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<br /> princlpel amount ol tPte Indebtednesa eecured by thie Deed of Tiust,�ot Incl�ding suma edvanced to protect the secu►fty ot this Deed of
<br /> Trust,oxceed the original princlpal smount stated hereln,or S�OQ,A(]0.fln ,whlchever la yreater.
<br /> 1t3.Mlsc�il�nwua P�avlNon�.
<br /> (a)i3�rrow�r Not R�leaR�l.Extenslon of the qmo for payrnent or modlticutlon o4 amortlzAtlon o1 tho oums socurod by thls � =
<br /> pe�d ef Tr�at Srsnted by GondAr to any euccesaor In interest o}Botrower�hall not opersto to release,ln eny manner,Ihe Ilabfil• '
<br /> ty of the oripinal Burrawer and Borrower'e successors In Intereet. Lender ahell not be requlred to commence proceedinps
<br /> apalnet euch e�ccessor or refuae to extend tlme for payment or otherwise modliy amortizatlon o1 the suma secured by thl��
<br /> �eed of Trust by rbason o1 any dsmande made by the orlglnal Borrower and Borrowere auccos�ore In interest.
<br /> (b)L�ndRr'�Pow�n.Wlthout affectinp the Ilablllty of any other person Iiebte for tha payment ot any obilgatlon hereln men•Q
<br /> tioned,and wilhout aftectln�the Ila�or charpe of thle Oeed o}Trust upon eny portlon of the Properry not then or theretotore�
<br /> reteeae�cs eecurlty br tha full amnunt o9 all unpald obllgatlons, Lendee rnpy,(rom time to time and withou4 no4tce(q reiease �
<br /> any pnson so Ils�le,(ii)extend the m�turlty or e1tRr sny of the terma of eny such obllyations,(Illy flrent othsr Indul�ancss,(iv)�
<br /> reteeee or convey, ar cause to bo relaased or reconveyed nt any tlme at Lende►'s optlon any parcel,portion or all of the�
<br /> PropeRy,(v)take ar retease eny other or additlonal securlty or reconveye�l at any time at Lendera aption any parcel,portlon or
<br /> all ol the Prop�rty,(vi)teke or release any other or additlonal securtty tor any obllgation herein mentloned,or(vll)make compo-
<br /> sit{ona of other ananyements with debtors in relation thoreto.
<br /> (o)ForbMnnw by L�nd�r Not�W�ivM.Any torbearance by Lender tn exarcising any�ight or remedy hereundor,or oth-
<br /> erwise allorded by appllcabte taw,shall nat ba a waivar of or proctuda the exarclse ol any auch right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> munt of Inwnu�ce or the payment o1 taxea or other 1lens or chargea by Lender shall not be a walver or Lendere rEpht to acceler-
<br /> ate the matudry of the Inddbtednesa eecured by thle Deed of Trust
<br /> (d)Succ��son end As�l�n�Bound;Jolnt�nd S�vKal Ll�bllity;Capt�oni.The covenants and agreement�hereln con-
<br /> talned shall bind, nnd the �ights hereunder shall inure to, the respective succossora and essigns of Lender and Trustor. All
<br /> covenanta and epreemente o}Truator ehali be joini and severel.The captions end headinga of the paragraphs ot this Doed of
<br /> Trust are for convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or deflne the provislons hereoi.
<br /> (e)R�quat tor Wotic�s.The parties hereby request that a copy of any not�e of detault hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> at sala harcund:r b�m�llZd to e�ch psrty lo thls Qesd o!Trust at the address sei forth ebove(n the manner prescdbed by
<br /> appl�abla law.Except tor any other not�e requlred under applicabte law to be given in enother monner,eny notice provlded tor
<br /> in thia Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such natice by certifled mail addressed to the other partiea,at tho address set
<br /> foAh a�ove.Any notke provided tor in this Deed of Treeat ehall be eftective upon malling In the manner deslgnated hereln. If
<br /> Tivstor la more than one person,notN:e sent to the addresa set forth ebove shall be noUca to all euch persons.
<br /> (q Insp�ctbn.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entrtes upon and inspection�of the Properiy,provlded
<br /> that Lender shall pive Trustor naUce prior to any such Ir.spection spec(fying roasonable cause theretor related to Lender'e fnter-
<br /> eat in the Property.
<br /> (g)R�conwyanw.Upon payment o1 all sums secur�ad by this Desd of Trust,Lender shall request TNStee to reconvey the
<br /> Property end shall surrender tt�ia Dead ot Tnist and all notea evtdencinp Indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee.Truatee shall recor►vey the Property,without warranty and without charpe to the person IepaAy entitied theroto.Trustor
<br /> shaU pay ell coste or recordatlon,It any.
<br /> (h) P�rson�l Prop�rty; Secudry Agreement.As add(tional securlty tor the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby prants
<br /> Lsnder under tfie Nebreska UnHorm Commerclal Code a eecudty interoat in all fixtures,equipment,and other pereonsl property
<br /> used in connectlon with tfie real estate or Improvementa located thereon,and not otherwtse declared or deeme�l W be n pan ot
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shall be con�trued ae a Secudty Agreement undor satd Code,and the Lender
<br /> shall hava ell the righte and remedies of o secured paRy under sald Code in addiUon to Me�jhts and remedies under this
<br /> paraflraph shall be cumulative wlth,and In ra way u Ilmitatton on,Lender's dghte and remedies under eny other securky egree-
<br /> ment slgned by 8ortower or Truator.
<br /> (q I.bne�nd EncumbnncN.Tmstor hereby warranto and repressnte that H�ero le no defa�uR under the provistona ot any
<br /> morlyage,deed ot truat,baae or purchase contracS describinp all or any pert ol the ProNerty,or other contrect.inaMxrwnt or
<br /> egreement constkutfng a Iien or encumbrance egalnst all o►any part of tl�e Properry(oollectivety,'Liens�.exisdnp aa of tfie
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and that any end a!1 existing Uens remaln unmodified except as disclosed to l.ender in Tnistor's wdt-
<br /> ten diactosure o}Ilens aod encumbrencea provtded for hereln. Trustor shall timely perform all of TrustoPs u,blipatlona,
<br /> covenants,representatbns and waRanUes uncier any and all exisUny end tuture Uens,shall prompty torwarri ro Lender co�+tea
<br /> of e8 notices of defeuft sent in connectlon wltfi any and ell extstlnp or future Llens.end ehall not wiUwut Lender's prtor written
<br /> consent in eny manoer modEfy the provlsbns of or albw eny future advancea undar any existinp or future Nens.
<br /> d)Applk�tlons of Paymsnb.Untess othecwt�s requlred by law,euma peld to Lender herour�ler.hx�cidirp without irnNa-
<br /> Hon payments oi pdncipal and intereet,Insura�ce proceeds,wndemnation proceeda and rente end protite,ahn�N be ea�ied by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due end owtnp from Truator and borrower in such order as Le�der In►ts sole diacroUUcan doems deslr-
<br /> aWe.
<br /> (k)Swar�bllfty.If eny provisfon of thla Deed ot Trust conlHcts wkh applicable law or ta deciared Invali�or Wherwlee un0r►-
<br /> f�rceaWe,such ca�fl�i or Inv�lklity shetl nat aftect thA other proviswns of this Deed of Trust or the Note wfiid�can be piven
<br /> eiiect�ivaui rire ConnicGnfl�vvision,and io mia end'uw pr�vie,iuiia�i uii6 C+i�ud oi Trusi and me ivote ere deciared io f1s s�t-
<br /> eret�b.
<br /> (I)7�rrtqi.The tertns'Trustof end'Bomowe�'shall(nciude both alnflular and ptural,and wha�tl�e Trustor ered 8orrowar ere
<br /> the sama pe�son(s),those terms a�used in this Oeed of Trust shail be Inter�changsable.
<br /> (m)t#ov�n�in�Law.7hls Deed of Trust sha11 be govemed by the lavra ot the State of Nebraska.
<br /> i ntstor has executed thla Deed oi Trust a�o�i;ie ciai�e wriCen ebove. ' . ��. � .� ..• �• •� . �
<br /> �CG�"�-.
<br />_ DAVID L. LARSON TNStor FR L. SIiEEKS� Trustor
<br /> C�A,�/1,Y.���Q�AI�'Ill-�, G�����.��P���
<br /> CA`THERINE M. LARSON T�ustor L11JDA L. S EE Sl�' Trustor
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