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� . <br /> 18. BOf�OWCf't RIQht t0 FIEI118�Dt6. If Bortower meets certeln condkbn8, Bonower shall have the rlAht to heve �� <br /> entorcemerit of thA SecurHy Inetrument dlsc�ntlnued at any tYne prfor to tho earller o1: (a) 6 days (or suoh other perlod as eppl�able __ <br /> IYw may BpeCHy lor rehototemonq botoro onF� ot iho PropaAy pureunnl to any powor o1 anb coNninod h thls SecurRy In8Wmont; or �I -_ <br /> (b) entry of p Judpment enlorahq this SecurRy Inetrument. Those oondklOna are that Bortowor: (8) paye Lender an suma whbh than .' <br /> Jwould bo due unGr thla SecurRy instrument and the Note ts H no acceleratlon had occurred; (b) curAS uny da4aul of any other � � <br /> � oovsn�nt or �yr�rnanu; (a) PaYs au �xponsss hcurr�d n Mforr,hp thls S9CU�Ry InBtNtTiMt, Includlnq, but not Iknit¢C 10. reason4ble� ` <br /> attomtys'(i�s; and (d)take6 auoh totbn oe Lender may r�sontby r9quke to esl�ure that thP ilen of thls SeCUrity In&trument,Lender'e ' � <br /> I rlphte Yt ths PropMty ond Bortowsr's obllpttbn to pty lh�aums seoured by thls Socurity Instrumont shnll oontfnue uncht�ped. Upon I '� <br /> rcln:,tat�m�nt by Bonower, thle Securky Instrurr�nt and tho obllpetbns soaured hereby shall remBh fuly ettectNe oa H no acce{entbn� <br /> � hed acour»d. HoweivK, thb rlpht to rshatlte shdi not ltppry In the case of acce►erRtbn under parapraph i7. � <br /> � 19. �ale 01 NOtO; Chenqe of Loen Servicer. The Note ot a pertlal hterost 1n the Note (to¢eth�r wRh this Securky� <br /> � Instrument) may he sold one or more tlmes wkhout prbr notlCe to Bortower. A Sele m6y result In e ct�anpe h the entity(known as the(� <br /> "LOan Servber") Nat coifecta monthy paym5nts due under the Note and thls Sacurky Instrument, Thero elsn may be one or more��, _ <br /> , ohanyes of lhe Lonn SeNber unreleted to e BaOe of the NotA. If there IS e Ohflnpe of the Loan Servber,Bortower witl he qNbn wrkten r, _ <br /> i notbe of the ahenpe h accordance wfth paray�raph 14 above and appl�able law. The notke wlll state the name and address of the <br /> � new Loan Serv�cer and the addreas to wh�h paymants should be made. The notice w111 elso contaln any other {nlortnelbn requYed by � <br /> epplfcflble law. ��� <br /> 20. Hazardoua Subatances. Borrower shau not cause or permR the presence, use,disposai, storaqe, or rolease ot any _qi;° <br /> 1 Hanudoud Substlnces on or h the Property. Bortower shall aot do, nor elbw anyone eise to do,anythfnp effecing the Property that ____ <br /> � I s {r� vbl�tbn ol any Envlronmental Law. The precedh0 two eentences tihall not eppry to the presence, use, o�etorepe on the . <br /> � Property of smaA quantR{es of Haurdoue Subatancea thet ue qene�aly recopnlsod to bs approprate to nomu t res l d e n O nl uaes end to , �=r. <br /> I malntenollce of th1 Prop6Ay. ' <br /> Borto�ver nht� prompty gNe Lender wrmen notbe of any hveatt{�atbn,al�im, demand,IawsuH or othsr tolbn by eny yovemrrienta� � ,� <br /> or repulatory a�roY or prNate party InvoNhq the Property end any Harardous Substance or Envhonmentai Lew oi whkh BorroLlcr has <br /> �otuel knowl�dpt If Bonower leun8, or Is notffied by any qovemmenta� or repulatory authorky, thet any rem�val or olher remedlutbn �` '�,,�— <br /> o} ony Haurdous Substnnce afl�thp the Property 1s necossary. 8onower shali promptly take all necessary rernedlal actbns h I _ <br /> eGOOrdancs wkh Environmental Law• <br /> As ua9d in this paregraph 20. 'Haffirdous Substences" are those substanaes deffned as toxb o� harardous substances by _ <br /> Envkonmontai L.aW and the folbwhp substances:gasoline,kerosene, other tlammable or tox� patroteum produats,toxl�pestlaides and <br /> herbbldes, voiatYe soivents, materials contahhp esbestos or formaklehyde, and radbaattle materiats. As used h thb parnqraph �, � � <br /> "EnvYonmental Uw^ means federa� Ilws and �ws ot the Jurisdlctbn where the Property Is bcated that retate to heakh, safety or <br /> � environmenul prolectbn. -��'h� <br /> NON•UNIFORNI COVENANT3. Bortower and Lender lurther oovenant and aAree aa tolbws: v����`°` <br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remediea. Lender sheil glve noUce to Borrower prior to acceleration followin� �� _ <br /> _ Borrower'� breech of eny covenent or ayreement in this Security_.�natruma�t (bu� n�'�p���� �1 <br /> ecceleratlo�n under peregreph 17 unles� appiicebie iaw prvvi�,ee :,.��e�...o..j. Th., r._.ic_ <br /> (a) tho deteuit; (b) the actton requl�ed to cure the defeutt; (c) e date, not less than 30 deya trom the . <br /> dete the noUae is gtven to Borrower, by which the defeult muet be cured; and (d) that tellure to cure � <br /> the defeult on or betore the dete specltled In the notice mey �eauit in ecceleretlon of the aum� I�,- <br /> secured by thli Security Instrument end eale of the Property. The nAtice ehell turther iniorm <br /> Borrower af the right to relnstete efter ecceleretlon end the right to bring e court actton to assert the . ;,�,�,�� <br /> non-exiatence of a defauit or e�y other detense of Borrower to acceleration and eale. If the def�ult fs -_ <br /> not cured on or before the dste speclfied In the notice, Lender et its option may require Immed(ete <br /> peyment In t�ll of elt suma aecu�e d by t h is S e c u r i t y I n a U u m e n t wi thout turther demend end may <br /> Invoke the power ot aale end any other remediea permitted by eppllceble law. Lender ahall be , _ ",. <br /> entitled to coltect ell expenaas Incurred In pursutnp the remcdlea prnvided In thie p�rayraph 21, <br /> includiny� 1wt not Itm(ted to, �eeaonable attorneya' fees and costs of title evidence. ;.'•�_:�.� <br /> � If the power of sate Is Invoked� Trustee shall record e natice of defeutt in each county tn which .,, ��.y <br /> nny pert at the Property Is located end ahell mall coples of aueh notice In the menner prescribed by .t .. <br /> sppllcable Itw to Borrower end to the other persons prescribed by epplicebte Iew. Atter the Ume - :r,., <br /> required by eppllceble lew� 7rustee ahall Qive public noUce of sale to the person� and In the menner _ r___ <br /> prescribad by eppliaable Is,w. Trustee� without deme�d on Borrower, shatl aell the Property at publie _ <br /> � nucUon to th� highest bidder at the time end place and under the te�m� dest�neted In the notice of . __ <br /> �� salo In ore�os more pa�cel8 �nd t� any order Truatee determines. T�uetee may poetpone tate of s�l ��� ; _ <br /> � � or eny percel oT the Property by public ennouncement at the time end place of eny Wreviou8ly � � ��• <br /> schecluied ale.Lender or Its deslynee mey purcheae the Property at any aale. ��f f��;��" <br /> Upon recaipt of payment of the price bid, Truatee shall deliver to the purchaaer Trustee's deed � <br />� conveyinq the Property. The recitsls In the Trustee's deed ahali be pNcne tacie evidence of the Vuth : '��"'. <br /> ot the atatements made therein. Truetee ahall apply the proceeds ot the aale In the following order: , <br /> (e) to ail costs end expenaes of exerclainq the power ot aale, end the anle� includinq t�e peymant of �,:,. <br /> the Truetee'� tees ect�.�eliy Incurred, not to exceed 3 96 of the principat emount of the note <br /> et the Ume o* the decleretfon of de4ault� dnd reesonable attorney'a feea es permitted by lew; (b) to ell :`;.° <br /> sLms aecured by thls Security InaVument; end (c) eny exceas to the peraon dr persona legelty <br /> entttled to it <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon peyment of a�i sums secured by thls SeCUrity Instrument,Lender ehall request Tmstee to r000nvey <br /> . the Property and ahell surrender thls Securky Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thls SeCUrity Inswm9nt to Trustee. <br /> Trustee chaN rocor►vey the Property wkhout wertanty end wkhout chargs to the person or persons legally entkled to k, Such person or � <br /> persons shell pey any reoordatbn costs. <br /> 23. Subttitute Trustee. Lender. at Rs optbn, may trom tYne to tfine remove Trustee and appoint e successor Wstee to _ <br /> any Trustee �ppo{nted hereunder by en hsW�t recorded h tho County h whiCh thls Security Instrument Is recorded. Without <br /> � . �..w .4.Hne nnnenrroef ueen TfUSl09 h9f6M1 9IId bY ._. <br /> conveyance ol the Property. successor ttustoe snao auccee6 i� a��f��a.:�, 'r��—.- _--_- --. - -- . - --.-_ - _• <br /> appllaable law. <br /> , 24. Requeat tor Noticea. Bortower requesta that copies ot the nottces ot detauft nnd saie be sent to Borrower's address <br /> whbh i� the Pcoperty Addrese. <br /> 2b. R1dEfa lo thta Security Inavument If one or more rider6 6re exeCUted by BortowOr and recordOd topethet wkh <br /> thls Securky Instrumerit,the covenants and apreertients of each such rlder shall be Incorporeted Into and ahall amend and suppbrmint � <br /> the aovenants end eflreements of thts Security Instrument as ft the rider(F)were u Part of this Socurity Insuument• I <br /> � Farm 70YE vJ90 - <br /> . F107a.LM0(2/GE) �'tp�4 al b � <br /> � , <br /> - • I, <br /> _ � I <br /> � � I <br />. !�. � . _ _ - _ _._ . .____. .____"_. . <br />