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� � I . � . .-. •-,-�-- . <br /> �.f . ' 1 . � � � .•.^�'.����y���_-. <br /> �wo.. . .. . .. ..i..-... ... . . _..- <br /> : .. '„ - <br /> :: ...F.. - � ... • . . _ _ <br /> .�. PjF`..f.�rr. n �. ,�*w'.awaw:.wM+�1M'B1iMWwN _ .___ +`''�L!4C.�:.._._i_�:}"_"'..,...._...�_..._.�'i.u____—___. <br /> " •;m(� <br /> .,,,. . . ._._...__..—__'"'. ,..... . <br /> '"•.•� _ <br /> . Y .rn. <br /> principal amoun4 ot lhe Indebtedneas oecured by thls IDeed of Trust,not inctudinp suma sdvancec�ta prote�t the socuriry o4 thle Deod ot <br /> . Trust,oxceed tha original ptlncipal amount statal here{n,or S_._.�gg�gg.�-pg—•—�Wt�icl�ever Is greater. — <br /> 16.MIe�ollaReous Provlelon�e. <br /> (a)68rcow�r Not Rd�ac�d.�xtenslon of the tlme fur paymonl or modllic�tlon of amodixation 41 tho aur�n:�socured by lhl:� n <br /> R Q�rd ot`Trust prent�d by Lender to eny euccessor In interast of Borrower shall not oporate to releaso,In any manner,the Ilablll.�„� _ <br /> ty oi tha orlglnai Borrower and Borrower's successors In {nterest. Lendar shall not be required to cammence proceed►nps' <br /> egalnst sur,h euccessor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otnerwlse modify amortlzatlon of the ourna se�:urod by lhl� <br /> Deed o}Trust by reason of any demande msde by the oripinal Borrower and Borrower's successore In Intorest. — <br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Powon.Without aHectlnp the Ilability of any other per�on fiable(or the peyment of eny obilgatlon hereln men� <br />� tloned,and without eifecting the Ilen or charge af thla Deed of Trust upon any ponlon of the Property na4 then or theretofor� <br /> releeaecl ee aecurity tor tl�e lull amount ot all unpatd oblipations,Lender may,Irom Urne to time anri L�ithoui nott�3(q rel�et.r �- <br /> eny peraon so Ilnbte,(II)extend the matudty or aiter any o}lhe terme of any such oblipetions,(Iilj prant other Indulpencea,(iv� <br /> rulease or convoy,or ceuse to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lendars optlon any parcei, porlbn or all ot th� <br /> Property,(v)take or release eny other or additional security or reconveyed at eny time at Lender's optlon any parcel,portlon or <br /> all of tha Property,(vi)take or retease any other or ac�ditlonal securiry for eny obllgatlon hereln mentloned,or(vii)mako compo- <br /> sitiona o!other arrangements with debtore In�elatlon thereto. <br /> (o)Forb�ar�nc�by L�nde Not a Wdv�r.Any fer(oearence by Lender in exerclsinp eny right or remedy hereunder,or oth- <br /> erwiae aHorded by appllcah�e law,shall not be a waiver o1 or preciude tha oxardso of any such rtpht or remedy. The procure- _� <br /> ment ot insurance or the payment of taxes or other Ilens or churpes by Lender shall not be a walver or Lendera rightto ncceter- <br /> aYe the meturtty of the indabtedness sncured hy this Deed ot Trust <br /> (d)Succea�ora and Asslpns Bound;Jol�t and S�vsnl L�ablilry;Ception�.TP�e covenants and agreements herefn ccx�• <br /> tafnod shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to,ihe respective successors and asslgns of Lender and Trustor. All <br /> covana�ts and agreoments of Trustor shall be Joint and several.Th�captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of <br /> Trust are tor convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or detine tho provisions hereaf. <br /> (e)Requ�at 4or N�tic�s.The parties hereby requast that a copy of any notice ot default hereunder and�copy of any natfce <br /> of eate hereunder be malled to each pariy to li�is Deed af Trust at tha nddress set torth ebove In the manner prescribed by __ <br /> npplicable law.Except for any other noUce requirod under applicable law to b�given in another manner,any noUce provided for <br /> In this Deed of Tnist shall be gtven by mailing euch notice by ceNfled mail addressed to ihe other parties, at the address set <br /> forth above. Any not►co provided for in thls Deed oi Trust ahall be ettective upon mafling in the manner deslgnated herotn.It <br /> Tnrstor ia more than one person.notice sent to the�ddresa set torth above shall be not�e to all such psreong. <br /> (fl�nsp�ctlon,Lc3nder mey make or cause to be made reaeonable entries upon snd Inapectfona of the Properry, prov{ded <br /> that Lender shalt give Trustor noUoe pdor to any such Inspection specitying reasonable cause theretor retate�J to Lender's fnter- <br /> est In the Property. <br /> (p)Roc�wyancs.Upan payment ot all sums seoured by this Deed of T►ust, Lender shali request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> Property and ehall eurronder thla Deed of T�uat and all notes evidencing Indebtednesa socured by this Dead of Trust to <br /> Trusteo.Trustee shall recor►vey ths Property,w(lhout warranty and without charge to the porson legatiy entitled thereto.Truator <br /> shall pay all costs or recordatlon,(I any. <br /> (h)P�non�i Prop�rty; Secudty Agreoment. As additional secur(ty tor the payme�t of the Note,Tru�tor hareby granta <br /> �vr,ua�ir��tt�a l.fatsr��k:!laftar:s:r'umm�r�!!C�e?�uritv Interest in ali iixturea,equipment,and other personal property <br /> used in connection wlth the real estate or improvementa located thereon,ared not otherwise dectarea or deamed so oe a pari�ii <br /> the roal estate secured hereby.This instrumont shell be construed as a Secudty Ayreement under eaid Code,a�d the Lender <br /> shall have all the�tghte and rernedie9 oi a secured paRy under eald Code In addition to the rlghts and remedies under this <br /> parayraph shall be cumutative Nrtth,and in no way a IlmftatlQn on,Lenders rights and remedfes under any other security agree- <br /> ment signed by BoROwer or Trustor. <br /> (i)Lt�ns md Eaaumbrae�c�s.Truetor hereby warrents and represents that there is no detauit under the pravlsions ot any <br /> mortgaye,deed of trust,lease ar purchase contrect dascribing ail or eny part ot the Property,or other contract. Iratrument or <br /> agreement constituHng a Ilen or encumbrence agai�st alt or eny part ot the Properiy(collectivoly,"Ltens').existinp ae o4 the <br /> date of thls Deed of Trust,and that any and ail exisdng Uens remaln unmodifled except ae dlsctosed to Lendorin Ymsto�s wdt• <br /> ten disclosure of Ilens and encumhr�nces provided for herein.Trustor shall timeiy perform all of TruatoPs obltgations, <br /> covenanb,�epresentaUons and warrantles under any and ali exlstinp ar►d future Llens,shall pmmptly►forwa��d to Lender coplea <br /> of all notkes of detault sent In connecdon with any and all ex(sting or tuture Uens,end ehall not witlwut Lender'a Prior wriiten <br /> consent In any manner modify the provlslons of or albw any tuture advences under any exlstinp or tuture Ilerui. <br /> U)�►PP�i�tt�a�s nciPa end in oreste swrer�ce'p oc�eeds,�o�ndemnaUon proceeda and rente nd p��rofns. shell be applied by <br /> tFOn paynten Pd P� <br /> Lender lo tt�e amounts due and owinp irom Trustor and borrower in such order ss Lender�n�te sole d�s�mtlon deema desir- <br /> 6We. <br /> (k)Sw�r�bllfty.If any provision at thls Deed of Trust contlicts witl�eppUceb�e�aw or ia declared�nvalid or ottierv�riae unen- <br /> - !��,,.�lp,�,��n���M inyn�ic�qy�han rwt atiect tl�e other provlutuns ot thia Dee�!of Tnast or the Note which can_be�iven _ <br /> e}(ect�yftlwut the conflicUng provislon,erxl to th.s ond the provisbna ef this Deed o�l-rust and ine i5o�e aia a�a;w.�a...�s�1° <br /> erw�le. <br /> the��e�ame porson(s),those esrms as used Ir�this Deedllo Trus t eheU be I�ntenchen9euab�e.a���Truator and Bor�ower aro <br /> (m)Oov�minp Law.Thta Deed ot T�ust shall be,govemed by the Iaws ot the State of Nebreske. <br /> _ . . . ;.,.�� . � � <br /> ; •� . , . . i'.. , <br /> � F. • . . <br /> � T►ueto�ha8 BxeCUted thfe DAed ol TNSi n5 o"1e dste wrlttan�t:av�. � <br />_: <br /> � � TNStor Trustor <br /> - Y . SHEEKS <br /> � �� <br /> :� ,�,!' . i�ov-� <br />-�� INDA L. S EEKS TNStor Trustor <br />._;� <br /> -� . <br /> ::l <br /> •� <br />��� <br />_•a <br />.� <br />