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.�, . <br /> � .. <br /> r <br /> .: �.�..�� <br /> . .. � .�_ . ._ . .. . � <br /> '; �7�. �d1�Q��1 n� -----__ <br /> �_ _... _ <br /> � tl la locstadj � <br /> 22 t�d�GURIT�Y�I�NT`IEflE�6T�pNQER TH6�oNI�FORMni o�l�ho Uolm nCCoi�norc�lnl Codo(n�n�daptod�ln�lho e no wdoro�tho rotul aope y��R��. --.- - <br /> � covor�n(1 Ilxluroe,chnnole"nofd��nnd ac!t1.�lo o Ihor�o th�CF ntolo'lamid Q►nnlm 1 oroby p�rn�larLonciar�n ou�ty Inloroal n�o�ucti Climt�ola�Tho dabtor�io . _ <br /> nny nnd nu roplacomon o III bu etfediva ne n Ilnnncing ntaion�am I��ad nn n Oxturo lil�itir wlm roopoce�ld 1 xtt�uroe lo al�uolOd��Thls I <br /> � Iho Orantor doeuibcd nbovo Thle Dood ol Tfuel w � <br /> anldproi�eee nnd Is to bo Illad lor rocord In Iho roul oatato rocords ol oacli cpunty wlioro m�y p1r10l sald pron9eos(lnclud�np yK <br /> Dood o1 Truat ehnll�alaorbe letor�o�hor�produdlon•o11h1 Dnoed oi T st or of ny IIf1UIlClilg 81�01T10111 I��O�IA11f1e l0/IS D od oIp�NBlrbh811"b0 S fIICI0�1rEi�8 . <br /> � oftico. A cartwn,Ph °8 � „oe roterrod to In thle Pnrngrnph. Tho socurod pany le tho l.ondor descrlbed above. Upon demand.Qramor shall _ <br /> IinanGng stalement lor nny ol tho purpo^ <br /> make, oxocuto and delivor such securlty egreements(es such lerm le dollnsd In enld Unllorm Cortrrx�rclal Codo) as Londor nt en tlmo may om <br /> rtrr <br /> � efgn any such a�Prcan:ntQa I tho�ug nt o1�reniu►r C3r�an ortho obyuaulhor/zos�lon�dor�to IIIoi(innncing st t�errtante(esllsuch t�rtn61s deMod Iln sald Uniform <br /> Commerclnl Code)with respaet to tho Chattels,91i filing fees tor the f In�iof such finaneing eta emenis an'd for tho refiling ther ot atthe 1 Qrtas roquf od in <br /> slgn cuch Mandng statements. C3rentor wiil pay g <br /> '� In�ho o anio eny�debeult�underlthls Deord o rTrus�ihef 0ht1et tle and nto ost'I(3rentor in�an�d to a y a d�aTyll ofrt�h Cha ols�s he by sulgnedio <br /> Lnnder, together with tho benefit of any doposits or payments now or heraaftor mado ihereof by arantor ar tho procWccjssors or succossors In titlo of <br /> Grantor in tho Property. <br /> �, w�IMBUWSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,at londer's optian.may expend(unds(Including attomoys'loes end legal _ <br /> sheili firmiedla olyrefmbuis L nder for albcucheemoun��ls ezponded by Lnnder t get er wlih ntor s hereon e�t ihe lowereo the highostat describad In any <br /> Obllgation or thu highost rste allowed by Iaw from the dato of paymant untll tho date ot reimbursorrant. These sums shail be Inctudad in Ihe deflnitlon of <br /> Obllgatlons hereln end ehall 6e secured by ihe benoflclal intarest granted horeln. If the Obligatlona of tho Obli�et ons�aner ihe begPnnng oli puWlcatlon of <br /> sale,as hereln prnvided,or In lho event Lender shall,at its sole nption,permlt(3ramor to pay any Part .-�-,...;. <br /> notice ot sale,as horein provlded,thsn,Qrantor shall pay on demand all oxpensas incuned by the Trustoo end Londer In connec.Kion wlth sald publicatlon, , ��__ <br /> .:_ .. <br /> ' Induding roasonable ettomeys'fees to the attomeys tor the Trusteu end for the Lender,end a roasonable feo to the Trustee,and this Deed ol Trust shell bo _I` <br /> saarity tor all such expenses and fees. � <br /> salo and afChe�salo,.I�ncludlngF�the Tpayment otNhe�rust�ee's teesh cuall�yl�currrtd not to oxcoed lha�arrwunt wh�lch►n3y he�ovldedf fwln t�ho beedo Trust} �. 1..--�_.-- <br /> ,,�--—---- <br /> � second,to paymeM of the obllgat(on secured by the Deed of Truet,lhird,to Ihe payment of Junlor deods of trust,mortgages or othor Ifenholders,and ihe G*����;�. <br /> � balsnce,tl any,to ihe person or persons lugaily emltled ihereto. <br /> • : '. . �'�_a <br /> . ,?`��.I 26, pOWER QF ATTORNEY. arerttor hereby appo���is Londer as Its attomey-In-fact to endorse Grantor's name on all instrurroms and other documents ` . ;, <br /> ,,. partalning to the Obligatlons or Deed ot Truet. In additlon,Lender shall be ortltlled,lwt not required,tope rfortn any actfan or oxecute any document ' �,,;.:. <br /> . ,�I retie e araMO trom eny eOWigatlon or�rretany default undper thlsf Deedtof TrustrNf rowe�re�ol atlo sey de cr�ibed In this Dood of Trust�arae wupted wlih an ^�-- <br /> �, <br /> interest�nd are Irtevocab�e• ' <br /> ';�'I' �'�, i 28. SUBRODAiION OF LEN�ER. Lender shall be subrogated to the rtghts of the holder of any previous Ilen,security lnterest w encumbrence , ,,,' <br /> , I discharged with funds advanced by Londer regerdless ot whethar thase Ilens,secudty Interests or oth6r encumbrancus have been released of record. :+;' <br /> � • 27. COLL6CTION C08T3. To tho extent pertNtted bv lew,Cirantor egrees to Paclerks�endrCOnsuitant)whother�or6ni t such a11 mey loi e�gem�Is an y� • �w � <br /> '� 1J and coste of attomeys and other agems pnduding wflhout Ilmitatlon paralegal . ;:�� ' .i <br /> _ ' a�,rthyFle of Lender.whlch are Incurred by Lendor ln collacting any amount due o�ent4ndng any��ht��r�e,��Y�nt�corllaction aations��'Whether or not .,.',4.. �, ' �� <br /> , - - -- � suli la brought.Induding.but not umtea to,aif iees end w:,ib i��u:rr-.3 ar�^.�^^�...::.:^.ar....��!cy.-.- ,�� <br /> � po pe g ' <br /> 2& PART1AL RELEASE. Lender may release fte InterestAior.eof the Pro�perry Nothing hereln sh�alli be d emed to oWi pate Lend�er to reloa�se eny of ite <br /> • q Reconveyance wkhaut affecting Its Intorest in the remalning po � <br /> imerest In the Property(excopt as roquired under Parearaah 38 or as may be otherwise requlred by law),nar shall Lender be obligated to roleaae any part : <br /> of the Property If C3rantor iaas d�eflnued in t�he D�eed of TNSt thal is notlthe subject of ihis or any Pertie�i Ueed of R�nvoyan��n In eifec1 with respect to •,� <br /> that portion of the property� y • <br /> Zp, IIApp�FlCA71pN AND WAIVBR. The modiflcation a welver of eny of drentoPo Obligations or Lenders rfahts under ihis Daed ot�at must be , <br /> ' contalnad 6i a writlnp signed by Leisder• Lender maY Pertorm any of Borrower's a Gramofs Obligations,delay or(alt ta exerdsa eny of ite tl te or acoept Jr � <br /> # peyrn�nt�hom(3rantor a anyone other than f3rantw without causing e walvar of those Obligationa or rfahts. A weNer on one oocaffon mell mt comtfluio <br /> , , �, a walvor on any other occaaion. arento�e Obllgations under thle Oeed o}Truat shall not be affected if lsnder emends,co omlw� ezdiargas.falle to <br /> �, oxerciaa,�mpa�ro or rNeases eny ot ths Obllgau�ne belonging to eny c3renta,Borrower or thirdparty or any of Itd ri�hid e�at eny C�rentor,BoROwer nr <br />� thlyd parly or eny of tfs Property ��d�6 feNure to Inalat upon atrict pertormance of eny ol the ObllgnUons shall nmbe deemed a walver end Lender ehall <br /> ha+e the dgM a1 eny tlme thereafler to Inalat upon nirlC pertortrence. <br /> 30. �UB871TUT6 TRU9TEE;TRUBTEE LdABIUTY;COARPEN9ATIION. In caw ot Iha death,InaWlity,refuael to aa or ebsenee of the Trusue trom ths � <br /> atate whera th�rae�P�Y�e�����truate�e In�h�pteca��d s�te�ad,tM ha��r ol�ihe ObllpetioAne�le�herebyVgrented Iuil�ee to aappoim N wrH�ng a �� � <br /> trustee hareundsr end a appo� <br /> wbstkut�trusue for�ald Truatae,end the substltuto trustos shall,whenappoInted,become suoceasor to all righte of Trustee hereundsr end tfie torne ehtsll ��_ <br /> H power,dutba end obl — <br /> becorrw vested In hlm ta the purposea and ob�ecta of ihla Deed of Trust w h etl the Ipatlona hxeln oonlerted on ths Trualee. Trustes ____ <br /> �I�e�ot bs��nbie(or eny error of fudament or ect done by Truatee,or be othawise reaponslble or eccountablo under eny dramsttnoea whatsoevor. __________ <br /> � TNStee�hai�not ye peroonally Ila61e In case of entry by It or enyone acting by virtue of the powers hereln prented it upon the Deed ol TNSt for debts _ <br /> oornrected or Ilablifry or�pe a ineurted In the menagement or oparatlon of naid premises. Trustoe eha11 havd ihe�to rely a�eny Instrument, _�__ <br /> documem w signoture authorizing w suPPalin9 eny actfon taken�or propo�to be teken by It horeunder or belioved by 1 in aood falih to be gor sune. �._.._ <br /> Tn�stee ahell be erriflied to reimbursement fa e�cpansos Incurrod It in the ortnance of its dutios hereunder and to reaoonabTe Nrrpensatbn t ch �-���. <br />- of its saMces hereunder es sheil be rendered. Grama will,hom time ta tlme,paY wmpensatlon due Trustee hereundor and relrtturse Trustoe tor end �"_—".�_ <br /> seve and ho{d k h a m iess from a n d a g a l n s t e n y a n d a l l l o s s,o os t,I l a h i l i ry,d a rt e�e a n d e x p e n s e w h a t s o o v e r i n c u rt e d b y i t I n the p orfom�anto ot fls dutles. i�V_..` <br /> _. ._.. <br /> ' All moneys received by Tmstee sheJl,umit used or eppied as herelnp�ov�ded,be held In trust for ihepurposes tor whEeh thoy were received,bul need not __;_�__ _ <br /> r be eegregated In eny menner Bom any othor moneys(exoept to the extent requlrod by law)end Trusten shail be under no Iladlity fa interest on any ,.yy� - -:.:,,,.: <br /> .. '1.. 'I�Y Y�C�ti <br />-• , moneys received by fi harounder. ���r{;�,-�.�:�� <br /> � �.�:..e�.;wr.+� ' <br /> ' �3 g1, gUCCESSO�?S AHQ ASSKiNB. This�eed ot Trust sheli bo binc5ng upon and inure to the beneflt oi Cirantor end Lender and thdr res�wctive .,.;.,., ,..._�`�, <br /> cucoessors.assl�s,trustees,reoelvers,administratore,perconal representallvos,legatoes end deviseos. ��-r� r:t_r"�.�� .• <br /> � :.,�;�_ .-r <br /> 92, NOTF�EB. Hxcept as othenvise requlrod by Iaw,any notica or other comrwnlwtlon to bo Frovided under thla Deed of Trust Ehall bo In wriUng and sant .. :_.,.�.._ <br /> • to the partlos at the addressos doscribed in�hie Deed of Trust or such other addrass as ihe parties may designate In w�iting from time to tfine. My such <br /> n o tloe so g iven end sem by 8rst dass mafl,postage prepald,shail be deemed gNen the eerlier of threo(3)days aftor such notico Is sem or when rocolvod •�i�", <br /> by the person to whom such notico is being gNen. •, ' . <br /> I W SE�y�ovlslon of th s Deed of Trua violetes�e iaw or IstunoNorceablo,tho testl o the D°edto Tnlst hall oo�nt(nuie o be valld end enlo�rcel�e state , <br /> 34. APPUCABi.E LAW. This Dood of Trust shall be govomed by tho laws of the siete where the roal pfoperry Is located. Unloas appllcaWo law proNdes <br /> othntwlae,Crnntor consems to tho�urisdiction end��enue of any court selocted by Lendor,In its sole disaetlon,located In that atato. <br /> �, ����,p(�1�EOUg�ara�wr�d l.fnre�9r1 eGh�tl�thls Deod osf Trust sf�alltlndude all�rsons slgni g bulowt�ItAthere le��mor�than ono Oran or <br /> - --- . . . . . .---y--.�••---.._��..,r�....._.�..e�„i,,,.:., -. <br /> -- --- ..,o..,. —•- ---• <br /> ± �oir Odlig ons aha�be(oIM end sovoral. fils Deed ot Trust roprosonte tno conpero ime{�aiea unaoro�n�����y��.,��•,�a�••••a••••..-...�...r-..—_..o.- - -- - - <br /> ' tho tertre and condelon�6oroof. I . <br /> 38. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHT3. No person is or shali bo a third party benefldary of any ovfslon ol this Deed of Trust. A�I provislons of this Deed oi <br /> � consont to tho mod;tir�atlo of eny�ovislon of this Deed of T st,In�Lc3ndor's solo cL's�elion����ntitlod to aseume or expocl that Londor wlll not waive or <br /> 37. PAESERVA710N OF UA81UlY AND PRIORITY. Without aHocHng the liability of Borrower,Grantor,or eny guarentor of tho Obli�ations,or any other ' <br /> I porson(except a porson exprossiy reloesod In wdt�ng)tor tno pa�rrront end podormance ot tho Obligatlons,and wtthout atfocting ihe dghts of Lender with <br /> respoct to any Property not expraasiy reloased in w�ting,and wR out Impalrfng in en�ywey iho priority ot ihis Doed oi Trust ovor iho inty rest ol eny�'�ons, � <br /> acquired or first ohdenced by rocording subsequom to the rocording ot thla De�ed of Trust,Lcinder may,efther boloro or aflor tho maturi ot tho Obll <br /> and wilhout notioo or consont:roloase any person 1ia61a forpaymont or porfomance of eli or eny part ol tho Obllgations;mako any egreemem eltering tho <br /> tettns of pa�y�ront orpc�rfomanca Qt a�l or eny part of iho OWipetions;oxordse or rohaln from exordsing or waive 2ny right or rort�edy ihat Lendur may h�ve , <br />- undsr the Dcaed of Trust:aocept additlonal cocurity of any kind for eny of the Ohllgatlons;or reioase or othonvlso doal wlth eny roal ar po eo�n�prope <br /> ced g y <br /> In6 ts o ts or r�I 9�It�nY evidence heraof.�to have consa nal to alo r eny sunc,h actlona by'Londo aturo In tho Propcttttty shall bo daemed,b g su <br /> y) , <br /> NEDOTD Rev.�1.9a Paps6 d6�`_'_ � <br /> i I <br /> . 1__. _ _ . - . .. <br />