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<br /> ' Thc Funds tihnll hc hcld in un in+titutiun whn.c dcpo.ri�, arc insured hy �i frdcrnl u�cnr�-. in�n�umcmu ty. �,r rnNty �
<br /> - . ' linrludinl� Lrndrr, il'I.rndrr iti tiurli+ut i�i�tluuhnt)ur{n mry I�rdend Il�mic L�mn N+ut{� Ixndcr+hull:ipply Ihr fundti l��puy Ihc �
<br /> liti�.�rwv licni�. I.nJrr inuy nnt rh�u��cc Ifnrr�nvrr f��r hnldinlr nnd uppl)•in�� Ih�r I�iuid,, :uinunlly ans�lyr�n��dir rtici�►a•iuruuut. ��r
<br /> ' vcrilyin��Ihr I'.tirruw Ilciu,. unit;, Lrndcr�r,ryti H��rrm�-rr imcrrtii un Ihr 1'unil,nn�l�i����lir�il,lr I❑w pe�inu, Lcudci I�i mul�r+urh �
<br /> - u ri�ur�t�'. ilu��C��'r, I.�ndrr mdy Ir�Iullc Nu�rrnar� lu�►�iy n unr-Innc clunl:r I�ui .w In��p�'ndi'nl ri•al rtilulC Int rr(��qilnp �rrv�rr c
<br /> ° ; u,r�l h�- In�nilcr in �•um�criwn wuli �hiti Inain. unlr�, up��liiahlr lu�a pruvidr, rnhriai,r. lhile„ +m ultrecni�iit ir madc ��r _
<br /> •ippllrnhlc Inw rrtp�n'Cti inlrriN lu hr pu�d, I.l'lllll'1�tiIIIIII III1� I1� P4(�IIIfI'LI Ill Ilil�' HIIPIII��'l'P 1111�' (IIII'll'1I Uf t'i1PI�III(:ti UII UIl' hu�u�s. -
<br /> Uurruwrr nn�l Lrndrr snay u�r�e in «riliu}�, hu�v�ver. Ih�d iulcre�l +hnll hr pi�id nn Ihc (�IIIIIIh. IAIIIICP tiI171II E;IVL' In Ha�rru�vc�.
<br />. • ",� u•Ilh��ul rhar�!r, uu;mnw�l arruunUnp ul thr I'un�l+, .huwln�: rrcdil� nnd driHls lu Ihr I�und, and Ihr purpi»c t'��r�vhinc�+tcli �
<br /> dcbil i�� Ihr i�und,�t;��, madc. "1'hc l�und�:irr plyd�rd n� nd�liiiunnl�rruri�y (ur:dl�um�,crurcd hy thi.r ticcuriry In,truntcnt. L
<br />- If the Fundti held by I-xndcr cx�red tl��tuuounls permincd �o hc hcld hy up�lirahlc law. IAnd�r shall uccuu�U tu Hurrutvcr
<br />---r�'� li�r �hc rxrcti�I�undr in arrurduncc witli thr rcquiremcntti��f npplicuhlc la�v. IF t�ir amuunt�+t'thc I�unds hcld hy (Andcr ut any �
<br /> � iim.:i,nui yulfiricnt w p�iy thc�,scruw Itenn wlten duc.l.end�r mi+y �o nutify l3urruwrr in writing.iind.iu �uch ratic l�urrnw�r
<br /> � �hull p:iy to IAndcr thc amuunt ncccssary tu mukc up thc dctiricncy. B�rrowcr tihull mukc up thc defictcnry m no murc th.m
<br />=�»�-� � , twclvc munthly puymcnts,ut (Andcr',siilc discrctiun.
<br /> k•,� Upon paymcnt in full ol'nll tiums ,ccurcd hy this Sccurity lnstrununt. Lendcr �hall prnmptly refund ti� Horruwcr any
<br /> . � f'vnds hcld by l.cnJc�. If',unJcr puragraph 21,Lendcr �hidl acqu�rc or scll thc Property.I.cndcr, prior tu thc ucquisition��r sulc
<br /> uf tlie Property, shall apply any Funds held hy Lender ac the time of acquisitinn or�alc as u credit aguinst the sums,ecured by
<br />�t • � this Security instrumcnt,
<br /> `" ' � � 3. AnplicaNai of Puy�nents. Unless�pplicable lu�v provides othenvisc, all payments reccivcai by [Ander undcr puragruphs
<br /> � � I anJ 2 shall he applied: first. to any prepayment churges c'ue under the Notc: second, ta amounts payuble undcr parut;raph 2:
<br />=,:.., . • Ihird,to intc�est duc: tiiurth. tu prin�•ipul du�: :ma Inst. tu uny latc chargcs duc undrr thr Ncnc.
<br />�' �"q�' 4. Churg��; I.(c»s. Hi�rru�vrr�hull pay all taxc�. a+,c�+mcnts. rhargc+, linc,and impu�itiun,:ulnhutuMc tu Ihc 1'rupert}• -
<br />-i�:.: ,"�• . whieh I»�y attain priority ovcr this Suurity Instrumcnt, and Icutichold paymcnls ur gruund rrnu, if uny. Borruwcr ,hull puy
<br /> � `',;;J�,.,',.� thctic oblig:�tions in lhr manner providcd in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr, Rorrowcr shall pay thcm on timc dircrtly
<br />�.���:�ti.jf to thc person owcd payment. Horrower shall prompdy furnish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to be puid undcr this parugraph.
<br /> If Borrower rnakes these puyments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to l.cnder receipts evidencing the payments.
<br />' � Bc�rrower shall promptly diticharge any lien which hus prionty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(u)agrees in
<br />"' �-<�:`� , �vriting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a munncr acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in gou�I'aith the lien
<br />"� -•'• �` by, or defends against enforccmcnt of the licn in, legal procecdings which in thc L.endcr's opinion operate ta prevent the
<br />;��:.;�r�::i'• enf�reement of the lien;or(c)�ecures from the holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien to
<br />�x u f�'• this Security Instrumen[. If Lender determines thnt any part of the Property is subject to n lien which may attain priority over
<br />"'''� �" this 5ecurit Instrument,L.ender inu ive Borrowcr u noticc identifying the licn. Borrower tihall satisfy thc licn or take onr.or
<br />�.,_,.;�r� y Y E
<br />��,�;.4;;,: more of the actions set f'orth abovc within 10 duyti of the givin�of noticc.
<br />�;"a f��a- 5. Hazard or Property Insurunce. Borrower shuU kcep thc improvcinents now existing on c�rcafter ercctcd on the
<br />�1�`%,� prc�perty insured against loss by fire, hut;►rds included within the term "extended cuverage" und tmy other hazurds, includino
<br />_,k-..,�i,�•M
<br />--,�a=:,�.e�� floods or flooding, for�vhich I.end�r requires insurance. This insurance shall be muintuined in the amounts and for t e per�o s
<br /> ."`'�'�*�� Iltal I.Ci140i requires. Tiir ivauiuiiic CdiiiC� j3i�rii:,�i�b tti� ST:S»r�n�n chgtl hr rhncrn hv Rorrower suhieet to L.ender's upproval ,
<br /> ..k.�_�_�tTk.
<br /> ;.,�!���, � which shall not be unreaeonably �vithheld. If Borrower Fails to maintain covcrage described ubove, L.ender muy, at I.ender's -
<br />--.�..�_ .�.;�, option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Pr��perty in accurdance with paragraph 7.
<br />__""" w:� All insurancc policies and renewals shull be arceptable to [.ender und shall include a standard mortguge clause. L.ender
<br /> ° � shall have the right to hold thc policies and renewal.. If Lc:nder rcyuires, Borrowcr shall promptly givc to I.ender all reccipts of
<br /> _'"���,�� paid premiums nnd renewal notices. [n�he event of luss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance canier and L.ender.
<br /> ---:�a Lcndcr may make proof of loss if not mudc pramptly by Borrowcr.
<br />=-�-o-�•�- Unlcss I.ender and Borrower otherwise agrcr m wrrt�ng, insurancc proceedz shall b�npplird to restoration or repair uf the
<br /> ---_- Property damaged,if the restoration ar rcpair is ecunumicully feasible and L.cnJcr's serurity is not IcssencJ. ff thc restoration or
<br /> --
<br />