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' 97-� • �- <br /> "Proceoda'�In connectlon with condemnatlon or other taklnp oi the PropeAy or paA thereot, or lor conveynnce In Ilou of condemnAt on. <br /> ��r <br /> Lender shall be ontttled at tts optlon to commence,nppoqr Im m�d prosocuta in Ite own name any actlon or proceedlnpe,and shell olso �;:;. <br /> , be entlUad to mako any comprom4o�hnvet�he orytloncln Ite e/e efnd absolut'dlscrot�onp�lo epply�e�l Ruch procaods��otto Pdoduclln0 <br /> R�takon or damngod, Lender eNal P <br /> therufram all costs end expenaAO Incurrad by It in connecllon with such Proceeda,upon any Indabt�dn;,a�cscured hsre�bY�d�he� <br /> order es Lender may determine,or to app�Ylicatlon otProceealsloendebteddnose shall nat extend or1postpono he due date of eny pey <br /> - dillons as Lender may detertnlne.Any app lled tunde shall be pald to Truetor. -, <br /> � " ments under the Note,or curs eny detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unspp -�-: <br /> ' A.PeNo�m�nc�by L�ntNr.Upon the occurrenco of an Event of De}ault herounder,or If any act lo teken or lepal proceoding �� <br /> commancad which materlally aHecta Lendere Intarost In the Propery,Lender rnay In Ita orJn dlccrntlon,hut�vlthout oh1i�}etlon to do ao. �^_ <br /> �''�� and without rwtJca to or damand upon Tnietor and wflhout releas►np Tnistor trom any obllgatlan,do any ect which Tniator hae eyreed <br /> bu4 falled to do and may elso do sny other act ft cfeema necessary ta protect the secu�iry hereof.Truator shall, Immedlately upon <br /> demand tharefor by Lender,pay to Len��I��w�th Innteret thereon at th edetault rate provided In the NoteCwh�h tshaiW'be thedded to �, <br />-'� clae b y Ler�ier of the toregGfng riphts, .,� <br /> 8 <br /> the indebtednesa secursd hereby.Le n d er s ha l l no t i n c u r a n y l i a b l l i ty b e c a u I a of�a n y`��Il iapplic�ablerlawst tordinaei�ce+a and reputatbna `, <br /> ` 8. Huardoua IYletsriale.Tnastor shall keep the Praperty P _---. <br /> � relatfnp to Induetrlal hyplene or o�vironmeNal protection(colfect►vely reterred to heretn as°Envfronr�iental").Tnutor ahatl keeA __ <br /> - � the Properry iree from sll substances d�emed to be hazardous or toxia under eny Envlronmental Lawa(colieclively reteRed to hereln -- <br /> � as"Hazardous Matedals'�.TNStor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that thero are no Hazardoua Materials on or undor the _ <br /> " Property.Trustor hereby agreea to Indomniry and ho�d hsrtntess Lerxler,its directors,oflicere,emplayuas And apanta�and any succes• - <br /> sore to Lendera interest,trom and apalnst any and sll otaims,dameQea,losses and Ilabtlities a�lstnp In connactlon wtth the Presence, _ <br /> ��� �� use,disposal or trensport of any Hazardous Materials on,ursder.from or about the Property.THE FOREQOIN(i WARRANTIES AND <br /> � ' � � REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIQATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FQREQOINCi INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> • RECONVE1fANCE OF THIS DE�O 0�I r�US 1. `- <br /> r.� ... <br /> �p,AssiQam�nts of MnU.Trustor heteby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a securfty interest in,all presant,tuture and <br /> aiter arising rente,issues and protita o!the Property;prov�ded ihat Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of an Event of�efauN,hereunder, <br /> _�:.,_>:�! have the rlght to collect and�etain such rents.Issues and prufits as they becoma due end payabte.Upan the occurrence of e nt�by a <br /> .�-:�:�. t a�� . pe{auR, Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or without bringing any ection or proceeding,or by e receiver eppol <br /> ; ,�' ,;�,;^ � court and wittwut regard to the ad e quacy of Its secudly,enter upon and teke posseo����Ie°�re�•nre the v a ue�er{cetahili ty or <br /> �,". ��•• name or(n tfie name ot the Trustee, and do any ects wh�ch it deems necessery p <br /> '�.�e�j rentebitity of the Property►,or any part thereof or interest thereln,or to increaso the income thereirom or protect the secudry hereuf and, <br />-�.... with or wlttwut 4aking possessbn of the Property,sue f�r or othe�wise coilect the re�ts,issues and protits theraof,including those Past <br />-`-��`•'�'� . due and nodtying tenante to meke paYments to Lender.Lender may epp1Y rente,issues and protits.les3 costs artd expens- <br />_'^b:�.��`."'�'" es oi operation and coiloction Inc►uding atlomey's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby.all In euch order as Lender may deter- <br />-':L�.:•;, ;.i mine.The entering upon and taking possesslon ot the PropeRy.the coltectbn of such rents. fssues and proflts.and the aPPIk�Ua► <br /> Y��f 1t18f60i B9 HTOteTS+�6I1S�Z:�t txsr'or:u°.i.,s�n:'!��?'!It ur notice of default hereunder Or Invalidate any act done in response to such <br /> _ s 9 � o� iiw w8o�."210ti� <br /> �.�y�c�� <br /> ••C•� defauit or pursuant to such noUce of defeult and,notwith3tandin the continuence in ssessbn ot tne properiy <br /> _-.�^��.;.t`�:�, recelpt end appiicatbn of rente,issues or pro}its,Trustee and Lender shatl�entitied to exercise every dght provided tur��a�of eale. <br /> —= A;s;vy. �oan IRStruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Oefault,includl without Ilmitatlon the dght to exercise tl�powe <br /> ����� FuMer,Lender's dgHts end remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative wlth,and in no way e Ilmitation on,l.enders rights end <br /> ---�A�.�i� remedies under any assignment of leases and rents�ecorded a9a�nst the ProPa►hi-�ender,7Yustee and the recefver shaii be Ilabie to <br /> _ ^`���� pocount onty for those rents actually recolved. <br /> 1 t.Ewnb of Dthu^1�S��,meegt o pdncipal our inter st ot an other sum securRd h�e�rebY hen due; <br /> -"'�""-- (a)�ailure to pay y <br />- _�-'�';� (b)A bresch ot or detauft under any provlsion contatned In the Note.this Deed of'frust,any of the LoAn Inshvments,or enY <br /> other Ibn or encumbrence upon the Property; <br /> - �:�;�� (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or any similar pracess shall be entered against Trustor which shail becomo a�ien on <br /> -- �'� the proporty or any poRion thereof or interest thereln; <br /> ;,r�a <br /> (d)There shall be fited by or against Trustor or Bortower an acNon under any present or tuture tederel,state or other stet e, <br /> �_ law or regulation reiating to bank►upLcy,fnsolven rt ot the P e1opertyro ethe ro�nts,�E sru snorlprofl�thenreotaor Trust��Bomower <br /> - Iiquidator of TNStor or Borrower or of all or any pa <br /> -------- shall make any ganera�assi9nment for the benolit of creditors; <br /> ___ ---- (e)The sa�e,transfer,lease,essignmont. conveyanae or further encumbrence of ali or any part of or eny i�terest(n the <br /> — °ra�sr�;,etLher volun�A!i�Y nr tnvduntarily,wlthout the exprnss written consent of Lender,provided that Tnistor ahall he permR- <br /> --- --�� tod to execute a lease of the Property that does not contain an option to purchase end t�o term of which does noi exoeed ona <br /> year, <br /> ---- (Q Abandonment of the Proporry:or <br /> - V_��� �911t Trustor Is not an�e�issof ft�s issufed andgoutstand,n�stock, or(if a partnership)a t�o�wl of�e than�a <br /> -�- -��.:Y�z �par�tne ship/nterests,or pf ap mfted Ilebility company)e total of per�ent ot fhe limited Iiabllity compa- <br /> --�--� ny interests or voUng ri9hta during the perlod thts�eed of Tnist rema�ns a lien on the propeRf►• <br /> � � 12,q�nNdl�;Acc�kratlon Upon Mhuft.ln the event ot any Event of Detauit Lender may,without notice except as required <br /> _ -�-��� by law,declare alt fndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the a►me shnli thereupon be�x+me due end payable wit�- <br /> __�:;�!"�-- out any presanM�ont,demend,protest or nat�e of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> � and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustors�ntsr- <br /> �';�;,,:+., ,�� (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented herein, <br /> •-�:�'s. est in the Property to be sold and tho proceeds to Ge distrlbuted,all in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deads Ac1� <br /> -'_`.` . �_- (b) Exerclse any and ail �ights pmvided tor in any of the Loan Inst►uments or by!aw upon occurre�ce of eny Event of <br /> Y-{���:.�:°"-L Ueteuth,end <br /> -°---..`�,., .�;:;;:,_' (c)Comm;,ncs an e�t[on tn fnreclose this Daed ot TNSt as a mortc,}age,eppolnt a recefver,or spocificaity enforoe any of the <br /> ;. ;; `:�«,� ' covenanta hereof. <br /> No romedy hereln conferred upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,In tP�e Loan <br /> _ '� '', � Inshumentslnstruments or n w or here fterexlsUng t lawlo�reincequity or by statute�and m�tay ba exere sed concu�yven����� <br /> �n the I.o�n <br /> �s�...,-� _�'�_ or succesivelY• __,r,,._,,..•,,.,�.,af��t ra►LCa.and Lender mav at any tlme and without cause�nt s suc- <br /> °':��;;� 13.TfUi[N.I n9 Itustf7tf mar�va.e�.a...�.s �...- _..-•--•---- • <br /> cessor o�substltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liabte to any party,including without Ilmitatlon Lender,Borrower,i rusiar or arry Ni+�- <br /> � Chaser of the PropeRy,tor any tors or darreage unless due to reckiess or wiliful misconduct,snd shali not bo required to take any flCtWn <br /> �' . 'i � tn connectbn with the entorcement of thls Daed o4 Trust unless Indemnitlad,In writin(�,br all costa,componsaUon or expenses which <br /> n <br /> _ . may be associeted therewith.In addttion,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(�ud�lal or under the power a1 <br /> ° sale granted herein);postpono the sale a!ali or any portton of the Pro�rry,ae Providecl by law;or sell the PropeAy as a who{e�or In <br /> ' ' separete parcels or lots et Trustee's discretfon. <br /> � .. 14.Fs�s�nd Exp�nse�.I�i the evant Trustee aelis the Property by ewer of sale Inciuding ae TrustRe's tee and iLendei's and <br /> any ealo procneds flr�t to payment of all costs and expanses of exercl i�bpo law.In the event Borrowor or Trustor exercisea any rt(�ht <br /> � T�ustoe's ettomey's fues, actually irtcurred to extent permitted by app <br /> provided by law to cure en Event of Delau�t,I.ender shall be ent(tted to recover trom Trustor nil costs and expenses ectualiy incurred as <br /> ',. .r�u: ���� a rosult of Trustor's detault,Inctuding without Ilmitatlon all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the uxtont permltted by epp�icable law. <br /> ' � � 16.Futun Adv�nc��.Upan►eQuest of Borrower,Lender may,at its option, make additioRal and future advances and read- <br /> � ��^"�`"' vancea to Borrower.Such edvances and readvancos,with Intemst thereon,shall be secured by thia Deed ot Trust.At no time ehall the <br /> . . <br /> _ - --.,-nn• <br /> ., . _ ._..'.._.'�....�_.-.__.crcursv��':-rV'.:a��4.[a.-�-1.:C!'7�5s�:-::. <br />