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<br /> nnd(d)Borrower tekes auch actlun as Londer m�y reasonably requlre to aseur�that the Ilen al this Deed of nuet,Lender's
<br /> Intorast In tho Proporty�tnd 8orrowt�r'o obllgatlon to pay tho sume eecurod by thle Doad ot Y�ua1 Ahali continuo unlr�ipelrad,
<br /> - Upaneuch payment and cure by Barrawer,thle Qfled of Yi�ust nnd the obll�atlons oecured heroby ehnll ramaln In 9ull tarco and
<br /> e(factas If no acceforation had ocourred. �°�'
<br /> 10. AatlpnrrtaM of Rento;Appalntment of ReaNver;Lendor In t�aantslon.As additloneleacurilyhereunder,9orrower t"y
<br /> , . hor�by aeslgne to Lender the rents af tho Property,provided that Dorrower sh�ll,prlor to eccoteratlon unct�rparapraph 17 hereof ���
<br /> �• or abendanmer�t of the Proporty,have tlie rlght to coliect end retaln euch rente ae they become due�nd psyafste.
<br /> U�2an acCOlflratlnn under pHr(�n�rc�nh 17 hereof or ab�ndonment ot ttte Property,Londer,In porsan,byagent oti by judlclally �,;,
<br /> . ;�; � � appolnted recel�er shall be entitled to onter upon,take pvssesalon of and manape the Proporty and lo coliect the rente of the ' '
<br /> "•. �Properry Inctudfng thnse past due.All rents collected by Lender or the recelv9r ehall by appllad il�et to payment of the costs
<br /> ,. ��'� �of management of the Property and collectlon of ronta,lncluding,bu4 not Iimited to,rocelver'e leos,premf ums on recelver's
<br /> ° ��•�'�°''�` bonds an�reasonable attornoys'teea,snd then to the suma Recured by thle Deed nf 1Fust,Lender an d Ihe recelver ehall be
<br /> � Ilabte to accaunt only for those rents sctuslly r�celved. �
<br /> � Z0. Recc►nveyence.Upon payment of all aums sacured by thla Deed of 1Fust,L.end�r ehall re�questTruatee to reconv�y _-;
<br /> _ th�Properry and ahall eurrenderthis Qaed of Trust and sll notes�vldancinp Indobtedness secured by thls Deed oiTruat to 1Fustee. ���=
<br /> hustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to tFie pereon or persone Iegally entitled thereto.Such �:-�
<br /> ' k persan or persona shall pay all costs ot recordation,if any. �,���'
<br /> „ ��� 21. Substttut�YYustee.Londer,at Lender's option,rnaytrom time to tlme removo'iFuatee and appainta auccessor trustQe
<br /> �'�:._
<br /> ., � to any Trustes appolnted hereunder by an Inslrument recorded In the county in whlch thla Deed ot Tru�tls rocorded.Without �.
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the succeesar trustee shall succeed to all the title,power sn�dutleA confe►red upon the 1Fuetae
<br /> hereln and by a��licable law. �
<br /> �2. Request tor Notices.Borrower requeste that coples of the notice ot default and notice of sals be sent to Borrower's -
<br /> � address wh�ch Is the Property Address. —__
<br /> �-::_
<br /> . .:.� .; Borrower and Lender request the ho!der of any mortgage,deed of trus4 or other oncumbrance wllh auen which has prlority
<br />- ,.�••- overthis Deed�f'TUust to gfve Notice to Lender,at Lertder's address set forth on page one of thls Deed of Truat,of sny detault
<br /> • : . under the superlor encumbr�nce a►sd of any sale or other foreclosure action.
<br />���.���. _.•;:,�::.. �
<br />- .. � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrowar has executed tt�ia De of Tru
<br />_=".;i•Y-P'i.
<br /> "��*-:�!;fa��: John F l�arlee •���""'
<br />�.,�t�,,.�.•�a�'. �.(-tt�_ _ `�' � _
<br />=�„''��;t1+�Y;`. Beverly .7 I?�lee� •eorrtxnr
<br />�v.:���,t3*
<br /> T :` J J�!
<br />�:�:,5:�:�.:�� STATE 0�NEBRASKA, Hglt County ss:
<br />"�� , On this 31st d�y a} ,Tanuary , 19�Z, before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public duly
<br />�{�,.�,�� cornm�ssloned and qualifled for sald county, personally came Rnhn P T�r1on A„a AP�+or�y T Farl.ee
<br />�,;;,���� ��ssbAnd and G�ifa ,to me known to be the identical person(s)whose name(s)era subscrihed t4 the
<br /> foregoing instrurrbent and acknowledged the execution thereof to be *hP�r volunta�y act and deed.
<br />�_ -- WITNIESS my hand and notarial seal at.�xand zsland NF. , in eaid county,the
<br />_--- — date aforeasld. �
<br />-_ J ,
<br />�;� MyCommission expires: June 24. 2000
<br /> �.��.�.
<br /> � ���— GENERAI NOTARYSI�te ol HcDqsk� Notuy Publlo
<br />�;:t� I� KARMIN MAUL
<br /> ----..�•.s�� My Cnmm.E►p.lune 2�,20�0
<br /> °.';:'�iR"�":� —
<br />'..�R-�''�'�� TOTRUS"f�E:
<br />..��,;;-
<br /> -����
<br /> r.;>_.��;� The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by thls Deed of lfuat.Safd note or noto�,togethor with all other
<br /> -"= �"%���"�+" Indebtedndss securec!by thls Deed of'T�ust,have been pald in full.You are hereby dtrected to cancel said note or notes and __
<br /> v i�.�.ti.��.tij%; � -
<br />-•. ;,• •: ;.:.;�..¢ this Deed of Ti�ust,whlch are deltvered hereby,and to reconvey,without warranty,all the ost&te now held by you under this Deed
<br /> - - '• of 1�u�t to the porson or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> .;.. ... . -
<br /> . ;�; Date: =-_
<br /> �_
<br /> - (Space Below Thfe Llne Reserved For Londer end Recorder) ---
<br /> � ' �^_
<br /> .;�J= �..
<br /> _�s.at��.
<br />— =�r..-�� .� �
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