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<br /> i 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shnll bc givcn onc conformccl capy of thc Notc nnd af this Sccurity Insuumcnt. �,
<br /> 17.Tr�nsfEr ot the Propert or a B�neflclal Interest in Rorrowcr. If all or nny parc of thc Property or ony intcrest in it is
<br /> sold o*transfe�red(or df a bene�cia]intecest in Bortower is sold or trmstecred and IIorPOwer is not n nuwral ersan) without ,L'�i
<br /> L.ender's prior wduen conscnt,l..ender rnay,�a��Psd�onb��pa��?�C�xCreisPe i prohibited by fcdcral law as of�the dn9ce of thls • -• r
<br /> � Insuumcn¢.Howave�,this o�tion shall not � Y ."'�`•
<br /> � SecurityInswmenG �t} .
<br /> If Lender exercises thia opdon,Lender shaU give Beurower nodce of acceleratlon.The notice shall provide aperiod of not less ,���� F
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sWns secured by this Securiry , :
<br /> '�,•:-
<br /> Inswment.ff Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirarion of thLs period.Lender may invoke any rcmedies Pern►itted ;�f�;'__'°
<br /> by ihis Securiry Instaument withaut futther notice or dernend on BorroweP. ' ''-"-���
<br /> um
<br /> 18.B�nower's Right to Reinstxte. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shnll have the right to ha�e .:;II'�=�»_��.
<br /> �nforc.ement of this Securiry Inst�ument discananued at any time prior w the earlier of:(a) 5 days (or such other penod as �:��;�.
<br /> t►ppllcable law may spec'�y for reinstatement)before sale of the Property Pursunnt to ar►Y Power of sale contained in this Security • * :f-R_--
<br /> Insuument;or(b)entey of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrumcn�Those condIdons ere that Boaower.(a)pays I.ender all
<br /> suma which then would be due under this Securiry Insuument and the Note a4 if no acceleration had occurred�(b)cures anY , _
<br /> default of any other covenants ar agreements;(c) pays aU expenses incurred in enforcing ihis Securiry Ins�ument,including.but .. _
<br /> • not lirnitcci w,reasonable attomeys'fecs;and(d) takes such acuon as Lender may reasonahly require to assure that the Iien of ihis . ._ a��
<br /> Security Instruument, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obltgaiion ta pay the sums socnred by tl�is Security .... �.� - - -____
<br /> m " -
<br /> ' Instrument shaU eondnue unchenged. Upon reinstetement by Borrower, this Secunry Instrument and tha obligauons secured „
<br /> hereby shall remain fally effecdve as if no accelerahon had occw'red•However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of _ ____
<br /> acceleraaon under para�raph 17. . �`?�����--
<br /> 19.Sak of Nate;Chn�oge of Loan Servicer. 'Rae Note or a pr�rti�l inceres� in the Note (cogether with this �ecuriry
<br /> ho
<br /> �;�,.::
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior nobce to Borrower.A sale may result�n a change in the enury (Imown �.:s`"::" �;�'
<br /> �,� as the"Loan Servicer")that wAecta monthly ayrnents due under dte Note and this Secunty InsmimenG'I�ere also may be one or ,+. , r'.-?:°:
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrele�co a sal�of ilis No�e. If there is a change ot the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be ;,.��;;t
<br /> given wriuen noUCe of the chenge in a�ccordance with ParaS�aph 14 above and applicable law.The nodce will state tt�e neu�►e nnd " �:
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicec and the address to wt►�ch payments should be made.71te nodce will also contain anY ather . �t"7,�r,�°
<br /> infornution required by applicablo law.
<br /> '',, rn� ....�r+,, .� �.
<br /> 20.Hatitrrdous Substances. Horrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dlsposal, storage, or release of any R,fy. ;
<br /> A
<br /> _ ___:___�' Herardoas Substences on or in the Propeny.Borrowes shall noi do.nor ailow anynne elsc to dh�nre.�ence,use.or storaKe onl�e :.;..;� � L
<br /> ------_ ttiat is in violation of an�Enviranmenrai Law.T"nc pic�a�g i�%a s:,nir,s:cc....hall ss�t apply- ro ilate to normal residentlal uses ';;; � "�:
<br /> Pcopeny of smail quandues of Hc�7ardous Substances that are generelly recognized to be aPP P '�� ;,._
<br /> and to maintenance of the Property. ,. ' ::
<br /> Barower shsil prompdy give I.ende� wdtten notice of any invest�gation. claim, demand. lawsuit nr other acqon by any ; �,�_
<br /> oveRnmentel or regulatory agency or pdvata parry involving the Property and any Hazardo�o � �� Eauthonry that enw ::' �°}
<br /> of whkh Bomowu has acwal knowledge.If Borrower ltams,or Is notificd by any governme gu rY � :�
<br /> removal or ott�er remedladon of a�►y Haz�rdous Substance nffecdng►he Properry is necessary, Borrowex shall promptly take - _
<br /> necespay nmedlal actlons in eccordance with Hnvironmu�tel Law. ; , ,
<br /> qs usod in this paragraph 20,"E�azardous Substances" are tt►ose substanccs deMed ag t+oaic or hazacdous substances by • �.'-
<br /> p,nvironmental Law and �he following substances: gaso111►e. kerosene, othcr tlammabk or toxic petroleum products, toxic .
<br /> � pesticides and tierblcfde.9,voladlo solvcnts. meterlals contait►ing asbestos or formaldehyde,end radioacdve materials.As used in
<br /> th�i puagrapt�20.„Environmentel Lew"means fcdu�l laws end lawe of the jurlsdicdon whcre ihe PropertY is locaud that celatc -=-
<br /> to health�safrxy or envimnmentW protecHon. —
<br /> . .r.k
<br /> " NONd1NIFORM COVBNANI'S.BoYrowcr and Lender tunher wvca�ant end e�ea as f�llows: �
<br /> � • .ti Zl.Acoekrptlon;Remedfeg.I.ender s6aU give notice to Borrowu prbr to occekrwtbn toUowing Borrower'6 brwch oT �
<br /> • • ady wven�nt or agreement ia thi� Sesur[ty InsWment (but not pri�r to accekrptbn under paragrAph 17 unks� !
<br /> �� pppllabk la►w provides otherwbe).T6e noNce ahaU speclty:(r)the defpult;(b)the�ct3on required to cure the detaWti(c) _
<br />- a date,not lees than 30 daye fMom t6e ds�te t�e notke L�given to Borrower,by which t6e defauit must be cural;and(d) _
<br />�i� '. that 6Uure to cure thx detar�it on or before t6e dwte Qge+sNkd is the notk�may reauft In ac�celeratloe ot the sums eecured =_— _ �
<br /> '. •, � by thb Secrirlt9 IaStrument and eaie oi t6e Properiy T6e aotia shaU turthcr inform Borrower of the rig6t to re[ostote _--
<br />�.=e__� �fter ecaferation�nd the rig�t to br(og a court action to ass�rt tb�e non-e�dstence of a defauit or any other defense o! �__
<br /> ` � Borrower to acaelcration and ssk.If the defauk 'ss not cured oa or before the datc specifkd in thc notkc�Lender.at iis -_
<br />��� � optioa, may require immedlate pAyment In fuU ot ail sums aecured by 4his Security Instrument without further demand �__��—°
<br />=`�� ♦ \ ootf ms►y Invdce the power ot exk and any ot6er remedles permitted by applicable law.L.ender shall be entitkd to cotlect =____� --"
<br />" " RU expeaxs iacurred in purauieg tlu remedia+provided in tt�is paragraph 21,including,but not Itmited to,reaaonabk - __
<br /> at4oroeys'fas and costs ot tiHe evldenoe. =���:,
<br /> If the power ot sak is invoked,Trustee 6hat!record a notice of default in exc6 county in whkh any part ot tke -
<br /> Prapevty b la�ated and shall maU cepies of such notke in the mAnner prescribed by app�cabk law to Borrower ead to the ;_"':�4r����L�
<br />_ �',:�...�.:.:.�t'��._
<br /> - other persons prescribed by Applkabk l ew. A t t e r t 6 e time required b y o p plkabk I�w,Trustee shs►U give publk notice ot _ _. ,;r J =
<br /> ' sale to !ht pereons and io the manner prearribed by applicAB�e law.Trustee,withuut demAnd on Borrowcr,shall seU the u `,':k,:: ;.'
<br />- ,,,. Property�t public auction to the highest bldder at the time and plaa wnd under the terms desfgnatcd in thr ncrice of sak :.;� ,
<br /> �:�... .
<br /> Form 3Q28 0190 °
<br /> ,. (�•bR(NE)�02�21.0� a.p�5 oi e �mu�u:
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