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<br /> obli�at.l.oas ticlusd hareb�, sll �pr�paid rmt� and atI �roade�s �fiich a�y bav� _-----
<br /> baen or a�� hsreafter ba deposited �►ith Trustor b� aay l��ies of th� Propsrt�. ��`�-=-
<br /> _ to :ecure tka pa�aeAt of anp rent or 0aaa�es;.,.aad npoa. defanit in the �`�--T:_-
<br /> . �ic� i.
<br /> �- perforsaace of aay of ths provi�iona hereaf. ?rntLor agsses to dsiiver snch k� �, ___
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<br /> �� .,r.;=��° tenant oecap�ing the Pro p srt� or a t� p ortioa tb�reof sb�Il be aufficieat to -
<br /> � �-:�,:,:z:�- �r _ require �aid teaaat to pay uid reat to senaficiasp uat�. �urther aoti.ca. � � ___
<br /> ���;-.. - - . . � —
<br /> .. {`,<; . ,` �� :` : FOUit6: If there �hall ba filed b� or �gainst the ?ru�tor any petitioa ��,�;:,,,,,�—-
<br /> ph
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<br /> - - --- :��:r relief vader-or parsnsat tc the federal Baatcruptcr Code or an� other s3Ail.�X - "�=.s�:—
<br /> ' - - -=_':,k; statute a: no� or hercaftrx fa effect. or ff t1u Sr�stnr e1�a11 Le aQjudfcated .- v�.�:i��=
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<br /> ,, :we�.�..»_=-
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<br /> �� 'f�„�- � sfter the ent�ryr thereof, thea the nhole,of the."ga�e and:i.ndebtedness tierebY - --
<br /> ,,� `,�?�,'�• secased shall, vithottt" not3ce. at -the ogtfoa:�f` t�e;Bene�iciarr. beccae due ;` --
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<br /> ��� f r`' ' !I!=H: �U default ;: � � . :� ; .
<br /> � c` �f;;j'�+�... , P�'a 1�7 Tsustor tic:tbe ps of�Qr::perforaaace of" !he .. �:?-,`• :
<br /> 7aeAt
<br /> � St�-�-- � terma.aad coaditions af the Nate,-or .reaewsZs. �liff�atiaas az ezecatio�s.- - ' --
<br /> ��.��:�-- , <�i
<br /> _� � `����;�, t�eof, tlie pa�at of aar otTier�;#ndebtedae�s secur�d`- Leseb� o= i.a t�; . �,� r
<br /> s ,�7 �`_�. , < °; �;.,.;,, `:�_.� oraaace of u►1 iareeaeat, cwenr�.���'or pssraat� hereiri• aontained ar..��t�� � �f�,
<br /> �r ;:}' ' �:. ���;-:��<<;-,��th in� aa� agreeaetit of iriutru�eat esecuted bf ?sustor ia copnectia�'vi� ,��� z �
<br /> �' •°E` � ' �, t i ,�� iadelitedness hereb s iar� �. ; '>r'�2
<br /> ����� .; . ` ' ` � � 7. �d. Beaefic �. de.clue. �11 �s�ics serared� •%t' E -
<br /> ���, ;�Y`� ,* r� ,-,. >� .���by fmnediately Qtte atLd`.��hble and the eame'� 2'ti�esE a � - < <�:"�`e�r- f
<br /> �s3 upo becad�e due aa� -;< < ,
<br /> '°' `�� �,�` , ; ir'`rr�r � ' � �►aYable vithout pr��eictm�i� demand, Prottat`����er nQtice of an� �ind. � , .. .,�`'`�°�`
<br /> rfi� t w'�' �—
<br /> '� rf � =3F' <`3��r;ti=�?�;��; Thereafter, Beaefic � r3elivar to Trn9tee a writtea declsrwtioa of i .. '.�}`"����.,� =�
<br /> :� �"��
<br /> T 5`. C nC��.. . �S. ; . . .:. .- . .� ..
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<br /> �_ r��h�;.sr:�.:• ` p!0 e .,..�
<br /> <r; :. ;�i�,f��;l;�;�.,;;�:: .. P rty and if B ' sY�c�dea the Pro eir�y f s to be sold it shsll ��"'
<br /> t �s�'�>�',�(�1;;:�-�� .E����?�F � g. � .
<br />� �",S� c:�Zji r�«�����:�;r3 ' deposit with Trust�e�.:t.1�.�.:3��.of ?ra��. sad t� Aote or notes and aay othe� . : i ��.
<br /> ' �E ` �d�cz�meats evidenciii�.,��trw���,�s:e�cx�et� tiereby, sAd shsll deliver to Trustee �
<br /> j , �- f. , � • �,.ririttea aotice of d�dl��'a� �Il��3'iwa G"s;� ca:m�� the Pxopert� to be sold, a� , � � � ` '�f;
<br /> �`.'� •: , " Trastee, ia tusa. shall r r� sim�3.a= na��e;:�a the fona re aired b la�ar: �I
<br /> !1 .;;; �. . . . p ��g.:'' 'r' q y " �.r.� . �.°. j:�,b�:.
<br />:, ��'- . srhich shall I�e daly filed £a ��c:osd by Tzusteek: . � . _ �':�_
<br /> �;.
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<br /> - -- . ._ - ,. -- ta! After the lapae of auch tiaie as may tre"�:�quired by Za�+ followiag th�-- - � - -_--.- -
<br /> ' recordation of Hotice of Default, and notice.of Default aad Hotice of Sale ' . � �
<br /> f. � , � I�avfng been given as required by lau, Trus'te�*, irithout demaad on Trustos, � _
<br /> ` `�� '' ahall aell the Property hereia before de��laed, aad �any and ever� past ; '
<br />��.D�..�.;� ._- -__....�._ ._.._._._. ,
<br />, �-.�-;,., — -�- - - thereuP, ia separate p�,�ceia or eu waase��:�e Trustiee n�ay elect avd 3A � ` --. -- _ .
<br />_�.. ' �. _."':t�,r:;r�_ . . . . aucb order as Tr�atee may determi�.�;�:�`'�ise snd st Lhe time snd place ' � -
<br /> :�r;,.?r��:���,t„ , , `:.dgaignated in ��s.�ic! Notice of sai�.�..;.��.��.�.;.�lic auction to the bighest j � Y
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<br /> . .' �- ` Ste��� ���is35� �+ra�� of �ax.�:;�, The perse:t, ��rt3ng the sale:may. fos aay .
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<br /> '4 , . . . . . f.;•,�.-,�;�_4� r '�` ,.
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<br /> a ��s 4�r,�t.� . '` '�. f� s o4�t ��� s,• �'
<br /> ' { Sa1Q, .s�,ce thereof ahail be give�c ��a ;�:�.:��e��irr,�pr as the origin�L.;:. �fr� ;�:
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<br /> ;� �s .'.:�,',�, DeeB ea��yeying the propesty so soldb�;�ur.�as%t�acit any catienant cr Warraat�P�� t ,: �,
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