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<br /> — .. . ` dQts�-lui�elti� iu�rant genenll� •t'hs t€tle ta ssid Propsrt� and vill� farever- � � .'''��;�?��r'�r4-`�';`;>
<br /> . u �
<br /> , defeiid-;_th� saai���agaixut tt�e-cls3ss and de�aads of all parsoaa �haa:aaver. and � `�"` � 1"`�� '' `��
<br /> _ . ..�:;,:;_��- ��
<br /> . J .R.. ..Y. r -.
<br /> �.; - � �tbat lsostor'� s�pasate astate. rhethe��vaated, coutingeat or io �eacpact�nc�. - Jf
<br /> --- -- _ - -+i�`aaoav°���.w�vj�v a��w�.'.�.n.:-����1@r$�-8�f:��°''r.�.4�.==Z�3ASw..��-.-,wt i=ri�tt�—_— _,. ti, �
<br /> � `'� � 7 �7. PP tion and .��,,�.U,.�:�� . ..
<br /> and benefits nf an horestead. daver. conrte a saiae�enL. ezemp �; �;--..:
<br /> �� �' �.r�t>>.., . ;
<br /> si�'.
<br /> ;�,� _ : ...4r �ta� lavs of thit st�te. Et is agreed .tltat the fnterast pravfdad for ia �r_,-:;:_..-:=-.-_==-=:
<br /> .,,.:. . -- - - -
<br /> _ ;t_ `=n :,,.� tubaection (g) above sh�21 be at the saae rate as specified ia .the Note -
<br /> � s'� ,,�'.,"''�'�"�. secused hereb� on the prfaaip�l. tJtertof a£ter default and satarit�. � - - --------.__
<br /> ,� ' _�;.�::.::;�:�-��:_. ,- . . � . ,
<br /> ��ii: ' o�,��:. � _ . � . . . ..
<br /> - - �H��r;�.�. S�DO�z In ths eveat Trwtor, vitl�a�:;:t�e prior u►ritten coaseat of :. , . _
<br /> - :�;; ��'���`r.:..� ..aeaeficiar� shsll s�71. =raasfer or co�i�e�ir:-Q� aaatract to sall. transfer..or _ . . � -_ -
<br /> � .:-�._: - coa� ths prapertt. or an� part tBereof''ar:4ti►7 isiter+est tlterein. the entire : _ ``..-.
<br /> - �► :: %� bsl�rice o£ the 3adebLedaesa I�erebY secatad=ahie�l becc�'and'be f�edfatel� due. � `, ". �.�.r; .:
<br /> �.y t , f ��:sF
<br /> . and 1�aYable at the optia� of IIeaeficiarjr„ prib�rided, hoMevar. Seneffcfar,� �af: :�.., �. . ,� �E
<br /> f` , �..; . .
<br />.� ' �:•'. . . ..;:_ vaive snch aption to :cceierata if. Priot:��;sach ss2e. tranafer or coa,a��aace�:,� . ' - - �r � `..�
<br /> . ;,r ,_
<br /> .:_.; . - . -� or eontract therefor, Eetisficiar� u:d tb.e:persan�ta vhoa the propert� �:� be ' _ _ic t�<u:::
<br /> �_ " � �� . . aold or transferred teacb an agree�ent"�:3u��=MSiting tbst the credfi:���ch �h h;
<br />.:,,. : ,,��, h,t=��.°� : � soa fe satisfacta e�o Eeaeficia and�'tJtit the iaterest fab2e.',a�,�:the _ '`��,��"._
<br /> ,. ;, .r , - Per =T =7 P� , --_
<br /> Y - � t awe� secnred bT tl�is.Deed af ?rust shsl!'be at sueh�rata as Be�or.e£ie' ��2� , . . ��K-
<br /> ie��:�.;
<br /> , �: - _ reqnest. - - _ - ,��i'.�t.=�:: � �F_:�{; �,-�• -
<br /> r��., �� w .•- �- . , . �: .`= , � �!�y�,.�.;�,�� ft;
<br /> ��tt .�c .`�' � � � -j"`�a -�
<br /> - � �.� '.`. . � ; 2eI�D: �t aa farther secnrit� for the ps�raaat of the �ota'�;a�..�e,: ' ; I ,_tr.,'
<br /> �,. _.� i�adebtedaesa theseb� avidenced sud the perfosaaace of .all�,of the�- d��.� � i ,, :� '� _
<br /> caveaa�ats .sad condiiioas hereof. lrustor :agrees tbat Beaeficissy aha3,Z���.,� l.` � �' �
<br />. _.� ..:'r� '� r. _'_-,.'.. _ ' ..- } , �\.�.�-.~ . t; `�. ._,_. -_-:-
<br /> . . .� " daes heseb� have the_riglit. PaKe�c aad a�tlivrit� dar3ns the caatfansace•xi�>?�,�.._^.;' _----
<br /> . . ,- ° Deed�of Trust to collect the seats, isaues and profits of the Prop�rts::s��'+�� ',;{�` . � .±�.���
<br /> - � an7 pers o a s i Ps o p e r t T loca te d.t hereaa.v f t h or v i t h o u t t a k i n g p o s s e s s i o n:��;;i�;�,�-_.� � , �'-��� �
<br /> < � - ;. -
<br />':�,�� � � , . _ - - groperty affected thereb�; aad -lydstar tieareby ab�olutely aad uacoa�i�.4.�..�It3�=`,,�.;_ ` - :''�'`_'� -.
<br />�:����:: � . ttssigas ail sucb rents, iasuss .aad p=ofits ta Beaeficiary. Beae�.��P�:,,�,;:.:�:` �;i,, .-=.�`�'
<br /> �;��. � . � ..`. .
<br /> �� • - . horever, "hereby_cansenta to ?r�stor's c�l�.�tioa eusd reteation of su�i'���s;���' � � , _
<br />` : � � issues and protits as the� accrae �uad becc�ae ps�able so long as lrasfc�-�3'not �F��,;-,.,, � ' ��_
<br /> . at such tia�e..3�"defsuli witii respe�t to,��ment. of any iadebtedness secured .�;�:',�.;�t� �.., _
<br /> - ' ' - hereb� or "in ��e performs�ce of aa� a�t�emeat hereuader.�,-:';.t3pan `aay such. ;:',�. ffa.'r`5`r..,"';;;;'<',`:'v: = �..
<br /> , �`/t;�� .; �
<br />_ . default.. Bea��i�iszy '�osy at sa� time. ��er in persoa. .`tifi agent. nr by.•:;=`.�:: ,,,:�� .
<br /> � , secei�rer�t�o:'t�;'appointed by s court, vitha�3z notice and �+it�.oiat regasd to the � �'`r• � ,•. t���
<br /> �` .._"_�'_._k ..�.
<br />:��- � �:: '::-�� - - - adequa�r. of.�ay.,"security for tlse iadebte�iiess hereby sectued (a) -eAter upoa ;� ; " . - ;;�;: ,� :
<br /> '.- { . ;;.��� . . 1 .
<br /> _ .- . ;;:. � ,� sad take gosseaeioa of the Property or 'au���part thereof aad in its o�m naaie �
<br /> °�!• �. . �'�`���• '. j sue for or othes�ise colleet s-�sch rents;" .�:ssues and profita,. 9.ncluding those �,��;.•�
<br /> �..� , {�,,,�.,,.. •. . ; �..,
<br /> �1 F: T},s,t`' . . .� psst� �ie aad uapaid. end! applp tite` sam�� £eff.a- casts, and eYp�se�of operatioa � ;. �i�,� .`-
<br /> ��'�� ` �" --�---��--;--�- aa3 :o?,lectiaa. iac3�g'� reasoa�b��, .��:�y•s Eeas. �goa �siy fudebtedasss C, . _� � .`° ' -
<br />:,�.;:�z,,,�; �;:� � u ., :
<br />���.•. . �•.�� . � I;�.i�:. . z �
<br /> � , �4 . _. secnred hereb�_ �d fn sacb ord�r:��.�s� ��a�i�ie�ary may determiae; (b) lease the ,�. , . _
<br />�,. . �, f ;c:t S;ti � ` same or an : ;;.� 'i`,='� ' �_
<br /> y , : kt. g p�ic�" thereof for s�,�c-��3,, term aad upaa such coadittana as ,����"ss,.
<br /> �v' � Benef�tc3arp*�s.':�v�emea� .may di.yti�-a' e� *,.erminste or ad just the tesme and ��Y;�:.. �
<br />�` �, '��,a,�.': : ' �•:��,,�; cond�kn�.as, �ag;�:�q e�c3�ti�g lease`�ar 1*e��s. Ualesa Tsustor and Beaeficiary . � � �
<br />� F;`',`` •`.:-;��-'r3s � agre�e�:�at:q.+�bt"ris:�'is� Wria.ir�. aAy ap�sl3cax�e of renta, issuea or profits to any , , . .
<br />� �'��'f�'' ' • ''`� ,i,a�e3��es�`.�ured he'teby �ha1,��•;�t e�tead or postpone the due date, of the �
<br /> i %{i;{:�f:��- � _ _ ' • ..
<br /> `,���4.,• '- `�.,�1iPstslimeat..¢a,pi�ente a9 prov�tde�i .fax�� t&$ Hote or chaage the amoui►t �a�,.such ' ' � .
<br /> -. 1� ;'�;�=L , `';`�`=:. f�i�,�&��lments:�`, The enteriu takin osaessioa of the Ps , � •
<br /> ' 1F���f'": • .. �`:.:.`_�. .. .... ,. .. � . 8 �P4a � 8 P ��'. the '. ,
<br /> .�, .
<br />-�..,� , �s;t fi;_. ,•,�'v.i��,e���aa of such reAta, iasuea' and pra�i:is, and the appllcatioA th�`reo£ a� �;', : .
<br />;��`:;!; f^��; • • si�a�r�$�id. ahsll aot s�sive or cure an� def,�utt or aotice of ¢�auit haseuader�,; '
<br /> '����'`"� ��rryalidate sn act done rsuant to sucb stotice. am.�L'or ass3 9 ta� , '
<br />,..� , , t;.�;'�h;: • °! Y � �:..`... . BA .. . .
<br />: � �,;��,,., Betteficisrp. �s fusther aecurity Por the perfosmance ��.�x,;;"���tedaeas and � .
<br /> r,.�=�; . . .
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