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<br /> 1. Tix�s. Trustor ahatl pav oach inst��lment af all taxea and spec�al assassmems af every k(na, now ar hereafter
<br /> Ieviud against the Trust Hstote ar any part chereaf, before delinquerscy, w�chaut norce ar demand.
<br /> 3. la�r,vRnc��nd R�palis Trustor�heil ma�ntain fl�e and extended coverage tnaurance inauNnq the Improvementa � �
<br /> ennstitunng nart a}the Trust Est�te for such amnuncs and on such terma reaeoneely soflstactary to Beneflclary. So long as the -
<br /> Propeny la secured bv e fi�at deed af cn�st or mortp�pe, complfanco wlth thm insurance requirementa of the flrsY deed of trust or .,
<br /> . ,j. mortgaQe shall be sufficient to aitisfy the requlrementa of thie parapraph 3 relat�ng ta insurance. � ,
<br /> ,.n„�r++'"; Trustar shall promptlV repafr and replace the Truat Estate nr any part th�reaf sa that,except for ordinary wear and tear, �
<br /> _ .=+� the Trust F.9tate shall not detenqra4e. In no event snall the Truator cammit waace an or to the Truat Esqte,ar commit,suffer ar �, �
<br /> • perm�t 3ny act;a be dcne in ar upun che Trust Estate in violation of any iaw,ortl(nartce or repularon. Tnistor shall pay and pramptty � �;
<br /> •,. dtscharge ac TrustaPs coss and expense all Iiens,enr,umbrances a�d charges teviea,impased or assessEd against tho Trust Esqta by ._
<br /> or any parc thereoL �,��
<br /> �
<br /> 4. Actlora AN�ng Tiutt Enir�. Trustor shall appear in and corrt�st an}r actton ar proceadtng purAorting co aifect � � `�-
<br /> • the sacwity hereof or the rigM�ar po�vers of Beoeficiary or Tnistee.and shall pay ali coats and expensea,ir►�ludtng casi of evidenca ir.;;�=
<br /> � of titte and attameys' fees,in any suctl action ar proceedinp in whicfi Beneflcfary ar Trustee may appear. It Trustor faila ta mtke �—
<br /> any payment ar ta do any act aa and in the manne�pravided In any of the Loan Inmuments. 8eneftdsry and/or Tnistee,each In
<br /> � thefr own discrntiun,without abltgadon sn to do and withnut natice to or demand upon Truster end withauc releasinp T�uswr from `__
<br /> � any obilpatio�, may make or do the same In sesch manner and to such axtent aa either may deem neceisary to protaci Me securfry �y_
<br /> � hereot. Tn�smt shalt, immediately upon demand therefar by Beneficlary, paY aq costs and ox0enses incurred by 8eneficlary in __
<br /> connection with the exerctse 6y BeneHciary of the fnregoinq rights,including witt�nut ttmitattan aasts uf evidence of titla, couK � __
<br /> costs,appra(sals, surveys and attameys' fees. . �
<br /> ' 5. finln�nt Oomaln. It the Trust Estate, or any part thereaf nr interest therain, be taken or damaqed by reason ot �--
<br /> any public imprevement or cnndemnatton proceeding, or in any other manner fnctudtng deed in Ileu thereof ('Condemnation"�, or
<br /> if Trustor receives any notice or other information �egarding such praceesdinp. Trustor shall give prompt w�itten notice thercof to
<br /> Beneficiary. Trustor shall be entlUed to atl Compensatton, awards and other paymencs ar reliet thoraof and shall be emtded at Iu
<br />, � ' nption ta commence, aDDear in and crosecute in its own name any action ar proceedings. Trustar shall also be entltied ta make
<br /> any compremise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage.
<br />--. ,-J�.a.".'Y`:
<br /> 6. Appolnt�nem of Succassor Tiusten. �eneftciary may, from dme �o time, by a written instrument executed and
<br /> acknowledged by Beneftciary, mailPa;o Trus[ar ana rea�rded in cne Counry in wmcn the Trust Estate�s locatea ancf by otherwise
<br /> ` complying with the provisians of tne appticable law ot�he State of Nenraska substituta a suacessar or successors:o the'I'ruscee
<br /> :t,.:y`�`.y:is•.
<br /> nametl herein or acang hereunder.
<br />_ �••���x:`• 7. Successois andAsslgns. This Seconci Deed of Trust applies to,inures to the benefit af and binds all parties hereto,
<br />_`,,,�,,,��_;;;��� their heirs,leqatees,dev�sees,pers�nal represantatives, successars and assigns. The term'Benflficiary' shall mean the owner and
<br />-__��i�;;.�`.��; halder of any prqmissary note given to benefic;iary, iwhether or not namad as Benefiaiary herein�.
<br />=.:�F+..�A.:.ti;, 8. Mer�r..Carrsoqdat�'on, Sal�s a L�is�s. Yrustor covenants that Trustor will not sell,lease or otherwlse dispose
<br />-�_;�;;;..��` of any of the Trust Fszate. In the Cvent that Trustor setts,leases ar othnrvuise disposes of any part af the Trust Estate,Beneftclary
<br />"rf�;.'�. � may at its apUon deciare the Ind�btedness secured hereby immedlately due and payabte, whQther or not any default exists.
<br />°'_°-F�_'_,���� Baneficiary shall consant te a transfer of the Trusi F.state to a thiro party to the oxtem such third party meets the requirements
<br />--:_:.'�,'-�'�� Conrained In,end asswmes the aBligations set fa�h in ihe First Daad of Trust. 7he Covenants cantaEned herein shall run with the
<br />..�� Prcperiy and shall remain fn full•force and effect unrl tt�e Indebtedneru is paid in fWl.
<br /> s;`:v� 9. Ev�m�s of DefaWt. Any of the bllowing events shall 6e deemed an event of default hereunder.
<br /> _ .�.�.��
<br /> _-.-__`.`.`.� (ai defauit shall be made in tho payment of the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due; ` __
<br /> - .or
<br /> ti-����
<br /> ---- (bl Tn,stor sha11 pertorm any act in ha�kniptcy;or
<br /> �a�s�-�c
<br /> ""�';� (cl a court ot competent jurisdtcflion shall enter an erder,judpmertt ar dECree aRProvirp a peutI�n tited again3t
<br /> 7rustor seeking any reorganization,disaoludon or similar relief under any pmsent er future federal,state ar other scatute.
<br /> -�"`°:-�T� law or regulatfun relating to bankruptcy, insolvency ar other relief for debtors, and such eMer, judamertt or decree shalt
<br />`�� . `"� � mmain unvacatad and u�srayad faran appregate of sixty(601 days(whethet or not consecutivel from the fi►stdate mf enW
<br /> ' • • thereot; or any uustee. recetver or liquldator ar Trustar or of aIt or a�y part af the Trusc CstaYe,or of any or all af the
<br /> rayaldes,revenues.rertts,issues or prafits thereot,shall he appointed without the conserrc or acquiescenCe ot Trustor and =-
<br />- such appa(ntment shall remain unvacated and unstayed for an apprepate af sixty(60} days(whether ar not consecutivol; -__
<br /> � or �
<br />.�l . -ci.: -
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