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<br /> ' ` � "Proceeds")in connectlon with condemnatlon or othertaking of the Properiy or part thoreof,or tor conveyr�nce In Ileu ot condemnatlon. _
<br /> '��= Lender shall be ont(tied at Ite optlon to commence,appoar In end prosecute In Ite o�n nemA eny actbn or proceedinga,end shall atso -
<br /> �o cntitled to mnho any cort�promi�o or cettlement In conner,tlon with such teklnfl or damape.In the event any portlon of tho PropaRy la �.
<br /> so taken ar damaped, 1_ender ahall heve the optlon In Ita aole and abs�olute dlecrelion,to apply all euch procaeds, utt�r ded�sctinq
<br /> � ;,} ttieroii�m e{I costc arsd o�p�n�es ire�urred by tt ln canne�tion with e�ch Proceeda, ��pon any Indehtednase securod her uby n uch onh �-�
<br /> � � ; order as Lender may determine,or to�ppiy nli such Proc�eds,after such deductlona,to the reatoretlon of the Properly po �_
<br /> ' ,.� diqons as l.endar may dntermine.Any epplication o1 Proceeds to Indebtsdnesa shall not extend or postpone the due date o}any pay �.
<br /> ments urxler the Note,or curo eny delault thereunder or hereundar.Any unepplled funde ehall be pald to Truetor. �=
<br /> :j 8.Perform�nce by Lsnd�r. Upon the oCCUnence o1 en Event ot Oetault h�reunder,or If any ect ia taken or legal proceeding �
<br /> ' ' commencecf wh�h matedally aHects Lender'a Intereat In the PropeRy,Lend�r mny In It�oem discreUon,but�rithaut o4ilgatlon to do go, s.
<br /> and w(thout notks ta or demand upon TNator and without releasing Tnistor irom eny obllgatlon,do sny act whlch Truator has egreed —
<br /> �� �� � but felled to do snd may atso do eny other sct It deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Truotor ehall, immedlately upon __
<br /> �=�+++�'� demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all coats and expenses incurred and sume expended by Lender in connectlon with lho exer-
<br />-- . -� cise by L�nder of the foregoing dghte,together with Intereat thereon at the @efeult rete provided In the Note,wh�h eball be added to
<br /> � the Indebtednesa securod hereby.Lender shail nof incur any Ilabllity becauoe ot anything It may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> `����' 9. Hat�rdou��Aat�rlal�.'�n�stor shall ke�p the Property In compllance with all appllcabi@ lawa, ordinances and regulstlona
<br /> � relaUng to Industdal hyglene or envlronmental protecUon(cotlectivety reterted to hereln e�"Environmental Lawe�.Tnistar sbnll kasp —
<br /> �,� ,�• the Property iree irom all substances deemed to be hazardous or toxia under any Environmental l.awa(collectively reterred to hereln
<br /> r•-�` ; ae'Hazardous Matedals").Truator hereby warrante and represents to Lender that thero are na Hazardous Matedals on or under the
<br />_��""` ' Property.T�ustor hereby agreos to Indemnify and hold hartnless Lender,its directore,otticere,employees and agents,and eny succes•
<br /> „j�.;�ti h� sore to Lendera Intereat,from and agalnst any end all clolms,damagsa,losses and Iiabllitiea arising In connection with the presence,
<br />���. uso,disposal or transpoR of any Hazardoua Materlals on,under,from or ebout the PropeRy.THE FORE(;OINd WARRANTIES ANG
<br />-�:±��• 10.Aul�nrtNnU of Rent�.Trustor hereby asstgns to Lendor,and grants Lender a security fnterest In,all prosont,tuture and
<br /> ':�;`,:��. ,. eRer adsing rente,issusa and proftts of the Proparty;provided that Trustor ehail,untll the occurrenco of an Evont of Oefauit,hereunder,
<br />:;y��;�• hava the�Ight to coliect snd retaln such rents,I�sues and proflts ea they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> = --� petauft,Lender may,oither in person or by sgent.with or without bringing any action or procoeding,or by a rocetver appolnted by a
<br />" *�� court and without ropaM to the adequacy of Its secudly,enter upon and take possesslon oi the Propertyr,or any part th3reof,In Its own
<br />'=`:r�
<br /> - npme or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acte which it deems necessary ar desirable to preserve the value,marketabllft�or
<br />-::��� rentsbility of the Property,ar any part thereof or Interest therein,or to Incraase the income thereirom or protact the securtiy hereot snd,
<br />_sz��� with or wtthout taking posaessbn oi the Property,sue tor or otherwise collect the �ents,issues end protits thereof,induding thosa pest
<br /> °`--- due and unpaid,by notifying tenante to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues and profita, less wsts and e�ens-
<br /> °-
<br />