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�,_ <br /> , s <br /> . ,:.��,.: _ <br /> , <br /> � ' , .._ <br /> .A��K <br /> 7. ProtaatlQn of Lender'� Alphti In tho Proper4y. n eonower tsus to p�rtom► tn� aov.nann snd : <br /> oontalned In Mls Securky Inatrument, or th�ro Is o foyAl procesdMp that mey eFpnNbanty utfeot I.endere r�ghte h the Pro{►ert�+ (auoh�s <br /> e procMd'np In bankruptoy, probate, tcr condemnutbn or torto�turo or to oMorco lawo or roputatlone), lhen Lendor mey do and pay for � <br /> whatwK I� n�csss�ry to protect ths v�k,e ol tha PropeRy �nd Lendore riphto h the Property. Lenders eotbne may holud�payhp � <br /> �ny tumt 4�und by a INn whbh hae prbrky owr thle S�curky Instrum�nt,app�arin0 fn oourt,p�ylnp r�asonabH nttomey's fe�a ondC� <br /> enterinfl on th�Property to rrNka repairo, ARhouph L�nda►mrY t�k��otbn undK thb panpnph 7,L�nd�r do�a not haw to do ao. <br /> My unount� dkbunsd by Lendar undu thla parepraph 7 ehrll t»coms addkbntl debt of Bartow�r aer.und by th{s 5ecur4y � ,�, <br /> Instrument. UnMss Bortowar and Lendor �pree to other t«ma of DaYm�nt, th�ts unounts �haH bsar ht�re�t tram th� d�t� ot ;M� • <br /> dlaburocr��:.nt ut tho Noto rnto end shnli ba peynbia,wRh hterest,upon notke hom Londer to Bortower roquestinp p�yment• � � '�.• <br /> 8. Mortgape Inaurence� If lendet requfred mortpllpe h�unnCO ae a Condkbn ot makinp the ban 8ecur�d by ►hiG�•' <br /> Securky Inatrum�nt, 8ortower ahall pay tha prsmlums requlred to malntel� the mortyap� hsunnc� h efMot. H, tor any naeon, th�� �°:�_ <br /> mortQape hsuruiCa CownQe requted by Lender Inpsea or ceases to be h ettect, 8onower shan pay Iho premlums requked to obtth W : <br /> coverage subattntaly equkrabnt to the mortgaye Inaunncs provbuay In etfect, �t � aont subatentkly equlv�lent to the coat to� <br /> Borrower ot the mortpape insurance prevbusiy h eMeat, Mom �n aRemate mortpepe hsurer app�oved by Lender. If subatantf�lyN <br /> equlvelent mortpage Insunnce aoverape fs not avalfabte, Bortower shall pay to Lender each .nonth a aum equai to on�twetNii of the 1„`� ':_�' <br /> yauy moRpaye tnaunnce premlum boho Pnb by Borrowor whsn tha Inaurance coveraQe lepsed or ceased to be h eNeot. Lender will . . ,:.;;.�,_. <br /> accspt, ua� �nd ret�h these payments aa � bss rosenw in Iku of moRp�ga hsur�nce. Loss resenw paY�►e maY no lonpor be ;a�r__== <br /> roquired, ct th� optbn ol Lendor,� mortpape fnsuronce covxaQe(h the nmount and for tha perbd th�t Lender requfres)provlded by . _ _ _�_ <br /> an Insurer approved by Lender apafn becomes avafiable and la obtahed. Dortower shall „6urance ends fn acoordanca h�4ny = <br /> mortpaQe InsurQnce in eHeot,or to p�ovlde a bse reservs� untll the requlre�nent tor mortpage <br /> written apro�rtisnt 6etwsen Bortowe►and Lender or eppNcable law. . <br /> 9. IntpecUon. Lender or fta �pent may maka rotsonabb entrles upon �nd hspeatbns of the Property. Lender shall phre - <br /> Borrow�r nottce at the tlmo of or prlo►to an hs�ectbn spxYyrinp reasonabb cauee for ihe hspeclbn. <br /> 10. CondemnaQon. The prxeeds ot any award or claim tor damayes, dYeat or consequential, In connectbn wiiN any <br /> � condemnatbn or othe� tekiny of eny put o1 the Property, or for conveyance h Iieu of oondemnatbn. ue hereby nssqned and 6haN be , <br /> pafd to Und�r. .. <br /> In th� swr►t ot a totai tekinp of the Property, the proceeda shaN be applied to the sums secured by thVs Seourity Inswment, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess patd to Bortowa. In the svent of a putial fakhp of the Property tn whbh th� hY m�Acst . <br /> valua of ths Prop�ty hvnedlately be}ore lhe takhg ia equat to or proater th¢n Ihe Qmount of the sums secured by thb Saauriry <br /> Instrument Yrxnedittely beforo the takbp, unlass Borrower �nd Lender otherwise �prss b w►ItinO� the sums securad by this SscurRyy .;��,�.. <br /> � Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeAs muRlplied by the tolbwhp haotbn: (e)the total amount of the sums 4: . <br /> ��� eacured ImrtNdl�Ny beforo the tekhp,dbided by(b)the fnP market value of the PropeRy Immedlr�tep taefnre the tekinp. My baMnc� . .�„� <br /> ', shaN b� pald to Bortoww. In the avent of� padlal takhp ot the Property M► whtch tha fafr muket vtiue of tha Prop�rty immedMtsN . _��.." ;�t <br /> � � be(oro ths takhp b lesd than the amount of the auma secured knmediatey betore the t�fchy, unlese Bortower md Lender othrxwke i��� �� <br />— , _. __,_�3 �.e � Wrirnn �r unless enQibnbie kw otherwise provldxe, the procBeds shall be applled to the euma secured by thb Securky , <br /> InsVument whethcx or not the sums aro then due. ;n� <br /> � I}ths Propaty b abnndoned by Borrower. or H,after notice by I.ender to Bonower that the co�dwnnor ottere to mak�an award or <br /> • � settig Q phlm tor d�mepes, Borrower fel�s ro respond to Lender wltNh 30 deys atter the dnte the notke fs pNen,Lender la euthorizsd �� � �� <br /> to coNeot tnd�ppy the proceeds, at ks optbn,ekher to restoratbn or repaY o} the Property or to the sums secured by thts Security ':;;��� . •,� �� <br /> InaWment,whether or not then due. -' '�' � <br /> Unfas Lendet end Bortoww othe�wise agree h writhp, any appl�atbn of praeeds to prhoipsl shaU not extend or poatpone the :.d � <br /> � � due dat�of th�monthry paymw�te rei�rtad to �r►parap%phs 1 and 2 or chanpe the tmount of euch p�ym�nta. . 1r �. <br /> ' 11. Bor�ower Not Relessed: Forbearance By Lender Not s Welver. Exlensbn ot cna cr�» ror paym�n or <br /> �! . ` <br /> � p madiHCatbn ot smortlutbn of the suma secured by thts Security Inewment pranted by Lender to any succesaor h intersst of BoROwer � <br /> � shaN not op�nt� to roMaaa the unbfiNy oi lhe orlpinti Bortower or Borcowers successors h Mtarest Lendar ehaN not ba nquirod to `: <br /> ° cornmence prxeedhpa osahst eny aucceseor h Intereat or refuse to extend timo lor payTer►t or atherwlse modMy nmoRlmtbn of the ,c� � <br /> aumf sacund by thls Security Instrumsnt by reason ot tny demand made by the orlghai Borrower or Borrower's Euccessors h ,_ <br /> �� hteros4 My forbe�ntnce by Lender fn exerofshp any rpht or fMllsdy ehYN fiOl b9�WaMY�Ot Of pf6CUde 1he ex6f015�0}�fly ri0ht Q► '_ _ ��'��- <br /> -��.�-x <br />. �ertf9dy. "��,_��_ <br /> #' , 1x.Suceesiora snd Aaslgna Bound; Jotnt end Several Uebility; Co-atyner� Tne aovenants �nd _ <br /> '� apreernents o} thb Sacurity Instrument shtM bind md beneHt ths succoasoro nnd assl�r►s of Lender end Borrowar, subjoct to the , ._,--__- <br /> �}-.— <br /> ' � � provbiont of p�r�praph 17•Bortowert cownants �nd�qrMnxntt th�N W Joht md sawral. My BarowK who coaslpna thb S�cu�ily �- <br /> '`t3:�� insWment but dws not exscute the Note: p) Is caslpninq this Securky Inawment ony to mortgeps, pnnt, u�d oonvey that :��W� <br /> Bortowwt int�nst h the Prop�rty und�r the terms of thfs Security Inatrument; (b)Is not pirsonatly obll�IItCd to psp the E+lrr�seC��r�d ;:�M==— <br /> , �I by thls S�curky Inotrums�t; u�►d (c) �pre�s th�t Lander �nd any other Bortower may apros to ext�nd. modNy, forbev or mak��ny -:�,�,..�,. <br /> - 3 accomrtwdations wkh rpard ro t�rtna of thfa 3ecurky InsWmsnt or ths Nota wkhout ;hat Borrower'a co�aen� ;;�,,,, <br />` ' '�� 13.l.0et1 Ch�fQCS� It thb bm securod by this Sacurky InsWmont Is subJect to a kw wh�h seta maxYnum ban ahupea, .;�-- _ <br /> :c. ..�--,-- <br /> ' and th�t dw Is fhtly ht�preted so th4t the hterest or other Ioan cherpea eolleoted or to be cokCted h conneotbn wkh the lo�n ,^ . � r,,,,. <br /> .. .y, ��-,�'i,,, -r.`:4 i:.! <br /> exceed th� pKmNt�d Nnits,then; (a)�ny eueh ban chnrQes ahaB be reduced by the amnunt ne�c�ary to i�educe th�aharp� to the �_�.:.,�:;; L ,. <br /> e c a�o <br />_;,. ::�.-.• '.'• __ <br /> • �.' pertnitted ifmR: and(b)any aums airendy coNeated hom Bortower whbh exceeded perenkted INnRa wiB bo relunded to Bortower. Lender :�;,�rt.:: .. . <br /> ......_ . ...,.;R;. ; <br /> mey ohooae to n�ake Ihis retund by reduch� the pnc�lpni owed under the Note or by makhp a dlrect payment to Borrower. If a .. r.`_ f f <br /> ' , refund reducas principa4 the rsductbn will be trented as n psrtl�l prepaymont without any prepoyment charpe under the Note. -- -.� � <br /> � 14. NoUcea. My notbe to Borrowe� provided tor In this Security Instrument shaA be pMre�+by dellverinp k or by mallhp k by .� :,;,,m . :. <br /> - ' fkst olees maN unles9 eippllceble iaw requksa uss of another method. The notbe shall be directed to the Property Address or any <br /> - other addross Borcower deslpnttes by notfcs to Lander. My notice ro Lender ehaN bo qhren by fYSt cleas rrwll to Lender's address , • . <br /> � stat�d horoh or �ny other�ddrese 4ender deslpnatea by notico to Bonower. My notbo provlded lor in thts Seourity Instrument shaA . . <br /> be deemed to havs been 9ke�to Bortower or Lender when yMen as provkled h lhls panpreph. ' <br /> 15. Governinq Law; 5eversbility. rn� sacur�y inswmenc shall be povemed by redeni �aw and the �aw or ene <br />= Jurisdbtion In whbh the Praperty ts bCnted• In the evant that nny provlslon or Cifluse of th{s SeCUr�y instrument or the Noto conHbts <br />_- wkh appNcabb Mw, such contlbt sh�M not aflect other provisbna of thls Securky instrument or the Nate whbh can be gNan eftect <br /> ...�,��..u,.,.....�u�,�r�nrnv�atnn. To lhls end the provbbne of thfs Security InsOvment and the Note ue decl�red to be aeverabls. :� <br /> : __.. - ..�.........---...__._.�, _ . , <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. DoROwer shaM bo piven one contom�ed aopy of the Note and of tNS securlty mstrumenc. � � <br /> 17. Tranator of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrawrer. it an o��ny part ot tne Property or any <br /> interest In IF Is sold or transferred (or if a beneffcial hterest in Bortower Is sold or transterred and 8ortower Is not a natural person) <br /> wkhout Lender's prbr written Consent,Lende► Rs optbn, requfrA Immedlato payment In(uil ol ail sums secured by thls Security .. <br /> � InsWmw�t. Noweve�. thls aptbn shaM not be exw�Clsed by Lender R exerciso b prohibked by federnl�w as of the date of thls Security <br /> InaWment. <br /> - If Lender exerCises thi�optbn, Lender shall yNe Bortower not�e of eCCeferatbn.The not�ce she�provlde e perbd of not less than <br /> 30 daye Rom the dale the aotbe b delkered or malfed wkhh whlch the Bortower must pay ea sums secured by thb 3ecurily � <br /> y � Inswment. If Borcoww faifs to pay these sums prbr to the e�tratbn of this perbd, Lendor mey Invakn eny remedies permkted by thfs I • <br /> Security InsWment wNhout IuRhet not�o or demand on Borrower. Form 302!9/BO <br /> . . FtOYY.IMa(2/OE) P�p�9 0l b <br /> � as5 <br /> .. I . . . . . . . _. _ . . ._... . ._.._. _ . _ . <br />