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<br /> " , S�f paymcnts may no langcr bc requircd,at thc optiun of Lendcr, if mongagc insurancc covcragc(in thc umount �md for thc period
<br /> ... that Lcndcr requires)pmvided by an insurer approvcd by l.cndcr again becomcti uvailahlc anJ is obtnined. Borrowcr shnll pay �.
<br /> -,� the premiums required to m:�intain mon�uge insurance in effect,or to provide a loss re�erve,until thr rcyuircment fur mortgage
<br /> �i�.) insuruncc ends in accorduncc with any writren agreement benvicen Borro�ver und Lender or upplicublc Inw.
<br /> ''���' 9. Inspection. I.ender or its agcnt may makc rcasonable entries upon and in,pcctions of thc Properry. l.�ndcr sh�dl givc
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or priar to an inspection specifying reusonabie cause for thc inspection.
<br /> �r �� • 10. Condemnution. The procecds of any award or clairn for damages, dinct or ronsequential, in connection wid� any
<br /> � condcmnation or othcr taking of any part of'thc Property, or for convcyancc in licu of condemnution, arc h�rcby ussisncd and :
<br /> ' ` shall be paid to Lender. �,'
<br /> . ��,: In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shaU be applied to rhe sums secured by this Secw•ity[nstrument, �-„
<br /> � whethcr or not thcn due, with any exces�paid to Borrawer. In the e��ent of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fuir -.
<br /> i- �~
<br /> market value of die Property immeciiately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this �.
<br /> :,�wt: '' Securiry Instn�meiit immediately before the taking.unless Borrower and I.ender othenvise agree in writing,the sums secured by �:�
<br /> �-1'�•..,;._.
<br />:.'!�;;� , this Sccurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (u) thc tatal _
<br /> • • amount of the suws secured immediately�before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of th�Property immediately
<br /> :•.��•. • . before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair �,
<br /> � market vnlue of the Property immediately bsfore the tuking is less than the amount of thc sums secured immediatcly before the _..
<br /> _ taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall =__,
<br /> �'���:''+�' be applied to the sums securcd by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �:
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrov�er,or if, aftcr notice by l.ender to Horrower that the condemnor offers to make an �-.�
<br /> ��•;�.' award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br />.:F�•: ."�p:' i.ender is authorized to collect a��d apply[he proceeds, at its optian,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> ::�;'�,;,� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. _
<br />'°= i�••,-r�•== Unless Lender and Borrower ott�ernise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />=rlWtiw;'S�:.J 1 �,
<br />'-""4���� � ast one the due date of the monthly payments referred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or chan�e the amount of such payments. _
<br /> �,. ,••.. .. P • p n _. w� n..� e F r PA - -- P Y e��::
<br /> ' "'_ ;.u��. 11. ,.a.e�t�tr..at.....�..�l; -�-�a--�n'''' Ry I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of thc time for a ment or modi�cation
<br /> _�.�.�.�,.,�.�
<br />=�y�t��:; of amortization of the sums secureci by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shaii
<br /> n_;:".-�M.,' not operate to relcase the liability of the original B��rrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to
<br /> ��,.:•. .
<br /> � commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise ►nodify amortiration
<br /> _...:�:.:�.�r:�-
<br /> of thc sums sccured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> '`_u�x� successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> --��� exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> -_-`-- - 12. Successors and Asslgns Bowid; Jotnt and Severnl Linbiltty; Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> -°''�'�+���� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject to the ptovisions of
<br /> ----�"=�`r' paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the hTote: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under thc terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not persanally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Instrument;and(c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify, forbear or
<br /> --- make any acconunodations with resard ro the terms of this Se�:urity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> ---- -- 13. Lo�n Chnrges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjec:t to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> and thut law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callected in connection with the
<br /> laan exceed the permitted limits, then= (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the churge
<br /> --- -„� to the permitted limit; and (b)any surns already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitte�limits will be refunded to
<br /> — Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducin� the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> =_-•-°-°•--- payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partiu! prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Nate.
<br /> � 14.Notic�s.Any notice to Barrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by mailing -,
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law cequires use of anothcr method. The notice shall be directed to thc Property Address
<br /> _.___ or any other uddress Bonower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnU be given by first class mail to
<br /> ----° Lender's address stated herein or any otl�er address Lender designates by notice to Bonowcr. Any noticc provided for in this
<br /> �• -- -- Security Instnunent sh�ll be deemed to have becn given to Borrowcr or L.ender when given as providcd in this paragraph. �::.
<br /> _ - 15.Governing I,uw; Severnbi�ity. This Security Instrument shnll be guverned by fedcrat luw and the law of the _
<br /> ��;a-� jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or elause of this Security Instrument or the Note _
<br /> �''`�'`-�r��* conflicts with applicable law,such cnnFlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be _
<br /> -_-'"'""� given cffect v�ithout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this 5ecuiity instrument and the Note am declared _
<br /> _.-.�£?:'F�'�i �°
<br /> _ --�,:,�,;.,� to be severable. �-`
<br /> °�� �'s:���-'-`� 1G.Borrower's Copy.sorrower shall be given one conformed copy of thc Note und of this Security Instrument. _
<br /> __ :��:;�';•.�tt
<br /> Form 302A 9190
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