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<br /> ' NdN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Dorrowor,londor Contrector furthor covoroant end�gree os follown:
<br /> ���������
<br /> y�,
<br /> � 17. Aca�Nr�tbn: R�madi��. Exa�pt��ptovldM M pu�pnph 1E h�roof,upon Botrow�►'�bn�ah of sny cov�nmt ar apn�m�nt o
<br /> dorrow�r{n tht�Dnd o1 Tru�t,{noludinp So�row�r'�iNiun to p�y,by th��nd ot 90 o�Nnd�r d�y��it�r th�y tr�du�.�ny�um�acund by tht�
<br /> � DNd of Tru�t, L�nda prbr to�aa��don �h�l phi�notics to Borrowe�n provid�!M par�pr�ph 1Z h�aof apraHylnOs li)th�bn�ch;12)t�u
<br /> �ctbn r�quk�d M cur� iuch Ar�achr(3)s dnt�, not I���th�i ZO dayi t�om th�d�t�Mo notk�I�m�INd to Borrowa. by whtch�uah bn�ch
<br /> must tw currd; ontl 14)ch:Z Ps'«ar�4o curo cuth 6rccch an w h�tete the dnte epeaHNd M Ih�notic�msy nsuk In�ce�kr�tion ot th��um�
<br /> _..�:� ��cw�d by ehis f�Nd oi Tru�t�nd nN a1 tM PropetY. Th�notic��h�N turth�r k�torm 6o��ow�r of th�ri�ht to nimt�to �R�r�cc�bntion�nd
<br />''�� ,] th�riph!to Minp a aou�t aatloa to�u�n tA�non�xl�t�nc�of s dN�uk or my oM�r d�hns�oi Borrow�r to�eaNr�tlon�nd��N. If M�6r��ch
<br /> ,�"� I�not cund on o�h�tora th�d�t�tp�eiMd M Mp notic�,L�nd�r,at L�nd�r'�optbn,m�y d�ctan dl of th��ums ttcund Dy thl�D��d of Tru�t
<br /> to b�knmxM�t+fY dw�nd P�Y�b�W� ��h�r d�rtand�nd maY k►voks th�powe of e�l��nd�ny oM�r nm�dN�p�rmfttod by�ppllo�bN
<br /> —°-• I�w, L�nMr �h�M b� �ntkf�d to cNNat�N n�wmbN cotts �nd �xp�ns�t Fncun�d In punuMQ th�nm�dl��provid�d M thlo p�npraph 77,
<br /> inc�udiny,but not N�nft�d to,m�ombi��ttorn�y�'f»s.
<br /> T I}th�pow�t of�rN I�Mrok�d,T�utt���haN r�cord�notk�of d�f�uk in��eh county In whtah th�Prop�Ky or�om�p�n th�no9 I� �
<br /> loa�t�9�nd�h�q m�8 copka of sueh notice 6�th�menn�r pr��wl6cd by�ppNcaEM uw to Borrow�r�nd to th�oth�r p�non� pnuc�l4�d by �.
<br /> nd
<br />� ;, �ppMe�bN law. Afttt th�lap��of such tkn���may nquk�d by�ppNa�bl�I�w,Twatu�h�R pIw publb notic�of wN to th�p�rwm�nd M th� �.
<br /> m�n�r proc►Ib�d by�ppMc�bN I�w. Tru�te��without d�rtund on Borrowe,sh�M��N th�Prop�rty�t publio�u�Mn to th�hlph�at bidd���t tfi� =
<br />�,�b`•'��4 ���I�Ci��tld UMlH th�t�1PR�d�l{I/A�Ud In th�notk�of nN In om or mon p�rc�l�end In tuch ord�r as Truat��m�y d�t�rmin�. Trust��
<br /> m�y pottpon���N o}�N a�ny p�rc�l o}th�Prop�riy by pub{b�nnounc�m�nt ot the tim�wnd pt�c�of�ny pnvbwly�ch�dul�d��N. L�nd�r�r
<br /> ., ,..:� l�nd�r'o d�tlpM�nwy purch�w th�proparty K ony sai�.
<br /> «�^_ �•• Upan anipt of paym��t of tM prk�bid.Yr��tN shaq d�liwr to th�purohm� Trwtw'�dad conv�ylnp th� Prop�rty so�otd. Th�
<br /> _ ,_�`" nakah fn TrustN'�dNd ahall b�prMna 1eeM��[d�nc�at tM ttuth of M��t�t�mswts m�d�tMnin. Tm�tN sh�ll�pply th�proc��ds of th�nN
<br />_-;,4�'tr. in tM 1oNowiny orda: (�)to dl nnon�bis co�U�nd�xp�nw�oi tfi�s�M.Inciudtap,hut not NrtAt�d to,TrustN'�f�o��crodN Incun�d of not _
<br />-_�;- • rtwa thao So 04 u1a peoao oei��cko,r:::an:hh ettorrt�ya'feee end coate of titN wid�ncr. (b)to�fl tums s�cur�d by thl�D�ed of
<br />.-'�;•;� Tru���nd (o)th��xcu�,ff�ny,to th�p�non or p�non�NgaMy�ntttbd the�to.
<br /> _ ,':�;.;'.
<br /> . , 18. Borrow�r'� Ripht to R�In�tat�. Notwithatanding Lendere acceleratlon of tha euma secured by thla t]eed ot Truet, dua to
<br /> �=����! Borrower'e breach,Borrower shell have the ripht to have eny proceadinpa bepun by lender to enforce thle Deed of Trust diacontinued at any
<br /> _:�- tims prior to ths eedler to occur of Ip the flfth day betoro ths eate ot the Property purauant to tho power of eale contelned In thfs Deed of Trust
<br />.u„�� or Ilq entry of a judpment enforcinp thla Deed of Ttuat if: le)Borrower paya Lender all eums which woutd ba then due under thla Dsad ot Trust
<br /> end tM Note h�d no�cc�lentlon ocaurrsd; Ibl Borrower auros ell breanhea of eny otMr covenante or epreemente of Bor�ower contained In this
<br /> ,ti� Ds�d of Trust; (c) Borrower pays ail resson�ble expensea incurrod by Lender end Trustee in entorclnp tha covenente end egroemente of
<br /> ,,, Borrower cont�tn�d in this Oeod of Trwt end In entorcinp Lender's end Tmstee'e remediea ee provtded in perayraph 17 heroof, including, but
<br /> `-��r�� not Ilmited to, r��aonabk sttorneye'fne�'e;end(dI 8orrower tekea such eotian ea Lender mey ronsonebiy requiro to aasure thei the Ilen of this
<br /> ��..� D�ad of Trust, Under's I�terest In the P�apetty end BorroweYe oblipatlan to pay the auma aecurod by thia Deed of Trust shell continuo
<br /> unimp�ired. Upon such paymsnt end cure hy Borrower, thia Deed of Trust end the obligetlons sncured hereby ehall remetn fn fuil forco end
<br /> '_�� eNect ee I}r►n scaleration had occurred.
<br /> � 19. A�tfprKMnt ot R�nts:Appo�tm�nt of M�c�iwr:imdar in ivss�'sii��. Ao a�CYtBRet s.;cuslt�l�:eun:let,�^_t!o�!er 1lwr�hy assiane
<br /> ._::;��' to Lend�r the ronte of t1�e Propeny, provlded that Borrowe►ehell, prior to ecceteratlon under parapreph 17 hereof or ebemlonment of the
<br /> .. — P�operty,heve the rlpht to coll�ct end tetsin�uah renu�s they become due and peyabN.
<br /> -- = Upon eccelsntion under paroproph 17 heroof or abandonmont of the P�openy, Lender,In pereon,by egant or by judicially eppolMed
<br /> receiver ehall bo entitied to enter upon,take posaeasion of end maneye the ProperYy end to collect the rente of the Prope►ry i�cludirtq thoae�,aat
<br /> — ' due. All rent�coiNcted by Lender or the vecelver nhall be epRifed firtt to psyment of the coste of manepement of tha P�operty end colleodon ot
<br /> - ronto,includinp,but not limlted to,rocelver'e leea,premluma on recelvor'e bonda and resaonebb ettomeys'feea,end then to the suma aecursd
<br /> __ by thia Deed of Truft. Lsnder end tM recaiver ahall bs Il�ble to e�count only for those renta aotueily mceived.
<br /> 20. R�eonwyaoc�. Upon payment of all suma secured by thia Deed of Truft. Lender ehslt requeat Trustee to reconvsy the F'roperty
<br /> end shsll eurrender thia Deed of Trust end ell note�evldencing Indebtedneaa eecured by thla Deed ot Truat to Trustee. Trustee eheil rxonvey
<br /> ths Property vvithout werranty end without che►ge to tM peroon or pe�sona lepally enUded thareto. Such person or psrsona ehell pey all coate
<br /> . of recordatbn,if eny.
<br /> 21. SuE�dtut�TruftN. Lerxler, et Lender'e optlon,may irom time to time remove 7rustee end appoint �succeseor trustee to nny
<br /> Trust�a�ppoi�t�d hereunder by en tn�trument racorded in the county in which thie Deod of Truat is recordad. Wlthuut convsyance of the
<br /> � Propsrty,ths succeasor truatee shall eucceed to all the tltle,power end dutles conterrad upon the Ttustee herein arr!by applloebis lew.
<br /> • 22. R�qwrt iw Notic��. Bor►ovra r�qu�sb th�t copN�of ttN nmfc� 04 d�fauk�nd notk�of saN b� ��nt ro Borrow�+'��ddrwo
<br /> wMch N th�P►opKtY AJdn�i.
<br /> App/ SAMDOY•97-002
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<br /> '--'-��T'`-,� ' Management Syatems Devulopment,Inc. 1800)9848080 TiHe�One EnerglteN�+' xNE_OEEO Copy►ight(cl 1994
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