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<br /> axccutcd fc�r thc purposc of crenting,sccurinE,or guarunryinU thc Sccurcd I)cht. A �uod faith hclicf hy l.cndcr that '
<br /> LAndcr�►t iiny timc is insecurc with respcct to:+ny perro�or cntiry uhli�;atcd on thc Sccurrd Dcht ur thnt thc pros�ect
<br /> of n��ypaymcnt or thc valuc of ihc Pr��perty is impaircd shnll i►Iso constitutc un cvcnt of dcfnult.
<br /> ; iS. REMEIpILS ON DECAULT.ln somc instAnccs,fcdcrul nnd sYatc law will rcyuirc l.�:ndcr to pr.widc Griintor�vith
<br /> noticc of thc ri�;ht to cure or otl�cr noticcs and mny cstablish timc schcdulcs lcir f��reclosurc actions.Suhjcct tn thcsc
<br /> ' , , limi�a�ions,if uny, !_cndcr mny ucccicratc thc Sccured Dcbt an� [oruclutic this Sccurity fnstrumrnt in �► mnnncr i
<br /> : ;, prov idcd by law if Gruator is in dcfault.
<br /> �� At thc option of L.c:ndcr,.►11 or.my p�rt of thc agrced fccs und charges,accrued intcrest nnd principul shi�ll hcmmc
<br /> :�%«��f immcdiltcly duc nnd payablc, uttcr giving noticc if rcquircd hy law, upon thc occurrencc ot n dcfauU ur anytimc :
<br /> '�•�'""'"' ' thcrca(tcr.in addition, Lendcr shall hc cntiQed to aU thc remcdics providcd hy taw,thc tcrms of thc Securod Debt,
<br /> � this Sccuriry Instrument nnd any rclated dacuments,including without limitxtion,thc power to scll thc Properry. ': ;
<br /> 1t thcrc is a detault,Trustec shull,in addition to any othcr permitted remedy.�t thc requcst o[thc Le;nder,advcrtisc
<br /> �'.:',:
<br /> , and scll the Property as a whole or in sepArate parcek at public xuction to thc highest bidder for cash 1nd convcy __:_
<br /> absalutc titic frcc and cicar of all right,titic and intcrest of Grantc+r at such timc and placc as Trustcc dcsignates.
<br /> •- Trustcc shall give noticc of salc including thc timc,tcrms and placc of salc and a dcscriptic�n of thc property to bc sold _�;�_
<br /> �• as required by the applicablc law in e:ffect at the time af the proposed sale. f`�
<br /> Upon salc of thc property and to thc extent not prohibited by law,Trustce shall makc und dclivcr a dced to thc Property �_:'
<br /> ' � sold which convcys absolutc tidc to thc purchascr,and attcr first paying all fces,chargcs and costs,shall pay to Lcndcr all ��_
<br /> moncys advanced for rcpuirs,taxes,insurancc,licns,asscssmcnts and prinr encumbranccs and intcrest thcrcon,and thc �
<br /> �� principal and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to Grantor. Lender may purchase the Property. C�_
<br /> ` ,� The rccitals in any deed of conveyance shall be pnma facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. __
<br /> :�.s:•`.'; All remedies are distinet,cumulative and not exclusive,und the Lender is cntitled to all remedies provided�t law c�r _,_--
<br /> •'�:�:� equity,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptancc by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on thc -
<br /> '��" Secured Debt after thc balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are�led shall not eonstitute a __
<br /> '` waiver of Le;nder's right ro require complete cure of any existing de[ault.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's
<br /> dcfaul�,Lcnder does not waive L.endcr's right to latcr considcr the cvcnt a default if it continucs or happens��ain.
<br /> �:�`° 16. CX�'ENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECT101'd C(D3TS. Except when v
<br /> ��'�";`: prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all of Lender's expenses iF Grantor breachr.s any covenant in this Security
<br /> ��`" [nstrument. Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lcnder for insuring,inspecting,preserving or
<br /> ' r�. othcnvise protecting the Property and Lender's security intcrest.Thesc cxpenses will bear interest from the date of _
<br /> thc payrnent until paid in tull at thc highesi inierc�t �uii; in �ft'cct as�r�:�'sdcd i^ thc tcrmc�f the Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantor agrecs to pay all costs and expenses incun•ed by L.ender in collecting,enforcing or protecting Ia:nder's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Security Instrument.This amount may include, but is nut limited to,attorneys'fees,court
<br /> costs,and othcr Iegal expenses.This Security Instrument shall rcmain in cffcct until rcleased.Grantor agrecs to pay
<br />_ • '�•'.�,�: for any rccord�tion costs of such releasc.
<br />-=�:- �r�:,
<br />.'_^;, " .,•"::i, 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AP1D HAZARQOUS SUBSTANCGS.As uscd in this section,(1)Environmental Law
<br />- � ,,;;, � means,without limitation,the Comprehcnsive Environmental Response,Compcnsution and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br /> ��' '� ':� -• 42 U.S.C.9601 ct seq.), and all other federal,state and lacul laws, regulations,ordinances,court ordcrs,attorncy
<br /> '�"'� ��"F':`'��•"� genera! opinions or interprctive letters conccrning thc public health,sufety, welfare, cnvironment or a hazardous
<br /> `'�`�"����'' substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, wASte,pollutant or
<br /> :a;: �•:. ,�' conteminant which has characteristics which render thc substancc dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public
<br />�%�„�;;;;�+'°�� health, safety,welfare or environment.The term includcs,without limitation, any substanccs de�ned as"hazardous
<br /> -_-;.'.-,�� :�� ' material;'"toxtc substances;'"hazardous waste"or"h�v.ardous substance"under any Environmental Law.
<br /> ._. ':_.yi�r.--'—
<br />__=_-,;h;...� Grantor represents,�varrants and agrees that
<br /> .._:`.�,�;r,��� A. Exeept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance is or will be �
<br /> = = located, stored or released on or in the Property.This restriction does nat apply to small quantities of
<br />--- - Ha•r.ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriatc for the normal use and mamtenance of
<br />==�="'�"�'°�-�� the Property. -
<br /> �.
<br /> � �l�=`=�� B. Exccpt as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lendcr,Grantor And every tenant liave been,arc. _.
<br /> -- ---- and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Env�ronmental Law.
<br /> . .i�:�n:'�--�,i 7 _
<br /> _- C. Grantar shall immcdiately notify Lender if a rele�se or threatencd releasc of a Hazardous Su stance occurs on,
<br /> -� -=� undcr or about thc Property or there is a violation of any Environmcntal Law concerning the Property.In such
<br /> '-'��'��'=�` an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordancr:with any Environmental Law.
<br />-- - -.:,�.,
<br /> �_�::'. D. Grantor shall immediatcly notify L.e:nder in writing as soon as Grantor has reason to believe thcrc �s any
<br /> �:.�����,
<br /> ___a,,5. ,., , pending or threatened investigation,claim,or proceeding rclatin�to the release or thrcatened release o any
<br /> -`''•`�'�'�:�•� Hazardous Substancc or thc violation of any Environmental Law. �
<br /> ___ �;.r.Z^� .
<br /> .";t�r, 18. CONDEMNAT[ON.Grantor wiU givc Lender prompt noticc of any pcnding or thrcatened action,by privatc or _
<br /> --� ` public entities to purchasc or take any or all of thc Property throu�h condcmnation,eminent domain,or any other =
<br />�° '' ' m�ans. Grantor authorizes Lcndcr to intervene in Grantor's namc �n any of the abovc described actions or claims. _
<br /> �' . ". ".. Grantor assigns to L.ender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other =_
<br /> -. takin�uf all or any part of thc Property.Such proceeds shall be considcred payments and v�ill hc applied as provided in L�_
<br /> - � thisSecurity Instrument. This assignmcnt of proceeds is subjcct to the tcrms of any prior mongage,dccd of trust, �.�
<br /> �°� security agreement or other lien document.
<br /> ��' ' `" 19. INSURANCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured agc�inst loss by fire,flood,thctt and othcr hazards and risks �,;�
<br /> `�� ��3�. rcasonably associated with thc Property duc to its typc and location.This insurancc shall bc maintaincd in thc amounts �`'`
<br /> � .��'`--- � and fnr the nerinds that LCndCi TCquliCS.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall bc choscn by Grantor
<br /> ..._ ��
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<br /> � • • subjcct to Lcnder's approval, which shall not bc unreasonably withltciti. ii i.►rantor iaii, iu�nc�����n��� ���.:...,•..�as� ,-_
<br /> , •. " �` d�scrihed abo��e,Lender may,at L.cndcr's option,obtain covcrage to protcct Lender's rights in thc Property according
<br /> � to thc tcrms of this Security[nstrumcnt,
<br /> ' � ,: A Il insurancc policics and renewals shall be acceptable to I.i:nder and shall indude a standard"monbage clausc"and,
<br /> . . whcrc npplicablc,"loss p�yce clausc•"Gr:�ntar shall immcdiatcly notify [�:ndcr of canccliaticm or tcnnin.�tiun ot thc
<br /> ,' insurnncc. L.endcr shall havc thc right to hold the policics und renewals.If l.cndcr rcquires,Grantnr shall immcdiately
<br /> , givc to l,cndcr all rcccipts uf paid premiums and rene�v,il notices.tJpon l��ss,Gr.mtc�r shall givc immcdiatr noticc to �
<br /> - tt�c insurancc carricr and Lrndcr.l.andcr may makc proof of loss if not m�dc immcdiatrly by Grantcir.
<br /> (pago 3 or 4�
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