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<br /> executed for the pur���se of crealing,securing or guarnnlying thr S�cured !)cbt.A gc�od faith hclicf hy I.cndcr th��t
<br /> I.i:nder at any time is insccun with respect ���i�ny per�on or entity obligatrd un thc Secured!)ch�ur[hat the�rospcct
<br /> of tiny paymcnt ur thc valuc of thc Property is impaircd shall als�constitutc,m cvcnt ot dct�►ult.
<br /> 15. REMGDIES ON UEEAIJLT.In somc instenccs,fcdcral and statc Itiw wiU rcyuirc I.cndcr tu pravidc Gr�mtor with
<br /> nntice c�f the right to cure or other notices and may establish time sehcdulcs fur furcclusure uctic�ns. tiuhject tu thesc
<br /> limitaticros, if any, Lendcr mny a�ccclerate thr Sccured Deht and forerlcix thiti tir�ur'tly Intilrument in a m�nncr
<br /> providcd by la�v if Grantor is in default. `�
<br /> At the option of Lender,all or any part o(the agr�ed fecs und charges,.►ccrucd intcrrst .ind principal shall hccomr
<br /> � immcdiatcly duc and payablc, aftcr giving naticc if required hy law�,upon thc occurmncc oC a dcfault or anytimc
<br /> �""�` � thereaftcr. In addition, L�:ndcr shall Nc cntitled to aU thc rcmedies�rcrvidcd by law,thc tcrms of thc SccurcJ Deht,
<br /> ° '� � this Sccurity Instrumcnt r.nd any rclatcd documcnts,including without limitation,thc powar to scll the Property.
<br /> lf therc is a dcfault,Trust�c shall,in addition to any other perniittcd remedy,at thc reyurst of thc Lcndcr.,�dvcrtise
<br /> � and scll thc Property as a wholc or in senaratc parccls ut public auction to thc highcst hiddcr for cash and convcy " '�{�,,
<br /> absolutc title frec and clear of all right,titic and intcrest oF Grantor at such time and placc as Trustcc designatcs. �''=`•' ��
<br /> �,�. .,,�.
<br /> 'I'rustce shall give notice of salc including the timc,tenns and placc of'xidc and a dcscription of thc property to bc sold –=_-
<br /> as requircd by thc applicable law in effect at the time of thc proposed sale. . �;.:.--_
<br /> Upon sale of the propef-ty and to thc extent not prohibited by law,Trustcc shall makc and dclivcr a dced to the Property �;,�'="
<br /> sold which convcys absolutc tiQe to the purchascr,and after first paying all fecs,chargcs and rnsts,shall pay to l.ender all .;��,=�°_
<br /> moneys ad��anced for repairs,taxcs,insurancc,liens,asscssmcnts and prior cncumbranccs and interest thereon,and the =��
<br /> principal and interest on thc Securcd Debt,paying the surplus, if any. to Grantor.Lcnder may purchase the Property. •"r�''
<br /> ' ~ The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. 1;�_
<br /> �' All remedies are distinct,cumulativc and not cxclusivc,and thc Lcndcr is cntiticd tu xll rcmcdics provided at law or � "=�t,�=-
<br /> equity,whether or not expressly set fonh.The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or panial payment on the ��'�'
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a .. �.}.-____
<br /> waiver of L�:nder's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By not cxercising any remedy on Grantor's =_=--
<br /> � default,Lender does not waive Lcndcr's right to latcr consider the event a dcfault if it continucs or happcns again. �3�-=—
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all of L.ender's expenses if Grantor brcachcs any covenani in this Security
<br />