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<br /> princlpal amounl of the Indebtednose secured by thle Deed of Tn�et,not Inciudir.p sums advancod tb protect the Becu►Ity ot thla Deed o1
<br /> TNBI,exceed 1he atlflinal prinaipal amount stated horcin,ar�_ ��-� ��-�� ,whlchever Is greater. ___
<br /> ta.Mlu�ll��ewuo F►ravlalono. �'_
<br /> (�) BDrrow�r Not A�N�ted.�xtenslon of the time tor payment ar modiflcatlon of amoMixatlon ot the Rumo necured by thla
<br /> Deed olTrust granted by Lender fa ary succa�sor In lnt�rest ot B�rro�er eh�ll not c��+rate to release,U any manner,lhe Ileblli• �__
<br /> y of the orlpinal Borrower end Borrower'e eucceseore In fntereet. Lender ehall not be requlred to commence proceedlnya
<br /> ayalnut euch succesaor or retuse to extend time for paymant or othe►wlae mod►(y emortizetlon o1 the sum.9 secured by thls
<br /> Deed o1 T�uet by reason o1 sny demands made by lhe orlqlnal Bnrrower ertid�orrower'e oucceasors In inteveat.
<br /> (b)L�ndar'�Pow�n.Without eHecting the Ifablllty o1 any other person Ilable(or the payment of sny oblipatlon herein mt►n•
<br /> t�one�i,arrcJ withoul Aticcti�g th�Il�n or chargo of thl�17�ed of Trust upon eny portion ot 1he PropeRy not then or the�ototoro L
<br /> rekased ea secudty for the fuil arnount o1 all unpeid obllyatlons,Lender may,from time to time end without not�e(I)retease
<br /> any penon eo Ileble,(II)ext`nd the matudty or niter any of the terma o1 sny such obllyation�,(III)prant other Indulg�nces,(Iv)
<br /> reteese or convay,or ceuae to be released or recanveyed at eny time et Lender's aption any purcel, portion or all ot the
<br /> Properry,(v)take or retease any other ar addltional secudry or roconvayed at any tlme et Lender's optlon any parcel,portion or
<br /> all of the PropaRy,(vi)teke or release any other or eddttlonal secutlty for any obligatton hereln mentloned,or(vfl)meke compo-
<br /> sitbns of other arranpemente with debtore In reletlon thereto.
<br /> (c)Forben�ancs by 6�nd�r Not�WaivK.Any forbearance by Lender In exerclaing any riAht or remedy hereunder,or oth- _
<br /> erwise efforded by appllcable law,ehaii not be a walvar of or preclude tho exerclse ot any such righl or remedy.The procuro-
<br /> ment of Insureoco or the payment ol texes or other Ilena or chargea by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lendere dght to A�eler-
<br /> ate the maturity o}the Indebtednese securod by thls Daed of Trust
<br /> (d)gucasson�nd A�stpns 8ound;Jolnt�nd S�v�r+�Llabl�tty;C�ptlom.The covenants and apreements heretn con-
<br /> tsined shall bind,and the �ights hereundor shafl inure to, the respective ouccessore and esslgns of Lender and Trustor. All
<br /> covenanta and apreementa af Trustor sha►i be Jolnt and s�veral.The captions and headinga o!the paragraphs of thia Deod of
<br /> Trust are tor convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or deHne tt�o provlsfona hereof.
<br /> (e)R!�t�eet for ldotl�r.The partles hereby raquest that e copy of any natke of detault hereunder and a copy of Any n�tice
<br /> of eate h�reunder be malled to each pariy to this Deed of Trust at the address set(ofih abave in tha mann�r prescdbsd by - -
<br /> appltcaWe law.Except for any other notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner,eny notice provtded for
<br /> in thia Deed af TNat shall be gh►en by snalling such rtoUce by certitlod mall addressed to the other parties,at the adclres�eet
<br /> torth ahove.Any not{ce provided(or In thls Deed of Trust shall be eHective upon mailing in fhe manner designated hereln.If
<br /> Tmstor Is more than one person,notice sent to the address set torth ebove shall be notics to ali such persons•
<br /> (�Insp�ctlon.Lendor may make or cause to be made reasanable ent�ies upon and Inepections o}the Property,Provided
<br /> thst Lender shall give Trustar notice p�ior to any such Inspection specitylny roasanable cause therefor related to Lender's Inter-
<br />' est I�the Property.
<br /> (g)p�conwy�nc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lendsr shall request Trustee to�e�nvey t o
<br /> PropeAy and shall surrender thia Deed of Trust and all notea evtdencfnp indebtednesa secured by thia Deed ot Trust ta
<br /> Trustee.TNatee shali reconvey ihe Property,wftiwut warranty and without charge to the person lepalry enUtled thereto.Trustor
<br /> shali pay e�l costs or recordatbn,If any.
<br /> (h)P�nond Prop�rty; Secu�iry Agreement.Aa additlonal securfty tor the payme�n��t��of�thett��o�t�e,�stor h��by���
<br /> L�nder ur�dsr the NslsresKa Umtorm c:omme�iai t'•auo a oor.u�iiy trsies oi!n:!!ll�sss�._�-.�.. - _ —
<br /> used In connectlon with the real estate vr Impravements loaated thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a paA ot
<br /> shall ha�ve a 1 the ghta and�remed�les soNa secuhed paRY under s�ald Codeuln sddlUon tonthe 9hts nd r�emed�1 nd�s
<br /> parayreph shall be cumulative wlth,end In no way a Itmltatbn on,Lender's dghts and remedles under any uther securlty egres-
<br /> ment slpned by Borrower or T�ustor.
<br /> (f)Ll�ni�nd Encumbnnc�s.Tmstor hereby warrants end representn that thero la�o defauft under the provlslona of eny
<br /> mortpepe,deed of trust,lease or purcFu�se cor►trer•t describlrW eN or any pan of the Property,or other contract�1r�tnunent or
<br /> epreanent ConstRuttng a Ilen or encumbrenoe ayaingt afl or any part af the Property(cdlectively."Usna�,exlstl►p as o1 tbe
<br /> ten dlsctosue ot le egand e cutmbrysn�ces'provl�ded tor heren` Trua�todritsehdatt timely perfo�l of Trnuator's b Ip tbns,
<br /> covenants,representattons and warra�Ues urxier eny and all exleHng end tuture Llens,shall promptlY torward W Lendor coples
<br /> ot all nottces of detault sent In connection wltl�anY and a��exlstlny or tuture Llens,end shall n6t wittiout Lenders prbr written
<br /> ��nt��a�y manne�modlfyr the proviebna of or sltow any futura eduaneea ur�dur any exletlnp or fuwre Ilens.
<br /> (j)App�katlon�of P�yrtNnb.Un{eas otherwlae rAqulred by law,sums pald to Lender herounder,(ncludinfl wkh�ut irt►ke-
<br /> Lend�t ethe afmpoun s due and towing 1rom T�tor e��mowderem auch order as Lendare fn ite sde dfsc�re I� d��deefr
<br /> ebte.
<br /> (k)��blllty.If any provlslon of thla Deed of Tmst contlk�te wlth epppcable taw or la decle�cl Invalkl c�r ofherwlss unen•
<br /> ta�~!�,ss:...^�s�aP.l�!nr lnvalk�nu stv�l not attect the otfne�provistona of 4hia deed oT Trust er tho Rato vehk�cnn tre Qhran
<br /> effect widaut the confl�Nng pcovlslon,and to thla end the provlaWna of thle Oeed of 1'tiat and tne niae aro oeciarai iv i,e oo'r-
<br /> erabN.
<br /> thg�Ieame Pe�o e),tFwse trerm�s as used M Is Deedlof TNet shall be I�nte r�enpeu�and when the Tnistor and Borrower are
<br /> (m�Q o v m m inp l.aw.ThIa Deed of Tnrat shall be govemed by the laws oi the State of Nobraske.
<br /> Truator has oxecuted thls Deed oi TNSt es of the date wdtten above.
<br /> 1C7'►�^'"`r`
<br /> Yrnnv nn �c r_i eucc Trustor Trusto�
<br /> ���.... ......... ........._
<br /> ^ Trustor Trustor
<br /> � _ _ _ _ _
<br />