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� :ii:r . <br /> .. ,i� �� .• • . <br /> "•.�� , <br /> '�dfn.. �' ' ' �� .�y;. <br /> „ � .zr#�'tr'.;o . . , .^��., .. .. ' , � . ' . ' .. ..:�rN� ,. , <br /> _ ._ .. .. _. . t <br /> I .....� . ._'_ .• " '. . .. ' �r� ��J���.L. �t� ,��y'. <br /> Borraw4�'4 esorotiv account under the leder�l Renl GsUte 6�ttiamK►t Pro�edures Aot ol 1974 u arn�ndad kom tkn�to tUn�, 12 U.B.C. <br /> 25Qt 61 a�q• ("�S�'A"), unWas anothor tnw that app(�S�t�Ihp F�unde eete a teeser�mount. 11 eo, UnBK nury,et eny tYrN,aoMWt snd <br /> � hold Funde In �n unount not ta ucceM th�iatK annount. L�nder rt�Y ��timat�th��mount ol!unds dus on th�batl�of our,�nt dnta <br /> snd as�ontbM N,tkn�tN of�endkur�s ol tu:ua Eitcro��Ilwn�or oth�ft�In tCaordanC� wNh appllCabf� kw. <br /> Th� fundf �htN b� hNd In �n hslfittbn whot� Wpo�N1 r» hsur�d by � t�d�rd aqmoy,hsWrtMnhYtY� Or �ntRY (frwbdlnp <br /> � • L�nd�r, M LYndor fs tuCh�n httlhttbny a h �ny F�dKal Hom�Lou� H�nk. UnMr thtN appty tM Fund� ta pay thr E�crow Item�. „ � <br /> 5 L�ndM mdy not ohup� Bertow�r tor hoklnp Md�pPb�q Ih�Fund�,annualy u►syshp lhs Kcrow �ocount, or vMltyinp lh�E�crow . <br /> It«nf,uniws Unci�r payo Borro�+:�L�t�:at or th�Fund�cnd c�p� lew permlts l.end�r to mak�suoh �ohup�. Wowwu,I.�nd�► <br /> rtNy nquin llarowr to pay�onw�tim� oh�rp fo►�n h�1P�ndM�t nal Ntat�tuc npoRhp �MVic�usad by UndK fn oonn�otbn w9lh •,. <br /> . thb ban,unbu appACabN Itw provld� olhsrwk�. UnMs�an a��nent k+rt►�d�or�ppHoabll fiw nqulras M►t�n�t��bahMb��M� <br /> �h�N nat b� nqulnd to p�Y B�o��y ht�t or amhps on th�Funds. BorrowK u►d L�r►d�m�y�Ore� y� awwx,that , <br /> " " htilr�st �haH M pllb on th� Funda. L1ndM �h�M pMe l0 8orrow�r, wkhoul charp�, �n annual tcooun4inp of th� Fund�, �howinp <br /> � . � I credks and debtte to the Funds and lh�purpos�tor which sach debR to th�Funds was mad�. The Funda erm ptedpsd u addklonal <br /> � securky tor afl euma securod by Ihfa Sacurky InstnurtenG <br /> It the Funda hdd by Lande�xcNd lhe �rnounta permkted to bo h�id by�pp�cabM lew,Lsndu sheN�ccount to Borrow�r iw Iho i.�� <br /> excesa Funds h nccordu�cs wkh tA� requirsmmt� ol eppYCabM 1aw. If th� unount ot th�Funde h�W by UndK Rt any tim� M not j_� <br /> eutftabnt to pay the Hecrow It�ns wMn du�.UndK m�Y 10 notMy BoROwK In wrkh9�and, In suoh ass�Berrowsr shaN p�y to UndK '�;,�---`- <br /> �,.J;•-- <br /> th�amount neceasoy to m�k�up th� dNbiKwy. Dorrovwr ah�N rtuks up tho d�ficimoy In no mon th�n hwtw monthy paym�nt�, at , ;,.,:� <br /> Y;-'_ <br /> LNtdl�6 BOIs dlscrNion. " <br /> Upon paym�n!h (uN of aN wm�s�cur�d by thle 3�curity Instrum�nt,L.�nd�r shaN promptN nNnd to Bortow�r�ny Funds hNd by -�4��1_ <br /> Lender. If, undK D�nOnPh 21,UndM'thaN�cquirs or seN fho P�apG�ty,��R�t to th�ecqulsNbn ar ab of th�PropMty.tMN ,,��":: <br /> r,ppy any Funda hNd by Und�r at th� tlm� ot�cqubRi¢�a s�M as a andk�hst th��um�s�cund by thk S�ourity InstrurtNn4 <br /> 3. A�f�flicetlon of Paymen�. UnNts appYCabM faw providas othawk�,aN ptyrt�lnts tw�lwd bY Und�und�r pmlpr�Phe , ., <br /> 1 and 2 thaM b� appH�dc flrst,to �ny pnPaYm�nt chug�duo undK th� Note;s�cond,to unounts paysbb undsr pwpnAh 2;third ~ . <br /> to hterest duo;(ouAh, to p�in01pa1 dw: �nd last,t0 any 4N Chvp�du�und�r th�Note. "�''x <br /> ' ' -,}j..i a. <br /> ' 4. Chl�rp08; (.IEni. BorrovrK ahaM p�y aN tax�s, aswssm�nte, ohvpaa, tln�s and impoaRbns attrbutWM t� th� PropoRy �• -- <br /> �. ,�,��:;:�: <br /> whbh may attth prbrky ov�►thts SscurAy Inauum�nt, Nd btashotd payrrwnts or pround ronts, M my. 8ortowK shaN pay lh� .��.�= <br /> r '�" <br /> • oblipatbna In ths m�nnK provb�d N panpraph 2,�N not paW h that mrnnK�Bortowe shd p�y th�m on tim�diracty to tFw p�rson �=a=e.-• <br /> •r� owad p�ymen4 BorrowK ehaA prompty tumkh to Und�r aN notfca of unounri to bo paW undu thb panpreph. If BorroxrK m�ic�s �.a� <br /> th�sa paymsnb dincty,BarowK �htN prompty tumkh to L�ndK nc�ipts wid�nci�p the payrt�nb• <br /> � Bocrower thaM pramptN dkoharp� anY Wn w1�h hae P��h► �►thla SacurkY Instrumait unMsa BortowK:(s)�pr'MS in wrNMO to _— <br /> '_._�, �.,� r�n�nf�lfl�fo t,ndr;fb cont�sts h paod hkA tM IMn by,or dM�tid� <br /> - th�payrtNnt ot m�ooi'ipai�on i:eur.'u by 2:.:'�S ..�ss�'uT � <br /> �� ' • ayahat enforcMn�nt of th�M�n tn. MpN P�����h in tM Landwe op�nbn opKrt�to p�t th�sntor�c�►�nt of th�Nm;or(a) _ <br /> � ,'`•` '� � ceouros hom th� holder o} tM Wn�n�pr�rant s�tishctory to UndK subadbathp lh�ten to thk S�curNy IneburtNn� N I.�nd�► <br /> " � 4, determ{nea thet any part ot th� Props�ly is subJect to a IAn which may attah priorky over tAb Sscurky Instrum�nt, UntNr rtMy p�w <br /> � � Bo�rower n nCt�a identltyhp th� Ifeii. Barower shal eatbfy the Ifen or toke on�or mon ot the �ctbns set forth abow wRhin 10 d�ye <br /> � • of ths p�vhfl ol not�s. <br /> �'�+� ' 6. Hezerd or Property Insunnee. BortowK ahtN keep ths Mprovernsnts now �abtinp or hena}tK MrCt�d on th� <br /> '�. Prdperty haurod �pahst bss by fW� h�arda Includld wRh�^ihe tnm 'pct�nd�d oowrips"�nd Ny other huards,hnludfnp floods or <br /> y,... <br />{. ' fbodinp, tor whbh Lender roquiree hsuranc�. Thb Inturanc� sMN b� mfhltinod b ttw unounta 1u�d tor th�I��aluiY ot be <br />- ' roqukea. Th�hsuranao canMr provldinp tha hsunnc�thaN b� chosan by Borrow�r subJ�ct to I.snd�s approw -- <br /> ' • - unroeaonabiy wkhheid. if Barow�r IaM�to trwhtain cotiw'ap� d�sci�nd abow.l.e�dK m�Y� �����s optlon,obtaN cowr�ps to <br /> "'�=•:•--., r~I` pr0l6Ct L�fldlrs dOht6 h th�PfOpMfy N iCC0�du1C�With pil�lpfiph 7. <br /> `;�"`:°.."': - AN incumco policMs and r�waN thaM W�ccvPtabM to L.�nd�r md shaN holud�a sUnd�rd mortp�p�aMua. I,.endK thal ha� �•-- <br />-*,'....,....z. . ' ths riGht to hold th� poifcfa�nd dM��ls. It L�nd�r►�Qutrn. Borrov+K sh+lM pramPth Qlu� to I.qtdK aN nc�b of pald prMnium� — <br />;;'a��Ir:,: � and ��wal noticu. In ths�v�nt of bts. Bortovwr sMt qM promP�not��to th� h�unnc� cWrb�r�nd L.�ndx. l.�nd�r maY m�k� <br />--;= `'....,. �k <br /> . '-.*:^,�;�?, prool of bss M not mad�prompty bY 8urowa. <br /> � " � Unle3s Und�r and Borcow�►olh�rwia� h w��W. htunnc�procNOs shal b�sppYsd 10�toratton or np�ir ot ttN Property <br /> . ,,,•��: - d�mapetl, M th� r�tontbn or rop�Y fs�conanlasNy isubt�md Lend�s s�curity I� not la��n+d. M tM�tontlon or aP�M It not <br /> ..�y- <br />=�.:,r����=c°� economicaly IsaabM or L�nd�fs acurty would W f�sln�d� th� Intunnc�prxwdt sh�l b��ppW�d to th� wms t�cund by Mlt <br /> SeourUy Inawm�nt, wheth�r or not th�n dw, with�e'�y e�ocns p�ld to Borrower. If Bortow�r�bandona th� Prop�tY� o► das not <br /> `r���-Y - mswer wRhh 3fl daye a notbo kam Lenda that the Insur�nca cartNr has ofhad to eeltb �c�b, ttNn I.�ndK may colYot tM <br /> -� rx <br /> � ' insuranca prxs�d�. I.M►dor rruY usi the proc«ds Io ��fr or n�ton th� PropMty or to psy suma waund by thM Sw.�urily <br /> y�";: dwiN bepin wh�n the noNCa I�0�� <br /> Inatrument. whether or not tAw► dw. TM 30�dsY OM'b <br /> i ° ��•�r� . � Unksa Lendor end Barow�r oth�rwlse�pras h wrlin�.a"Y�DP�tbn of proce�ds to P►�r,pal shaN no!extmd a Postpo�f�tM ----- <br /> dw d�ts o}tf� monthy paymMtl rod�rt�d to In peraOnPhs 1 �nd 2 or ohanp9 th��nwunt o}Ihe paym�nts. It undK paapnph 21 _ <br /> �, the Propsrty Is�cquired by Land�r,Barowwa rlqht to Ny Innurance poHotes end proceed�reauAhp hom dem�Qe to tha PropKty prbr __ <br />— r to the �co�ubkbn ehall paee to l.endx to ths ratsal of lhe sums ssoured by thb Securdy Instrumsnt Irtxn�dl�tNy prlor to tM � __�__ <br /> � �c4�isAbn. •.-,.--- <br />- ' � � 6. Occupnnoy� Pre�erv+�Uon, Msintenence and Protectaon ot the Property; Borrower'� Loan .��-_-��_- <br /> , � k«�rt`-^__- <br /> ' � AppliceUon; Leaasholds. Baraxw ahaN occupy,�stabYSh,and use the Property ae Bonowers prh�ipal reatd�r►c�wkhM secty ,.�qT�'__ <br /> ° daye aftor the exxutbn ot thb Security InsWmsnt and ehal contlnue to occupy the PrAperty es Borrowere pdnolpal rsetdenCe for�t �•�T=,;,,:,,,,,- <br /> leatt on� yMr �ft�r tha daN ot occupnnoy, unNss Lender o2herwis� aprrts h wrlthp,whioA acnsent shaM not M unnaonaby .��-�:.�::��„�" <br /> �:..l�.Fr��. <br /> w�hheW,or unlmsa eoctenuatfnp eircumsttnceo aFst which aro beyond Borrowws conVOl. Borroxw ehaM not dssVoy,damepe or imp�k ;,,•,�:,: <br /> - . Bortower ah�A be h dshuk R�ny toriskuti uotia�or �� -°'-� <br /> - -----. _ tha Pronertsr,albw tf»PropKty to det�rionto,or commR waste on the Prop�rty �•. �: .� <br /> - w.w11.�....1�� <br /> ..'"_____________'._"...... . ._ . ._�_�...� _���.�w - <br /> ' pfOC66dhe,whethl�CNN 0�C(irtlind, h b�0un thit In LM�d�e QOOd 1iRh JUtlprtlent oouid resuR n�v�mmv�o v�o�.�..,�,..y .,. .....�....� ----___-�--�_- <br /> materkly hipair the Ikn cn�t�d by thb S�curtty InsWm�nt or l.�ndir't sacurkY IntK�st Borrow�r may aun auah ■ dNauk ind , <br /> rnhtUt�, as prcvW�d In P���OtiPh 18,by caushy th��atbn or proc�dtng to bs dkmissW wlh a ruNnp that, In I.�nd�s pood hlh <br /> dot�rminatlon, pnaludes forNkuro of th� Bortowers M�rest In tti� Property or othe�met�ri�l Impahrwnt of tha Ikn cnat�d by thb <br /> S�curNy Intwm�nt or L�nd�s ��curity tntK�st. Bortower ehaN sESO b� In dehult R Barovwr, durhp th� ban �opMcatbn proceas, <br /> pevs m�tarWy I�ise or In�ccunt� htortnatbn or etat�nts to Lsnder (or MWsd t �bv�de C�de��kh8����CUp�t of,th� <br /> con�jactlbn wkh ths b�n e+ridonc�d by ths Note. InoludYig, but not Bmked to,repros O <br /> � Property as� p�ncip�l resider►ce. It Ihis S�curky InaWment ts on �laasehold, Bortoww shtl campy wqh AN the provfslont cf th� � <br /> lease. If BoROwer acquirsa ts� tkla to the Propeny, th� Iaasehaid end the fe� tkle shaN not merpe unbsa the Lendsr apreas to th� • , <br /> . ' Fo�m 8o2e v/DO - <br /> , �. merper Y1 wrRinq. <br /> . FtOIIi.LMO(Q/�) Pap��ot 6 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 41) <br /> - -� � _ . _. .. <br /> 's -- - -- — � --- <br />