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<br /> Unlcas othenvise ngrecd in writing,nU insurnncc pracc:cds shzll bc applicd to thc restaration or repnir af the Property
<br /> or to the Secured Ueht,wliethcr ar not then due,nt Hene�ci�ryment nor ct n AtlieCnn�unt of nny paymc tncAny
<br /> ahi►ll nat extcnd or post�une thc due dntc of the scheduledp y B'
<br /> cxcess wip bc paid to thc Trustor.If thc PropertY is ucquircd by I3cncGclary,Truslor's right to any insurancc pollcics
<br /> and�+rocceds resulting ftam dnmagc to the Property befare the ncquisition sh�ill pt+ss to HcneGcinry to the cxtent of the
<br /> Sccurcd Debt im�neJiately bcfurc thc�cquisitlnn.
<br /> a 20. ESCROW F'Olt TAXES AND INSURANCE.Unless othcnvise providcd in n scparAtc agreement,'1'rustor will not
<br /> bc required to pay to Bcneficiary tunds for taxes nnd insurnnce in escrow.
<br /> .=�*°'"�'' 21. FiNANCIAL R�POR'I'S AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.Trustor wiU providc to Acneficiary upon request,
<br /> -•-•�- �'{'r' any Cnanci:�l stutcment or infarmation Beneficic�ry may deem reasonnbly necessary.Trustor ngrees ta sign,deliver.
<br /> and file Any additional documents or certificntions th�t Beneficiary ma�coasider necessary to perfect.continue,and
<br /> „ preserre Trustor's otuligations under th[s S�curity Instrument nnd Benefic�ary s lien status an the Property.
<br /> ' this Security Instrument arc joiut and individunl.If Trustor signs this Security lnstrument but dcx:s not sign an evidence of ,.F,
<br /> debt,Trustor docs so onfy to mortgage Trustor's interest in the Praperty to secure payment of the Secured Debt and ,
<br /> •. Trustor does not agrcc to be p;.rsonally linble on the Sccured Dcbt. If this Secur�ty Instruinent secures a guaranty �°_:
<br /> betw�ccn Bcne�iciary and Trustor,Trustor agrecs to waivc nny ribhts that may prevent Beneficinry irom brinsng any �`�4��^_-
<br /> action or claim a�uinst Trustor or any party indebted under the abligation.These nghts may include,but are not limited ___
<br /> � to,uny anti-deGctency or one-action laws.Trustor agees that Beneficiary and any party to tb�s Security Instrument may = _
<br /> � extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Secarity Instrument ar any ev�dence of debt without'IYustor's
<br /> � �,...
<br /> consent.Such a char�go wiU not release Trustor from the terms of this Security Instrument.The duties and bene�ts o s �.fl�
<br /> �_._
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor and aene6ciary. _
<br /> 23. APPLICABI.E LAW;SEVERABILITY;iNTERI'RETATION.This Security Instrument is govemed by the laws of �t�T_
<br /> � the jurisdiction in which Be�efcciary is located,except to the extent othenvise required by the laws of the jurisdiction
<br /> where the Praperty is located.This Security Instrument Is complete and fully lntegrated.This Security Ynstrument may
<br /> ` not be ar.iended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument, attachments,ar�ny rt=
<br /> agreement relatcd to the Secured Debt that canilicts witti applicable law will not be effecrive,unless that law expressly
<br /> • � or impliedly permits the variations by written agreement.If any section of th:s Security Instrument cannot be enforced
<br /> . • according to►ts tetms, that section will be severed and will not uffect the enforceability of the rem�inder of this
<br /> • Security lnstrument.Whenever used,the singular shall include the plural and the plutal the singular.The captions and
<br /> " .,� headings of the sections of thls Security Instrument arc for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or
<br /> __ _ �Q�P��r�Tsns of this Security Instrument.Time is of thc essence in this Secunty Instniment.
<br /> 24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Bene�iciary,ut Beneficiary's option,may�rom time io tiuee�e.-,.�i�TrusiL�snd»Ypoint
<br /> a successor trustee without aay other fnrmality than the designation in writing.The successor trustee,w►thout
<br /> .,� ,,;;;;� �� conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to aD the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Securiiy _
<br />`";�_:�,Y�.�: . Instrument and applicable law.
<br />�:r�y"R'`*"` 25. NOT[�E. Unless otherwise required by law,any no uce s h a ll b e g i v e n b y d e l i v e ri n g i t o r b y m a i l i n g It b y 5rst class
<br /> _�,,T�,;.... ,
<br /> ,�, Y� .�• � mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument,or to any other address des�gnated
<br />"`_� _•�:: ;,
<br /> __ .,.�.e writing.Notice to one trustar wtll be deemed to be notice to all m�stors.
<br /> -``''t'`y��• " ?b. WAIVERS.Except to the extent prohibited by law,Trustor waives all appraisement und homesteacl exemption rights
<br />__�'-'�;�- relating to thu Property.
<br /> _��,����� 27 pTNER'I'ERMS.If checked,the followiag are appucable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> r°s:�ec±� ❑ Line of Credi�The Secured llebt includes a revolviag line of creclit provision.Although We Secured Debt
<br /> -- —=�� may be reduced to a zero balance,thig Security Iustrument will remain m effect until released.
<br /> -��-'�'���� ❑ Construction Los�n•This Security Instrumeett secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an _
<br /> -�"�F'`'��� � improvement on the Property.
<br /> -_�=�-��:
<br /> - (] FYxture�51In�.Trustor grants to Beneficiary a security interest in all goods that Trustor owns now or ln the
<br /> ���°�� fe�xure and that are or will become flxtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument sufiices as a
<br /> -=_=:�., �inancing statement and�►ny carbon,photographic or other reprociuchqn may be Giled of record for purposes
<br /> � !_�� of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> --- __.: ❑ Ridecs.The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated iato and
<br /> -- ----
<br /> ..,.�,-.-
<br /> "'�"'`Y'��� supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable oxes
<br /> �---mr.
<br /> �---
<br /> --- • ...................................
<br /> - -- --- . .
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<br /> • SIGNA'TUItES:By signing below,Trustor agrees to the terms and covenants contained'ui this Security Ynstrument and in =�
<br /> -"� • � any attacl�ments.Trustor alsa acknowledges receipt of a wpy of tlus Securi4y Instrument on the date stated on page 1. - _
<br /> • . —_
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