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<br /> '' �d� � wrtt of execuclan oI attaChment af any s�m�la� praCasa shall ua ontered apa�nsc*►vnor wn�cn shall • �
<br /> heccme a Ilen on the Tru�t Estata or anV poR�on thereat or �ntereot :herein and sucn execunon, att�cnment or similar •
<br /> ' praceaa af judqment ia not relensed, hontled, satiatie�t, vac�ted or stayctl within s�xty 1801 Aaya after�ts entry ar lavy;or � ,.
<br /> (p� tharo has aCCUrted a bteaCh of ar dCt�ulY undor any ;prm, covenant, agreenem. contllYion, prpv�siofi�
<br /> representaron nr warra�ty cantained In any pnar deed af trust or martqaqe atfecUng the Trust Estate. f
<br /> 10. Acce%radon upon O�fault;Addklorul R�m�dl�s. If an evenr of detault occurs. Beneftciary may declare the �}'�
<br /> - Indebtedness secured hereUy to be due and payable and the samo shall thereupon become due and payable without an�,► , --
<br /> ,� presantment, dartvanG, profast ar notice of any ki�d. Thereaher, 8eneflciary may: _ -
<br /> (i) either in person ar by apent,with or without btinging any actton or proceeding,or by a receiver appaime ,� � .
<br /> by a co�rt and wtthaut regard to the adequacy at it�securiry. enter upon and take po�seastan of the Truat Estate, or anw •
<br /> naR thoreof,in its own name ar in the name of Trustee,and do arry acis whieh it daems necessary or desl�able to preserv� _----
<br /> the value.marketabiliry ar rantabiliry of the Trust Estate.or paR thereat ar fnterest therein,increase the income therefrom :'�
<br /> ar protect the secunty hereof and,with or witheut takinq possession af the Trust EsCate.sus for or atharvvise coltect the �'���
<br /> r_.
<br /> rertts. fssues a�d ptofits theseof, includfnq those paet due and unpaid, and apply the same. tess coscs and expense�ot , �,i_�;��•
<br /> • operadon and callection including attameys'fees,upon any Indebtednesa secured here�y,aU in sueh areiar aa gerteNciary
<br /> r, may deterrrilne. The er�tedr+�upon and taklnfl possession of che Trust Estate, tha coilection ot such rertts,issues and •:•:a��
<br /> profits and the appllcatien thereaf as aforosafd shall not cure ar watve any default or notice oF default hereunder or ,v;`-�''
<br /> t� Invalidate any act done in response to such �etault or pursuant tc such natice at default and. natwlthstandlnq the �'�°
<br /> ';, continuarece in possession of the Trust Estate or the collectlon, reCClpt and appllcation of rerrcs�Issues or profits,Trustee ._.--
<br /> " �' . qr Beneficiery shall been entitled to exercise every rtght provided far in any of the laan Insuuments ar by tew upon —
<br /> occurrence of any everrt of default, including the dpht to exerclsa the power of sale: �`T=
<br /> ,__._
<br /> y ,i.-
<br /> (iil commence an action to fareclase this Dead o}Trust as a martgage, appaint a receiver or specificalty °
<br /> „ enfnrca a�y of the covenants hareof; __
<br /> ,� �.:.-
<br /> • (iiii deliver to Trustee a written declaratian of default and demand for sale and a written naTice of default and �"'
<br /> • election to cause Trusto►'s interest in the 7rust Estate .0 6e sold, wnich notice Trustae shall cause;o ne duly filed for �;,��
<br /> - - K:...w t 1�....w.. ' T_. ��
<br /> , -- - iayUlY II� U�0 nMMiv�iiw'�o v����.ca u� u�a �..�wu� iPi wi�iG:i �iRi I IUJL GJiGIQ �J IUI:dICU: Uf — � .. . .
<br /> `_._
<br />� ' (ivl exercise such other ngnts or remedies at law or in equity. -
<br /> � � 11. Foncloswe by Power o/S�/e. If Beneffciary elects to foreclose by exercise ot the Power of Saie herein conta�ned, -
<br />' " � Beneffciary shall no4iY Trustee and snall deposit with Trustee this Second Deed of Trust and any note evidenc,ng the I�debtedness
<br /> - � ' and such receipts and evidenca �f zxpend(tures mada and secured he�eby as Trustee may raquire. -
<br /> . (a1 Upan receint of such notice from Beneficiary, Trustoe shall cause to he recorded,publishetl and delivered
<br /> - to Trustor such Notfce of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Secand Deed of Trust. Trustee �
<br /> shall, without demand on Trustor, after such dme as may than be required by law and after rncardation af such Notice of
<br />'° Default and after NoUce of Sale having been given as repuired by law,sell the Trust[state at the time and place ot sale
<br /> r�
<br />�:;, �• •-•�- Hxed by it in such Notice ot Sale,either aa a whole,or in separete lots ar parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expediant,
<br /> = rn `��''`'A� end U�such arder as it may determine,at publlc auction to the highest bidder far cash in lawful money af the Unfted States -
<br />- —_�cc,T-:,:.�,;n�
<br /> :,..ti,,<<��.�• paya6le at the time of sale. Trustee shatl dellver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its yood and sufftcient deed ar -
<br /> _'_`�:,,��,,,,.. �!, � deeds conveyinp the properry so sold,hut witNout any covenant ar warranty,express or implicd. The recitals in such deed --
<br /> -_•=_y,�.,;>;;t of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof af tfie bvthfulness thereof. Any person, tncluding without limitadon
<br /> --�; �'�`'� Trustor,Tnutee or 8eneflciary,may purchase at such sale.
<br /> - �__-���� ��;� (b) As may be permitted by law, after deductinq all cosis. fees and expenses of Trustee and of this Trust, � --
<br /> _,,;�;•.;;,r�= ' including casts ot evidertce ot tltie in connectton with saie,Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale ta payment af ti1 the -
<br />—�_�:-`,. Indebtadneaa liil all ather sums then secured hereby,and(ifil the remainder,it any,to the person ar persons legalty entit(ed
<br /> ,-- i.:�i'lri.:4 ThOtBLO•
<br /> - -.:n•¢'r —.
<br /> _.:%p��•�-^�T,,. ._...
<br />_ �_+��... _
<br /> �sba��� .• (�) Trwtee maV in the manner provided by law posipone sate of all or any portian nf the Tnut Estate. -
<br /> - •�.,.,� ---
<br /> _ !__
<br /> F' ""'� ' 1Z. RNnedt�s Noi Exalursivr. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be emitled to enforce payment and �`,_-=-
<br /> performance of arsy fndebtedness nr obllpations secured hereby and to exercise alt riQhts and powera uader this Second Deed o4 �:;
<br />_ Tnut or under any Laan Instrumam or other agreemertt or any taws naw or hereaher in force;notwithstanding, samA or all of the �_----—.-
<br /> ••. such fndebtedness and obligatlans secured hereby may Row or hereafter be otharwisv secured,whether hy mangage,deed of trust� �'�,--_
<br /> pledpe.Iten,assipnment or otherwise. N�ither the acceptance at this Second Deed of Trust nar its eMorcemertt, whether by couR ---
<br /> � actlon or pursuant ta ttve pawer nt sale or oU�e�powers herein contained, shall prejudlce ar in any manner affect 7rustee's or •;,��-��=�-
<br /> � Bensfid�ry's�tqht to reali:e upon ur e�orce any other securiry now or hereaker held by Trust�e or Benefidary,it befn0 aqreed that ��''�=-''"--�
<br /> �:.,;_;.�.�_:�„
<br /> � Trustee and BeneHclary,and each ot tl�em.shalt be enritted to enforce this $econd Deed ot Trust and any other security naw or ::�.c���:�.��=.
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