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. <br /> ---, <br /> ; <br /> ' �'�; ' .. ' „ . _ <br /> ��. .....-. <br /> ,,..�;, .n,�..' <br /> - � • ::,r-.:�.. ., . ..�.. <br /> . . _.... „ .. . .. � .� .... _ • <br /> �. -.„�.---.�....._..... 97� 1�1091 ► T ,:..:1 _ �- <br /> ' 7. Prateatlon of Lender's Rlyhb In ths Property. i} ecr►or,K r.u. co p..rorm cns aov.n�nt� and �a�"�e �_- <br /> ..,�.,. <br /> contahed h thls :�ecurAy InaWman� or I�are Ms o IetNl proceedhp lhpt may eqnlficenty aHsot Lender'e riphts In th�Rrop�rty(tuoh t� <br /> a proceodhq h bankruptoy,prubote, (or aondamnetkon or fortaNuro or to enforce�awe or repulatlane), thm Lsnder m�y da snd pay Por <br /> whatever �s neceseary to protect lhs vUue o1 the P'ropKty artd l.mdere ripht� h f„ „Q�: P�y����onabW atato�y e fsos and ' <br /> tny eums necurod I�Y � Ib� whFoh hM poiorNy owr ihh &xurRy InstrurtMnt, apPaa g <br /> enterhg on ths F'ropKty to mtk�npaYo, AKhouph I.�nd�r rtu�y tek��otbn unMr thle p�rapnpl�7,La�dM das not haw tv do eo. <br /> My amount� dbbure�rf by LMSdK undK thl� p�npnph 7 ehdl b�aome addRbn�l debt ot 9ortowu e�eund by thb SeourNy �, .� <br /> Instrument. Unless 8ortowK and L,and�► Wn� to othK twma at ptyrrNnt, th�a nmounts �haM bNU htK�st hom th� da1� of _-n3__ <br /> i dbburccrsza�t at th�Note ret�end eheY bw ptYabM� wlth fnt�eet,u„sur�nce�e�• co�fan o9rtnakinp���o9�Ra"�t� ny �h� -- <br /> i �, Mort�a�e InsurRnce. If LMtdM nquir�d mOrt�Q� N� <br /> 3ecur�ty Instrurteent, Bortaw�r ah�N p�y th� pr�nMam� nqulnd to mahtdn th� mortp�p� Inaunnc� in �thO1• ��� �o► M! ��tiQ°�the _; <br /> � mortptye Insunnc0 coverap�rsqulnd bY L�^dM rA��s or c�as�s to be In sflect, BoROwsr ahal DaY the pnmlumf nqu�►�d to obuh ",���_ <br /> ' Nahnt tn ths morty�p� hsur�nc� prevbusy h sff�at, at a oost aubatantwNy equlvaNnt to th� ooft to _��r, <br /> ` i covernpe substantyNy equ hsurx �pP�o'� by ��. If aubstantMly ;;w�- - <br /> Borrower ot the mortpape hsuru�ce prevbusy h �M�ct, hom an altemats mortp�pe xx�'•� <br /> I equNalent moRgape Inauranco covsnp� ts not �v�it�bb, Borrower shail pty to l.endsr eaah monlh e sum squal to on►twdfth of lh� ;s,�•��r: <br /> ��� <br /> , � � yeary moRpage hsurana premSum belnp pold bY Bortower whon th�haurance coverapa�aPsod or ca48ed to 6e in otNCt. I.Mtd�r wIM .9�.�_•- <br /> accept, use and retnln th�s� p1�ymMtlt as a b�� nt� h � ot mortpapl Inaunnc�. Lus�nsNw payrtN�ts rruY no k��pir b� <br /> required, at tho optbn of Lender, M mortsep� haunnc� cov�ep�(h th�amount �nd tor the �rbd th�t Und�r roqutn�) pro�id�d by � <br /> an hsurer approved by Lender aya„ be�omas Bvafl�bN and Is obtahed. Bortower sheli poy the premfuma rsqulred to mah4in <br /> mortpaye hsurance In aNact, or to proviW a bss r�sarw� untW thr raqutemait tor rtsortp�0e Insur4nc� ends In acaordana wkh any <br /> ° written apraement b4twew►BoROvrK Nd Lend�r a eDPKc�bM kw. I.mdor shal plw ,. <br /> ! 9. IntpecUon. L�nd�r or fb�t may rtuk� naso^aba vntrMs upon md insp�atbns ot th�PropKty. <br /> ; porro�:�notEce nt the tkne ot ar prbr to �n hap�ction specf(Yh9 nasontbk eause(or the Insp�clbn. V . <br /> � 10. bnnor ottheraWchp ol hinyp0 n of the Property�o�r tor onwyance�aliw of condemmtbn�rue�henbY assipned �d sht b� <br /> `:r'. cundernnot '' . <br /> ' � paid to Lendsr. . -- <br /> In ths e�vont ot a toLtt taklnp ot the Propeity, the proCeeds shs�� be ePP�to the sums secured by th{s Security InstrumK►t, <br /> � whether or not then due, wtth u�y exCSSS paW to Borrower. In the ever►t of a p�rtla�takin0 0l lhe Propwty h whioh th�h(r m�Ac�t ;.,;,{ . <br /> � i vnlue of the Property Mnmedta�oH 6e�ore lhe Wcinp fs equal to or qreate� than the amount of the sums secured by thls Securfty ��,;�,..� <br /> ; t, Instrument Immodl�tey betoro tha tac1�0. unM�e Borrower �nd Londer otherwise �grw In w�ithp, th� sums eecund by this S�curky _`J� -�� <br /> InaUurr�ent shall be reduced by ths unount ol th� proceeds mukiplfed by the tolbwinp (ractbn: (a) ths toul amount o1 th� sums �� <br /> '�,� secured Immedintey batore the takNp, dlvld�d by (b) the fair market value ot the Propsrty imrMdl4tey bHoro ths takY�p. My b�Ync� _ <br /> • . � shali be pald to Bortowor. In tM ewnt of a putMl takinfl of the PropKty In whbh the ht muket vilu� of th�Propwty IrnrMd�t�b ;4- <br /> ,� betore the tak(n� b Mas th�n the b�mo�w othwwise provldea. the procieds shaY bo apPNOd lo'the sums secursdL Y�� t�°�Y <br /> ___.__;,:�, �.� h wrkha or unbss app�aa �- <br /> ' ;y Instrument whether or not ths suma us thm due• : <br /> " If ths Pro�orty b�b�►►doned by Boreowsr,or B,aRer not�s by LendK to BorrowK th�t the cond�mnor othra to m�k�m awud or ` <br /> � settte a olakn for damepea�Bortower faNs to rhpond to Lendsr wRhfn 30 duys aRer the d�te the not�s b phron,land�r b nuthor�sd ,.,� , <br /> ; to colleot tnd appN the proceeds, tt its option,eRher to restontbn or repat of lhe ProyeRy or to th�sums s�cured by thfs SecurkY _ `' <br /> � Insirument,whether or not chen dua. <br /> � Uniess Lender�nd eorrovwr othwwlso afl�� „Wrkhp, any YPP�katbn of proceeds to prYioipal shtM not�octsnd or postpa►�ths - <br /> � dua dato ui the monthy payma�ts rN�rt�d to h P�DhPhs � �^d 2 or chanp�th�amount of such p�ymx►ts• <br /> 11. Borrower Not Fleles�ed:Forbearence By Lender Not e Walver. ExUnabn ot th. cme �or �ymm� or : <br /> modMicatbn ot amortlution of the suma a�cunW by thfa Security Instrum�nt pranted by Lendor to 4ny succ;�saor fn lnterett of Borrovwr .. <br /> ' , �; shtY not operab to nbaa th�NabIYtY of th�oripinal Bonow�r or Bortower� suca�ssoro 1n h1�t L�nd��haN not M nqubd to <br /> commsnca procNdinfls ��hst any�ucc�saor In Mtereit or raua to nctend tim�tor payrt�eat or oth�rwk�modlfY amo►tlurion of th� _ <br /> sums aecured by thb SeCUrily InaWment by rsnon of a�Y d�rt��d ^ud° by ths orphal BoROwer or Bonavwre auccaton h _. <br /> ' • htenest.Any torbs�nnce bY ��h �oaraislnp �nY �Ipht or nm�dy shsM not be a waiwr ot a P���t��k� of�nY dOht a ��,: <br /> � rert�edy. <br /> �',,"�.' �; � 12. Successors and Ani�n�Bound; .folnt end Ssveral Liablllty; Co-slpn�r�. Th� coue►+�nu �"d <br /> �:.t-.�, , .. <br /> �. „ apreemente of thte Socurky InsWm�nt ehaN bad u►d b�nofk th� suCCSSeoro �nd �ssipns ol 1_onder end Borror+K� subJsot to t <br /> _ ' �'' provbbn� of pwq«ph 17. BOrrOwlr'i CGVOnolts lnd�QtMrtwnte th�p W J�ht�nd LivKa�•MY BOrtow�r who oo-tlpnt thb S�CUrky <br /> � �nstrument but does not eoc�cu49 tho Notr. (a) Is casipnh0 thfs Securfty Instrumsnt ony to mortp�0�, ��� �d a�wy tlN�t <br />-Y�rf- Borrowera intersat In the Property under the um►e of thb SecurRy Instrument; (b)Is not pNSOna�hr obllQnt�d to pay ths sums Ncund —�— <br /> � �� by thls Security InsWrtient; �nd (c) aqrees that Lender and �ny othw Barower maY a9►'ee ro extend, modffy, to�b�ar or m�k� anY <br /> - acaommadattone wRh ropud to temis of tt�la Sacuriy inatruma�t or the Note wRhout thet Bortowars aoasent. <br /> :,,,�,�-��� � 13. l.oen Char�es. If th�ban securod by thb S�curky Instrum�nt b subjsot to �Iaw whbh s�ts rrwxhwm ban chu�pa, <br /> � and that law Is thaly Interpnt�d so th�t th�Intwsst or oth�r loan charpes coMeot�d or to W colbatsd In conn�otbn wkh th�lo�n ��`___ <br /> ` r' 6xCeed lhe permNted Iimlis� then� (l1 enY euCh bM Ohlltpfa 6haN W roduCSd by ths �u�`��b���d d t0 Bortoww. `LentMlr - ---- __- <br />'= r.• � ���IYnk;and(b)�ny sums �Inady colMctad hum BaROwK whian�ccMd�d P�rm t to BoROwK• �t� d�_�-_�' <br /> mny ohooss to make thb rofund by nduain0 th�pnc�ptl ovwd unclsr tho Not� or by m�kh� a dteot paymsn ��`�!`�y�_ <br /> � ` reNnd reduces p�cpal,the nduclbn wNl W tnaNd as E partkt prspaym�nt wkhout any preWY�t ah�undeK the Nota. s__ <br /> 14. NOtICCi. Ar►y not�� to Bortower provldsd for h thb S�curity Inatrumw►t eh�N W ph�bY delkerh0 k a bY ma�MW k by �„,�.��:__ <br /> � n:�ry....r,-:. :�..o _. <br /> ; � Iket cfasa mail unbss �pptic�bis kw roquk�s use o!u►othK methoc�. The not�a shaA be dlreot�d to th� PropKty Addroso or anY - ��;;__�--�, <br /> , t ,•!�_.,.�n. <br /> other addresa BortowK daaqnata by natice to Landx. Any not�s to L�ndar shaN ba ylven by fMSt olass mail to LeedK's�dd"'us v�;^..�?�'"_ <br /> ` � :�,,.,..:�__ur <br /> .. :r....Nc;,•-..�._.. . <br /> etated heruh ar any other eddresa Le�d�r dos{pnatas by not�e to Borrovrer. My notke provlded(or In ifiy &eCUrity Inetrum�nt shiN �� _���- <br /> . � pa deert�ed to haw bMn ON�n to Bortower or Lendsr wh�n qh�n as provldsd h thb panpnDh• f,:`�4}�"�,i_-� <br /> 18. aovernin� l.sw; SEYEiAb111ty. 7his S�CUrky Inetrum�nt shap b� Oo�b �y ��I kw �nd th� law of tB� �':�.�, -,:,.1�{A.�' <br /> SC <br /> , .� � Jurisdbtbn in whlch th�ProFerty b loctled. In th� went that�r►y provisbn or cku»of thb Securicy InaWm�nt a th�Not�cor�tf!cts . .1i�.;.. <br /> " • wkh eppifcabte law, such contNet sliatl not dfect othor provkbne of thf� SacurRy InsWrn�nt or tho Not�wh�Ch can bs qtwn MMCt <br /> ...i.w....►ehn eonfOcllna nro�/lSbn. To thie ond the provbbns of this S�curky I�sWn►ent md th1 R1ot�aro d�aW�d to bo sws�abM• <br /> aL�...Y..t.a�M��w�11� - _-- <br /> .• , �Y 16. eorrower'i COpy. BoROwer ehaN b� qN�n one oontortneu copy ot tne ivois .no v�u�A����s �•---•�•- -_ :-� _ <br /> . 17. Transfer nf the Property or s Beneflole! Interest In Borrower. it�N or �ny put or tn� Propa�ty or u,y <br /> hterest h R Is aold or t�nsisrrsd(or M n henetfcfnl hterest In 8ortow�b sold or U�nst�rM �nd Borrower b not a nntunl pe►son) <br /> wkhout Lender's prWr written coneent,Le�der r�uY� �t ks optbn, roqulr� himedf�t�p�ym�nt b tuN of aN sum�aecured by tha SsCUrity <br /> � Instrume�t. Howevar,this optbn ehaN not bo exarc�sed bY Lender M exerclsa b prohbR�d by��ai law as ol the dote ot thk Saourky <br /> Instrument. � <br /> � 11 Lendor exerclsos thb optbn, Lender ehall pMe Borrower notice of accebretbn.The nol�e bhall provlde� perbd o1 not Maa then <br /> 30 days hom the date the notfce is deNverc�d or mailed wNhh whtah the Borrowa muet pay all eums secund Oy thit SsCUrity <br /> Inatrumeot. If DoROwor faiFs to P�Y these sums prk+r lo tha explretbn of thM� perbd,Lender rtu�y hvoks any remedlH De���be;�� <br /> I Security InsWmont wRhout lurther not�e or demtnd on BorrowM. <br /> � F1040.LM0(2/O61 P�Q��ol 6 <br /> t NE � . <br /> 1 _.y _' <br />