<br />(n "Riders" means alI Riders to tlais Security Instrument that are execured bp Borrowar. The following Riders gre
<br />to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]:
<br />Q Adjustable Rate Rider [] Plancx�d Unit Development Rider
<br />� Batloon Rider [] Bfweekly Payment Rider
<br />[] 2-4 Family Rider �] Second Hame fiider
<br />[] Conc�ominium Rider � Other(s} [specifyJ
<br />{� "Applicable I.aw°° mea.ns all conbcollir� applicable federal, state and Iocal statutes, regulations, ordinances and
<br />administrative rules and orders (thaE have the effect of faw} as well as all applicable fu�al, non-appea]able judicial
<br />opintans.
<br />(I� "Cammunity Association Dues, Fees, and Asse�menks" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges
<br />that are irnposed on Borrower or the Progerty by a condominium associ�tion, homeowners association or sir►ular
<br />organizatian.
<br />(L) "Electronic Funds Transfer" meaus any transfer of funds other than a transaction originated by check, draft,
<br />or similar paper insirument, which is iniliated through an electronic terminal, telephanic instrument, computer, or
<br />magnetic tape so as to order, i�asuuct, ar autharize a finaneial insYi�tion to debit or creclit an aecaunt. Sucfi term
<br />inctudes, but is nat limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transacdans, transfers initiate� by
<br />telephane, wire transfers, and automatecf clearinghouse traasfers.
<br />(M} '�crow Items" means thos� items that are described in S�tion 3.
<br />{Ai) "Nliscellaueons Proceeds" means ar�y compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any
<br />third party (ather than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Seccion 5) for: (i) damage to, or
<br />desbruction of, the Property; {ii) condemnatian or other taking of all or any pazt af the Properry; (iii) conveyance ia
<br />lieu of condenu�a.tion; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condiHon of the Property.
<br />(0) "Mortgage 1'nsurance" means insurance protecting Le;nder against the nonpayment of or default on, the Loan.
<br />(P} 'Periodic Paymenf" naeans the regulazIy scheduled amount dus for (i) priacipal and interest under the Note,
<br />plus (ii) amy announts undeF Section 3 af this Security Instrument.
<br />(Q) "RFSPA" meaus the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act {12 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.) and its implemanting
<br />regulatian, Regulation X{24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time to time, or any add�rionai or
<br />successor legiskation ar regulation that governs the same subject matter. As used in this Se�urity Instrument,
<br />"RESPA" refers to all requirements aind resixictions that are 'rmposed in regard to a"federally related mortgage ]aan"
<br />even if the I,oan does not qualify as a"fec�rally related mortgage loan" under RESPA.
<br />(R) "Successor in Tnterest of Borrower" means any party that has taken tide ta the Property, w�ether or not that
<br />party has assunned Bonower's obligations under the Nate and/or this Security Instrwuent
<br />The beneficiary of this Security ImstrwnenC is MERS (solely as aominee for Lender and Lender° s successors and
<br />assigns} and #he sr�ecessars and assigns af MERS. 'This Security Insirument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of
<br />the Laan. and aIl renewaLs, exteruions and modifications of rhe Note; and (ii) the performance of BoFrowe�'s
<br />covenants and agreements under this Security Tnstrument and ttte Note. �oe this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to 'Frustee, in trust, with powee of sale, the fallow�ng described properry located in the
<br />COUNZ'Y of HALL .
<br />j,T'ype of Recording JurisdictionJ
<br />A.P.N.: 400214903
<br />wMch currently has the address of
<br />[��l
<br />jName oF Record'eng Jurisdictian]
<br />3606 E BISMARK ROAD
<br />jStreecl
<br />, Nebraska 6 8 8 O 1
<br />CziP c«�]
<br />("Property Address"}:
<br />NEBFWSKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFOAM 1NS7RllM�17 - MERS p�e�
<br />Form 3028 1/01 Page 2 of 11 www.dxmaglc.com
<br />�� ��
<br />