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<br /> ' 7. Prot�ctbn of L�ndsr'�8�curity. If Borrowe�falls to perform the covonenta ena xpreomente contained in ihle Doud ol T�uat, or I?
<br /> eny eatlon or proceeding n commonced wtdch mnterlaliy oftecte Londer'e Inteteet In the Property,thon I.ensler, et lnnder'e o�tlon,upon notica
<br /> to Lorrower, mey meko wch nppearencoe, disburno euch eume.Inaludl�ip reaeonablo dttornays'toe�a, und teke eunh ectlon ee le necee�eryto
<br /> proteot Lends�'�Interest, If Lender requlred monpepe Insuronce ea e oondltlon of maklnp the loan eecured by thls Dead o1 Truat,I3orrow¢►ehetl
<br /> pay the premlum� raqulred to melnteln suoh Imurence In eftect untll euch tlme ei the requlrement for eunh Intursnce tdrminat�a In eccord�nce •
<br /> with Hnrro�ver'e end Lender'e written o�reament or oppllcable lew,
<br /> , ,�� Any �mount� dl�bur�ed by 6ender pursuant to thla pareyreph 7, with In4oreet theruon, ot th� Nute ratn, ehell beaoma additlonol �
<br /> ' indebtednet� ol Borrower Recured by thb Deed of Truet. Unleee Borrower end Ldnder epree to other term�ol payment,euCh emounte eheu bs
<br /> ���� p�+yebio upon ratice from Lender to Botrower requoetinp peyment thereof. Nothinp contelned In this peragreph 7 ohell requlre Landor to Incu►
<br /> eny expense or teke eny eatton hereunder,
<br /> �'�-w.rN� �
<br /> 8. In�p�ctlon. lender rr+ey make or ceuse to be mnde reesoneble entries upon and In9pectlons of tha Proporty,providod thot La�de►
<br /> shell give Bo��ower notice prlor to eny such inspaction cpecifylnp reesonebte ceuae ther9for releted to Lendor'e Intoreet In the Property.
<br /> ' Z 9. Cond�mnstbn. The procaeda of any owerd or clalm for damayes,dlreat or consequentlel,In aonnection with eny condemnetlon�o
<br /> # other tekinp of tha Property,or part thereof,or for conveyance in Ileu of r.ondemnetton,ere hereby eeafpned end ehell be paid to Lender,sub�aCt ;
<br /> ' to the terma ot eny mortgage,deed of trust or other eeourity agreement with e Ilen which haa e prlority over thie Deed�f Trust. �.
<br /> 10. Bo7raw��Not R�Nas�d;Forba�nnc� By l.�nd�r Not�Wdwr. Extonalon of the time tor peyment or modificetton of amonf=e�lon -
<br /> of the euma aecured by thie Deed of Trust grented by Lender to eny eucceasor In lntereat of Borrower ehali not operate to release, in env --
<br /> manner,the Ilabllity uf the originel Borrowe�end Borrower'e aucceasore in intereat. Lender shell not be required to commence proceed�nfls
<br /> egalnst euch eucceasor or ra(use to eMend time for peyment or otherwise modify emorti:atlon of the euma secured by thla Oaed of Truat by
<br /> roason of any demand meda by the oripinel Borrowe+r end Barrawer's succeasora in intereat. Any forbeeronce by Londer In exeralafng eny dpht
<br /> �,- .
<br /> or remedy herounder,or otherwise afiorded by eppticeble law,ehall not he a weiver of or preclude the exerCise of eny nuch right or romedy.
<br /> 71. Succason and Auipn�Bound;Jolnt md S�verd LhbWtty;Co-Sipn�n. The aovenente end epreemente herein contained eha11
<br /> bind, und the righte horeunder shall inure to, tha reapective successors and assigna of Londer end Borrower, subjoct to the ptovision�of
<br /> ° parepraph 16 hereaf. A�covenenta end egreements of Borrowor shall be Joint nnd several. �ny Borrower who co•sipna this Deed of Trust,but
<br /> � does not oxecute the fVote, lal is co-signing this Deed of Trust only to prant and co�vey thet Borrower's Interest In the Property to Truatea under
<br /> the terms of tNS Deed of 7rust, (bl is not personelly Ilabte on the Note or under thla Deed of Trust,and Icl egrees thet Lender end eny other
<br /> •� Borrower hereundet mey ogree to extend,modify,farbear,or meke eny other accommodations with regard to the terms ot thla Deed of Truat or
<br /> =- the Note,without thet Borrower's cnnsent and without relensing that borrower or modi(ying this Deed of Truat oa to that Borrower's interoat in
<br /> • � the Property.
<br /> 12. Notic�. Except for any nodce required under epplicabla lew to be given in another manner,(a)eny notice to Oorrower provided for
<br /> In thia Deed ot Truat shali be given by delivering ft or by mailing such notice by certified mail addreaaad to Borrower et the Property Addreaa or
<br /> -= � et such othe�eddress as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided hereln,and(b)any notice to Lender shell be given by cenifled
<br /> ��`.r,„:, maii io i.orunr'e oud�6ss oaaia�:sar-trt or 2a a:sc't a!!�•ssl�!e__gs!?nd°r e+?aY�!eai�nafe hy noUce to 8onower as Drovlded heroin. Any �wpco
<br /> •i;;_ provided for in this Deed of Trust ahall be doemed to heve be�en given to Borrower or Lender when given in the mannar designated herefn.
<br /> - 13. Oov�mi�p Law;S�wrabiRty. The state and lo.el lawe applicebte to thts Dned of Trust shall 6e the lawe of the jurisdiction in
<br /> — �.' .i�:�.;:�" • whiCh the proporty fe loteted. The foregoing santence shell not Ilmit the eppllcabiiity of federal law to this Deed of Trust, In the evant that eny
<br />---�_, a?•� provision or clausa of tNa Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with epplicablo law,auoh confifat shell not aitect other provisions of this Deed of
<br /> �.:r :,
<br /> _,-^G,'"-,,,r;+4�. Trust or t h e N o te w h ic h can be p iv e n e N e a t w i t h o u t t h e c o n f t i a t i n g p ro vl sion,and to thia end the provisiona of thls Dead of Trust and the ie
<br />—_: "U;.�ry� are declered to be severeble. As used herein, "coste,' 'expensea" end 'ettorneys' feos' include ell aums to the extent not prohltr(ted by
<br /> -.�;_ � � appliaebla tew or Itmited hereln.
<br /> -,�;�.j:�l ,
<br /> Y ������(� 14. Bonowsr'�Copy. Borrower shall be fumiahed a contnrmed copy of the Note end this Dead of Trust et tlu�Uma of executian or
<br /> -..,"�'• ...,f::.
<br /> _.�;',,.�`.�. , afterracordatlonheroof.
<br /> .,���,:,:�::��:
<br /> - _° -- 16. Reh�biRt�tloo Lom AyrNrte�nt. Borrower shail futfiil all of Borrower's obligetions under eny home rehnb(IlteYlon, improvement,
<br />-�--�=z� repeir, or ottror Ivan egreement wh(ch Bo►rower enrors into with Ler►der. Lender, at Lender'e option, may raquire Borrower to exoauteend
<br /> � - daiiver to Lerxler, in e form ecceptable to Lender, aa eas(gnment of eny riphte,clefine or defenses which Borrower mey have egelnst pertfsa who
<br /> ----�-�-<;� suppty labor,meteriels or services In connsCdon with improvementa made to the proporry.
<br /> ` �+� 16. T►anNK of th�Prop�rty or e B�nslkl�l Int�nst M Bonoewr. If all or eny part of the P�operty or any Interest In it is sdd ot
<br /> _�� transterrod �or if e ben�ficial Intereat In Bottowe► ia sotd or Vansferred end Borrower ia not a natural personl without Lender'e prior �;iAten
<br /> conaent,Lender may, at Its optlon,requlre Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thia Deed ot Trust. However,this opti�n sha!not
<br /> -=--� iw uaviGi6uu uy L'or3ot ff��OlClE�4!�l�hlh!*.ed ny iaAerwl Inw ae of the dete oi this Deed of Trust.
<br /> =ac����s1. M Lender exerclsea this option,Lender shall glve Borrower nottce o}eccoteretion. Tha notice shall provide a period of not lea�then 30 _
<br /> '' a �6 deya trom the date the notice la delivered or maited with(n which Borrower must pay ell suma secured by this paod of Trust. If Borrower 1eNe to -
<br /> ����k pay theae sLm�prlor to the expiration of this period,Lender may Invoke t+ny remediea permitted by thi�Doed of Truet without turther notke or
<br /> demand an�orrower.
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