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<br /> •- ' Unlcss otl�crwisc agrccd in writing,all insurancc procecds shall bc applicd to thc restorntian ar�•epair of thc Properiy -
<br /> ��x� or to thc Sccured Dcbt,whcthcr or not then duc,ut Lc:ndcr's option.Any appliciition a!procccds ro princlpf►I sl�all not _
<br /> extend or postpone the due diite of the sclreduled payinent nor chnn�c the nmount of nny pnyment.�ny excess will be
<br /> ; paid to the Grantor. Ef the ProUcrty is acquired by Lendcr,Grantor's right ta any insurance policles and procceds
<br /> ',� resulting from demegc to thc Property bcforc tltc ucquisition shull pass ro Lcnder to thc extem af thc Sccurcd Debt -
<br /> �,, -` immcdiatcly beforc thc acquisition. -
<br /> ?A. ESCROW FOR TAXFS AND iNSURANCE.Unless uthenvisc provided in u sepArate agrecmeTd,Grantor will not
<br /> - '' '__ l�e required to pAy to I.ender funds for taxes and insurAnce in cscraw. _
<br /> 21. Fi1VANClAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS,Grnntor wiU providc ta I..c��der upon rcqucst,Hny
<br /> ' - financial statement nr information Lender may deem reasonably necessnry. Grantar agrees to sign,dcliver,and Cle
<br />.'''� �' ~ any addIdonal documents or certifications tl�at L.ender may consider necessnry to perfect, continuc,and preserve
<br /> �` Grantor's obligations under this Security Instrument and Lender's lfen status v�i the Property.
<br /> under this Security Instrument are joint and individual.If Grantor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign an
<br /> •�-:�•�. evidence of debt, Grantor does so only to mortgag�Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the
<br />_ .:";._� Secured Debt und Grantor does not agree to be personally liable an the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument
<br />:::t�•��• secures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor.Grantor abrees to waive any rights that muy prevent Lender trom
<br />-�•a��-`�" brin�ing any action or cluim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligation.These rights may include,but
<br /> r`::r54.".L
<br />_ . are not limited to,any anti-de�ciency or one•action lavrs. Grnntor agrees that L.ender and any party to this Securiry
<br />'.�;,,�,,.�' Instrument may extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt
<br />��=tiS��i•�•• wflthout Grantor's consent.Such a change will not release Grantor from the terms of this Security InstrumenG The
<br /> ' � dulies and beneGts of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Grantor and Lender.
<br />_ � 23. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABILIITY;INTERPRETATION.'I'his Security Instrument is governed by the laws of
<br />`_'`ti;� the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the extent othenvise required by the laws of the jurisdiction
<br /> -= — — where the Property is located.This Security Instrument is complete and fully integrnted.This Security Instrument may
<br />-=�3�� not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument, attachments, or any
<br />�-�:�� a�reement rc:lated to the Secured Debt that contlicts with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressly
<br /> --' or impliedlv permits the variations by written a�reement.If any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced
<br />:__=.��i� according to its terms,that section will be severed and wUl not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this
<br /> -•--°""' Security Instrument.Whenever used,the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular.The captions and
<br /> -�_�;�
<br /> -- he�ding�of ihc occtians af ihi��:,curiiy insirum�ni arc far canvsn:�n;.c on:y an3 arc a�i ia b:,us:.�i:.intcrp;ci ar
<br /> --•---_--_� define the terms of this Security Instrument.Time is of the essence in this Security Instrument.
<br /> �M� 24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Lender,at Lender's option. may from time to time removc Trustee and appoint a
<br /> ==-' s�uccessor trustce without any other formality than the designation in writing.The successor trustee, without
<br /> conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt and Applicable law.
<br /> - 25. NOTICE.Unless othenvise required by law,any notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by 6rst class
<br /> — maIl to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Secudty Instrument,or to any other address designated in
<br /> _— writiag.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to all grantors.
<br /> �--- 26. W!►IVERS.Except to the extent prohibited by IAw,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption righGs
<br /> relating to the Propei�ty.
<br /> 27. OTHER TERMS.If checked,the following rsre applicable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> " ❑X�tee of Credit.The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provtsion.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> rnay(oe reduced to a zero balance,this Seeurity Instrument will remain in effect until released.
<br /> � ❑ Canstruction LoAn.This Security Instrument secures an obligatian incurred for the construction of an
<br /> improvement on the Property.
<br /> ___ ❑ Flxture E'iUn�. Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all gaods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> _:___.-___ future and that are or wtll become fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument suf�ices as a
<br /> financing stutement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes
<br /> of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> ❑ Itldere.The covenants und ngreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and
<br /> = supplement and emend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check aU applicable boxes]
<br /> ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> ❑ Addition�l�'erms.
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<br /> =���'���' SIGNATURES:By signing below,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in
<br /> _��=;;;a�'1� � any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Secwity Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
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