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20110810G <br />TOGE'�'IiER WI'I'H all tho improv�ments now or hereafter erectec� on the property, and all easements, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of 4he praperty: All replacernents and additions shall a9so be <br />covered by chis Securiry Tnstcunaen� All of the fore�oing ts referred to in this Seeuriry l[�stx ument as ehe "Property. " <br />Bozrowez understands and agrees that MERS holds only legst tide ta che intecesYS granted by Barrower in fhis Seeurity <br />Instzvanemt, buC, af necessary to camply with iaw oc custom, NT�1tS (as uaminee fpr i.endes aaid T.ender° s suecessors <br />and assigns) hass the righ� to �xercise any or al1 of those interests, nncludFng, but aat limated to, ehe ffight to foreclase <br />and se�I the Properlyg and to take any actian s�quired c�£ Lender including, but not Yimited to, xeleasing and �nceling <br />this Security Instrumen� <br />�O�tROWER COVT:NANTS that Borrower is �awfully seised af the escate hereby conveyed and has the reght <br />to grant and convey the Property and that the Propercy is unencumberec�, except for encumbrances of rec:ord. <br />Borrawer warrants and will defend generally the �itle to the Property against all clairns and demands, subject to any <br />eacumbrances of record. <br />THIS SECURPFY INS�'RUMENT combines uniform cavenants far national use and nan-uniform coveaants with <br />limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifarnn securiry instroment covering real property. <br />UN{FORM COV ETIANTS. Borrower and T.ender covenant and agree as fo�lows: <br />1, Payment of Principai, Interest, Escuow Items, �repayment Lfiarges, aod Y.ate Charges. lBorrower sha11 <br />pay ahen due the principal of, and interest on, rhe debt evidenced by rhe Note and any prepayment charges and late <br />charges due under the Note. Borrower shall aiso pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. PaymenEs due <br />under the Note and this Security InstruzaeenC shall be axa U.S. currency. I�iowever, if any check or other <br />instrument received by I.ender as payment under tb.e 1Vote or this Secwciry Inst�nunent �s returned to Lemd�r unpaid, <br />Lender may require that any or aIl subscquent payznents due under the Note an� this Security Instrument be made iR <br />one or more of the following forms, as selected by I.ender: (a) cash; {b) money ordex; (c) certif'ied check, bank check, <br />tteasurer's eheck or cashier's check, provided any such eheek is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insure� <br />by a federal agency, instrumentality, or endty; or {d) El�lronic Funds Transfer. <br />Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at �lie location designated in the Note or at such other <br />IocaUion as may be designated by lxnder in accardance wirh Yhe notice provis�ans in Section 15. I.ender may return <br />any payment or pardal payment i£ the payment oc pACrial paymenCS are insufficient to bring the Laan cur�en� i.ender <br />may accept any payment or partia] payment insufficient to bring the Loan current, without waiver of any rights <br />her�under or prejudice to its ri�hts to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not <br />obligated to appiy such payFnemts at the dxne such payments are accepted. If each Periadic Payment is applied as of <br />its scheduled due dat�, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may ho�d such unapplied funds <br />until Borrower makes payment ta bring the 1C,oan cusrent. If Borrower floes not do so withia a reasonable per�ad oP <br />time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return tTaem to Borrower. If not applied earlier, sucl� fands will be <br />applied to the antstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No affset or claim <br />which Borrower mighC have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower frorn making payments due <br />under the Note and this Secwrity Instrument or perforrr�ing the covenants and agreements scxured by this Securiry <br />Instivment. <br />�. Applaeat3on of Payments or Proceeds. Except as othecwise described in ttxis Seceion 2, all payments <br />accepted and apptied by Lender sba11 be applied �n the €allowing order of priority: �a} interesC due under the ATote; <br />(6} principal due under the Note; (c) amounts dus under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic <br />Paymant in the order in wluch it became due. Any remaining aniounts shall be applied first to latc cJiarges, secand <br />to any other amouaCS due tuader this Securiry Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. <br />Tf I.ender ceceives a payment from Borrower fpr a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a suffiaient <br />amount Co pay any late c�atge due, the payment rnay be applied to the delinc�ent payment and the late charge. If <br />more than ane Peciodic PaymenE is outstanding, Lender may apply any payinent received from Borrower to the <br />aepayment of the Pesiodic Fayments if, and ta the extent that, each payment can be paid in €uTl. To the exeent that <br />any excess exxsts afCer the payment is applied to t�e fuTl payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may <br />be apglied to sny late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shalI be applied first Eo any prepayment charges and then <br />as described in th� Note. <br />Any application of payments, insurance procaeds, o� Misce}Ianeaus Proceeds to principal due under the A1oCe <br />shall nat extend or postpone rhe due dat�, ar change the amaunt, of the Periodic Payments. <br />3. �"�unds for Fscrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lent�er on the day Periodic Payments are due under the <br />ATote, until the Naee is paid in fu11, a sau►� (the "Funds"} to provide far payment of amounts rlue for: (a) taxes and <br />assessments and other �tems which can attain �sriority over tiris Security InstrumemC as a liem or encwnbrance on the <br />Property; (l�) leasehold payments ar ground rents on the Pro�rty, if any; {c} premiums for any and ali insurance <br />recp�ired by T.eader under Sectian 5; and (d) Mortgage Iasurance premiums, if any, ar any sums payable by $orrower <br />to Lender in lieu af the payment o� Mortgage Insurance pr�miums in accordance with the provisions of Seccion 10. <br />These ttems are called "Fscrow Itews. " At originatioa or at any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require <br />that Community Associatian Dnes, Fees, and Q,ssessments. if any, be e�crawed by Bogrower, and such dnes, fees and <br />assessments shall be az� Escrow dtem. Borrower shall prampdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts w l� paid <br />under chis Sectioa. JBorrower sha11 pay Lznd�r the Funds for ]Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's <br />obtigation to pay #he Func�s €or any or all Escrow Items. L;ender rnay waive Borrower' s obiigation to pay to Lender <br />Functs for �ny os a11 Bscrow Tterns at any time. Any such v�aiver may only be in writing. Tn the event of such waiver, <br />Bonower s�tall pay directly, wheq and w$aere payabde, th� aznounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of <br />�unds has been weaved by Lender and, i.f Le�d�r requires, shall fu�nisFi to Lender �eceipts evidencing such payment <br />within such time period as Lender may require. �orrower' s obiigation to make such payments and to provide receipts <br />NEBRABKA--Singte Family—Fannle Mae(Frsddle Pti1ac UNIFORtv1 INSTRUMENT - MERS �aglc <br />Forrn 3028 1/41 ' Page 3 af 11 www.docntagk�.com <br />�� W <br />