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<br /> Unlcss othcrwisc agrecd in writing.all insurancc procceds shall bc applicd to thc restoracion or rcpair of thc Property
<br /> or to the Secured Debt,whether or not Qten due,at l.ender's option.Any application of procceds tu princiN.�l si�all rtot
<br /> extend or postpone thc duc datc of thc schedulcd paymcnt nor change thc ernount af any paymcnt.Any excess will bc
<br /> paid to the Grantor. If the Property is ncquircd by Lender.Grantor's right to any insurance palicies and proceeds
<br /> resulting from damage to thc Property hcforc thc acquisition shall pass to Lcnder to thc c;xtent of thc Securcd Aebt
<br /> � immediately before thc acquisition.
<br /> ^- Z0. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE.Unless atherwise provided in n separate agreement,Grantor will not
<br /> �� ��" bc required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in cscrow.
<br /> �:� 21. IINANCIAL RGPORTS AND ADi31'I'IONAL DOCUMEN'['S. Grantor will provide to Lender upon request,any
<br /> , financial statement or information I.ender may deem rcasonably necessary.Grantor agrecs to sign,delivcr,and�le
<br /> .. any additional documents or certiCcations that Lender may consider necessary to perfect,continue,And preserve _
<br /> "�• Grantor's obligations under this Security Instrument and Lender's lien stams on the Property. ,;;:�
<br /> under this Security Instrument are joint and individual. If Grantor signs�his Security Instrument but doe�not sign an
<br /> �� evidence of debt,Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's intcrest in the Pro ert to secure a ment of the �'�•��
<br /> P Y P Y �-=�
<br /> ., Secured Dcbt and Grantor does not a�ree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument �..=
<br /> �. � �� secures a guaranty between Lender and Grant�r, Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent L.ender(rom _
<br /> bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligatian.These rights may include,but
<br />- " . are not Gmited to,s�ny anti-deficiency or one-action laws. Grantor agrees tbat Lender aad any party to this�ecurity �_.
<br /> Instrument may extend. modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt °''"'
<br /> withaut Grantor's consent.Such a change wil] not rclease Grantor trom the terms of this Security Instrument.The _,.
<br /> �_�
<br /> duties and benefits of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Grantor and L.ender. <<-
<br /> `� ,'^ 23. APPLICABLE LA`'V;SEVERABILITY;INTGRPRETATIOh.This Security Instrument is govemed by the laws of
<br /> _ . the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the extent othenvisc required by thc laws of the jurisdiction `
<br />• ' ' where the Property is located.This Security Instrument is complete and fully integrated.This Security Instrument may
<br />- . not be amended or modi�ed by oral agreement.Any section in ttzisSecurity Instrument. attachments, or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt that contlicYs with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressly __--_-
<br /> l�'° ` or impliedly permits the variations by written�greement.If any section otthis Security lnstrument cannut be enforced _
<br />..f�,�1 �� ., ' according to its terms, that section will be severed and will not affectthe enforceability of the remainder of this
<br />� Security Instrument.Whenever used,the singular shall include the plural end the plural the singular.The captions and
<br />_ , headings of the sections of this 5ecurity Instrutnent are for convemence oniy and are noi io be u�cd tu uitai�,rci ar
<br />�`:T~,y - deCine the terms of this Security Insuument.Time is of the essence in thisSecurity Instrument.
<br /> ����'' � ?A. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. I.ender, at Lender's option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> ''K''•' '.'y '` successor trustee without any other formaliry than the designatior�in writing.The successor trustee, without
<br />�"��='"=:' conveynnce of the Property,shall succeed to all the title,power and�uties conferced upon Trustee by this Securiry
<br />'1'`��"p^��� Instrument and applicable law.
<br />�"�i`��� 25. NOT�CE.Unless otherwise required by law,any notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class
<br /> ������^`+�� mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Secwity Instrument,or to any other address designated in
<br />����
<br /> +��� wrlYing,Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to ali grantors.
<br /> --• • — 26, WAIVERS.Except to the extent prohibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exempdon rights
<br /> -=' --� relating to the Property.
<br /> ��� 27. OTHER TERMS.If checked,the:ollowing are applicable to this Securiry Insteument:
<br /> —_= QXLine ot CrediG The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> ------'�---° may be reduced to a zero balance.this Security Instrument will remain in effect until released.
<br /> -- - ❑ Conatructian Loan. This Security Instrurnent secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br /> improvement on the Properry.
<br /> `�i ❑ E�ture Filing�Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br />�W���3 future and that are or will become fixtures relate� to the Property.This Security Instrument suKces as a _.
<br /> -- - 6nancing statement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be �led of record for purposes
<br /> r-��=-- of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Cade.
<br /> �� ❑ Ridere.The covenants and agreements of each of the riderschecked below are incorporated into and
<br /> �-�� supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable boxes]
<br /> �—v.;�� 0 Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Develnpment Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br />-_ - --�.�:.�] ❑ Additional Terme. _
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<br /> -c~ '�•.' . �� SIGNATURFS:By signing below,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenanu contained in this Security Instrument and in �•-
<br /> '-•��-° • any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Securiry Instrument on the date stated on page 1, �."
<br /> �;;
<br /> f_ :.::.•. . •;. � =
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<br /> ��ignnWrc} � (UAIC) (Stenawr�> pAMELA S SOB ILLS (�ate)
<br /> ' �.,� � JERRY M MILL�R
<br /> _ . .. . STATE OF.............................................................,COU1yLT51(r F.._.............,........FEHIrUAR'Y'...........'1'S9��.
<br /> , „ u�mY�a��n This id�RRl'������SA��6k�A�I�L�5'�096�-NIL�L��HO�tiYU�i(rD......g;..day of...............................................................
<br /> by.................................................................................... ......................._....................................................... ,-�
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<br /> _ ° ..- � GERERAL NOiARtl•Sl�te olHeDr�s1� , _ ,
<br /> ��� .My Canm.E� May 21.2000 Fortn RE-0T•NE O/69� (Pngo 4 014) �
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