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�...,,,.. � <br /> . .r.r.. . <br /> weir; � ._�� -- <br /> �, �. ' - - . ' .... „ ,��-_ <br /> • .. . .� - <br /> .. � �. . � .. .. .. .. . . . , . _ . nN�.n. _-_ <br /> . lM....���Meryr.; ' .. �r_.� i _ . <br /> .I.Pi��,r` <br /> i ya-- �,oio4o .:--====- - <br /> _�. _ <br /> . Qrerrtor hereby appdnts LQnder cta"°attame •�►�-�eh reto. Lender�shal�tno�be Ilable to <br /> ' RiQHT TO COARMEt��E Q�DEFEND LEDAI ACTIQNS.G►antor shall lmmedlatoly ovi�l�nd��:'+Ith wdnen notice ol enY ectual or <br /> 13, LENOER 9 p� <br /> thraatenod Qctlon,ouit,or othor procccd!np ettecting tho ProperlY a�so or soqlo nny dalm or controversy A I g _ <br /> dolcnd euch nctlonn,aults,or o hor logal proceed;nfls and ro compr �n Ita own narrA• � <br /> qrnntor lor nny ehlon,ortor,�e���rom taking th alcilbne doac�lx�d n�thlsiparag aph��n Ihls paraflrapfi or any darmpo3 rosuiting thorotrc�n. Noth n9 <br /> � <br /> coninined horoln will provont Lendor y p� - <br /> s' teos and logal oxponses),causus of actlon,actlone,sulta and <br /> II Immodlotely provlda Land9r wi�h wtltten notice ot andindamnlfY nnd hold Lender and its shareholdera.directors,officere, <br /> 14, INDEMN�F�CAnON� �n�r ehuli not aesume o►be rosponslble lor lho peAorm�rtce°�e� ot arantor's obllgetlons with res ct to tho PropertY un <br /> any clrwmatuncea. t�rento� "�: <br /> employ ����y�)partelning to the ProPerlY(Including,bul nol Ilmlted to,ihose Invoh�ng e�a��8�Md ot or costa Incurrrod In <br /> ees end agente harmles�Irom all clalrne�dan�9�8����Iltloe(Induding attorneY �he attomeys'fees,legal xpe <br /> other legal procved��S�4�►�letivsty' . <br /> tho rcqu�st of Landar,enn!1 hlre legat counsol to detend I.ender�0e emNnatlon,�rat asapor foreeiowro of thls Doed oi Trust. � <br /> erswllh. In the a�yemativa,Lond;�r chail b�eniftel'h 10 emdo Ita�w�legal counsol to d�,fend such Clalms at arantors cost. S3rentor e <br /> connec�ion th ehall sunhv <br /> oW;gatbn to Indertnity Lendsr under thla paregrop� oW�Lender evldonco _ <br /> led to ihe pay►nant of taxes, <br /> • est o1�ender, rentor chall deposit with Lcnde�r�e�m0ha���unts s�eii2�f�eati���e funas'�neid o <br /> •= 1a TAXEg�11��ss�asMEe SS. arantor chall pa�a��taxes and assc+saments ryeln�ng to Property whon due end immediately pr - <br /> � o�� ��o�i►ttme. Upcan th �naining to tha PropeAy So long ae there I <br /> yme ►�i <br /> prem(�m,taxes nnd assessmen�s Pe In the e�ent ot dalaufl,Lendor ahal�aneevo�so orderlot hefldue�Idato�her�oof. - <br /> asseasments and Ineurenee as requlred on the Propahy ��� .-_ <br /> pay nny texes or apainst ihe Obligaliona. My lunds appilad Lender'e optlon,be apd . <br /> osslstan� <br /> ' 18. IN9PEC7lON OF PRt7PERTtii,BOOKS.RECOADB AND REaORT8. drantor shall allav lsndcr or ita e5oms to exart�lne and Inspect ihe Proper►f� , 1.�-t"''°: <br /> Addiilonally. ::�;��,�;. <br /> ses. All ot tho slgnatures end Inf��tlnBn��n�lgnterest I�n�at600ksenkd roco ds�potta nang�he Property.axureta�nd ` `��-= -I <br /> end exarr�ne,Inspect snd meke coples of(3rantor's booka end reeords Penalning to Ihe PropwrtY from tlme to tlrra. (3rantor shall provl a enY <br /> roqulred by Lendor far ihose Wr{w a�ora flnendal conditlon or the Property Tho , , ; _ <br /> eomplete In all rospecls• Cdremor ehall note tho exlstence of Lunde <br /> �; prantor shail report�in e fortn satlafactory to Lendor,such Intortnatlon as lender may request regardin9 v::� <br /> Intom�atlon shail be ta sueh pedudo�shal�refluct f3rerrtor's rocords at such time,�nd chall be rendored wlth such frequency as Lende►maY�519nate. ',,rA��'��- <br /> iniortretton fumished b/C3►emor to Lender shall be truo,accurate and comP�ete In all rospecis.end s�gn9d by Cirentor If Lender roquesta. .� ,_ � <br /> � `r'^- <br /> • nfter any request by Londer,Orantor shell doliver to Lander,or eny Intended trensteree of landers -`,', <br /> i 17, ESTOPPEL CERTiFICATES. Within ten(10)daYa statemant speclMn9(e)the outstendin9 b3lance on the Obll�ttons;and(b)whether <br /> � rigMs wlth rospect to Iho Ohligatlons,a slgnod end acknowledged ` , <br /> _ GratAor possesseretui�y W���nU�vel�bound by�eny ePresema on hut�l_etnder maY�t�to h Iintontded tranaferee w ih speU io those matters In '�,�-_ <br /> � couNerdaims. (3 0,��the requostad staterr»nt In a tlmelY manner. ., ;<,-�? <br /> ihe event that Crantor fails to pr �� ._-- <br /> rative In the event thal drantor,Bortrnver or �,,.,1(,._ <br /> ;;`; .. 19. DEF A U L T. a re M o r s h e ll 6o In dofauit under ihls Desd of Trust and Ihe Trusteas power shell hea�rrw cpe �;',n�=;,_ <br /> any guarantor o}the Obllgatlons: <br /> (n) talls to psy a�y O�digatlon to Lender when due: °.a�•.• <br /> f b falls to pe�tam enY Ob»9ation or breaches eny we►ranry or covenant to londer cornelned in thls Deed ot Trust or eny other praserA or hriure ���L�:�!� <br /> �' � � ' <br /> e9�d0���� In eny maiedal respeet or subjects Ihe Properry to selzure,conflscatlon,or condormetlon, .r , .�. �_' <br /> ;:•"� (c) desiroys,losea or darre9es the Propeny b Lender: ,' ,.,� <br /> ' � (d) seeks to revoke.terminate or otherwlso Ilmit Its ilabllriy vndar any guarenty iltion in banlwRtcy filed in whlch�rentor.Bortcwer �;'�`'; ,ti, �ti�� <br /> _ _�� (e) d ie s,�ecorr�s i�iy incom�018m•1e�ssoNed or tem�inatad,beoomes �nsoivom�makes��5�9��nt tor the beneflt of creditors,tails to pay t./J .•• <br /> __ �o no�r���,,,,�duo.fllea a potitlon under the fode r a l b n n k r u P t e l'�a ws,hes an involuntary pe "u '`: ;.}_ e` '.4: <br /> �, � or eny 9uare^tor Is nEUned,or has property taken unoor eny w�i i o��,,,�..�af�.!K: — �,_ . <br /> u e the sscfsslon,trencponatlon,or use of iaegbi• �:��. <br /> :,:,� (f) eilows goods to be usod,iransported or etored on iho Proper4y. Po 5 falth,for any ruason,boiloves <br /> (g) allowo any paRY a�her than Qrerito►or Bortower to assurro or undettake arry Ob�igation wfthout the written consent of Lender;or � �' ,lr <br /> �h� ca�ses�ender to deem Itsetf I���i$���r��fl�t dedine In the velue of iho PropeRy;or it Lender,In good <br /> • that the prospect of paymem or pe <br /> to. RIGHT9 OR LENDEH ON DEFAULT. If there Is a defauit under thls Deod otTrust.Lender shail be entitlad to exerdse one or more of ihe following � � <br /> rern�fies without noL�ce or dert�end(except as requlred by I�x): ;:• <br /> (a) to dedare tne Ob�ipatione Irtmediatery due end paYeble In full; �:•- <br /> (b) to coliect the outs�endin9 Ol�I�Oat�ons wfth a wNhari resoning to w�ide�Pro�oess; rt a Chatteta oonstRuting the Praperty at a�lace raosonebiy <br /> . (e) to require firanta to tbihrer end meke e�allaWe to Lender eny Pe�� � y ntment of a raoeiw►end,at lencfers opt{on,to � <br /> � oonyentent to(3rentor end Lender; W��h��y��tor a obtainlnp ths nppol <br /> (d) to enter upon end take pnaasaslon of the Property <br /> appolnt a reoelver wflhout bond.without flrst bring�ng suH on ihe Obllgations and wilhout othenvlse meetln9 eny statut°ry con�►i�s reper nG �,� <br /> � , receh,ere.ft being intended that Lender�II have thia contrectual d�t to epQdot e no�h'x: <br /> � j (e) to ertptoY e me�°g1�9 a9�of the PropertY end let lhe same�elthethe sarn�,afler payment of eil necssseryt N�i�a�e�°°a o��CO°unl of <br /> . ! . a'4► recalve the rer�1a,incarbs,laaues end P�ofits of the Property end ePP►Y <br /> the Oblipatlons; <br /> (fl io PaY�Y��T16 N�"y t6�a���°�expedient by Lender to protect tho aewriry ot thla Dead ot Tnist a to euro eny defauH other t on <br /> payrtdnl ot Interest or prindpal on tha Obligatio�s: through exerdse of ths power of sak na retero n c e d in <br /> - - i81 to toredose tMa Deed of Trust judidally or nonjuddaily end to direct the sale oi the(xoperlf� — --- <br /> � . per�greph 20 hereof In ac000rdance wflh eppikabte law; - <br /> - �, , 1 Ah�ntatmalmei�wit�n�der or a�nY rten�N e��9 �e affiliate ot Isnder;ervlu��.�not Ilmiled to.monias.Instrumenta, e��d dePoslt <br /> ^��:'*._�'� (q to exxdae all other rfghts nvallebte to Lendar under eny other written agreemem a ePP�lcab�e law. <br />' _`. ' � �end�s rights ere currutatNe and may bu exerdced togethar.seperataly,and In any order. In the event that Lender in�111utes en ectton seeWn9 t1�e ��s��` <br /> , ot eny ol the Property bY weY of a prejudgment rerr�edY In an action against arenta.f3rarna welves the postl�9 ot eny bond whidi� � <br /> s• ,' ^ � �lae be mqulred. Lender a Lender's deaignee maY purchaso the Prope►ty et an sale. Arooeeds of any Trustee s eale hereunder shall be appi — __ <br />- • �� of the Obligations secured hereby,third,to ine paYr►�ent of lunla ���� <br /> , � ttxw cesta end expenses of e��torhn t is Deed of ITruest�seeond oepayrneni g t���nt o11he Trustee's lees ectu�ly�ncu�1r����y —.---�_�—�..: <br /> exeeed tho ernoum whkh may be tx° I entitlod thereto. The aroPO►�Y �n�n gcinled �_`��Y- <br /> ztmst deeds,mat9a9es,a other ilenholders,and the the person ape��s�e9�Y �. .���'.�.. <br /> ' bo sold In one parce�.or In such peroe�s.menner or order es Lender In Its solo cF�t��►�Y e����d one`�m�e exerdses of the pow {. <br /> er unless tho entire property Is sold or the obllgaUons ero pald in full. <br /> � d shall not extingulah or e�aust lhe pow exerdso ot the power cf -�, ,, •=� <br /> ` 20, TRUaTEE`S EXERCISE OF PO'WER QF gA�E���AULT:If Londer elects to sell Grentora intorest In tho Property bY �,`.;, ,�¢:„��„��,�.4 y. <br /> . 'h-ti;;�:. .,r�.•.: <br /> sale hereln oordelnod.Lendor she��notity Truatee in the mannor thon roquirod hy law. • .: . <br /> ' " " . ...,f.1...ww.�a. <br /> 9 Upon reoeipt of Fud� notico of Lender end et the�irectlon ot Lender,Trusteo shall causo to be recordad�P�a�shed and dellvered such no8ces of dotault .�y X•.• <br /> . � end noti�s of sale as may then be '�Irbodl���an by�rdat on of such notke of dafau'�It end after notice ot sate h�n9 beent¢ven as requd I�red by law. ' ! <br /> afler Euch time as maY then be ro4u Y separa e al the tlme ot ' ' ". <br /> � cell the P�operty el the time and pl� ��ne,at�pudla au lon t�the htyhest Medder for cash In lawful mon nt ot tho��ed�d�� mn��,�s ' " „ <br /> e�ped�ent,and in aueh ader as it y rchaser or purchasere thereof Its good <br /> ' , rale,or as othenvlse rrey then be requlred by law. Trustee shall dellver to 3uch pu rchaso at sueh sata. Tnistee may <br /> . ,w�vnvina tho DtOD9rtY 60 6old,bul without any covenar�o�e�n uel��tlon.a�a,T stoe o��Londar,may p�u of�y�tt�or tacta shail be . I, <br /> -T:._�__.-- .�.._, o,,..�........_.o..... <br /> condusNe proof ot tho iMhtutnoss inereo"�. .+�v rtion of the ProperYy. - _ <br /> • ." In the rtanner provided by law postpono sale ot I nr any po . <br /> 21. RE�UEST FOA NOTIC63: (3rantor roque�ts that e copy of anY rtotice of default and e copy <br /> of eny notloe of sale horounder bo mallod tu eae perso; <br /> who Is a ptuiy horeto at iho address of such porson sot forlh horoln at the satne i�mo end In iho sart�e rtt�nnor requtrad as though a sopa�a c�qu <br /> � thoroot had been fifad by each cuch porson. <br /> , <br /> Pape3d8 '__L---=--. .. . <br /> � � NEDOTC Fw.3186 � <br />