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<br /> -i ' • 19. Trx��sTer af the Property or a IBenc�lcinl Dnterest in Bo�rower.lf all c�r Any pnrt of the Pmperty or t�ny intcrest iu it
<br /> 1 is sold ar transFerred(or if a beneflcial interest in Borrawer is sold ar traasfened and Bonawer is not a nututxl penon)withnut
<br /> { L,ender's prior written coasent. Lender may, at its aption, rr,quire unmediate payment in full af all suuis securzd by ttiis
<br /> ' Securiry Iusuument.However, diis option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is ptohibiteci by federal law�.ti of the clHie
<br /> of this Security Instrument.
<br /> j if Leader exerclses this option. Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceleradon.The notice shxll pruvide a period of not ,
<br /> less t�an 30 days from the date�he nodce is delivered or mailed witliin which Borrower must pay all s�wis secured by tl�is ,
<br /> � Securiry Iiutnuneut. If Bonower fails to pay these swns prior to the expiradon of this period,i.ender may invoke any reniedies
<br /> permitted by ttus Security Instruwent withaut further notic:e or demaad on eonower.
<br /> I8. Borrower's Itlght to Relnstate. If Honower meets cenain condidons, Bonowcr sliall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of tlus Securiry Inst►ument djsconunued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days (or such otlier period u
<br /> applicabte law may specify for reinstatement) before sxle af the Propetty pursuant to any power of sale contained �n dus .�n^,,.:,�.
<br /> Security Insmiment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security I nstniment.Those cond�aons are that Bonower: (a)pays
<br /> m
<br /> Lender all sums wluch then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleradon hud a:curred; @) , _ .
<br /> cures any default or any other wvenauts or agreements; (c) pays all eapenses incurred ia enforeing tlus Security,Iastrumeut� `
<br /> including, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d) takes such acpon as I.ender naay reasnnably requ�re to assure `���---��
<br /> that the lien of this Security Insuument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation ta pay the sums secured by ' ���.�, _ '
<br /> ttris Security Insmiment shall condnue unchauged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Insmument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fWly effective as if no acceleratioa had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall , ' .��r
<br /> not apply in We case af acceleration under paragraph 17. , '�' '�
<br /> ' 19. Sale of Note; Change o�'Loan Servtcer. The Note or a pattial iutemst in the Note (together with ttus Securiry "��r:-- T
<br /> xnstrument)may be sold ane or more rimes�vithout prior nodce to Borro�ver. A sale may result in a change in the entity(knaan � .•.��, =
<br /> ,� as the"Loan Servicer")that collec�s montlily paymettts due under the N ote and this Security Instrument There also may be one + �
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to A sale of the Note.If there 3s a chauge of the I.oan Servicer� Sonower will be
<br /> �. given written nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.Tt�e nodce will state the name and ; °
<br /> address of tha new Loan Servicer and the addre,cs to which paymears sLould be made.The nodce will also contaia any other
<br /> ' Infoimadon required by applicable law. �
<br /> _ � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pemrit the presence. use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in tbe I•roper[y. Borrowcr �Iu►II uui dv. ava aiicw anyone e:n. io do, sn°thing affe�'iinv �he ____ �
<br /> Property tl�at is in violadon of any flnvironmental Law. The preceding nvo sentences shall aot a ply to t�e presence, use,or ,`+ ': �` ``
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantides of Haaardous Substances that ase generally reco to be appropriate to normal ,:� �;
<br /> `� ;
<br /> residenti�l uses nnd to maintenance of the Properry. ;
<br /> Bonower shall pron►pdy give Lender wrinen notice of any investigation, claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by any •-�
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private parry involvir�the Property and uny Hazardous Substance or Bnviromnental I.aw `, rfi�: ;
<br /> of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrawer learns.or is n�tified by any governmental or regulatory authorlty, that �, � ,i
<br /> any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecung the Properry is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take ;::.:r r� ...
<br /> all necessary remedial actions inaccordance with Environmental Law. n�. ,,
<br /> ps used in this paragraph 20� "Hazardous Substauces" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Fnvironmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxlc petroleum�roducts, toxic � ,_ ,.
<br /> pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvent,c,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioacdve matenals.As used in �.�n�.�•�-.
<br /> ttris paragraph 20, "Bnvimnmeatal Law" means federal laws and laws of tLe jurisdicdon where the Property is located that ���
<br /> relate ta health,safety or eaviroamental pratecdon. _ �'��•�=�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVQNANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ='�s:
<br /> • 21.Ac,celeraUon;Remedles. Lender s!►all give natice to Borro�ver Q�Plor to accelerstion following Borrower'g bre�ch °•:��.:
<br /> � of any covenai►t or agreement [n thfs Secudty Instrument (but aM prior to acceleratton under paragi�aph 17 unless - __ ��
<br /> appltcable law provides othenvLse).The noNce shall specifY: (a)ttie default;(b) the action reqWred to cure the default; -Y�_
<br /> (c) a date,not less than 30 days from the date the nottce is gfven to Borrower,by whlch the default must be ciu�ed; and �
<br /> (d) tlu�t feilure ta cure t h e d e fa u lt on or b e fore t he da te s p e c i t i e c l i n t h e n a t t c e m n y rc s u l t I n a c c eleration of the swns � `•;�___
<br />� secured by this Security I�.strument and eale oF the Property. The notice shaq further Inform Borrower of the right to ;.�--�,,^
<br /> � � re,�nstate after acceleratton and the right to bring a wurt adion to assert the non-exlstence of a clefaule or any other ����;
<br /> defense of Borrower to accelera4lon and sale. If the default is not cured on or before tl�e date apeclfied in the nodce, �.�;-,_.�_
<br /> � I.ender, at its opUon, may require[mmedlate payment in full of all swns secured by ttals Security Instnm�ent witl�out ",:�"�:+:-- n
<br /> •- further demand end may invoke the power of sale and any other remedfes permitted by appiicable law.Lender shall be - ��"'�.'�""�
<br /> _ entided to colled all e1cpen5es incurred in pursutng the remedies prosided in this para�'aph 21,induding,but aot timlted , �'��t' �,�,.',s`+'._�,�
<br /> to,reasonable ahtorneys'fees and costs of t[tle evldence. �"��~�'=�=�,:' ���
<br /> If the powe�r of sale is Invoked, Tri�stee shall record a noUoe of default [n each county [n whlch any ps�t of the '_�-:�•'.� ' :.r�.
<br /> Property is lo�ated end shall mail copies of such notIce in the marmer prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower and to ;� • ,
<br /> the ot�er persons prescribed b9 apPticable Iaw.AFter the time required by appltcable law, 'h•ustce shall give publEc notice .
<br /> ' of sate to the persong and In the manner prescrlbe�l by epplicable law. Tnutee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell .
<br />— the Property at publtc ancUon to the highest bidder at the tlme and place snd under the ternu designated fn t4�e notice of
<br />— sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee detemtines. 7Y�ustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> Property by public annoumcement at the time and place of any previously acheduled sale. I.ender or its designee may .,
<br /> _ I pui�chase the Property at any sale. .
<br /> ..---- � Form 3028 9I90 ,
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