 6'ro �:!�',�',,',
<br /> •,�.. �:; y �W�ti b Y p i�-:.: • 1�7zY�: Lcnder chall
<br /> ' !.;$;zj>t. ,
<br /> , ,:;:!';;,;��',;;1,�;;;.;±;��,, ,, •. aive�'rnp»���s,rtatice st the timc of nr prior t��an in�pcctian�pccifying res�unab(c�ajx!�t;1��r,ilu:i1i:�jsi�.ii�fn�" �I
<br /> � `,' ,�-�tl;i"•��t�L� l�A. E;ebide�tu;9i`i�t+n: 7'hr prncecd�af.tny award nr claim ii�r damagr..dirLiy'uir�s��r�+{'�3ta�tjs�1:.�1.�,-�il»teclian with:fny I .`,'` �
<br /> . �i%�,��,ag•lf,f•LJ�E�li:P'. '� . -_ . .. . "r:�^y f. ��i'� ., jf.• ;:��:':.',�.:'t,�.
<br /> yt 4i�!�t.i � . � 53o;1c f.uiul ..}wwir�1sre,�E�ddJe�1x 1'11t'IIKN(�ti�RC'<i'� .••i:��it.rn'ti°,.N �;�hn�'� , f�.; ' ° •
<br /> i � ��� !l( � } � . S' �t "l` .. } �I/»1'�'1�q'l��rt��P.�1 t. ; . r i
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