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},� � . .., . . . . . � <br /> .. ' •is�l�� � � . . I l .' ' � . , �L.h'..-=-.� <br /> ' .. , ' .. _..`.r�=��- <br /> . � , , . . . .. .. . -��{"�"i� _ __..:- <br /> �. <br /> �' _ <br /> ,,�' .. -" ' �(jMMrlw � ..........�.N1+.�A+V/R+p-/iu4t7L1Yl"NK . .. Kiff`�7!.a j:q-.�...y, ,.�+... -nr.r.`:�...�..a..__..-^--- - <br /> .. . . 'Nwn•.t�wu I�. . - ,,e � ..,c-:..... .s <br /> . r_ <br />:, . .__._._..._"'"' ._.�,__. .._ _'� <br /> ,..._._._ J.�._.."_"'_. ___....__.. __.... ..... ......"' " _' " �t�,. <br /> ,;�.r..:'�'�.i <br /> , ...�.� i"'t�.4. �: <br /> <; � substantially cquivalent mortga�;c in.urunrc covcrage is nc�t availahic. Burruwcr+IciU p,iy Ir Lrn�lci r��ch munlh a ,um��i�unl tu <br /> '' , onc-twcl(ih uf thc ycarly mortguge insurancc prernium�Ci ng puiJ by E?orruwcr whcn thr mwrnncr c���ci:���r I��p�r�l��r rr�ncd lu <br /> � �ic in cffc�t. l.endrr will:�crcpL u�c und retuin thcsc paymcntti u, u lu,s rescrvc in licu uf m��rt�t�i}�r in,nr;inrc. I n., rcticnr <br /> ` p:rymentti muy no I�roEcn c�rcquircd.ut thc optiim��f Lcndcr. if ntort@agc in,uranrc ro�•��ra��c 1 u�ihc�unuinu ,md G�r Ihc peri��d � <br /> that LenJer rcNuirc+)proviJcd by an in�urrr approvedhy Lend�r again bcrumc, uvuilahl� and i+nhl�unrd. Hniru�+rr ,h�dl ��ay � <br /> thc pr�•niiunn rcyuircd u�maintaim m�nga�c insurancc in effcct,or tc�pr<�vidr a Icnti rcycrv�,until Ihr rci�uircm�m I�,r ntur�gst![c� � <br /> .. � intiurancccnds in acr�n•dancc with any wriucn a�,recmcm t�ctwecn Hurrnwcr and Lcndcr ur upplicuhlc I,�w. -- <br /> t 9.Inspertlon. l.cndcr or it� agcnt muy make rc�+onablc cntrir} upan and in�pcctiuns ui lhc Pruperty. Ixn�lri �h�dl�:ivc � �>: <br /> Borrowcr nc�tic�ut thc timc of or priur to an inspc��ion spe;cifying reu�onablc rau.c fur thc inspurtion. � <br /> _ : ,S �►� 10.Candemnation. Thc procccds uf any award nr claim fitt damuges. dirert ur canycyucntial. in a,nncctiun with anyN = <br /> �� " r�mdcnmatii�n��r othcr takin}� uf any part of thc Propcny. ur ti�r convcyanrc in licu uf cundcnmatinn. arc h�reby as,igncd�ind � <br /> ' shall bc paid to l.cndcr. <br /> ._;..."'�'� In thc cvent of a totul taking of thc Property,the prucceds+hull be applicd to the sums�ccured hy thiti Security Instrument � <br /> "��'. _�-- "' whcthcr rn• not thcn due, with any cxc�ss paid to Borrawcc In the event of a purtiul taking uf thc Praperty in which thc fai ��,; <br /> 4� � markct value of thc Praperty immcdiutcly hefore the taking is cqual to or gmater[hun the amowu of thc sums sccurui by thi� �: <br /> -- _ . Sccurity Inrtrumcnt immediutely before thc taking,unlas Borrowcr and Lcndc�r otherwise agrce in writing, thc sums secured by <br /> � this Seeurity Instrumcnt shull be reduced by thc amcwnt of the proceeds multiplicd by [he following friiction: (a) the total =_ <br /> umount of the sums secureci immcciiately before the Ciking, divided by (b) the fair market valuc of the Properry immcdiately _ <br /> befc�rc the taking. Any balance shall he puid to fiorrower. In the cvent of a p�rtiul �aking cif the Prnperry w which the fair <br /> `' " market value of thc Property immediately bcforc thc taking is Iess than the amount of the sums securcd immediutely beforc thc <br />':'%,��,:' � � tuking, unless Borro�ver nnd C.cnder otherwise agrce in writing nr unless applicable luw otherwise providcs, the proceeds shall _ <br /> • bc applial ta[hc sums+ccurcd hy thiti Scrurity I llsll'U�lklll «•hethcr ur n��t thc tiums ar�th�n du�. --- <br /> :°':�, If the Pr��perty is abandoned by Borru�ver. ur it�.after nuticc by L�nJer tu Burroa�er thut thc rundenm��r ult'cr+tn nril�r an <br /> '.b,;.�•x,;-�.�� ' u�vard or settle a claim for damages. Borruwer fails In respond to Lcnder within 30 days af'ter thc Jute the notice is giv�n. <br />--- '�'�" Lcndcr is authori•r.ed to collect and apply the proceeds,a� its option, cither to restoratian or rcpair uf thc Property or to the sums <br /> v�` !�'• = secured by this Security instnimr,nt. �vhether nr �io�thenduc. _ <br />-�`�-�'�'_� Unless L,endcr and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any applicution i�f proreeJs to pnncipal shall not extend or <br />--y�,rr��'.�: postpo�e the due date of the monthly puyments referred to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or change thc amount of such payments. <br /> • • 11.Qorrower Not Released; Forbearance ay I.ender Not a Waiver. Extensian of thc time for paymem or modifiG3tion <br /> � �f'.'"` of amoniiation of thr sums serureJ by this Securiry Insirument granted by Lender to any�uccessor in intcrest of Aorrower shull <br />'�`�Q�'-;, not opeiate to releasc the liability of the ariginal Dorrower or Borrower's sucressors in interest. l.cndcr shall not be rcquirecl to <br /> }����r commence roceedin ti a ainst an successor in interesi or refuse to exten� time for payment or otherwisc modify amoni7atian <br />.,.r .�cU P S� S Y• <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instivment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> "!1_z-:�� successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall nnt be a wuiver of or precludc the <br /> :;;;�y;;� excrcise of any right or rcmedy. <br />--=-:,�y�� 12.Successors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Several I.fAbllity; Casi�ners. The covenants und agrecments of this <br /> _=-,;�t Security Instrument shall bind und henefit the succcssors nnd assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject to the provisions of <br /> - paragraph l7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevcral. Any Horrower who co-signs this Securiry <br /> -�'? inyt�wn.anr h��r rinnc n�t rvrr��tr thr Nnfr• /nl icc�-sienine this Securiry Insuument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> --_= =_�--�� Horrower's interest in the Property under thc ternu of ih is Security lnstrument: (b)is not personally obligated to pay tne sums <br /> -=�''"`"� secured by this Securiry Instrument:and(c)agrees that I.enJer and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or <br />---_-��'�'� make any accommodations with regard to the ter►m of ihis 5ecurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> . 13.L.oun Chnr�;es.If the loan secured by this Saurity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan char�es, <br /> �= and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ocher loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> _ lonn exceed the perrnitted limits, then: (a)any such loan chnrge shall bc reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> — to the permitted limir, und(b)any sums elready collated from D�rrowcr which excecdeci pe�rmitted limits will be refunded to <br /> — Borrower. I.xnder may choose to muke this refund by reducing the principal owul under the Note or by muking u direct <br /> payment to Be�rruwer. If u refund rulures priikipal, thc rcduction vnll bc trcatcd us u p:�rciul prepuyment without any <br /> — .— prepuyment chargc undcr thc Notc. <br /> 14.Notlres. Any noticc to Borrowcr providcd fnr in this Sccurity Instrument shall bc givcn by dclivering it��r by mailing <br /> it by tirst clusti itiail unless applicuble luw requires useof'imother method. The notice shull be directul to the Property Address <br /> or nny other uddress IIarrower designutes by notice in l.ender. Any notice tu l.ender shaU be given by first dass mail to <br /> L.�:ndcr's nddress stutcd hcrcin or any othcr address l.cndcr dcsignatcs by noticc to Borro�vcr. Ai�y n�ticc provided for in this <br /> Sccurity Instrument shull bc dccmed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lendcr when given as provideci in this paragruph. <br /> 15.Governfng I,t�w; Severabflity. 'fhis Security Instrumcnt shall be govcrned by federal law and tlic law of the _ <br /> jurisdiction in which tlie Property is Iocated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security [nstrument or the Note <br />_---. ------ canflicts with applicuble Inw, such conflict shal l not affect other provis�ons of this Security Instrument or the Note which cer,be <br /> --- given effect withnut the cemflicting pruvitiion. To thiser.d the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note nre declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Barrower's Copy. Borrower shall bc biven onc cunformeci copy of thc Note and of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> 17,Trnnsfer of!he Property or a BeneFclul Inter�st in Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it <br /> is sold or trunsfcrred(or if a beneticiul interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is nvt a natuml person)without <br /> —= Lender's prior written consent, I.ender may, at its aption, reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums sccured by this <br /> Security instrumcnt.However,this option shall not beexcrcised by Lendcr if exerc�se�s prohibited by federnl law as of the date <br /> — of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> — 3f Lcnder exercises this option, Lender shull bive Barrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of nnt <br /> = less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or muileci withiu which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> - — Security�Instniment.If Borrower fuils to pay theu sums prior tn the cxpiration of this period, Lcndcr mxy invoke any remedies <br /> _____!� permitted by this Sccurity Instrument without further noticc or demand ou Bonnwer. <br /> -�,���� 18. Borrower'x Rlght to ReMstatc. If Borrower mcets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> _ "-''^"t�� enforccment of this Security Instrument discontinued at any timc prior to the carlier of: (a) 5 days (or such othcr period as <br /> Y�vY�'-�'_,_�� applicable law may specify for rcinstatement) bcfore salc of the Property pursuant to any power of salc contained in this <br /> =___ �_=«� Securiry Instrumenr,or(b)entry oi'a juJgment enforcin�this Seeuriry lnstrument.Those conditions an:that Borrower: (a)pays - <br /> `_�;��� Lender all sums which then would be due under this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note as if no.icceleration had uccurred: (b) - <br /> �i..�;,,�:�� curcs any default uf uny other covenants or agnements; (c> pays aU expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Security Instrumcnt, L <br /> =-� �="1''� including, but not limiteci to, rcasonablc xtrorneys' fce�; and (d) tukcs tiuch action as Lender may reasonxbly rcquire to ussure _ <br /> -'��,���°-�","s,,,�� that thc lien of this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. L.endcr's rights in thc Property anJ Borrowcr's obligation to pay lhc sums securcd by � <br /> `=�r��!+PG ' • this Securiry Instrument shell continue unchanged. Upnn reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the " <br /> --_ . . S.' <br /> -----•-• <br /> ---•��«- -���-• � _.�:__.:___ . .,�._....w.. ..w..0 ..,,..,..:„ r,.n,..>sr.:.,au��f nn urarlrratinn h�d ocrurred. However, this r�aht to retnstate shall - <br /> ..,__.. r..,_._ vvugauvnoSC:.:.�:.,........� o.�.... .�....,... ....., --•^--�---... -•- -------- - �. <br /> �,.�;�`��� not apply in thc cusc of acccleratiun undcr paragraph IL E <br /> 19. Sale of Notc; Chunge of Loan Servlccr.The Note or a partial intcrest in thc Notc (together with this Sec;uriry <br /> - - ��� ����• '��' Instrument)may be sold one or morc times withaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in<<change in the entity(known - <br /> - .:� �'`:� `� a�the'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one ' <br /> 'i ;t,':;�`:" o: or more changcs of the[.oan Servicer unreluted to a sale of thc Nutc, if therc is a rhangc ot the Luan Scrvicer.8orrower wi11 be <br /> - • , given written notice of the rhange in ucenrJNnce�vith paragraph 14 abrne and applicable law.1'he notice will state the name tmd k <br /> ' �, address of the new Lvan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other . . ' <br /> .�,::': . �r,,�Y inforrna�ion n:yuireci Ny applicable luw. � <br /> .. •. 20. Ha•rardot�s Substances. Borrowcr tihall no�cause or permit thc prescnre, usr, dispu.ral, stora�e, or rcleasc of any <br /> ", :� Hazardous S�bstances on or in the Propeny. Dorro�ver shall not do, nor allow anyone else tu dci, anything uffectin� the � <br /> :_�.a�;,,_- Property that is in violation of uny Environmental La�v. The preceding two sentences shall not apply tu the presen�e, use. or :• <br /> •�, � � storagc on the Propeny nf small quantitics of Ha•ranlous 5ubstances that arc generally recognized to bc upproprinte to normal <br /> ='-`��a.+�� residenliul uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. � <br /> aru�a o�n Form 3028 9/90 <br /> � .. --------•-----�-.. .. -__.-----..•-..__.___-.._.-,..__�._._,.--_sz_:...�c.-�r.:..-a�c_,.—�.,--��— <br />