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<br /> � 61690�9 lJRC6-30�8-C-6 9�� �u�1��
<br /> • Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce bld, Tcustec shall deliva to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin� the
<br /> � + Pro rt . The rocltals In the 9'rustee's deed shall be p�ima facle evidence oF the truth oP the statements made thereln.
<br /> -»���'" Tcustce shall apply the proceed9 of the sale la the followin�order:(a)to all costs and expenses of exercisln�the pow�r oP
<br /> " '`� ale,and the sale,includin�the payment of the'IY�stee's fees adually Incurred,not to exceed 6500.00 �6
<br /> ��.;���� of defadt, and reasonuble attorneys'fees as permitted
<br />- t•It.Y� y E�wt(b)to all sums secured by this Security Lutrument;and(c)anr exccss to the person or pr�sonv legally entlUed to .�:
<br /> ft. _..
<br /> 22. Rocon�eyance. ilpon payment of all sums sscured by tiils Sxurlty Insmiment, L,ender shall request T�ustee ro :��_
<br /> n;convey the Property and sliall swsender tbis Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Secudry
<br /> Instntment to Tnutee.Trustee shall reconvey tbe Propeny wlthaut warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally _
<br /> endtled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordadon costs.
<br /> 23. Substttute T�ustee. Lender,at its apdon,may from dme to wae removc Tiustce aud appoiat a successor uustee to
<br /> any Tivstec aggointed hereunder by an in�m�ment recorded in the county in wblch tlila Security Insuument is recorded.Without -
<br /> conveyance of the Property,c�e successur austee shall succeed to all�e atle,power and dudes confernd unon Trustec LeYein _
<br /> and by appllcable law. —�
<br /> � 24. Request for Notices. Horrower requests d�at copies of the nodms of default and sRle be sent to Borrower':;addtess
<br /> which is tbe Prope�rty Address. �'-
<br /> 25. Rlders to tWs Security Instrument.If otte or more riders are executed by Borcower and recorded co8ether with this �
<br /> Securlry Insuument.the covenants and agc�emeats of each such rlder shall be incorpnrated into and sball amend and supplement
<br /> �. the covenants aud agreements of this Securlty Insmiment as if the rider(s)were a pazt of this Security Instruffiont. ��`—
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)] f�•-=.
<br /> ❑1-0 Fatnil Rider =s
<br />- �Adjustable Rau Rider �Coadominiwn Rider Y _
<br /> • � ' Graduated Payirsent Rider Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Blweekly Paywent Rlder .�
<br /> = �ga�in�n Rider �Rate Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider --
<br />_' .� � d V.A.Rider U Other(s)[��Y) _
<br /> .r�
<br /> y . _
<br />�-. �
<br />�x^•r:. � ..
<br /> +%'�::�.'•.�`• � BY SICiNING BBLOW�Bonower accepts and agrec:s to the terms and covenants conu�inecl in this Security Instniment and
<br /> �:_�,:=•_:� in any rlder(s)executed by Borrower end recorded with it.
<br /> T��•,^ Wimesses: _�5��
<br /> z=_=��� �l,e,u, u�,D�Ati �'
<br />=r`�,�t���Yrt - FIIEQ VAN DIIONG -Bomover
<br />'i.'�'X� �'a. ,
<br />=::�;� � Ki�n knk � 8 u�, �s�>
<br /> --'�Fs:�.:4�: �
<br />;ir•`"Ri�?�'�7J� .
<br /> --- 1CI1S JIltEI TfII SIII •Borrowu
<br /> —��,.=,'�
<br />�_ ------ (Seal) (�)
<br /> .�,-..-.-� - -Boimwer —
<br /> —2=:ii:a� . -Bocmwu
<br /> �,—::':'����� STATE OF NEBRASKA► �►LL County ss: �
<br /> �,�,,,�� 'Ihe foregoivg instrument was acknowledged before me this 13TF3 day of 8�8RIIIIRY ,1997 : -
<br /> - -_ -- by IiiiII VAN DIIONO 11ND 1CI�I 11LiH Tf3Z BQI. HII8B712iD 1►ND W=BS in �d Coiwty, e date afot�id. --
<br /> _==;-�s4►'',� Witness my haud and notaeial seal at Grand Islan = --
<br /> .>�r _
<br />=:,�.`
<br /> � � ��
<br />�; , • �' My Commissinn Bxpires: �p��r� --" :°..
<br />�,'.:•�`'�� Naury Nblic
<br /> .z:-.
<br />�':` . . . . .Ml�t� . _ -
<br /> +?. GEt1EAAl NOTAR�•Sl�le ol Heb�aswa
<br />,}.;. .. �� Ilf MARGARETM•aIILON -`•,
<br /> My Comm Eap.JuIY 2.ZO��
<br /> _ �F� `.
<br />�� - :elAf, �-='.
<br /> � . �m BRINEI tes�si.o� Py e or e Form 3028 9/90 '
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