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<br /> 17. 'I'ri►mfcr of tl�c 1'roperty nr n licucficlnl hit�r���t in 1lurro�r•cr. If all ur any pan�,I thr I'roperty��r uoy i nicrr�t in it
<br /> is suld ur tr;inslcrrcd lur if a henrfirinl intcrc�t in flarr��wcr i,�uld or trantifcrrcd cind Hurruwcr iti nol a natur,�) persan)withc�ut � �,'
<br /> IAndrr', pri�rr writtcn runscnt, l.�ndcr may. i�t it+ uptiun. rec�uirc immcdiutc paymcnt in full ��F all �umr, ,crurcd hy thi�
<br /> Scruriry Imu•umrnt. Huwcvcr. ihiti up�i�m .hnll nnt hc cxrrritird hy I.rn�lrr if crcrci,c is prohihitrd h�� fcdcral lau at ul th�Jalc
<br /> nf this 5ccurily In+trumrnt.
<br /> " • If Lrndcr cxcrriticti tf�is uptiun. Lcndcr,hull givc E3urruwcr notirc ul'acccicruticin.'I'hc nutirc,h�ill pruvidc a perioJ af not "
<br /> Irti+ than 3u dayti frum thc dtuc thc nutirc i, Jclivcrcd �u mailcd within which 13urrowcr mu,t pay all sumti ,ccurcd by this
<br /> �,�;,,�,,,:s . Sccurity Intilrunt�nt. If Burroacr fi�ils tu piry thesc�umti prior io thc cxpir:�tic�n uf lhis periuJ. Lendcr muy invc�kc ar�y remcdics
<br /> . ..+ permitlyd hy thi�Sccurity Imtrumcnt with��ut I'urthcr n�iticc ur Jemand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18. Norroa•er'ti IZiE{ht tn Rclnsti�tc, If l3cirrowcr mccis ccrtuin rcmditiuns, Burrowcr �hull havc thc right a� huvc
<br /> rntiirr�tncnt uf thi� Scrtu•ity In,trumcnt dixontinued ut any limc priur to thc curlicr uf: (a) 5 days (ur tiuch othcr �riod us
<br /> : • 'ipplir:ihlc law may spccily tbr rcinstutcmcn!) h�tiirc tiulc c�f�hc Property pursuant tu any puwcr uf sulc rontaincd in this '.. :.,�
<br /> `� . � Secw•iry Instrumcnt:�ir(bJ enny��f a judgment enfi�rcing thi, Securiry Instrument.Those conditions ure th�►t Rorrnwer.(u)pays �����-`
<br /> .. � [,enJcr all sumr which thrn w��uld be Ji�e under this Security Instrument und the Note as if no ucceleration hud occurred;{b) ^�'
<br /> i rures uny defuult uf any rnhcr covenunts ur�igreenunts: Ic) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing Ihis Securiry Instrument, �-°:��=i,
<br /> inclu�ling, hut nut IimitcJ tu, reascmable xUorney�' fecs; unJ IJ) takes tiuch uction as I.ender may reasonably require to assure ;;��;�t,
<br /> thut thr licn of thiti Security Instrument, I.enJcr'�rights in the Property and Borrower'x obligation to puy the sums secured by ;,.r-�=-
<br /> ��:
<br /> • � • t is Securiry Instrument �hull cuntinuc unrh.ingcd. Upon reinstatcmcnt by Burrower, this Serurity Instrument and the ..�e�.�;
<br /> ' obliguticmti ticc�n'�d herChy tihull renluin fUll}� ef�fective as if nci accelerution hud urcurreJ. Hc�wever, this right to reinstate shall �:^p'�'.:
<br /> � not apply in thc cai,r��f urccicration undcr paragraph 17. 4,,;;:-y°
<br /> � 19. Si�le of Note; Chan�e of i.oun Servicer. Thc Nom c�r a partial intcrest in thc Note Itogethcr with this Sccurity '�`=s::;
<br /> ? Insn•ument)mary br sold one i�r marc times without prior notire Ic� Burrnwrr. A sule muy result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> us the "Loan Serviccr")that rallcccs manthly paymcnts due under the Nutc and this Securiry Instrum�nt. Therc uLo may be one 'r-•9•�,
<br /> ,;. �'� or more chunges of the I.oan Srrvicer unrcluted to a sale of Ihe Nc�te. If thcre is u chunge of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be ,�i'��':
<br /> given written noticc c�f thc change in arcordunce with parugraph 14 abovc anJ applicable luw. The notire will state the name und
<br /> ' address of the ncw Loan Serviccr anJ thc address to which paymrnts �hc�uld be made. Thc nntirc will :dso contain uny other --W
<br /> information required by upplicable I.iw. �
<br /> . 20. Haz�rdous Substunces. Borrowcr �hall not cuuse ar permit thc prescncc, use, disposal, storugc, or rcleasc of uny �-,��
<br /> . H:u.�rdous SubstunCCS im or in thc Propeny. E3on•ower shull not do, nor allow anyone clse to du, anything affecting the °
<br /> Property that is in �•iolatinn of any Enviranmental Law. The prcccding two sentences shall not apply to the prescnce,use, c�r
<br /> st��r.�gc on thc Property of small quantitic�: of Hararduu, Subs�anccs that arc gencr,dly rccogni•r.cd to bc appropriatc to normal
<br /> �� rc�idential Ul'PC a11t�t��muintnnnn..n n/'�{.., D�......w.. -
<br /> ' Borrower shal! prutnptly give Lender�written noticc of any invcstigation,claim, demund, lawsuit or other action by uny
<br /> . . governmcntal or rcgulntory ugenc��or private pany involving the Property And any Hn•rardous Substance or Environrr�ental L,aw -
<br /> of which Borrowcr has actual knowlcdge. If Borrowcr Icurns, ur is notifted by any govcrmnental or rebulatory authority, that
<br /> ., any removul or other remcdiation of any Hazardous Substance a(fecting th�Property is necessury, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> ull necessary remeciial actions in accordunce�vith Environmental Law.
<br />-- ' � ' As used in this purugraph 20. "Harardous Substances" :.are those substunces de�ined as toxic or hazardous substunees by
<br />��.,.•! .� Environmcntal Law und thc following suhstances: gasolinc, kerosene, other flammuble ar toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> -;F«.�:• � •:� , pesticides and herbicides, volatile s��lvents, materials contuining asbestns or formaldehyde,anJ radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> � this paragraph 20, "Environmcntal Law" mcans fuicral la�vs and laws uf the jurisdictiun whcrc thc Propcny is locateci that
<br />�=:r.,��,'��•:F:i` � relute to health,safety or enviranmental protection.
<br /> �L�'• � -;;, � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I,endcr further covenant und agree as foUows;
<br />__�,_'� �•�_ �. 21. AcceleraHon;Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to uccelerat(on following Borrawer's breuch -
<br /> --_—_ • of nny covenunt or ugreement in this Security lnstruntent (but not prior to nccclerution under parnge�ph 17 unless
<br /> �""
<br />