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<br /> 7�
<br /> ,. ' :• � Borrower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, fawsuit or other action by any �__
<br /> ' : � guvcrnmcntal or regulatory agency or private party involving thc Property w�d uny Haz:udous Substancc or Environmental Law r�
<br /> � of which Borrowcr hus uctual knowicdge. If Sorrower Ic��rns, or is notificd by any govemmental ur rcgulutory xuthc�rity, that
<br /> ti,• any rc:movat ur othcr rcmcdiatiun uf any Hauudous Substanc¢aff'ccting thc Pruperty is nccetisary,Burrc�wcr shall prompdy takc ��.
<br /> all ncccssary rcmcdial actions in accorduncc with Environmental I.aw.
<br /> ' As used in this paragraph 2U, "Hti7��rdous Substances" are thuse substunces defined us tuxic or hazardous substunces Uy �,.,.
<br /> � �• Envirimmcntal Law und thc folluwing tiubstunccs: gasolinc, kcrosenc, othcr flammablc or toxir pctrolcum products, toxic ti.
<br /> � . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, ►naterials contnining usbestos or fornuddehyde,and radioactive muterials.As used in �'.
<br /> ' '"� this psiragruph 20, "Environmcntal Luw" meuns federal Inws and laws of the jurisdictiun whe:re the Pn�perry is locutcd thut -==_
<br /> � relutc to hcalth. sufety or cuviromnentul protection.
<br /> " NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.ender further covennnt und ugree a+ tolluw.: ��_
<br /> • � zl. Accelerntion; Remedieti. I,ender tihall Five nottce to 8orrower priar to ucceleraUon followinp Uorrower's breuch �,
<br /> '`"�'�' of any covenunt ur u�recment In this Securlty Instrument (but not prli�r ta nccelcrntlon undcr pnrutiraph 17 un1�9
<br /> :_���,� appflenble IAw provldes other�sise). The nottce shuil 5peclfy: (n) the defuult; �_��.
<br /> '� (b) the ttcdon rcqulred to cure the dePuult; o�
<br />„�, (c)u dute, not I�a U►nn 30 dnys feoin the dnte the notice is Flven to Hcirro�ser, by ��hich tirc defnult must be cured;imd ��
<br />:�,,,r- `� (d1 that fuflure to cure the dePnult on or hePore the dnte sExwlfled in the nntice uuiy rMUlt In uciclere►Non oP flte sums _�
<br /> - secured by thfs Securlty Instrument wid yule of the Nro�xrly.The notice shnll Further Int'ariu Borro�r•cr oP thc riuht to
<br />_ . relnstate ufter uccelerudnn und Nu rl�ht tu Brin�; u cnurt uctlon to ussiri the non•�xltitcrnc of n d�Puult nr uny nther G
<br /> defense oP Nnrrnwer to nccelerutlon nnd yule. IP Ute dePi�ult Iv not cuwad on or I�efore Ihe dute+�xclf'icd In the noUce,
<br /> , g. Lcnd�r. �►t it+option. mny rc�ulrc fn�m�dlutc puymeul lu PuU of��II yuttt!;scclu•cll bY Illlw titcw•Ity 111st1'ltlncnt �ti•Ithuut _
<br /> -..-� Purthcr demund und nu�y Divo�c 11►c �Niwcr nf ti�dc und w�v nUmr rcn�cdlcti�xrmlttcd hr up�Ucnblc 6nr. Lcndcr hhull hc
<br /> eiitltled tn collect ull ez�xnticY Incurred In pwwtihtµthe remedlcs provlded In thih pi�rn�;rnpl��I. Inclwllnµ,hut not Ilmlted
<br /> :;.' ,;,{��r , to�rcau�nuhlc xuo�•ncyK'Pccw und custc+oP IIUe cvldcncc,
<br /> �?_r;,, . It the pnwer of nale ly Invnk�Yl, 'fru�t��c tihull r�rord u nottcc oP dePault In cach cnunty ht whlcb nny purt of the
<br />__'�" i�ro��rty ly I�xuteel mid xhull mall coplcy of tiurh notice In the mntu�cr pr�urllx�d by a�ppliu►I�Ie luw to Bnrrowcr und to `
<br /> ' the uttter{xrso�iy pre.urllxd by nppllcub�•�lu v,After �he t{mi•required by appllcuble lur�•, lYustee yhull�i�e public noticc
<br />,�1,,,;�,F;.'t,. , of sale to the persons und In the muuner prc�crlhcd 1►� appUc.�bl� Inw.'1 �ist�w, wlthuut demand mi Borrower, shull sell
<br /> the Property a!publlc uuctiun to the hl}�hest bldder ut the timP und place�nd under the terms deslgnnted In the notice of
<br />�,�,z;._a'�; sale In onc or more purcels und in uny order Trustee detcrmin�. Trustee mny postponc sulc of i�li ur nny purcel af the
<br /> ��,�Rf.�� Property by publ[c annuuncement nt ¢he tlme nnd place of uny previously scheduled snlN.I.ender or tts deslgnce may
<br />:';;6�A.;�;� purch►tse the Property s�t any tiule. -
<br />__-�---- Upon recetpt af payment oP the prlce b(d, Trustee shatl del(ver to the purchs�ser Trustee'ti deed conveying the _
<br /> -�•"-�'�� Property. The recituls in the 'Crustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the stntements made therein.
<br /> `-;�.� Trustee shAll npply the proceeds of the sale In the following arder: (u) to all cosGs and expenses of exercising the power of
<br /> ;-:'�� sale,and the sale. including the puyment of the Trustee's fees nctually incurred,not to exceed the�of $50 or 1/77�0
<br /> ��-•L•�. of the pr[ncipal amount of the note at the dme of the declaratton of default,and reasaiable nttorneys' fec.w ns permitted
<br /> ��'- ::�+ bv law:(bl to all sums secured bv this Security Instrument;and (c)any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to
<br /> __,�::r.�.` it.
<br /> Z2. Reconveyunce. Upon paymcnt of ull sums securcd by this Security instrument, L.cnder shall reyuest Trustee to
<br /> '��._�� reconvey the Property and shull surcender this Securiry Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> --�=:1;� Instrument to Trustec. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withaut warranty und without charge ro the person or persons Icgolly
<br /> -- entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cotits.
<br /> --- 23.Substitute Trustee. Lender, nt its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> -`_- any Trustee appointecl hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securit� Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> = conveyance af the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and dunes conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> - = and by applicnble law.
<br /> ____----- 24. Request for Notic�. Borrower rcyuests that copies uf the notices of Jefault and sale be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> -"`� which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25.Riders to this Secur(ty Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shull be incorporated into and shaU amend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this 5ecurity Instrument as if che rider(s)were a part of tl�is Security Instrument.
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> [�Acijustable Rate Rider [�Condominium Ridcr �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ___ --� n Balloon Rider �Rate Lnprovemcnt Rider �Second Homc Rider -
<br />" � — 0 V.A.Rider (X�Other(s) [specifyJ �
<br /> �et�se ef Be�aaYt
<br /> -- BY SIGNING BELOW, Bonower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recordecl with it.
<br /> —___ Wimesses:
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> '�m��-- Leroy C. eyton •eormwcr
<br /> _-—=R,=��; (Seal) _
<br /> - L�'��� Peyton -sorrowcr
<br /> '��"�,� Maxcella A.
<br /> u�:�:t:W_��� � ���.,�-�.�GG� _
<br /> ��;����—`,� cs�.►i� cs��i� �.
<br /> -- •`'c-�°^-� -dornnvcr -eormwcr =
<br /> =- ..�l: �:
<br /> �=f�'+r,.�._ •--
<br /> - �,_':r::, _
<br /> iS;?.3,:y.�.:.� _
<br /> '`� '" • STAT�O�'NEBItASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> .��.:1 \��.'����� —
<br /> -�'+• •' The faregoing instrument w�s acknowlaigcd before mc this lOth �ay°+ February • 1997 � _
<br /> ' • 1 by Leroy C. and Marcella A. Peyton, Huaband and Wife � �
<br /> :=�`.• � • Witness my hand and nutarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska insaid County,thc date aforesaiJ. _
<br /> e
<br /> : .: . ..• . My Commission Expires: _ .�wi .(.�L� dl On �
<br /> -�.t�':.;.�.;:;?:�`� ' 6EHERAI NOTART•St1te ol Nebnsk� N���prv�niic [
<br /> :.:.":F ..� ,� II� 1UDI1H L RAUERT -
<br /> •. i s,,:.,.w• , My Lomm.EsD.FeD.6.1998 i
<br /> -' ' • . ago 4 0�4 Forrn 3028 9190 =
<br /> - ... �
<br /> " ..---�--._..----------------.._ ........-..,�...`. ..:'-.----:.._...-•r:....... ._......_._,_.. ._.-—. --.-- ,_,� _ ._.�r„-trv�a4R''+�"StTC'7'°��T".�;_L;.r:psya+ginR�iA1�
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