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' �_`..�-�: <br /> ���....... <br /> � g7° ��11."�Q �"_�� - <br /> "Proceeda")In connoctton with condemnetlon or other taking o1 the Property or paR thereot,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlon. �.--:;;; <br /> Londor ohall b�entltied at Its optlon to commencA,eppear in and prosecute In Its own name any actlon or proceedinge,and shali elso <br /> bo ont(tlod to rsnako any c�mpromise or eettlement In connactlon with such takinp or damage.In thA event any portion a1 the Proporty Is <br /> so taken o�•damaged, Lender shail have the optlon In its sole and ebsoluto dlscrollon,In apply nll such proco�ds, uttor dcductinp <br /> therefrom afl coytn and expanso;,Incurred by it In eonnoction wlth euch Procaeds,upon any Indebtedness�ecure�haroby and In auch <br /> order oe Lender mey determino,or to apply all Buch Proceede,atter such doductlono,to the reotoretlon ot the F'roperiy upon such onn• ., <br /> d:tlons as Lender may determino.Any epplicatlon o}Proceeda to indebtodness shali not extend or postpone the duo date ot�ny pay <br /> ments under the Note,or cure any detault th[►rcunder or hereunder.Any ur�applled lunds ehall ba pald to T►ustar. <br /> 8.PoHormance by Lender.Upon the occurrence oi en Event of Detauit herounder, or If any act Is taken or legal proceeding <br /> ' cammenced wh�h mate�lally aflecte Lender's Intoro�t ln tho Proporty,Londor m�y In Ite nwn dlscretion,but without obilg�tlon to do so. <br /> �"'����'� anc�l wilhout nr.tics to or demand upon Truator and wlthout releasina Truator irom eny oblipatlon,do any act whlch Truetor haa agreed :.�... <br /> ��i but failed to do and may atso do any other act it deems necessary to protect the securiry hereof. Truator ehall, Immedlately upon , <br /> ���� demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costa and exponses Incurrod and sums expended by Lender in connectton with tlie exer• <br /> � cise by Lender of the torepotng�Ighta,together with Interest thereon at the detault rate provided In the Nate,which shall be addad tr� ..;:_ <br /> the Indebtcidnesa secured hereby.Lender shsll not Incur any Ilabliity because of anythlnp It may do or omit to do hereundar. �•} �v <br /> " fl. He=ardou� M�t�rlal�.Trustor shall keep the Property In compllanco with att appllcable laws, ordinances snd regulatlons ,,,.�_ <br /> � retating to Induatdal hyglene or environmerrte►protectton(collacNvely reterred to heraln es"Environmontal l.awe").TNStor shall keep �?-��_ <br /> the Property free from e8 substances deemed to be hazerdoua or toxlo under any Environmental Laws(collectiveiy reterred to hereln <br /> ? as"Hezardou�Materialo').Trustor heroby warrants and represents to l.ender thet there are no Hazc►rdous Msterlals on or under the —_ <br /> a.• Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemnity and hold harmteas Lersder,fts directors,oflicers,emptoyees and egents,end any succes• �._ <br /> §: sors to Lendere interest,trom and agalnet any and ali ctalms,damRges,losses and Ilablilties a�fsing In connectlon wlth tha presence, r:,__ <br /> � use,disposal or transport ot any Hazardous Matedals on,under,from or about the PropeRy.THE FORE(301Nf3 WARRANTIES AND _ <br /> '� REPRESENTATIONS,AND T R U S T O R'S O B L I O ATI ONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREQOINa INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RECONV@YANCE OF THIS QEED OF TRUST. -__ _ <br /> 10.Assip�mant�of Rente.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grenta Lender e secudty Interest In,all present,tuture and _ - <br /> aiter arisl�g rents,Issues and profits of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,untll the occurrence ot an Event of Deteuit,herounder, -- <br /> have the right to collect and retain such rente,Issues and profits as they become due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of �,',_ <br /> • '� `' Default,Lencier may,elther In person or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any ection or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a <br /> court and without regard to the adequacy ot its security,entor upon and take possesslon of the Prope►ty,or eny paR thereof,in Ite own _ <br /> name or lo the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which ft deems nacessary or desirabte to preserve the value,marketabllfty or <br /> rentebliity ot the Property,or any part thoreof or intereat therein,or to ir�crease the income therefrom or protact the secunty hereof and, <br /> wlth or without taking possession ot t��e Property,sue tor or otherwise collect the rents,issues and profits the�eat,lncluding those past <br /> due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may eppty rents,issues and prollts,loss coste and expens- <br /> • •• :;� � es of operatlon and collection tncluding sttorney's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order ae Lender may deter- <br /> � mine.The entering upon and taking possesalon ot the Property,the collecUon oi such rents, issuea and proffts,and tl�e sppilcatton <br /> thereof as atoresald shell not cure or wafve any defauit or notice of defauit hereunder or Invalldate any act done In response to such <br /> - � ' � ''`-` defautt or pursuent to such notice of default and, notwithstanding the connnuanco in possession ui i��a p��rty or 2��I�tlan. <br /> '�'� ' recefpt And applicatlon of rents,(ssues or profite,Trustee snd Londer ahall tw ent(Ued to exerclse evary right prov{dod for In any of the <br /> - . Loan Instrumentsti or by law upon occurrence of sny Event of Defauft,Including without IlmitaUon the�ight to exercise the powsr of sale. <br /> r'u..ry:.,t`¢.. . ` <br /> _�h..:,�,•� Further,Lender's dghts and remedies under this paragraph shail be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimttatlon on,Lenders rights and <br /> �"_'���•."��``' remedies under any assignment ot leasea and rents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be ileble to <br /> ' - �.,��;.,: <br /> �=-`�: %.� � account only tor those rents aotually recelvod, <br /> �_: ,,;,,, . <br /> ---L-���1;�� - 11.Evenb of Default.l'he following shall constitute an Event of DeTault under this Deed o rust: <br /> _,���� {e�)Faliure to pay any installment of principal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> -A,;:�� (b)A breach ot or detauit under any provisbn contatned in the Note,thls Deed of Trust,any o}tho Loan Insirumenta,or any _ <br /> --_a:���� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> --�.� (c)A wdt ot execution or attachment or any simllar process shali be entered against Trustor whlch ehall become a Ilen on <br /> �- - the Properly or any portion thereot or Interest therein; <br /> - (d)There shelt be filed by or egainat Trustor or Bartower an action under any present ar future federal,state or other statute, <br /> -- law or regulation relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef ior debtora;or there shall be appointed any t►ustee,receiver or <br /> --_�� I{quldator o1 Tniator or Borrower or af all or any part of the Propedy,or the rents,issues or proflts thereof,or Trustor or BoROwer <br /> - shell make any general essiflnment tor the beneflt ot cred(tors; <br /> = (e)The cale,transter,lease,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance ot ali or any paR of or eny interest in the <br /> = prp�r";,eithsr tieluntarily or Invotuntariiy.without the express wr(tten consent ot Lender,provided that Trustor shall be Erertnft- <br /> -- ted to execute a Isase of the Property that does not contaln an opUon to purchase and the tertn o4 wh�:,`�doaa��at s;:��cr� <br />-_- -__� year. _ <br /> .- (�Abendonment of the Property;or <br /> (g)If Tnistor Is not an indfviduel,the issuance,saie,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(If a <br /> --�.�,-.�-��� corparation)a total of percent of Its Issued and outstanding stxk,or(if a pannershlp)a total ot per- <br /> `�-:q�,,;, cent of partnershlp interests,or(if a Iimlted Ilability company)a total of percent o}the Ilmited Oabili4y compa- <br /> __,_._�__�' ny Intereste or vottng rfghts dudng the�edod thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilsn on the property. <br />_ a Y�.� 12.R�n�dies;Acwleratlon Upon Defaul�In the event of any Event of Defauft Lender may,without notice except as requirecl <br /> - w�^�o�r by law,daclare all(ndebtedness secured hereby to be due snd payabte and t7�e same shall thereupon become due and payebte with- <br /> _�_���� o u t any p r e s e n t m e n t,d e m a n d,p ro t o s t o r n o t�e of sn y kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> �;�,�,�� (a)Demand that Trusteo exercisa the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and T►ustee aNali thereafter cause Trustots inter- <br />--.� a�+��- est in the Property to be sotd end the proceeds to be distdbuted,all In the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; <br /> °'�'���'�." (b)Exerclse any and QII dghns provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Even4 of _ <br />--,�•-,.:,r�_:; • <br />-° �=�.-f�,�'.., DefeUih,end � <br /> _ '`''"'� (c)Gommerw�an action to toreciose thls Dood of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt e recelver,or spacificaliy eniorce any of i[1e � <br /> �� t.,::� ^ � _ <br /> _:_:;.�"�.�.,:,. covenanta hereof. - <br /> '��"=='-°== •? No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender la Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in th�,LQBn � <br /> ,.;.•'`. Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shail be cumulative,shall be in additian to every other remedy given hereuh�er, <br /> F:�;�;: <br /> � In the Loan InsWmente or now or hereafter existing at law or in equlty or by statute,and rmay be exerclsed concurrentty,insaependentiy �-�� <br />_ ' �-� <br /> '�.4.,;,� ' or succesively. nt a suc- <br /> �••• _ _�' �a T,u.�.._The Trusten enav resian et anV Ume without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause aEtFwl � �- <br /> � •�-��r����� cessor or subsUtute Trustee.T�ustee shalt not be Ilable to any party,Including without Ilmttauon�enaer,esor�war, �rusiu���a�:r�.�:s- _, <br /> � � �' chaser of the Property,for any loss or damege uniess clue to reckless or willful misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any actlon <br /> - tn connectfon wilh the entorcement ot this Deed of Trust uniess indemnified, in writing,for all costs,compensation or exponses which <br /> , � , may be associated therewith.In addltion.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sate ot the Property Qudiclal or under the power of <br /> � sale granted herein);postpone the sale ot all or any portfon of the Property,as provided by law;or seli the Property as a�rhole,or In <br /> separete parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion. <br /> 14. Fee�ertd Exp�nser.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exerclse oi power ot sale,Trustee shall bn entitied to appiy <br /> eny eate proceeds firat to payment of ell costs and oxpenses ot exerclsing power of aale,inctuding ail Trustee's teea,and Lender'a and <br /> • Trustae'a attomey's(ees, actualiy tncurced to extent pertnitted by appilcabla law.In the evont Borrowor or Trustor exerclses any dght <br /> rovided b Iaw to curo an Event ot Default,Londer shall bo entitlod to recover hom T�uotor all costs and expenses actuatly incurred as <br /> � a result ot Tmator's dofault,Including witt►out Ilmitntlon all Truatee's and attomoy's tees,to the extent permitted by appl!cable Iaw. <br /> � 16. Futuro Advanc��.Upon roquest o}BoROwor,Lender may, at Ite option,make additlonnl and f�ture advances and read- <br /> . .. vances to Burrower.Such advances end readvances,with Interest thereon,shall bo secured by thls Deed ot Trust.At no timo shall the <br />-:, . <br /> . . <br /> . • ....�:.'_'.-..'.'__'_'"s—sr__�. _ _ .�:'. <br />