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<br /> 14, DEFAVl.7'.Tr►tstor will hc in dc[uult if iiny pnrty obligatcd un tl�c Sccurcd Debt failti►o mnkc paymcnt whcn duc.
<br /> Trustor wiU be in detnult if H brcuch��ccurs under the tcrnis of tliis Security Instrument or any��thcr documci�t
<br /> executed for the purpusc ot cre�ting,securing ur guarnntying thc Securc�9 Deht. A goud faith bclicf by Iicncticiury ..
<br /> that Beneficiary nt nny time ie insecure�wlth res�x:ct to imy pdr���n or cntity oNli�atcd on thc Scc�ucd pcht ur tiiut thc
<br /> prospect of any pnyrncnt n�thc vnluc of thc Property is impa�rcd shnll also cimsptutc nn cvcnt of dcf.►ult.
<br /> 15. lt�fVl�DI�S Util i➢�FIi1JY�'f. In sumc instanccs, fcdcral and state It+w Wi�� r�q���rc Rcncficiary tc�proviJc Trustor ,4�
<br /> �vith noticc of thc right to cure or othcr noticcs and may cstnhlish►imc schcdulcs[or torcr,losun +�ctiuns.Subjcct to ' .
<br /> thdse limitAtions,it nny, Beneficinry muy acccicrutc the Secured Deht and foredosc this Security Instrument in n _
<br /> " � .:.�� mannerprovided by law if Trustar is in detlult. .
<br /> �•. At the optian of Beneficiary,all or nny part of thc agreed feas and charges, �ucru�d interest and principul shull become „
<br /> itnmedintcly duc und payable,after giving notiac if rcquucd by law,upon thc oceu�7cncc of n detault or anytitiu thcres+tter. _
<br /> In addition,Beneficiary shall be entitled to all the xemedies provided by law,tlic terms of thc Secured Dcbt,�his Secur�ry
<br /> Iustrurnent xnd�ny relsted documents,including+vithout lirnitation,the powcr to sell the Prnperty. _
<br /> if there i� a default,Trustec shall, in addition to any othcr pennitted remedy,at the rcynust oi thc Bcneticiury,
<br /> advertise and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auction to the highc:st bidder for cash und —
<br /> convey absolute title free and clear of all right, title and interest of Trustor nt such time and place as Trustee _
<br /> designates.Trustec shap �ive notice of sale�ncluding the timc, tcrms and pincc of sale and a description of thc ��_
<br /> '� . property xo be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at the time of the praposed sale. _
<br /> ,. Upon salc of the property and ta the extent not prohibited by law,Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to thc Properry , :
<br /> sold which conveys absolute tiQe to the purchaser,and after first paying all fees,char�es and costs,shull pay to ..;-, .
<br /> . ; Beneficiary all moneys advanced for repairs, taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior encumbranc�s und interest �� e—
<br /> thereon,and the pnnc�pal and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to Trustor.Bene6ciary may
<br /> purchase the Yroperty.The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> � All remedies ere distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,and the Hene�ciary is enutled to all remedies provided at law or ,f`.,;;-
<br /> ;:} equity,whetlier or not expressly set forth.11�e acceptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payment or i►rhal payment on the . -__
<br /> r
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are file shall not constitute a
<br /> vvaiver of BeneSciaxy's right to require complete cure o f any exis ting default.B y not exercising any remedy on Tntstor s �-_�___
<br /> detault,Bene6ciary does not waive Fseneficiary's right to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. .�1,.;,
<br /> k prohibited by law,Trustor ag,rces to pay a l l o f Be n e 6 c i a r y's ex p enses if Trustor breaches an�r covenant in this Security .'_
<br /> • � Instrument.Trustor will also pay un demand any arnount incurred by Beneficiary for insunng,inspecting,preserving f..�
<br /> ..,�ot�era.zsc prct�canb the Pr�gerty And Rene�ciary's security interest. These expenses will bear mterest frnm the �,�
<br /> � date of thc payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the tcrms vi inC Sc�ure3 II��i.
<br /> Trustor agrees to pay all wsts and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in wllecting,enforcing or ptotecting BeneScisry's
<br /> -. : rigt►ts and re d other leeal exs nse�s.nThis Security Instllnunent shaU remain nCeUect un il eleasedt Trust rlagrees o�
<br /> court wsts,a S P
<br />' �•• ' pay for any recordadon wsts of such release.
<br />-' 17. ENVIRONIV�NTAL LAWS AND NAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this section,(1)Environmcnt�l Law
<br /> �..., .�:i .
<br />�;. . rneans,without limitation,the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensa2ion and Liability Act(CERC ,
<br />�;;.A 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations,ordinances,courc orders,attomey
<br />- �.. •,. general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the pub8c health,safet , welfare,environment or a hezardous
<br />_r.�..
<br /> substance;and(2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic,radioactive or azardous material, weste,pollutant or
<br />=;:�� " � ' contaminant which has ^haractaristics which render the substance dan�erous or potendally dangeraus to the publlc
<br />�=-�'�-'. . ' het�lt6,safety,welfare or environment.The tenn includes,without limitadon, any substances defined as"hazardous
<br />`.'�-�'-�' �.'� material,""toxic substances,""hazardous waste"or"hazardous substance:"under any Env�ronmentel Law. �'a
<br />-=�'� °�'�'� 'ltustor represents,wazrants and agrees that:
<br /> s�,:�._:_�_:_
<br /> - �.C*;"''° A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary.no Hazardous Substance is or will be
<br /> `"r'r�7S'^"'�m located,stored or released on or in the Property.This restriction does not apply to small quantities of
<br />--- .�� ��;'��, Hazardous Substances that are generally rewgnized to be appropziate for the normal use and�aintenance of
<br />.�:;' : �•,;:-:'� the Property.
<br /> _ - �' ����` B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Bene�iciary,Tntstor and every tenent have been,
<br /> `���`�',�, aze,ana shall remain ia full c��pliance with any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> - --:.�;..,
<br />� - ���;,�:�,� C. Trustor shall immediately aotify Beneficiary if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occuts
<br /> _::,;za�aa�� on,under or about the Propeny or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property.In
<br /> ���T''^ ' such an event,Trustor s6a11 take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environn�ental Law.
<br /> ��y.�'t..�.�...
<br /> �� � D. Trustor shall immediately notify Bene�iciary in writing as soon as Trustor has reason to believe t ere�s any _
<br /> r°•'�i�•:- �:'. pending or threatened invesdgauon,claim,or proceeding relating to the release or threateaed release of any __
<br /> •• � Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. _
<br /> - � 18. CONDEN�1ATlON.Tntstor will give Beneficiary prompt notice of any pending or threatened acGon,by privatc or _ _
<br /> � � public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property througt►condemnahon,eminent domain,or any other �,��,^____
<br /> means.Tn�stor autliorizes Bene�ciary to intervene in Trustor's name m any of the above described actions or claims.
<br /> s Trustor assigns to Bene6ciary the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnauon or other ��,�,.�,;}��.
<br /> • . teking of all or any part of the Pro�erty.Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in • i<�;��.u:r:
<br /> �y-;-_--�.�-.
<br /> ,; this Security Instrument.This ass�gnment of proceeds is subject to thc terms of any prior mortgage,dced of trust. ,�•.._._`____�
<br /> � ! securiry agreement or other lien document. ' '"` �-
<br /> - �•,nt�::.
<br /> "• 19. IlVSURANCE.Trustor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire,flood,theft and other hazards and risks .'s:y�,?,.:��v�.
<br /> � ;, reasonably associated with the Property due to its type and location.'I1iis insurance shall bc maintained in the amounts ;;:._,�.,.•..-x;,,,
<br /> and for the eriods that BeneGcia requires.The insuranee carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Trustor •_, 7.«,<:_
<br /> _- -�"�___� _ subiect to Beneficiary's approval,which shall not be unreasonably withheld.If Trustor faiLs to maintain the coverage _;�s��-
<br /> . . . . . ---- •- ---._...n......c:..:o.�.,+c riot,rc;n thc� - _ --'-'-.-�_
<br /> described above.BeneGciary may,at Benetic�arqs npnon,oDtain wvciagc t�N.�.�...L�..�-•••»-,� --o--- --- -- - ---_.—�--
<br /> " • . Property according to the terms of this Security Instrument.
<br /> • All insurance policies and remewals s4�a11 be acceptable to Beneficiary and shall include a standard"mortgage cl�use"
<br /> and,where applicable,"loss payee clause."Trustor shall immediacely notify BeneCiciary of cancc:llation or termination
<br /> • of the insurance.Beneficiary shall havc the right to hold the policics and renewals.If BeneGciary requires.Trustor shall
<br /> imrnediately�ive to Bencficiary all reccipts of paid pr�enuums�+nd renc�yal notices. Upon loss,Trustor shall givc
<br /> immediate notice to the insurance carricr and Bcncficiary. Bcncficiary may makc proof of loss if not made
<br /> imrncdiatcly by Trustor.
<br /> . , �� (�
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