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<br /> paymcni.9 may rio longer bc rcquUcd,at the opdon�t l.cnder,if mortAage insurance coverage(ln the umount and for�hc period
<br /> thut Lcndcr requiic.9)provided by un insurcr approved by Lender c�gain becomes availnblc and la obtained.Borrowcr shuU pay the _
<br /> premiums rcqulrcA tn malntain mongagc insurancc in cffect,or W providc a loss reserve, nntil the requirement for mortgage
<br /> insurancc ends in wccardnncc v�ith any writtcn a�rccmcni betwcrn Iionower and Lender or applicable law. �nder shall givc
<br /> 9.Insptctbn. Lcnder or its agcnt may meke rcasonable entries upon and inspecdons of thc 6'ropecty. ,. ;..��� _
<br /> Borrawer noUce at the timc of or pdor to nn inspccdon specifying reasonable cause for the inspecdon. .
<br /> �� . 10.Condemnation. The proceeds of uny award or clalm for damages,direct or consequentiul, in connection with any
<br /> � wndemnetion or other taking of any part of the Praperty.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnadon,are hereby assigned and ,:_' ,_
<br /> shull bopaid to l..end�r. ��1`';��'
<br /> In t�a event nf a total taking of the Property,the ptoceeds shall be applled to the sums securcd by this Security Instr�ment, . .�r�� �,.
<br /> in which the fair market - --
<br /> whether or not then duo,with any eacess p�id to Borrower.In the event of a partial takin8 of the Praperry' ----
<br /> � value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal w or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security -_--
<br /> � Instiument immcdiately beforc the taking, unlcss Hoi:ower and Lender othenvise agree in wricing, the sums secur e d by thls _—
<br /> i
<br /> � Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplted Uy the following fracdon: (a)the total amount of
<br /> thc sums secuced immediatelY beforc thc taking,divided by(b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before tha , :��-
<br /> I talcing.My balar►ce shall be paid to Borrower. In thc event of a parual taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the
<br /> Propetry immediately before �lie tekit►g i.s lcss than the amount of the sums secureti immediately before the takir►g, unless :'� _ _____
<br /> Borrower and Lender otherwisa agree in wriu'wn8 or unless appllcable law othenvise provIdes,the procceds shall be applied to the ,,1,:
<br /> " � sums secured by this Security Instrument whetheror not the sums are then due. . �
<br /> „ If the Prope:ry is abandoned by 19onower,or if,efter nodce by Lender to Borrower thut the condemnur offers to make an '_','.;�_�
<br /> � � award or settle a claim for damages,Bonower feils m respond to L.ender wit2dn 30 days efter the date the notice is given,Lender �•,y_, �—
<br /> � , is authorizerl W collect and apply the proceeds,at its opdon,eithes to restoradon or repair of tha Property or to the sums secured ,;.,.;,_;;�___
<br /> ' by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. � ,.�.��
<br /> ' Hcauon of roceeds to princi al shaU not extend ar s ne � �_
<br /> �. Unless Lender end Borrower otherwLse agree ica wripng.anY aPP P P p°�° .j ..
<br /> the due dato of the mondily payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. :''r -r
<br /> • 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbes+ravice By Lender Not a We iver. Ea t ensio n o f t h e t u n e f o r p a y m e n t o r m o d i f i c a r l o n x}.�+ �,,�;- . ?�-
<br /> �,' of amortlzadon of the suma socured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successar in interest of Borrower shell �•� t.:-•, r._
<br /> T noc opeiate to nlcasa i�a iiatilirr�f ihc csigi:.w��szc::�:r�r P!+ne��-�'c cucce.csors in interes�Lender shall not be requited to �_.;�, �: '_".
<br /> p a —
<br /> r.,
<br /> commence proceedirags ngainst eny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify emortizaaon of f
<br /> : the sums secured by this Security Instrumant by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bocrower's successors
<br /> , ' in intems�Any forbearjuice by L.ender!n eaerclsing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any i ; ,,
<br /> � � right or remedy. ' �
<br /> ' 12.Successors Aad Assigns Bound;Joint ocd SeverAl Llabil[ty; Co•signers.'Rie covenants end agreements of this
<br /> Seciuiry Instn�ment shall bind and benefit the successors end assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of i ;r
<br /> ' pare�sph 17. Bomower's covenants and agrame+►ts shall be joint and several. My Borrowu who co-signs �his Socurity ,.:
<br /> Instrument but does not executv the Note: (a)b w-slgnin8 this Securiry Instrument only W moetgago� grant end convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in t�e Property undcr the tcrms of this Soc�uity Instrument; (b)is not peisonall,y obDgaud w pay the surt►s =_
<br /> � secured by this Soc�uity Instnunent;and(c)agrecs thae 1-ender and any other Boirower may agres to eatend,modify,forbear ox
<br />- .: ,� matce any socommodadons with ngaM to tha terms of this Security Instnunent or the Note without that Bocrowu's eonsant ���-
<br />�. 13.LoAn Chtrges. If the loan secured by thls Securiry Instrume.nt is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan chsuges. :•.
<br />` , � ,. ' . and that law is�nally interpreted so that the intuest or otfier loan charges col{ected or to be collected in conntcdon with the loan �=-__
<br /> : ' excoed the permitted Hmits.then:(a)any such la3n charge she11 be reduced by the amount necessary W reduce the charge to the °�-
<br /> .�,�-, pe�miued lImi�end(b)any sums elready colle�ted from Botrower which excecded peimitted IIR►its w111 be refunded w�ocrower. �_,,,
<br /> ' I.ender may choose to meke this refund by ceducing the principat owed under the Note or by making a direct payment W ,.,.
<br />_- ' � � Aorrower. I6 a refiutd reduces principal,the nducdon will be treated as a partial prepaymeat withaut any prepaym.ent chacge _- - _
<br /> - • under the Note.
<br />�. -,Y 14.Notias. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Sociuity Insmiment shall be given by deHvering it or by mailing it � _
<br />=t, ..,�. by first class meil unless appllcable law reqi�ires uso of another method.The notice shall be directcd to the Prope�ty A.ddrrss or - -- _—
<br /> ` . any othu addmss Borrower designates by notice eo Lender.My nodce to Lender shall bu given by Cirst class mail to Lendcr's --__— _
<br />- • `,.. � address statod herein or any other address L.erder designates by nodce to Bormwer. My notice pmvided for in thes Socurity --_— _
<br /> .. �_�'� Instrument shall bo deemed co have been given w Bomnwer or L,ender when given as provided in this paragraph. �_ __----
<br /> • 15.Governiog LAa;SeverabL'Ity. This 5ecuriry Instrument shall be govcrned by federal law and the law of the ,�-�--
<br /> � jurisdicdon in which the Property is locatod. In the event thnt eny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or tha Note ,� � ,�,� ;;�,;�°;_-
<br /> wnflicts with applicable 1aw,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be �'•°�.�'"�'�,:��'�;��;.;,r•:.
<br /> , ' given effect without the wnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dec]ered to . • �
<br /> ;`.
<br /> be severable. . • .
<br /> �.4� .
<br /> Form 9028 9190 � • _�
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