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<br /> ,' ° APPI.# 001-'701?4022 .__
<br /> 1 • ML# 0000000000
<br /> �;
<br /> �
<br /> . 1-4 FAMILY RIDER g�� 1U132� �`��'`=
<br /> � _� Asalqnment ot Rente .•;-i';�:�
<br /> - � .. :w. �
<br /> 26TH d8 of FBHRtJARY , 1997 ,and is � •y.x-�,
<br /> THIS 1�4 FAMILY R1DER is madc�t�is Y :��'�•"W'
<br /> incorpornted into and shall be deemed to emend and supplcment the Mortga�e,Deect of Trust or Securicy Deed(ih� __
<br /> ^Security InsWment")of tha same date giverz Uy the undersigned(Uie"Borrower")to secure Borrower's Note to _ -
<br /> HOME FEDERAL SAVINdS & LOAN A380CiATION OF aR1�ND ISL�ND ��e^�ndcr��) Y
<br /> " of the ssime date end ccavering the PropertY described in the Security Insvument und located ai: . -
<br /> s
<br /> r
<br /> 616 3WAN LANE -
<br /> dgAND ISLF►ND. NfiBR.ASICA 60001 pddren] ----
<br /> [P�rtY _.
<br /> ��' 1-4 FANQLY COVENANTS. In addition co the covenants and agreements made in the Securlty► Instrument, _-
<br /> grnrower and L.cnder fw�her covenant and agree ss foUows: °
<br /> ; Propercy described tn the Securiry Instrument,the following items are added w the Property �---
<br /> also constiwte the PropertY covered by Ihe Securlty InstnunenG building materiWs�aPPliances and goods of every
<br /> —_—�� r,��vha�soever now oi hereaftcr located in,on,or used,or intended to bc used ln connecdon Qith tho�P�lpertY: ___-
<br /> � including.but not limited w,d►ose for�he pucposes oi suppiying or ui�ut�uti�8 h�e•��=�.'�- Iumbin8� --
<br /> water�elr and llght,E'ue prevendon and extinguishinB BPP�����ty and eccess control epparatus�P
<br /> r —
<br /> �t*� bath tuba.water heaters,water closets. s3nks.renges,swves.refrigemtors�dishwaShers�disposals•washers� ers.
<br /> auached mimora�cabinets, _
<br /> ,:, e awninBs�scorm windows.storm doors.scrceas,blinds,shades,cnrtains and cur�in rods, � _ _
<br /> all of which, including
<br /> paneUing end aaached floor coverings now or hereafter auached to tho PropertY. -
<br /> - , replacements and adclidons thcrcw,shall be deemed w be and����n'�ihe S ty u�iswm nt(or the ieasehold
<br /> Nstnunen�All of the foregoing eogether with the Prope�ty
<br /> � estate if the Securicy Insirument is on a leasehold) are referred co in Ihis 1-4 Family Rider end the Securtty
<br />. Insuument as the"Property.�� to or make a
<br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY�COMPLIANCE WITH LA�V. Borrower shall not seelc, egrce ��e change.
<br />�• � . � change in the use of Ihe Property or ita zoning class3�cttdon.unless Lendet has agceecl ovemmental bodY �"-
<br />� • Borrower shull comply with all laws, ordinanccs, regWations an�ff reqnirements of anY g
<br />___ ,.,, , aPPllcable to the Prope�cy. _
<br /> C.SUBORAINATE LIENS, Fa�apt a�pernutted bY fod�al�aW.gOnOw�stiall not allow onUen inferior
<br /> � to the Security Instrument w he�rfecud aga{nst the ProPertY vrithout L.ec►der's prior wriuen pemniss -_--
<br /> ��: `,:�, : •:'l� D.RBNT LOS3 YtVSURANCE. Bomower shall meintain insurance egainst rent loss in addidon to tho other --
<br /> � •- hazards for whfch insursnca is rcQuired by Uniform Covenant 5. �- _
<br /> • � E."BORROWEIt'S ItIGH'('TOItEINSTATE"DELETEA. Uniform Covenai►t 1B is a�eleted. �e ��t �__ __��_,,�.
<br />=`"�'c• �� =` F.BORItOWER'S O C C U P A N�I i. U n l e s s I.e n d e r a nd Boaower othetwi5e �& de eted. All remai�►ic►g
<br />�-`-,�•���,.... sentenca in Uniform Covenant 6 concernu►B Borrower s occupancy of the Properry � _ _
<br />';,a..�.„.... - _
<br /> �x'"".. _ covenants and agceemenis set forth In Uni€onn Covenant 6 shall remain in effec� ---__-
<br /> _,�'.,.:;� - _--�--
<br /> � � � Form 3170 3103 �--_ -
<br /> . � I�AULtI9TATE 1•4 FAMILY RIDER•Fonnt�M�elFnddl�Y�o Unitorm Instru�n�nt ■,�:<< - ----
<br /> pap•t ot z
<br /> V MP►IOHTOAaE FdRMB•Is00)621•72Yi Inllltls:__--
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