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<br /> I G.A5SIGNMENT OF LEASES.Upon Lender's rcque.gt,Bonowcr shtill assign to I.endcr all Icases of the :,�.-
<br /> . . -��� Property and ell sec►aity deposits made in connecdon with leases of the Prapercy.Upon the assignment,I.enAer
<br /> � shall huve the right to modify,eatend or tcrminate the existing lcases end to eaccuta new leases,in I.endcr's sale
<br /> discrerion.As used in this ParnB�Ph a��e word"lease" shall mean "sublease" if the Secur[ry Instrument is on a _
<br /> leasehold. -
<br /> � IIanowcr absolutely and uncondidonally asstgns and transfers to I.endez ell the rents and revenues("Rents")of the
<br /> pro�rty,regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property nrc payuble.Borrower suthorizes Lender or Lender's
<br /> � agents to collect the Rents. and ngrces that each tenant of the Pcoperty shall pay the Rents to Lcnder or Lender's ,_
<br /> agents.Howevcr,Borrowes ahall re�eiv4 the Rents until(i)Lender has given Borrower notice of default pursuamt to
<br /> �� paragFaph 21 of�he Security Insuumene and(ii)I.ender has given nodce co t1►e tenant(s) that the Rents ere to be
<br /> paid to Lender or Lender's agenG 'mis assignment of Rents wnstitutcs an absolute assignment and not an
<br /> � assignmcnt for addidonal security oNy.
<br /> If Lender gives nouce of breach w Borrower.(i)all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrowet as
<br /> �rustce for the benefit of Lender on1y.w be applied to the sams secured by the Security Instrument;(ii)1-.ender shall --
<br /> ! be endtled bo collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property: (iti)BorroweT egrees thai each tenant of the
<br /> �' �`' Paoperty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand to the -
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless appllcable law provtdes otherwise,el1 Rents callected by Lender or Lender's agents ahall he _—
<br /> appg�J�t��e cogts of teking control of and menaging the Pmperty and collecdng the Rents,including,but not
<br /> �' limited W,attomeys' fees, receiver'� fees.premiums on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenance costs.insurance _. _
<br /> r� p���y� ta�ces, assessments and othu charges on the Property,and then to the sums secured by the Security .�
<br /> Insmunent;(v)Lender,Lender's egents ar any judicielly appointe�l receiver shall be llable to account for only those _
<br /> ° _ �'— a„ o p_ appolnted to take possrssion of and _
<br /> � itents acwailY re�i�r�;a collect the R nC tv an profits derived Vfromlthe Property without any showing as to the
<br /> mnnage the Propercy --
<br /> �r, inadequscy of the ProperiY as securlty.
<br /> � If the Rents of the Properiy are not sufficjent to cover tha costs of taking can�ol o:�end managing the
<br /> pcoperty and oF collecdng the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall becc�me indebtedness of - -
<br /> gorrower to Lender secured by the Security Insttuument pucsuant to Uniform C nor assignme,nt of�he Rents and has
<br /> Bocrowu represents and wanants that Boirower has not eaecuted any p'
<br />- not and wW not perfotm any act that would prevent Ler.der from exercising its dghts tu�der thia peregtaph.
<br />- . . I,endei.or Lender's agents or a JudiciallY oppointod receiv�r.shall not be required to ent,er uPon,take conurol
<br /> of or meintain the Property before or after 8iv1n8 nodce of default to Sosower.Howevu, Lendu,or Lenda's
<br /> . ' agents or a judlcielly appointed receiver.may do so at any time when a default acc�us. Any applicetion of Rents
<br />�__.,,;',; _. �, ` shall not cure or waivc azay defeult a invalidatc any other rlght or remedy of Lender.'ihis ess�8nmu►t of Rents of ��
<br />-,• ,,�,,,�__ . tha pr,ope�ty sha11 cerminaLewhen all the sums secured by the Securlty Instrument ere paid in full.
<br />-�� r• .rp � I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Boaower's default or breach under any nou ar agreement in
<br />�;�`�. ... ,
<br />�••;>,-°• . � which Leadet has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Insuument and Lendes may invoke any of the __
<br /> 3:'."- . �" remedioy pecmitted by the Security Instruumen�
<br /> ;�� � . • BY SI(iNWO BBLOW,Borrower accepIs and ngm.es W the terms end provisia:�s contained in this 1�4 Family
<br />-_- _. Rider. �-_��___..
<br />�•, r�' ~^�� (
<br /> -_.;,,,7�,:� , /' �S�� . (Seftl) =�
<br />,ti:.,,,.�,_. .: � , �
<br />-` ^+,^�"-: AP IL A WALIt�R •Bortower
<br /> __;�-.. -: • ROBBRT W W}LLKER -Horrowor _
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<br />�''-'':-s�. (Seal) _ �Scai) -
<br /> -Borrower -Bottower =_
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